HG/T 20573-2012 PDF English
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Code for distributed control system engineering design
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HG/T 20573-2012: PDF in English (HGT 20573-2012) HG/T 20573-2012
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Record No.: J1433-2012
____________________________________Replacing HG/T 20573-1995
Code for Distributed Control System Engineering Design
Issued on May 24, 2012 _____ Implemented on November 1, 2012
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P. R. China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 7
1 General Provisions ... 9
2 Normative References ... 10
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations ... 11
3.1 Terms and Definitions ... 11
3.2 Abbreviations ... 14
4 General Requirements for DCS ... 16
4.1 Basic Technical Requirements ... 16
4.2 Application Requirements ... 16
4.3 Hardware Configuration Requirements ... 17
5 Design Principles and Responsibility Distribution of DCS Engineering Design ... 19
5.1 Design Principles ... 19
5.2 Responsibility Distribution ... 19
6 Control Stations (Process Control Stations) ... 21
6.1 Function of Control Stations ... 21
6.2 Structure of Control Stations ... 21
6.3 Technical Requirements of Control Stations ... 21
7 Operator's Stations ... 24
7.1 Function of Operator's Stations ... 24
7.2 Structure of Operator's Stations ... 24
7.3 Technical Requirements of Operator's Stations ... 25
8 Engineer's Operating Stations ... 27
8.1 Function of Engineer's Operating Stations ... 27
8.2 Structure of Engineer's Operating Stations ... 27
8.3 Technical Requirements of Engineer's Operating Stations ... 27
9 Communication Systems ... 28
9.1 Communication Networks ... 28
9.2 Communication Systems and Clock Synchronization Systems ... 28
9.3 Communication Between DCS and Other Control Devices ... 29
9.4 Technical Requirements of Communication Networks ... 29
10 Software, Application Software, Software Configuration File and Software
Configuration ... 30
10.1 Software ... 30
10.2 Application Software ... 30
10.3 Software Configuration File ... 30
10.4 Software Configuration ... 31
11 Procedure for DCS Engineering Design ... 32
11.1 Basic Engineering Design ... 32
11.2 Detail Engineering Design ... 32
12 Design of DCS Control Rooms... 33
13 Design of DCS Power Supply System, Grounding System and Lightning
Protection System ... 34
13.1 Power Supply System of DCS ... 34
13.2 Grounding System of DCS ... 34
13.3 Lightning Protection System of DCS ... 34
14 Acceptance Test, Installation, Integration Test and Commissioning of DCS ... 35
14.1 Acceptance Test of DCS ... 35
14.2 Installation of DCS ... 36
14.3 Integration Test and Commissioning of DCS ... 36
Appendix A Requirements for Preparation of DCS Technical Specification ... 37
A.1 Overview ... 37
A.2 Responsibilities and Supply Scope of the Buyer and Seller ... 37
A.3 Requirements for Hardware Configuration and Function of DCS ... 37
A.4 Technical Requirements of DCS ... 38
A.5 Software Requirements of DCS ... 38
A.6 Design Requirements of Control Rooms ... 39
A.7 Design Requirements of Power Supply, Grounding and Lightning Protection
Systems ... 39
A.8 Terminal Cabinet and Guard Grating /Isolator Cabinet ... 39
A.9 Spare Parts and Special Tools ... 39
A.10 Documentary Data ... 40
A.11 Engineering Management ... 40
A.12 Acceptance Test ... 40
A.13 Training ... 41
A.14 Preliminary I/O List ... 41
Explanation of Wording in This Code ... 42
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this code. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document applies.
"Design Code for Control Room" (HG/T 20508)
"Design Code for Instrument Power Supply System" (HG/T 20509)
"Design Code for Instrument Grounding" (HG/T 20513)
"Procedure for Engineering Design of Instrumentation" (HG/T 20636.7)
"Common Terms and Definition for Measurement and Control System Design" (HG/T
20699) design
"Terms for Distributed Control System" (JB/T 9268-1999)
"Design Code for Instrument System Lightning Surge Protection Engineering in
Petrochemical Engineering" (SH/T 3164-2012)
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations
3.1 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this code, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1.1 Application software
The generic term of computer programs, processes, regulations and relevant documents
required to let DCS complete the supervision on a certain production process.
3.1.2 Availability
The ratio of the time for one device or system to correctly perform its designated function to
the total time to perform this intended function as planned, which is expressed in percent.
3.1.3 Baseband LAN
A kind of local area network that is able to encode the data and also is able to realize data
transmission without wave carrier modulation.
3.1.4 Bridge
A kind of functional unit interconnecting such two local area networks that use the same
logical link control protocol but may apply different medium access control protocols.
3.1.5 Broadband LAN
A kind of local area network that is able to encode and reuse the data and also is able to
realize data transmission by wave carrier modulation.
3.1.6 Bus network
A kind of local area network that has only one access between any two data stations and in
which the data sent by one station is usable for all other stations in the same transmission
3.1.7 Communication system
A kind of system that is composed of various communication links, protocols and functional
units and provides the effective communication among the component parts of computer
network. This system ensures the information transfer by a decided mode in a group of
interconnected stations.
3.1.8 Computer integrated process system-CIPS
The automatic control system integrating such functions as routine control, advanced control,
process optimization, production dispatching, enterprise management, operating decision.
3.1.9 Data circuit
A pair of relevant transmitting and receiving access that are provided for the two-way data
3.1.10 Data processing system
A kind of complex that is composed of device, method, program and person and is able to
complete a specific group of data processing functions.
3.1.11 Data station
A complete set of functional units that is also known as station and is composed of data
terminal equipment, data circuit-terminating equipment and its common interface.
3.1.12 Distributed control system-DCS
A kind of intelligent station network that is characterized by distributed control function,
centralized operating display and hierarchical structure. It is applied for the purpose of
controlling or controlling and managing an industrial process or factory.
3.1.13 Engineer's operating station
The intelligent station provided for the Engineer at the supervision level of distributed control
system to realize the system generation, which generally also has the functions of operator's
3.1.14 Ethernet
A kind of networking technology of computer local area network, which specifies link of
physical layer, the electric signals and the contents of medium access layer protocol and
meets the technical requirements of IEEE 802.3.
The industrial Ethernet is compatible with the commercial Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) technically,
but it is better to satisfy the demand of industry site in such aspects as product material
selection, product strength, applicability and instantaneity, operability, reliability, interference
immunity and intrinsic safety.
3.1.15 Fieldbus
A kind of serial, digital and multipoint communication data bus that is installed between field
equipment /instrument in the field of production process and the automatic control
device/system in control room.
3.1.16 Fieldbus control system-FCS
Fieldbus technology is the digital network segment technology that is directed to factory
low-level automation and information integration. And the automation system based on this
technology is referred to as fieldbus control system (FCS).
3.1.17 Function module
Some program modules that are developed in the required format and have such functions as
calculation, processing, regulation control, amplitude limiting and alarming.
3.1.18 Gateway
One real body that operates above the link layer. This real body is able to translate the
interface and protocol of one network into those of another different network when required.
3.1.19 Life cycle
The total time starting from the process concept design to the out of service of DCS
3.1.20 Local area network-LAN
A kind of data network that is allocated at the user place for the purpose of data
communication between the data stations in limited region.
3.1.21 Management level
It is the uppermost level in the hierarchical structure of distributed control system and
consists of the supervisory computer and the like. This level mainly have the generalized
information management and processing functions, including production dispatching, system
coordination, quality control, preparation of management statement documents, acquisition
of operation data, performing comprehensive analysis and providing decision support, etc.
3.1.22 Network protocol
A set of rules that designates the interface service of communication system and directs the
4 General Requirements for DCS
4.1 Basic Technical Requirements
4.1.1 Dispersibility.
DCS shall adopt distributed configuration over hardware units to realize the distribution of
system functions and operation risks as well as the requirements of formidable function and
flexible configuration.
4.1.2 Redundancy.
DCS shall adopt the redundancy configuration of critical units and components to realize the
requirements of improving the operation reliability of system.
4.1.3 Openness.
DCS shall have open network structure to support the open standards of OPC. It's an open
system complying with OSI (open system interconnection) and IEEE communication
standard, which is able to realize the requirements of interconnecting with other DCSs and
control/supervisory computers.
4.1.4 Advancement.
DCS shall have advanced hardware and software environment and be able to satisfy the
requirements of runners on advanced control and real-time process optimization software.
4.1.5 Expansibility.
It's required to construct the business information system or integrated management
automatic system on the basis of DCS by utilizing the openness, extensibility and
integrability of DCS.
4.1.6 Reliability.
It's required to ensure the solidity and durability of DCS hardware and the maturity and
safety of DCS software, and also to ensure the advancement and reliability of the mean time
between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR) and availability of the system. The
hardware supplier shall obtain the quality management certification of ISO 9000 series
4.2 Application Requirements
4.2.1 Independent application of DCS.
The supervision function of DCS upon the production process shall meet the following
1 Conduct centralized display, automatic control, remote operation and information
management to the operating parameters of the production process.
2 Conduct stepwise or conditional or stepwise + conditional control to the sequential
control production process.
4.2.2 Combination between DCS and SIS.
Combination scheme of DCS and SIS should adopt the following responsibility distribution
and mutual connection/interlinking mode:
1 DCS is responsible for the supervision on process parameters and the interlocking
function of non-safe process, while SIS is responsible for the safety interlocking function of
2 DCS adopts hard wiring mode to transmit safety data to SIS.
3 DCS adopts the agreed communication protocol to realize the communication with SIS.
4.2.3 Combination between DCS and upper computer.
The combination of DCS and upper computer shall meet the following requirements:
1 DCS is articulated to advanced control computer to conduct advanced control over the
production process.
2 DCS is articulated to the factory information management computer to conduct the
enterprise informatization management.
4.2.4 Combination between DCS and other control devices.
DCS shall be able to adopt the communication mode to combine with the following
supervision devices/ systems:
1 DCS is used in combination with the auxiliary production plants, complete set of units,
and the DCS, PLC, FCS and CCS of other production plants, etc.
2 DCS is used in combination with the asset management system (AMS).
3 DCS is used in combination with the combustible/toxic gas detection system (GDS).
4 DCS is used in combination with the electrical detection system.
4.2.5 Integrated application of DCS, SIS and GDS.
The field instruments of DCS, SIS and GDS systems and the I/O card shall be set
independently as required; the controller of DCS, the logic arithmetic unit of SIS and the
alarming facility of GDS, with the premise of satisfying their respective configuration
specification, shall be integrated and seamlessly linked together into such a process control
system (PCS) with more integral functions so as to conduct the integrated control of
production and safety.
4.2.6 Application of computer integrated management system.
Computer integrated management system (CIMS) is constructed by integrating the DCS
process control technology and the computer information management technology and is
used for conducting the enterprise strategies for improving production, optimizing
management and improving economic performance, etc.
Functions of DCS in the computer integrated management system shall meet the following
1 DCS performs the process supervision function of computer integrated management
2 DCS transmits the information required by enterprise for the integrated management and
control automatic system.
4.3 Hardware Configuration Requirements
4.3.1 Hierarchy configuration of system.
The hierarchical structure of DCS may be composed of three levels, including process
control level, supervision level and management level, and the major hardware of every level
5 Design Principles and Responsibility Distribution of
DCS Engineering Design
5.1 Design Principles
5.1.1 DCS engineering design shall take comprehensive consideration of practicability,
reliability, availability, maintainability, traceability, economical efficiency and expansibility,
and shall reasonably adopt the redundant and tolerant technique.
5.1.2 DCS engineering design shall meet such requirements as production operation, DCS
purchasing, equipment installation and system commissioning.
5.1.3 DCS control scheme, system configuration and the like shall meet the requirements of
the Buyer.
5.1.4 In such engineering project that adopts SIS, the functional division, hardware
configuration, control/interlocking signal cross between DCS and SIS shall be specified
5.1.5 The requirements on the combination of other complete sets of control systems shall
be proposed according to the DCS configuration conditions of the main device; DCS also
shall satisfy the special combination requirements proposed by the complete set of control
systems as required.
5.1.6 After timely receiving the required DCS technical data, the Designer shall guarantee
the integrity and accuracy of DCS engineering design documents.
5.1.7 In the DCS engineering design, the design of control room, power supply, grounding
and lightning protection that are related to DCS shall comply with those specified in the
relevant national standards or relevant professional standards.
5.1.8 Hardware, operating system and programming software of DCS shall adopt the
formally issued editions and shall be under effective control according to the specified
5.2 Responsibility Distribution
The main works within the life cycle of DCS involved in this code, e.g. DCS engineering
design, DCS purchasing, DCS installation and commissioning, as well as the DCS
manufacture and after-sale service, are undertook by the designer, buyer and seller
respectively, and the responsibility distribution is as follows:
5.2.1 DCS engineering designer is responsible for formulating the DCS supervision
scheme, preparing the DCS technical specification and completing the DCS engineering
design documents. It may cooperate with the DCS purchasing work according to the
provisions of engineering design contract and also participate in the application software
configuration, inspection, installation and test run of DCS.
5.2.2 DCS buyer is responsible for the purchasing, inspection, installation, integration test,
6 Control Stations (Process Control Stations)
6.1 Function of Control Stations
6.1.1 The control stations shall be provided with the function of realizing the input and
processing of various physical signals and realizing the various real-time conventional
continuous control, and also shall be constructed with the corresponding (or similar)
function modules, like:
Conventional instrument function module: function modules of the input indication
category, governor category, manually operated machine category, signal set category,
signal amplitude limiting category, signal selector category, signal distributor category and
signal alarm category, etc.
Calculation function module: function modules of the numerical calculation, analog
calculation, time function, trend computation, switches and setting, etc.
6.1.2 The control stations shall be provided with such control functions as realizing batch
control, sequence/interlocking logic and the like, and also shall be constructed with the
corresponding function modules, like the function modules of sequence control function
category, switch instrument category and sequential control element category, etc.
6.1.3 The control stations shall have the large-capacity memorizer and very high
operational speed as well as the function of realizing various advanced control strategies.
6.2 Structure of Control Stations
6.2.1 Generally, the control station may be composed of process interface unit, control
unit (controller) and data acquisition unit (being configured by the DCS manufacturer
according to needs).
6.2.2 Generally, the functional cards of every unit of the control station may include the
control card, I/O card, auxiliary card, communication interface, card case for installing the
card, and bus mother board, etc.
6.2.3 To adapt to the demand of supervision on such areas that are far away from the
control room, the control stations shall provide the remote I/O or remote control stations
that may be installed dispersedly.
6.3 Technical Requirements of Control Stations
6.3.1 Process I/O interface unit.
1 Process I/O interfaces shall include such types as AI, AO, DI, DO and PI, and shall be
provided with the intelligent transmitter interface, serial and parallel communication
interfaces, etc.
2 Process I/O card input circuit shall be set with electromagnetic isolation or
optoelectronic isolation, and shall meet the provisions on interference resistance as
specified in IEC 61000 or SAMA PMC 33.1.
3 As for the signals coming from or sent to the explosion danger zones, guard grating or
intrinsically safe I/O shall be set at the field side of I/O interface when adopting the
intrinsically safe explosion protection technology.
4 If the capacity of on-off interface can not meet the load requirements or if the switching
value needs to be isolated, the relay shall be set.
5 It shall provide the function of signal check on the defective points beyond the scope of
4~20mA open-circuit and short-circuit signals and the input signals, and this function shall
be completed during every scanning process.
6 All the I/O cards shall be provided with I/O state LED indication and other diagnose
indications, such as card power supply indication.
7 All the input cards at connection points shall be provided with anti-shake filtering
processing function.
8 I/O card of DCS shall be provided with the measures for protecting the over-voltage and
over-current of I/O.
9 Where the I/O card is out of order, necessary measures shall be taken to ensure the
process system at the safety condition without fluctuation. Where the system power supply
is lost, the actuator shall keep the safety positions (full-on, full-off and position retaining,
10 When configuring the AMS system, the I/O card with HART protocol communication
function or other card with similar function.
11 According to the connection demand between signal source and I/O card, converter or
isolator may be provided.
12 Within the whole operating ambient temperature range, the precision requirement of
I/O card are as follows:
Precision of analog input signal shall be ±0.1%FS;
Precision of analog output signal shall be ±0.1%FS.
6.3.2 Control unit.
1 The control unit shall be based on the multi-functional controller that is set with
microprocessor (CPU) and shall be 32-bit machine with internal memory no less than
2 It shall provide the software interfaces with diversified PLC and shall be able to
communicate with various intelligent instruments according to its communication protocol.
3 The system shall have the self-calibration function of PID parameters.
6.3.3 Data acquisition unit (set as needed).
1 The data acquisition unit shall be able to complete such functions as the data
processing, alarming and record of input signals.
2 The scan period of detection point shall be calibrated according to the detected object,
which shall not be larger than 1s at most.
6.3.4 Redundancy configuration of control station.
1 The I/O card of control circuit and the I/O card of important detection point should
adopt redundancy configuration.
2 CPU of control unit shall be of 1:1 redundancy configuration; and the communication
interface and power supply shall be of 1:1 redundancy configuration.
7 Operator's Stations
7.1 Function of Operator's Stations
7.1.1 Operator's station is the interface between system and operating personnel, it is used
for the monitoring and operating of the operating personnel to production process and also
used for configuration and maintenance. The operator's station shall also be provided with the
historical/statistical data collection function and the trend/statement display and print
7.1.2 The picture and flow display of operator's station shall be with high resolution and
7.1.3 The control and regulating function of operator's station shall start the regulation
meter window through flow picture or enter into grouping pictures by controlling the
overview picture.
One integral control and regulation picture shall include the bar chart regulation meter, PV,
SV, MV, real-time trend picture and circuit parameter list.
The circuit regulation shall be provided with the following specific functions:
Switching over among the manual, automatic and cascade control modes;
Adjustment of SV and MV values;
Calibration of PID parameters, etc.
7.1.4 The trend display function of operator's station shall include real-time trend display
and historical trend display. The sampling time of real-time trend curve should be 1s, and the
curve time shall be Xmin at most. The sampling time of historical trend curve may be set as
1min to one month.
7.1.5 The alarming management and display function of operator's station shall be able to
display the alarming state timely at any picture.
The alarm printing shall be in time and the first accident alarm shall be sorted out.
7.1.6 The statement management and printing of operator's station may be arranged as
required and shall be convenient for configuration. The operator's station shall be provided
with the statistical calculation function.
7.1.7 The operator's station shall also be provided with the following functions:
Self-diagnosis function;
Online configuration function;
Password protective function of system operation;
Operating record function;
Online control strategy debug function;
File transfer function.
7.2 Structure of Operator's Stations
7.2.1 Operator's station may be composed of host machine, displayer and operator's
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.