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GM/T 0039-2015: PDF in English (GMT 0039-2015)

GM/T 0039-2015 GM CRYPTOGRAPHY INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 35.040 L 80 File No.. 49738-2015 Security test requirements for cryptographic modules ISSUED ON. APRIL 1, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 1, 2015 Issued by. State Cryptography Administration Table of Contents Foreword . 3  1 Scope .. 4  2 Normative references .. 4  3 Terms and definitions .. 4  4 Abbreviations .. 4  5 Document organization . 5  5.1 General .. 5  5.2 Clauses and security requirements .. 5  5.3 Description of reference clauses . 6  6 Security test requirements .. 6  6.1 General requirements . 6  6.2 Cryptographic module specification .. 7  6.3 Cryptographic module interfaces .. 23  6.4 Roles, services, and authentication . 40  6.5 Software / Firmware security .. 65  6.6 Operational environment .. 72  6.7 Physical security . 88  6.8 Non-invasive security . 119  6.9 Sensitive security parameter management . 121  6.10 Self-tests .. 137  6.11 Life-cycle assurance .. 162  6.12 Mitigation of other attacks .. 180  6.13 A - Documentation requirements . 181  6.14 B - Cryptographic module security policy .. 182  6.15 C - Approved security functions .. 183  6.16 D - Approved sensitive security parameter generation and establishment methods .. 183  6.17 E - Approved authentication mechanisms . 183  6.18 F - Non-invasive attacks and common mitigation test metrics .. 183  Annex A (Informative) Security level correspondence tables . 184  Foreword This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard was prepared by redrafting with reference to ISO / IEC 24759.2014 Information technology - Security techniques - Test requirements for cryptographic modules. The degree of consistency with ISO / IEC 24759.2014 is not equivalent. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of Technical Committee for Standardization of Cryptography Industry. Main drafting organizations of this Standard. Bejing Watchdata Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd, Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd, Beijing HuaDa ZhiBao Electronic System Co., Ltd, Beijing Haitai Fangyuan Technologies Co., Ltd, Commercial Cryptography Testing Center of State Cryptography Administration, Data Assurance & Communications Security (DCS) Center, Beijing Creative Century Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai Koal Software Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard. Wang Xuelin, Li Dawei, Deng Kaiyong, Chen Guo, Chen Baoru, Zhang Yifei, Hu Boliang, Zhu Pengfei, Luo Peng, Zhang Zhong, Lei Yinhua, Mo Fan, Lin Chun, Jiang Hongyu, Tan Wuzheng, Zhang Wantao, Gao Neng. Security test requirements for cryptographic modules 1 Scope This Standard specifies a series of test procedures, test methods and corresponding document submission requirements for cryptographic modules, in accordance with the requirements of GM/T 0028-2014. This Standard is applicable to the tests of cryptographic modules. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document. For undated references, only the latest editions (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GM/T 0028-2014 Security requirements for cryptographic modules GM/Z 4001 Cryptology terminology 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GM/T 0028-2014 and GM/Z 4001 are applicable to this document. 4 Abbreviations The following abbreviations are applicable to this document. API Application Program Interface CBC Cipher Block Chaining CSP Critical Security Parameter EDC Error Detection Code EFP Environmental Failure Protection EFT Environmental Failure Testing Following each clause is the requirements for the required vendor documentation. These requirements describe the types of documentation or explicit information that the vendor shall provide in order for the tester to verify conformity (of the documentation or information) to the given clause. These requirements are denoted by the form. CY< requirement number>.< clause sequence number>.< sequence number> where “CY” represents the requirements for the documents that are submitted by the vendor, “requirement number” and “clause sequence number” are identical to those in the corresponding security requirement, and “sequence number” is a sequential identifier for vendor requirements within the clause. Following the required vendor documentation is the requirements for the required test procedures. These requirements instruct the tester as to what he or she shall do in order to test the cryptographic module with respect to the given clause. These requirements are denoted by the form. JY< requirement number>.< clause sequence number>.< sequence number> where “JY” represents the requirements for the test procedures and methods, “requirement number” and “clause sequence number” are identical to those in the corresponding security requirement, and “sequence number” is a sequential identifier for tester requirements within the clause. 5.3 Description of reference clauses For coherence in the statements, this Standard adds supplementary statements to some of the clauses that are direct quotations from GM/T 0028-2014. These statements have been put between curly brackets “{” and “}” and are italicized in bold font of Song typeface. In addition, the “shall” used in the requirements for the vendor documentation and the requirements for the test procedures required by this Standard have the same meaning as the “should” in the clauses that are directly quoted from GM/T 0028-2014. 6 Security test requirements 6.1 General requirements NOTE. This subclause states general requirements to meet the articles of the other subclauses in Clause 6. description of the approved mode of operation. JY02.19.02. The tester shall verify that it is able to activate the approved mode of operation according to the method described in the vendor documentation. JY02.19.03. The tester shall verify that the operator is able to operate the cryptographic module in an approved mode of operation. AY02.20. (Security levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) An approved mode of operation shall be defined as the set of services which include at least one service that utilizes an approved cryptographic algorithm, security function or process. Required vendor documentation CY02.20.01. The vendor documentation shall describe the approved cryptographic algorithm, security function or process that is used in the approved mode of operation for the cryptographic module and those services specified in 7.4.3 of GM/T 0028-2014. CY02.20.02. The vendor documentation shall provide a verification certificate that includes all approved cryptographic algorithms, security functions or processes. Required test procedures JY02.20.01. The tester shall verify the approved mode of operation described in the documentation, and that at least one service uses the approved cryptographic algorithm, security function or process and those services or processes specified in 7.4.3 of GM/T 0028-2014. JY02.20.02. The tester shall verify the vendor provided verification certificate for approved cryptographic algorithms, security functions or processes. JY02.20.03. The tester shall verify that the approved modes of operation and security functions for use described in the documentation meet the requirements of Annex C in GM/T 0028-2014. AY02.21. (Security levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) Non-approved cryptographic algorithms, security functions, and processes or other services not specified in {GM/T 0028-2014} 7.4.3 shall not be utilized by the operator in an approved mode of operation unless the non-approved cryptographic algorithm or security function is part of an approved process and is non-security relevant to the approved processes operation (e.g. a non-approved cryptographic algorithm or commands using the external input device(s). AY03.09. (Security levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) All output commands, signals, and control data (e.g. control commands to another module) used to control the operation of a cryptographic module shall exit via the “control output” interface. Required vendor documentation CY03.09.01. The cryptographic module shall have a control output interface. The output commands, signals, and control data used to control the operation of a cryptographic module must be output via the control output interface. CY03.09.02. If applicable, the vendor documentation shall describe all external devices that are used in conjunction with the cryptographic module and that are used to output control data from the control output interface, such as smart cards, tokens, displays and / or other storage devices. Required test procedures JY03.09.01. The tester shall verify that the output commands, signals and control data used to control the operation of a cryptographic module shall be output via the control output interface. JY03.09.02. The tester shall verify whether the vendor documentation specifies the external devices that are used in conjunction with the cryptographic module and that are used to output control data from the control output interface, such as smart cards, tokens, displays and / or other storage devices. AY03.10. (Security levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) All control output via the “control output” interface shall be inhibited when the cryptographic module is in an error state unless exceptions are specified in the security policy. Required... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.