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HJ/T 212-2005 PDF English

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HJ/T 212-2005: PDF in English (HJT 212-2005)

HJ/T 212-2005 HJ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INDUSTRY STANDRAD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Standard for Data Communication of Pollution Emission Auto Monitoring System ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 30, 2005 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 1, 2006 Issued by. State Environmental Protection Administration Table of Contents Forward ... 3  1 Applicable Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Terms ... 5  4 System Structure ... 5  5 Protocol Layer ... 7  6 Communication Protocol ... 8  Appendix A ... 19  Appendix B ... 20  Appendix C ... 23  Forward This Standard was prepared for the purposes of implementing Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, guiding the construction of pollution emission auto monitoring system, regulating data communication, and guaranteeing the connection among various environmental monitoring instruments, transmission network, and application software system of environmental protection department. This Standard specifies the transmission protocol of data communication, control, alarm and other information BETWEEN the monitoring center (host computer) of pollution emission auto monitoring system AND auto monitoring equipment (on-site computer). This Standard was proposed by Department of Science & Technology and Standards of the State Environmental Protection Administration. Chief drafting organizations of this Standard. Environmental Emergency and Accident Investigation Center of the State Environmental Protection Administration, Information Center of the State Environmental Protection Administration, China Environmental Monitoring Center, and Xi'an Jointsky Software Holding Co., Ltd. This Standard was approved by the State Environmental Protection Administration on December 30, 2005. This Standard was implemented since February 1, 2006. This Standard shall be interpreted by the State Environmental Protection Administration. Standard for Data Communication of Pollution Emission Auto Monitoring System 1 Applicable Scope This Standard is applicable to data exchange and transmission BETWEEN auto monitoring equipment AND monitoring center of the pollution emission auto monitoring system. This Standard specifies the data formats and code definitions of data transmission process and the system against the parameter command, interactive command, data command, and control command; this Standard does not limit the system to expand other information contents; when the contents are expanded, they shall not conflict with the control command used or reserved in this Standard. This Standard shall be revised in proper time as per the development of communication technology. 2 Normative References The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard, and are as valid as this Standard. GB/T 16706-1996 Codes for Environmental Pollution Source YD/T 1093-2000 900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication Network Technical Specification for General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Tunneling Protocol YD/T 1323-2004 Technical Requirements for Access Network - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) YD/T 1334-2004 Technical Requirements of Intelligent Peripheral (IP) Equipment for Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN) Phase 2 in 800MHz CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network EIA RS-232C Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange 3 Terms 3.1 Pollution emission auto monitoring system It consists of auto monitoring instrument and monitoring center that implement on-line auto monitoring against the main pollutants’ emission from the pollution source; it is called system for short in this Standard. 3.2 Monitoring center It is the system installed in environmental protection departments at all levels, has the permission to connect auto monitoring equipment through transmission line, and conducts the data receiving and processing against the inquiry, control and other commands specified in this Standard, including computer information terminal equipment, computer software etc.; it is called host computer for short in this Standard. 3.3 Auto monitoring equipment It indicates single or multiple equipment and facilities installed on discharge outlet of pollution source, used for monitoring the discharge situation of pollution source, and finishing data communication and transmission with host computer; including pollutant monitoring instrument, flow amount (velocity) meter, pollution control facility recorder, data acquisition and transmission instrument, etc., it is the integral part of the pollution control facilities. It is called on-site computer for short in this Standard. 3.4 Data acquisition and transmission instrument It indicates single-chip computer, industrial personal computer, embedded computer, embedded programmable automation controller (PAC), programmable controller etc., which acquire data from various types of monitoring instruments, finish data storage, and realize the data communication and transmission with host computer. 4 System Structure Pollution emission auto monitoring system can be divided into three levels, such as on-site computer, transmission network and host computer from the bottom upwards. Host computer realizes data exchange and issues or responds commands through the transmission network and on-site computer. Auto monitoring equipment is constituted by the following two methods. (1) One set of on-site computer combines auto monitoring, storing, communication and transmission functions, which are interactive through transmission network and host computer. established, the protocol on the entire application layer is irrelevant to the specific transmission network. This Standard reflects the independence of communication media. 6 Communication Protocol 6.1 Respond mode Complete command consists of the initiation of requesting party and response of responder, and the specific steps are as follows. (1) The requesting party sends a query command to the responder. (2) The responder responds after receiving the query command, and the connection is considered to be established after the reception of response by the requesting party. (3) The responder performs the query operation. (4) The responder informs the requesting party that the query operation has been finished; if there is no response, then it shall be treated as overtime operation. (5) The command is finished. 6.2 Timeout retransmission mechanism 6.2.1 Timeout for query response  If one query command is issued and does not receive response within the specified time, then it is considered timeout.  Retransmit after timeout, if response is not received after the specified retransmit times, then the communication is thought not available, and the communication is over.  The timeout period can be customized as per the specific communication mode and task nature.  The retransmission times after timeout can be customized as per the specific communication mode and task nature. 6.2.2 Performance timeout If the requesting party fails to receive the return data or command performance result within the specified time after receiving the query response (one sub-package), it is considered timeout; if command fails to be performed, then it is ended. xxx-ZsAvg Average conversion value within specified time of pollutant 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-ZsMax Maximum conversion value within specified time of pollutant 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-Flag Monitoring pollutant real-time data flag A~Z C1 As for pollution source (P. power failure; F. emission source outage; C. check; M. maintenance; T. test; L. limit; D. default; S. setting value; N. Normal ) As for air test station (0. calibration number; 1. meteorological parameters; 2. abnormal data; 3. normal data) [Empty row] xxx-Cou Accumulated value within specified time of pollutant 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-RS Real-time sampling value in equipment operating status 0~9 N1 0. equipment on; 1. equipment off (expandable) xxx-RT Running time within specified time of equipment 0~9 N14.2 10.11, and 0=n< =24 xxx-Ala Sampling value within alarm period of pollutant 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-UpValue Upper limit of pollutant alarm 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-LowValue Lower limit of pollutant alarm 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-Data Historical data on noise monitoring day 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-DayData Historical data of daytime noise 0~9 N14.2 10.11 xxx-NightData Historical data of night noise 0~9 N14.2 10.11 AlarmTime Excessive begin time 0~9 N14 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS AlarmType Alarm event type 0~9 N1 1. Excessive; 0. restore to normal ReportTarget Address mark of host computer 0~9 N20 Address mark of communication PolId Pollutant No. 0~9 C3 See Appendix B B... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.