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HG/T 5459-2018 PDF English

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HG/T 5459-2018: PDF in English (HGT 5459-2018)

HG/T 5459-2018 HG CHEMICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 83.040.20 G 49 File No.: 65392-2018 Waste tire pyrolysis carbon black 废旧轮胎裂解炭黑 ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 22, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2019 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P. R. China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative references ... 4 3 Terms and definitions ... 4 4 Designation ... 5 5 Technical requirements ... 5 6 Inspection rules ... 6 7 Packaging, marking, storage and transportation ... 8 Waste tire pyrolysis carbon black 1 Scope This Standard specifies the designation, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and packaging, marking, storage and transportation requirements for waste tire pyrolysis carbon black. This Standard applies to the carbon black produced through pyrolysis such as thermal medium and microwave, using waste tire as the raw material. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 3780.1, Carbon black - Part 1: Test method for iodine adsorption number GB/T 3780.2, Carbon black - Part 2: Determination of oil absorption number GB/T 3780.5, Carbon black - Part 5: Determination of specific surface area - CTAB test method GB/T 3780.8, Carbon black - Part 8: Determination of heating loss GB/T 3780.12, Carbon black - Part 12: Inspection of impurity material GB/T 3780.15, Carbon black - Part 15: Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract GB/T 3780.18, Carbon black - Part 18: Standard test methods for evaluation in Natural Rubber (NR) GB/T 3780.21, Carbon black - Part 21: Determination of sieve residue - Water flushing method 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Waste tire pyrolysis carbon black Sampling tube, whose main part shall be a rigid plastic or stainless-steel tube; sealing plate, a rubber plate, whose inner hole is slightly smaller than the outside diameter of the main tube and where axial movement is allowed along the main tube. Or other material proven to be equally applicable. 6.3.2 Sample container A screw-top wide-mouth bottle capable of holding 2 kg of carbon black samples or other containers that do not contaminate carbon black. 6.3.3 Total sampling quantity Not less than 2 kg (including reserved samples). 6.3.4 Sampling method Carbon black in bags: Open the suture hole of the carbon black bag; carefully remove about 100 mm of the carbon black on the surface; use a sampling spoon to take samples in the sample container by equal amount of each unit; sew the packaging bag mouth after sampling. Alternatively, put the carbon black bag flat; clean the packaging part where samples shall be taken; insert the sampling tube, with the diagonal end upward, into the required place in the packaging bag, so that the carbon black flows through the tube into the sample bottle; after a sufficient quantity is taken, put the carbon black bag flat; pull out the sampling tube; close the sampling mouth. Note: For a test of pelletization of palletized carbon black, samples should be taken carefully so as to avoid breaking carbon black particles. 6.3.5 Sample label Label the wall of container immediately after the samples are placed in it. The contents of the label include: -- sample name and sample number; -- batch number and quantity of general materials; -- production unit; -- sampling method; -- sampling volume; -- sampling date; -- sampler. 6.3.6 Sample preservation Samples should be stored in the sample room where temperature and humidity are appropriate. The effective storage period of the sample shall be 6 months. 6.4 Acceptance 6.4.1 Acceptance of products shall be carried out according to the regulations of ex- factory inspection. 6.4.2 The acceptance period shall be 30 days after the products arrive at the place of receipt agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. 7 Packaging, marking, storage and transportation 7.1 Packaging 7.1.1 At the end of the production process, the product should be properly packaged. For small packaging bags, the net content of each package should be 20 kg or 25 kg. For packages with unit weight of more than 100 kg, such as container bags, the weight accuracy should be within ±0.7% of the total weight. 7.1.2 Product packaging materials must be resistant to moisture and pollution, and shall be marked conspicuously. 7.1.3 Structure of packaging bag: -- The inner bag is three layers of 80 g/m2 kraft paper, and the outer bag is a plastic woven bag coated with a layer of plastic film on the inner wall; -- The inner bag is three layers of 80 g/m2 kraft paper, and the outer bag is two layers of 80 g/m2 kraft paper; -- Automatic packaging bag for automatic packaging machine, both inner and outer layers of which are 80 g/m2 kraft paper; -- Other packaging in line with user requirements. 7.1.4 Suture and suture materials of packaging bag: -- cotton thread or synthetic fiber thread suture material; -- appropriate adhesive for adhesion; -- thermo-compression (suture should be adopted for the inner bag); -- vacuum automatic sealing. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.