MT/T 478-2011 PDF English
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YBS series flameproof three phases asynchronous motor for conveyer
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MT/T 478-1996 | English | RFQ |
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Flameproof……in YBS series scraper conveyor Three-phase asynchronous motors
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MT/T 478-2011: PDF in English (MTT 478-2011) MT/T 478-2011
ICS 29.160.30;29.260.20
K 25
Registration No.. 31804-2011
Replacing MT 478-1996
YBS series flameproof three phases
asynchronous motor for conveyer
Issued by. State Administration of Work Safety
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Type, basic parameters, dimensions and tolerances ... 5
4 Technical requirements ... 13
5 Test method ... 19
6 Inspection rules ... 21
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 23
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard replaces MT 478-1996, YBS series flameproof three phases
asynchronous motor for conveyer; and compared with MT 478-1996, the main
technical changes of this Standard are as follows.
-- it changes the compulsory standard into a voluntary standard;
-- it extends the application scope of the standard, i.e. from flameproof three phases
asynchronous motor for scraper conveyor to special flameproof three phases
asynchronous motor for scraper and belt conveyers (see the standard name and
Chapter 1; the standard name of Edition 1996 and Chapter 1);
-- it improves the enclosure protection class from IP54 to IP55 (see 3.1.2; 3.3 of
Edition 1996);
-- it increases the application scope of maximum power from 500 kW to 1 000 kW
(see 3.2.4; 3.9 of Edition 1996);
-- it improves the voltage to 3 300 V (see 3.2.3; 3.10 of Edition 1996);
-- it cancels the no-load hour breaking frequency test (see 4.8 of Edition 1996);
-- it cancels the continuous inching test (see 4.15 of Edition 1996); and
-- it adds the 1.5 times accidental over current test (see 4.12).
This Standard was proposed by China National Coal Association.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Technical
Committee on Special Equipment for Coal Mines and Coal Industry.
The responsible drafting organizations of this Standard. China Coal Research Institute
Shanghai Branch and Shanxi Explosion-proof Motor (Group) Co., Ltd.
The participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Fushun Coal Mine Motor
Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Henan Anyang Hua’an Coal Mine Motor Co., Ltd., Ningxia
Northwest Junma Electric Manfacturing Co., Ltd. and Fenyi Coal Mine Motor Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this Standard. Zhang Jian, Qing Bin, Xi Dawei, Chen Shengzhang,
Wang Xuefang and Liu Gang.
The previous editions replaced by this Standard.
-- MT 478-1996.
YBS series flameproof three phases
asynchronous motor for conveyer
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the type, basic parameters, dimensions and tolerances,
technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging,
transportation and storage of YBS series flameproof three phases asynchronous motor
for conveyer.
This Standard applies to flameproof three phases asynchronous motor for scraper
conveyer, scraper loader and belt conveyer for coal mines (hereinafter referred to as
motor); this Standard can also be referred to for other derived all types of motors.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition dated applies to this document. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including all
amendments) applies to this Standard.
GB/T 191-2008, Packaging – Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB 755-2008, Rotating electrical machines – Rating and performance
GB/T 997-2008, Rotating electrical machines – Classification of types of
construction, mounting arrangements and terminal box position (IM code)
GB/T 1032-2005, Test procedures for three-phase induction motors
GB/T 1993-1993, Cooling methods for rotating electrical machines
GB/T 2423.4-2008, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products – Part
2. Test method – Test Db. Damp heat, cyclic (12h+12h cycle)
GB 3836.1-2000, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 1.
General requirements
GB 3836.2-2000, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 2.
Flameproof enclosure d
GB 3836.3-2000, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 3.
Increased safety
GB/T 4942.1-2006, Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating
electrical machined (IP code) – Classification
GB 10068-2008, Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm
and higher-measurement evaluation and limits of vibration severity
GB/T 10069.1-2006, Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical
machines and the noise limits – Part 1. Method for the measurement of airborne
noise emitted by rotating electrical machines
GB/T 10111-2008, Generation of random numbers and procedures applied to
sampling inspection for product quality
AQ 1043-2007, Mining products safety label
JB/T 9615.1-2000, Test methods of the interturn insulation on random wound
winding for AC low-voltage machines
JB/T 9615.2-2000, Test limits of the interturn insulation on random wound winding
for AC low-voltage machines
JB/T 10098-2000, Impulse voltage withstand levels of rotating AC machines with
form-wound stator coils
3 Type, basic parameters, dimensions and tolerances
3.1 Type
3.1.1 The motors are of flameproof type for mining; their explosion-proof sign is “Exd
3.1.2 The enclosure protection class of the motors shall be in accordance with IP55
specified in GB/T 4942.1-2006.
3.1.3 The cooling method of the motors shall be one of the enclosure water cooling
type (IC3W7) and air cooling type (ICO141) as specified in GB/T 1993-1993; and water
cooling type for power 110 kW and above.
3.1.4 The structural and installing types of the motors shall be of IMB3, IMB5 and
IMB10 as specified in GB/T 997-2008, or other installing types.
3.2 Basic parameters
3.2.1 Product type.
The designation method for the motors is as follows.
d) in the coal mines with the possibility of explosion of methane and coal dust;
e) the cooling water temperature for the motors of water cooling does not exceed
25°C, the working pressure of cooling water is not greater than 3 MPa, and the
flow rate of cooling water is not smaller than the values specified in Table 9.
Table 9
Rated power
kW 110 to 132
160 to
250 to
400 to
630 to
800 to 1
Cooling water flow rate
m3/h 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
4.3 The motors of water cooling shall be started and operated on the condition that
the flow rate of cooling water can be ensured.
4.4 It is allowed for the motors to be started directly under the rated voltage.
4.5 When the deviations of the supply voltage and frequency from the rated values
during the operation period of the motors meet the specifications of GB 755-2008, the
output power shall maintain at a rated value.
4.6 When the power, voltage and frequency of the motors are at a rated value and
the guarantee values of their efficiency and power factor are at a rated voltage, the
ratio of the locked-rotor torque, locked-rotor current, maximum torque and minimum
torque during starting process to their rated values shall be as specified in Table 10.
4.15 The motors shall be capable of working normally on a coal bed working face of
inclination angle not exceeding 35° to the horizontal plane.
4.16 The working pressure of the cooling water channel of the motors shall not
exceed 3 Mpa; the water channel shall be subjected to the 4.5 MPa elevated water
pressure test for 5 min, without water leakage or harmful deformation.
4.17 The insulation resistance of the stator windings of the motors shall not be lower
than those specified in Table 13 after the thermal state or temperature rise test.
Table 13
Rated voltage
V 380 660 1 140 3 300
0.38 0.66 1.14 3.30
4.18 The stator windings of the motors, between the enclosure and windings, shall
be capable of withstanding the withstand voltage test for 1 min, without breakdown.
The test voltage is of a frequency 50 Hz, which is preferably of actual sinusoidal
waveform. The effective of the test voltage is 1 000 V + 2 times of rated voltage.
4.19 The low-voltage motors of random wound winding, in accordance with JB/T
9615.2-2000, shall be capable of withstanding the withstand interturn impact voltage
test as required by the following (the front time of the impact test voltage is 0.2 μs,
tolerance μs; the tolerance of the impact voltage peak value is ± 3%);
UT – the voltage peak value for the winding interturn insulation impact withstand test,
in V;
UG – the effective value of power frequency withstand voltage of windings to ground,
in V.
4.20 The motors of form-wound stator coils, in accordance with JB/T 10098-2000,
shall be capable of withstanding the steep wave front time impact voltage test for 0.2
μs of front time; the impact voltage peak value of the 3.3 kV motors is 12 kV.
4.21 When the three-phase power voltage is balanced, the deviation of any phase of
the three-phase no-load current o...
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.