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HJ 212-2017 HJ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing HJ/T 212-2005 Data transmission standard for online monitoring systems of pollutant ISSUED ON. APRIL 24, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 01, 2017 Issued by. Ministry of Environmental Protection Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Terms and definitions ... 6  4 System structure ... 9  5 Layer of protocol ... 11  6 Communication protocol ... 12  7 Communication method of online monitoring instrumentation and data acquisition transmitter ... 30  Appendix A (Normative) Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) algorithm ... 33  Appendix B (Normative) Coding table of commonly used monitoring factors and equipment information (expandable) ... 35  Appendix C (Informative) Example of communication command as well as example of split package and response mechanism ... 49  Appendix D (Informative) Calculation method for main pollutants in monitoring points of sewage and flue gas pollution sources ... 93  Data transmission standard for online monitoring systems of pollutant 1 Scope This standard applies to the data transmission between the online monitoring system of pollutants, the automatic monitoring system of the pollutant discharge process (working conditions), and the monitoring center. It specifies the transmission process as well as the format of parameter commands, interactive commands, data commands, control commands; gives the definition of code. This standard allows for expansion, but the expansion of content shall not conflict with the control commands used or retained in this standard. This standard also specifies the data transmission format between the online monitoring instrumentation and the data acquisition transmitter, meanwhile gives the definition of code. 2 Normative references This standard refers to the following documents or their terms. For undated references, the valid version applies to this standard. GB 3096-2008 Environmental quality standard for noise GB/T 16706-1996 Codes for environmental pollution source categories GB/T 19582-2008 Modbus industrial automation network specification HJ/T 75-2007 Specifications for continuous emissions monitoring of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial) HJ/T 76-2007 Specification and test procedures for continuous emission monitoring systems of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial) HJ 524-2009 Codes for air pollutants HJ 525-2009 Codes for water pollutants 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. Process monitoring According to the process design, the monitoring of key parameters (including such processing parameters as flow rate, temperature, oxygen content, pressure, etc., and such electrical parameters as current, voltage, frequency, rotation speed, etc.) of the operation of production facilities and pollution treatment facilities (hereinafter referred to as treatment facilities) that affect discharge of pollutants; combined with the enterprise’s production process and end monitoring data, comprehensively monitor the operation of the production facilities and treatment facilities of the enterprise, pollutant treatment effects and emissions, determine the rationality, authenticity, acceptability of the monitoring data of the pollutant discharge, which is named as the emission process (working conditions) monitoring in this standard. 3.7 Clearance The process of using clean water, water sample, chemical reagent, etc., to clean and wash the sample injection pipeline and the main measurement parts to ensure the accuracy of the measurement data, before the online monitoring equipment tests the sample, which is called clearance. 3.8 Blowback In the measurement process of online monitoring instrument, in order to prevent the measurement results from being affected by the blocking or un- smoothness of the measurement circuit, use high-pressure gas to automatically and regularly purge the measurement circuit, so as to ensure the smooth flow of the measurement circuit, which is called blowback. 3.9 Sampling for overproof The process of triggering the automatic sampling equipment to collect pollutant samples when the pollutants exceed the standard, which is called sampling for overproof. 3.10 Zero calibration The process of using the zero calibration solution as the specimen to perform test, where the indicated value of the online monitoring instrument is One of more of above communication media consists the transmission network as referred to in this standard. The application layer of this standard depends on the basic transmission layer. The basic transmission layer uses the TCP/IP protocol (the TCP/IP protocol has four layers, namely the network interface layer, the network layer, the transmission layer, the application layer), the TCP/IP protocol is constructed in the selected transmission network, which realizes the interface with the transmission network through the network interface layer in the TCP/IP protocol. The application layer in this standard substitutes the application layer (only use three layers of it) in the TCP/IP protocol. The protocol of the entire application layer is irrelevant to the specific transmission network. This standard is irrelevant to the communication media. 6 Communication protocol 6.1 Answer mode A complete command consists of the requester's initiation and the responder's response. The specific steps are as follows. 1) The requester sends a request command to the responder; 2) After receiving the request, the responder sends a request response (the handshake is completed) to the requester; 3) After receiving the request response, the requester waits for the responder to respond to the execution result; if the requester does not receive the request response, it is processed as overtime of request response; 4) The responder performs the request operation; 5) The responder sends the execution result to the requester; 6) The requester receives the execution result and the command is completed; if the requester does not receive the execution result, it is processed as overtime of execution. 6.2 Overtime retransmission mechanism 6.2.1 Overtime for request response • If the response is not received within the specified time after a request command is issued, it is considered as overtime; • In case of retransmission after overtime, if the response is not received after the retransmission exceeds the specified number, it is considered that the Note. This field may not be available if the packet is not split, it is related to the flag bit Command parameters CP Character 0 ≤ n ≤ 950 CP = &&data area&&, data area is as defined in clause 6.3.3 6.3.3 Data area Structure definition The field is concatenated with its value by “=”; in the data area, the different classification values of the same item are separated by “,”, the different items are separated by “;”. Field definition Field name Field names are case sensitive, the first character of a word is uppercase, the other parts are lowercase. Data type C4. It indicates a character string of up to 4 digits, it is based on the actual number of digits if it is less than 4 digits; N5. It indicates a character string of up to 5 digits, it is based on the actual number of digits if it is less than 5 digits; N14.2. A numeric representation expressed as a variable-length string, which represents a 14-bit integer and a 2-digit fraction, with a decimal point, signed, the maximum length is 18; YYYY. Date year, for example, 2016 indicates the year 2016; MM. Date month, for example, 09 indicates September; DD. Date date, for example, 23 indicates 23rd; hh. Time hour; mm. Time minute; ss. Time second; zzz. Time milliseconds. Field comparison The field comparison is as shown in Table 4. The "width" in Table 4 only contains Table 4 (continued) Name of field Descriptions Character set Width Value and description NewPW New password 0 ~ 9 / a ~ z / A ~ C6 OverTime Overtime 0 ~ 9 N2 The unit is second, the value is 0 < n ≤ 99 ReCount Number of retransmissions 0 ~ 9 N2 The value is 0 < n ≤ 99 VaseNo Sampling bottle No. 0 ~ 9 N2 The value is 0 < n ≤ 99 CstartTime Sampling startup time of equipment 0 ~ 9 N6 hhmmss Ctime Sampling cycle 0 ~ 9 N2 The unit is hour, the value is 0 < n ≤ 24 Stime Sampling time 0 ~ 9 N4 The unit is minute, the value is 0 < n ≤ 120 xxxxxx-Info Field information - -- “xxxxxx” is the field information code. Refer to Table B.10 of Appendix B for details InfoId Field information code 0 ~ 9 / a ~ z C6 The value is as shown in Table B.10 of Appendix B xxxxxx-SN Online monitoring instrumentation coding 0 ~ 9/A ~ F C24 It consists of an EPC-96 code converted string, consisting the 24 characters of 0 ~ 9, A ~ F Note. The (converted) real-time value of pollutants, the (converted) maximum value, the (converted) minimum value, the (converted) average value, etc., determine the width of the uploaded characters according to the actual pollutant monitoring range and accuracy, meanwhile the metering unit of the (converted) real-time value of pollutants, the (converted) maximum value, the (converted) minimum value, the (converted) average value shall be consistent. 6.4 Coding rules There are three types of monitoring factors involved in this standard. The first category is the pollutant factor, the second category is the condition monitoring factor, the third category is the field information. The pollutant factor code is defined by relevant national and industry standards GB 3096-2008, HJ 524- 2009, HJ 525-2009. The definition of the condition monitoring factor and the field information coding are as shown in the following clauses. 6.4.1 Coding rules for working condition monitoring factor The coding of condition monitoring factor consists of a six-digit fixed-length alphanumeric hybrid format. The alphanumeric code is abbreviated, the numeric code is represented by an Arabic numeral, using an incremental numeric code. 6.6.1 System code (expandable) It corresponds to the system code in Figure 4 “Data structure in communication protocol”. Division of categories System code is divided into four categories, each category represents a system type. 10 ~ 29 indicates the category of environmental quality; 30 ~ 49 indicates the category of environmental pollution source; 50 ~ 69 indicates the category of working conditions; 91 ~ 99 indicates the category of system interaction; A0 ~ Z9 are used for expansion of unknown system code. System coding method The system code (as shown in Table 5) is represented by two characters with values 0 ~ 9 and A ~ Z. Table 5 -- System coding table (refer to GB/T 16706-1996) System name System code Descriptions Monitoring of surface water quality 21 Monitoring of air quality 22 Monitoring of acoustic environmental quality 23 Monitoring of groundwater quality 24 Monitoring of soil quality 25 Monitoring of seawater quality 26 Monitoring of volatile organic compound 27 Atmospheric pollution sources 31 Surface water environmental pollution sources 32 Groundwater environmental pollution sources 33 Marine environmental pollution sources 34 Soil environmental pollution sources 35 Acoustic environmental pollution sources 36 Vibration environmental pollution sources 37 Radioactive environmental pollution sources 38 Site dust fly pollution sources 39 Electromagnetic environmental pollution sources 41 Monitoring of flue gas emission process 51 Monitoring of sewage discharge process 52 3) Setting of real-time data reporting interval; 4) Setting of minute data reporting interval; 5) Setting whether the real-time data is reported or not; 6) Setting whether the operation status of the pollution treatment equipment is reported or not. 7 Communication method of online monitoring instrumentation and data acquisition transmitter The online monitoring instrumentation and the data acquisition transmitter use the RS-485 serial communication standard to realize data communication. 7.1 Electrical interface standards between online monitoring instrumentation and the data acquisition transmitter It is recommended that the online monitoring instrumentation and the data acquisition transmitter adopt the two-wire system RS-485 interface. For the electrical standard of the RS-485 interface, refer to the RS-485 industrial bus standard. The RS-485 interface of the on-line monitoring instrumentation and the data acquisition transmitter shall clearly indicate the words “RS485+” and “RS485-’, etc., to indicate the wiring method. 7.2 Serial communication standards between online monitoring instrumentation and the data acquisition transmitter 7.2.1 Serial communication bus structure The communication bus structure between the online monitoring instrumentation and the data acquisition transmitter is single-master and multi- slave, as shown in Figure 11. Figure 11 -- RS485 bus system structure 7.2.2 Transmission protocol of serial communication Data collector (master) RS485 bus Field monitoring instrument (slave) Field monitoring instrument (slave) Appendix A (Normative) Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) algorithm The CRC check (cyclic redundancy check) is a method for checking the data transmission error. This standard uses ANSI CRC16, which is shortly referred to as CRC16. The CRC16 code is calculated by the transmission equipment and added to the data packet. The receiving equipment recalculates the CRC16 code of the received data packet, compares it with the received CRC16 code. If the two values are different, there is an error. The steps for generating the CRC16 check byte are as follows. 1) The CRC16 check register is assigned 0xFFFF; 2) Assign the first byte of the checked string to the temporary register; 3) The temporary register is XORed with the upper byte of the CRC16 check register, assigns to the CRC16 check register; 4) Take the last bit of the CRC16 check register, assign it to the detection register; 5) Move the CRC16 check register one bit to the right; 6) If the detection register’s value is 1, the CRC16 check register is XORed with the polynomial 0xA001, assigns to the CRC16 check register. 7) Repeat steps 4 ~ 6, until 8 bits are moved; 8) Assign the next byte of the checked string to the temporary register; 9) Repeat steps 3 ~ 8, until all bytes of the checked string are verified; 10) Return the value of the CRC16 check register. The check code is stored in the order of the first high byte and then low byte. Example of CRC check algorithm. /**************************************************************************************** Function. CRC16_Checkout Appendix B (Normative) Coding table of commonly used monitoring factors and equipment information (expandable) Note. The data types in the Table below refer to the definition of “ Data type”. Table B.1 -- Coding table of water monitoring factor (citing HJ 525-2009) Code Chinese name Original code Default measurement unit (concentration) Default measurement unit (discharge) Default data type (concentration) w00000 Sewage B01 L/s m3 N5.2 w01001 pH value 001 Dimensionless N5.2 w01002 Chroma 002 Chroma N3.2 w01006 Total dissolved solids -- mg/L kg N4 w01009 Dissolved oxygen -- mg/L N3.1 w01010 Water temperature -- °C N3.1 w01012 Suspended solids 003 mg/L kg N4 w01014 Conductivity -- Micro-siemens/cm N3.1 w01017 5-day biochemical oxygen demand 010 mg/L kg N5.1 w01018 Chemical oxygen demand 011 mg/L kg N5.1 w01019 Permanganate index -- mg/L kg N3.1 w01020 Total organic carbon 015 mg/L kg N3.1 w02003 Fecal coliform 550 piece/L N9 w02006 Total bacteria -- piece/L N9 w03001 Total alpha radioactivity 570 Becquerel/L N3.1 w03002 Total beta radioactivity 571 Becquerel/L N3.1 w19001 Surfactant -- mg/L kg N3.2 w19002 Anionic surfactant 520 mg/L kg N3.2 w20012 Barium 039 mg/L kg N3.3 w20023 Boron 037 mg/L kg N3.3 w20038 Cobalt 040 mg/L kg N3.4 w20061 Molybdenum 038 mg/L kg N3.4 w20089 Thallium 041 ng/L mg N4 w20092 Tin 036 mg/L kg N3.1 w20111 Total mercury 020 μg/L g N3.2 w20113 Alkyl mercury 021 ng/L mg N4 w20115 Total cadmium 022 μg/L g N3.1 Appendix C (Informative) Example of communication command as well as example of split package and response mechanism Descriptions of example. In the example of Appendix C, QN=20160801085857223 means that a command request is triggered at milliseconds on August 1, 2016, ST=32 means that the system type is the environmental pollution source of surface water, MN=010000A8900016F000169DC0 indicates the unique identifier of the equipment, PW=123456 indicates the equipment access password. I. Example of communication command Table C.1 -- Set overtime and number of retransmissions Category Item Example / description Command used Host computer Send “set overtime and number of retransmissions” Field computer Return the request response Field computer Return the execution result Field used Overtime Overtime Recount Number of retransmissions OnRtn Request response result ExeRtn Request execution result Execution process 1. The host computer sends a request command of “set overtime and number of retransmissions”, waits for the response from the field computer; 2. The field computer receives a request command of “set overtime and number of retransmissions”, responds “request response”; 3. The host computer receives the “request response”, determines whether to wait for the execution results of field computer according to the value of the request response flag QnRtn; 4. The field computer executes the request command of “set overtime and number of retransmissions”, returns the “execution result”; 5. The host computer receives the “execution result”, judges whether the request is completed according to the value of the execution result flag ExeRtn, the request execution is completed. Table C.50 -- Extract hour data of pollutant (with response, with split packet) Category Item Example / description Command used Host computer Send the request of “Extract hour data of pollutant” Field computer Return request response Field computer Upload hour data of pollutant Host computer Return data response Field computer Upload hour data of pollutant Host computer Return data response Host computer Return execution result Field used BeginTime Start time of history request, accurate to hour EndTime End time of history request, accurate to hour QnRtn Request return result ExeRtn Request execution result Execution process 1. The host computer sends a request command “Extract hour data of pollutant”, waits for the field computer to respond; 2. The field computer receives the request command of “Extract hour data of pollutant”, responds the “Request response”; 3. The host computer receives the “Request response”, determines whether to wait for the field computer to report the history data according to the value of the request response flag QnRtn; 4. The field computer executes the request command of “Extract hour data of pollutant”; 5. The field computer reports one message of hour data of pollutant within the time period of request; 6. The host computer receives the command of “Upload hour data of pollutant” and executes it, returns the “Data response”; 7. The field computer receives the “Data response”; 8. The field judges whether the hour data of pollutant within the time period of request is all reported; if it is not all reported, jump to step 5; otherwise return the “Execution result”; 9. The host computer receives the “Execution result”, judges whether the request is completed according to the value of the execution result flag ExeRtn, the execution of request is completed Appendix D (Informative) Calculation method for main pollutants in monitoring points of sewage and flue gas pollution sources D.1 Calculation method of main pollutants in monitoring points of sewage pollution sources D.1.1 Sewage discharge D.1.1.1 Sewage discharge within time slice (seconds) Where. DΔi - The sewage discharge within the ith T time slice, m3; Q - Instantaneous flow rate of sewage, L/s; T - Length of time slice, collecting a set of real-time data at least 5 s, s. Note. The sewage discharge within the time slice (second) can also be obtained by the method of accumulating the flow difference of the corresponding time period. D.1.1.2 Minute (for example, 10 minutes), hour, daily sewage discharge Where. Dm - The sewage discharge at the mth minute, m3; n - The number of sewage discharge data within the time slice of effective DΔi - Sewage discharge in the ith T time period, m3. D.1.2.2 Minute (for example, 10 minutes), hour, day water pollutant discharge Where. GΔi - Pollutant discharge in the ith T time period, kg; Gm - Water pollutant discharge at the mth minute, kg; n - The number of pollutant discharge data in the time slice as effectively measured within the mth minute, (n is an integer, n ≥ 120); Gh - Water pollutant discharge at the hth hour, kg; m - The number of minute pollutant discharge data as effectively measured in the hth hour, (m is an integer, 1 ≤ m ≤ 6); Gd - Daily water pollutant discharge, kg; h - The number of hour pollutant discharge as measured effectively within one day, (h is an integer, 1 ≤ h ≤ 24). D.1.2.3 Minute (for example, 10 minutes), hour, daily average of water pollutant concentration (weighted average method) Where. It is cited from HJ/T 75-2007, HJ/T 76-2007. D2.1 Calculation formula for conversion of pollutant concentration (1) The conversion between the concentration of pollutant at working conditions (measured status) and the concentration at standard conditions (standard status) are calculated according to formula (18). Where. Csn - Mass concentration of pollutant under the standard status, mg/m3; Cs - Mass concentration of pollutant under the working conditions, mg/m3; Bα - The ambient atmospheric pressure value of the CEMS installation site, Pa; Ps - Static pressure value of flue gas as measured by CEMS, Pa; Ts - Temperature of flue gas as measured by CEMS, °C. Note. The dry/wet-base state for the concentration at working conditions and the concentration at standard conditions in the formula (18) shall be the same. (2) The conversion of pollutant’s dry-base concentration and wet-base concentration is calculated according to formula (19). Where. Cdry - Dry-base concentration of pollutant, mg/m3 (μmol/mol, ppm); Cwet - Wet-base concentration of pollutant, mg/m3 (μmol/mol, ppm); XSW - Absolute humidity of flue gas (also known as moisture), %. Note. The working conditions of dry-base concentration and wet-base concentration in formula (19) shall be the same; the calculation method of dry/wet-base concentration conversion of oxygen content is the same as in formula (19). (3) The conversion of the volume concentration of gaseous pollutants and the dry wet Where. - The average value of the dry-base standard status mass concentration of the pollutant as measured by the at jth minute, mg/m3; CQi - Instantaneous mass concentration of pollutant at dry-base standard status as acquired and measured by the CEMS at the maximum interval of 5s, mg/m3; n - The number of instantaneous data as effectively measured by CEMS during that minute, (n is an integer, n ≥ 12). Note. For the other monitoring factors such as oxygen content of flue gas, flow rate of flue gas, temperature of flue gas, static pressure of flue gas, humidity of flue gas, the calculation method is same as the formula (23). (2) The hour data of mass concentration of pollutant is calculated according to formula (24). Where. - The average mass concentration of pollutant discharge at dry-base standard status as measured by CEMS at the hth hour, mg/m3; k - The number of minute average as effectively measured by CEMS during that hour (45 ≤ k). Note. For the other monitoring factors such as oxygen content of flue gas, flow rate of flue gas, temperature of flue gas, static pressure of flue gas, humidity of flue gas, the calculation method is same as the formula (24). (3) Daily average value data of mass concentration of pollutant is calculated according to formula (25). CVO2 dry - Dry-base volume concentration of oxygen content in flue gas emission, %. (3) For the type of pollution source whose oxygen content of industry emission standard is specified in the pollutant discharge standard, the converted emission concentration of the pollutant is calculated according to the formula (28). Where. CO2s - The oxygen content of industry standard as specified in the emission standards, %. (4) For the types of pollution sources whose standard excess air coefficient or standard oxygen content are not specified in the pollutant discharge standard, the converted concentration of the pollutant discharge is calculated according to the dry-base mass concentration at standard status. D2.4 Calculation formula for pollutant discharge flow rate (1) The average flow rate of flue gas emissions along the cross-section of the chimney or flue is calculated according to formula (29). Where. Kv - The velocity field coefficient as set by CEMS; - The flow rate of the flue gas as acquired and measured by the CEMS at the maximum interval of 5 s, m/s; - The instantaneous flow rate of the flue gas along the cross-section of chimney or flue, m/s. (2) The hour flow rate of flue gas emission under working condition is calculated according to formula (30). dry dryconverted ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.