JB/T 12843-2016 PDF English
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JB/T 12843-2016: PDF in English (JBT 12843-2016) JB/T 12843-2016
ICS 27.200
J 73
Filing No.: 55150-2016
Centrifugal refrigerant compressors
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Type and basic parameters ... 8
4.1 Type ... 8
4.2 Normal working pressure and flow range of the compressor (unit) ... 8
4.3 Nominal operating conditions ... 8
5 Requirements ... 8
5.1 General requirements ... 8
5.2 Safety requirements ... 9
5.3 Performance requirements ... 9
6 Test ... 11
6.1 General requirements for the test ... 11
6.2 Test methods ... 12
7 Inspection rules ... 14
7.1 Exit-factory inspection ... 14
7.2 Sampling inspection ... 14
7.3 Type inspection ... 14
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 15
8.1 Marking ... 15
8.2 Packaging ... 16
8.3 Transportation and storage ... 17
Appendix A (Informative) Requirements for the layout of pressure, temperature
measuring points and pipeline components for the refrigeration (heating) capacity test
of the compressor (unit) ... 18
A.1 Overview ... 18
A.2 Requirements for the layout of suction and exhaust pressure and temperature
measuring points ... 18
A.3 Requirements for the layout of straight sections of suction and exhaust pipes ... 19
Centrifugal refrigerant compressors
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, types and basic parameters,
requirements, tests, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of
centrifugal refrigerant compressors and centrifugal refrigerant compressor units.
This standard applies to centrifugal refrigerant compressors (hereinafter referred to as
compressors) and centrifugal refrigerant compressor units (hereinafter referred to as
compressor units) for air conditioning purposes. Centrifugal refrigerant compressors
and centrifugal refrigerant compressor units for other purposes shall refer to this
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 5773 The method of performance test for positive displacement refrigerant
GB 6388 Transport package shipping mark
GB 9237 Mechanical refrigerating systems used for cooling and heating - Safety
GB/T 9239.1-2006 Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirements for rotors
in a constant (rigid) state - Part 1: Specification and verification of balance
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 18430.1 Water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression
cycle - Part 1: Water chilling (heat pump) packages for industrial and commercial
and similar application
GB/T 19410 Screw refrigerant compressors
prescribed procedures (or the agreement between the user and the manufacturer).
5.2 Safety requirements
The safety requirements of the compressor (unit) shall comply with the provisions of
GB 9237.
5.3 Performance requirements
5.3.1 Strength Compressor housing and other pressure-bearing parts shall be subjected to
strength tests. During the strength tests, there shall be no leakage or abnormal
deformation in all parts. When the compressor housing and other pressure-bearing parts are subjected to
strength tests, the requirements are as follows:
- If the test is a type inspection, the compressor housing and other pressure-bearing
parts shall be subjected to a burst test of not less than 3 times the design pressure;
- If the test is a sampling inspection, the compressor housing and other pressure-
bearing parts shall be subjected to a hydraulic test of not less than 1.50 times the
design pressure or a gas pressure test of 1.25 times the design pressure;
- If the test is an exit-factory inspection, at least one sample of the basic model
compressor housing and other pressure-bearing parts shall be subjected to a burst
test of not less than 3 times the design pressure each year. After the test is passed,
the strength test of each compressor (unit) for exit-factory inspection shall only be
subjected to a hydraulic test of 1.25 times the design pressure or a gas pressure test
of 1.15 times the design pressure for the compressor housing and other pressure-
bearing parts.
5.3.2 Air tightness
When conducting air tightness test, the requirements are as follows:
- When the leak detection medium is dry, clean air or nitrogen, the compressor (unit)
or compressor housing and other pressure parts shall be leak-free during the test;
- When the leak detection medium is other test gases, the single-point leakage rate
of the compressor (unit) or compressor housing and other pressure parts during the
test shall not be greater than 14 g/a.
5.3.3 Operation
The compressor (unit) shall be tested for operation; its operation shall be stable, without
abnormal noise and severe vibration; the adjustment device shall be flexible and correct;
the pressure, input power, temperature shall not fluctuate abnormally; the friction parts
shall not have abnormal temperature rise. The unit assembled from the compressor that
has passed the operation test does not need to be tested for operation.
5.3.4 Insulation resistance
The insulation resistance between the live parts of the compressor (unit) and the non-
live parts that may be grounded: the cold insulation resistance of the motor with a rated
voltage below 1000 V shall not be less than 50 MΩ; the cold insulation resistance of
the motor with a rated voltage of 1000 V ~ 6600 V shall not be less than 200 MΩ; the
cold insulation resistance of the motor with a rated voltage greater than 6600 V shall
not be less than 500 MΩ.
5.3.5 Impeller dynamic balance
The dynamic balance level of the impeller shall comply with the requirements specified
by the manufacturer's design or the agreement between the supplier and the buyer.
5.3.6 Impeller overspeed
The permanent deformation of the key parts of the impeller (such as the shaft hole, the
inlet seal ring, the outer diameter of the impeller), before and after the test, shall comply
with the requirements specified by the manufacturer's design or the agreement between
the supplier and the buyer.
5.3.7 Refrigeration (heating) capacity
The measured refrigeration (heating) capacity of the compressor (unit) shall not be less
than 95% of the nominal refrigeration (heating) capacity.
5.3.8 Input power
The measured input power of the compressor (unit) shall not be greater than 110% of
the nominal input power.
5.3.9 Refrigeration (heating) performance coefficient
The measured refrigeration (heating) performance coefficient of the compressor (unit)
shall not be less than 95% of the indicated value.
5.3.10 Vibration
The measured vibration value of the compressor (unit) shall not be greater than the
vibration limit indicated by the manufacturer.
5.3.11 Partial load operation
condition parameters, the measuring instruments and accuracy shall comply with the
provisions of GB/T 5773.
6.1.9 The refrigeration capacity test of a single-stage compressor (unit) shall include
two test methods. The selection and combination of test methods and the deviation
between the test results of the two test methods shall comply with the provisions of
GB/T 5773.
6.1.10 The heating capacity test of various compressors (units) and the refrigeration
capacity test of multi-stage compressors (units) may be carried out using only one test
6.2 Test methods
6.2.1 Strength test
The methods of air pressure test, hydraulic test, burst test shall comply with the
provisions of GB/T 19410.
Note: For compressors (units) without safety valves, the burst test of the compressor housing
and other pressurized parts shall be carried out at a pressure not less than 3 times the design
6.2.2 Air tightness test
The method of air tightness test shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T
6.2.3 Operation test
The operation test of the compressor (unit) shall be carried out on the operation test
bench. Check the assembly quality of its operating parts and the lubrication condition
of the lubrication system. If it does not meet the requirements, the defects shall be
eliminated and the test shall be repeated, until it is qualified. The operation test of the
compressor (unit) can also be carried out on the compressor performance test bench.
6.2.4 Insulation resistance test
The method of insulation resistance test shall comply with the provisions of GB/T
18430.1. When conducting this test, the variable frequency compressor (unit) shall
completely isolate the variable frequency system from the compressor.
6.2.5 Impeller dynamic balancing test
Put the impeller on the dynamic balancing test machine for testing. Before the test, the
impeller dynamic balancing test tooling shall be subjected to a dynamic balancing test
separately. The balancing accuracy quality level shall meet the requirements of GB/T
9239.1-2006, which shall not be lower than G2.5. Clean the impeller and assemble the
tooling in turn. Set the weight removal (addition) surface and weight removal (addition)
radius, then start the dynamic balancing machine and record the unbalanced quality.
6.2.6 Impeller overspeed test
The impeller overspeed test is carried out on the impeller overspeed test machine after
the dynamic balance test is passed. The test speed is not less than 1.15 times the nominal
speed of the compressor; the operation time is at least 1 min.
6.2.7 Refrigeration (heating) capacity test
The test is carried out according to the nominal refrigeration (heat pump) working
conditions specified in 4.3 and the method specified in Appendix C.
6.2.8 Input power test
At the same time as the test in 6.2.7 of this standard, the input power and working
current of the compressor (unit) are measured and calculated, according to the method
specified in GB/T 5773.
6.2.9 Refrigeration (heating) performance coefficient test
At the same time as the test in 6.2.7 of this standard, the refrigeration (heating)
performance coefficient of the compressor (unit) is measured and calculated according
to the method specified in GB/T 5773.
6.2.10 Vibration test
Measure the vibration value of the compressor (unit) according to the method specified
in GB/T 19410. For semi-enclosed compressors, the motor end bearing position
measurement point is also required.
6.2.11 Partial load operation test
Under the nominal refrigeration (heat pump) working condition specified in 4.3 of this
standard, determine the partial load test working condition according to the inherent
characteristics of the compressor (unit) energy regulating device; conduct the test
according to the method specified in Appendix C of this standard and GB/T 5773, to
determine the refrigeration (heating) capacity and input power.
6.2.12 Full performance test
The test organization determines the full performance test working condition according
to the typical characteristic curve according to the method specified in Appendix C of
this standard and GB/T 5773; conducts a full performance test; determines the actual
speed, inlet volume flow, pressure ratio (or pressure increase), input power or efficiency.
buttons, etc.) and safety signs (such as grounding devices, warning signs, etc.).
8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 The compressor (unit) shall be cleaned, dried, rust-proofed before packaging; then
filled with 0.03 MPa ~ 0.05 MPa (gauge pressure) of dry nitrogen or corresponding
refrigerant gas (unless otherwise it is dangerous).
8.2.2 The compressor (unit) packaging shall be provided with accompanying
documents. Accompanying documents include product certificates, product manuals,
packing lists, etc., which shall be moisture-proof and sealed, to ensure that they will not
be damaged or damp during normal storage and transportation; it shall include the
following contents:
a) The contents of the product certificate include:
- Product model and name;
- Product number;
- Manufacturer name and trademark;
- Inspection conclusion;
- Signature and date of the inspector and the person in charge of inspection.
b) The contents of the product manual include:
- Product model and name, scope of application, implementation standard number;
- Specifications and main technical parameters [refrigeration (heating) capacity,
input power, performance coefficient, rated working current, vibration value,
typical characteristic curve, etc.];
- Product structural diagram, refrigeration system diagram, wiring diagram;
- Installation instructions and requirements;
- Instructions for use, repair and maintenance precautions.
8.2.3 The following marks shall be on the compressor (unit) packaging box:
- Shipping station and manufacturer name;
- Arrival station and receiver name;
- Product model and name;
Appendix A
Requirements for the layout of pressure, temperature measuring points and
pipeline components for the refrigeration (heating) capacity test of the
compressor (unit)
A.1 Overview
This Appendix specifies the requirements for the layout of pressure, temperature
measuring points and pipeline components for the refrigeration (or heating) capacity
test of the compressor (unit).
A.2 Requirements for the layout of suction and exhaust pressure and
temperature measuring points
A.2.1 The layout of suction and exhaust pressure and temperature measuring points
shall meet the requirements of Figure A.1 and comply with the provisions of Tables A.1
and A.2. At the same time, the insertion depth of the temperature measuring instrument
shall not be less than 1/3 of the pipe diameter. The specific requirements are as follows:
a) The suction pressure of the compressor (unit) is the average of the data of the three
pressure measuring holes, which are evenly distributed along the circumferential
direction on the same section of the suction pipeline. The straight pipe section
length between the section where the pressure measuring hole is located and the
suction flange of the compressor is at least 0.6 m;
b) The suction temperature of the compressor (unit) is the average of the data of the
three temperature measuring holes, which are evenly distributed along the
circumferential direction on the same section downstream of the pressure
measuring hole on the suction pipeline. Each temperature measuring hole should
be staggered 30° from the pressure measuring hole at the same distance. The
straight pipe section length -- between the section where the temperature
measuring hole is located and the section where the pressure measuring hole is
located -- is at least 0.3 m;
c) The exhaust pressure of the compressor (unit) is the average of the data of the
three pressure holes, which are uniformly distributed along the circumferential
direction on the same section of the exhaust pipeline. The straight pipe section
length -- between the section where the pressure hole is located and the exhaust
flange of the compressor -- is at least 0.3 m;
C.2.2 Test procedure
C.2.2.1 The suction pressure of the compressor (unit) is regulated by the refrigerant gas
regulating valve (see Figure C.1c) and Figure C.2c] or by the expansion valve (see
Figure C.3 or Figure C.4).
C.2.2.2 The exhaust pressure of the compressor (unit) is adjusted by changing the
cooling water volume or cooling water temperature of the condenser, or by the pressure
control valve in the exhaust pipe.
C.2.2.3 The suction temperature of the compressor (unit) is adjusted by the liquid
expansion valve [see Figure C.1c) and Figure C.2c)] or by the evaporator heating
medium and the refrigerant flow rate of the refrigerant injection branch (see Figure C.3
or Figure C.4).
C.2.2.4 When testing the compressor (unit) equipped with a flasher, the refrigerant
liquid temperature before the expansion of the air supply circuit is adjusted by an
auxiliary subcooling or heating device.
C.2.2.5 Additional data are as follows:
- Refrigerant gas pressure and temperature before (after) the flowmeter;
- Pressure drop of the flowmeter;
- Refrigerant mass flow rate of the injection branch of the suction pipeline;
- Exhaust temperature of the compressor (unit)
- Refrigerant pressure at the outlet of the flasher air supply circuit of the [multi-stage
compressor (unit)];
- Refrigerant mass flow rate at the outlet of the flasher air supply circuit of the [multi-
stage compressor (unit)];
- Refrigerant mass flow rate of the lubricating oil cooling branch, motor cooling
branch, inverter and its box cooling branch.
C.2.3 Refrigerant flow calculation
C.2.3.1 Test method D1
The refrigerant flow rate entering the evaporator of the refrigeration cycle where the
compressor (unit) is located, which is measured by the test method D1, is calculated
according to formula (C.8).
- Refrigerant liquid temperature at the inlet of the subcooler and the inlet of the
- Refrigerant saturation temperature (or bubble point temperature) corresponding to
the outlet pressure of the flowmeter;
- Refrigerant mass flow rate of the injection branch of the suction pipeline;
- Compressor (unit) exhaust temperature;
- Refrigerant pressure at the outlet of the flasher air supply circuit of [Multi-stage
compressor (unit)];
- Refrigerant mass flow rate at the outlet of the flasher air supply circuit of [Multi-
stage compressor (unit)];
- Refrigerant mass flow rate of the lubricating oil cooling branch, motor cooling
branch, inverter and its box cooling branch.
C.3.4 Calculation of refrigerant flow rate
The refrigerant flow rate entering the evaporator of the refrigeration cycle where the
compressor (unit) is located, as measured by method F test, is calculated according to
formula (C.11).
The mass flow rate of refrigerant flowing through the exhaust side of the compressor
(unit), as measured by method F test, is calculated according to formula (C.3).
C.4 Test method G: Water-cooled condenser calorimeter method
C.4.1 Construction
The water-cooled condenser is one of the pieces of equipment that constitutes the test
system of the tested compressor (unit). According to the provisions of 6.1.5, instruments
for measuring temperature, pressure and cooling water flow are set as calorimeters.
The heat leakage of the condenser as a calorimeter shall not exceed 5% of the
refrigeration capacity of the compressor.
In order to control the refrigerant suction of the compressor (unit) to a low superheat
state, a refrigerant injection branch is connected to the suction pipe of the compressor
(unit) [see (b) in Figure C.4].
C.5.2 Leakage heat calibration
The leakage heat calibration is carried out according to the calibration method specified
in GB/T 5773.
C.5.3 Test procedure
The refrigerant flow entering the gas cooler through the condensation branch is
regulated by the control valve at the gas cooler inlet on the branch, so that the
evaporation rate of the refrigerant liquid in the gas cooler is equal to the condensation
rate of the refrigerant in the condenser (a). The condensation pressure can be regulated
by the pressure control valve between the exhaust pipe and the condenser, or by
changing the cooling water volume, heat exchange area or cooling water temperature.
The compressor suction pressure is regulated by the gas cooler inlet flow control valve
on the exhaust pipe. The compressor suction superheat is regulated by the liquid flow
control valve entering the gas cooler and the refrigerant injection flow control valve on
the suction pipe.
When the compressor (unit) equipped with a flasher is tested, the refrigerant liquid
temperature before the expansion of the air supply circuit is regulated by an auxiliary
subcooling or heating device.
After reaching the suction and exhaust pressures and suction temperatures specified in
the test conditions [as well as the refrigerant gas pressure and temperature at the flasher
outlet of the multi-stage compressor (unit)], start recording data.
During the test, the change in the calculated refrigeration capacity caused by the flow
fluctuation of the refrigerant liquid shall be less than 1%.
C.5.4 Additional data
The additional data are as follows:
- Refrigerant gas pressure and temperature at the outlet of the gas cooler;
- Refrigerant liquid pressure and temperature before expansion entering the gas
- Refrigerant gas pressure and temperature at the inlet of the gas cooler;
- Surface temperature of the gas cooler;
- Ambient temperature of the gas cooler;
- Mass flow rate and temperature of the condensed refrigerant liquid entering the gas
- Refrigerant mass flow rate of the injection branch of the suction line;
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.