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GB/T 9963-1998 PDF English

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GB/T 9963-1998: PDF in English (GBT 9963-1998)

GB/T 9963-1998 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 81.040.10 Q 34 Replacing GB 9963-88 Tempered glass Superseded (by GB 15763.2-2005) APPROVED ON: MAY 08, 1998 IMPLEMENTED ON: DECEMBER 01, 1998 Approved by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Reference standards ... 4  3 Classification and application ... 4  4 Requirements ... 5  5 Test methods ... 8  6 Inspection rules ... 14  7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 15  Tempered glass 1 Scope This Standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, inspection methods, and inspection rules of tempered glass. It applies to tempered glass for construction and tempered glass for use other than construction such as industrial equipment. 2 Reference standards The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication of this Standard, the editions indicated are all valid. All standards will be revised. The parties who use this Standard shall investigate the possibility of using the latest editions of the following standards. GB/T 531-92 Test method for hardness of vulcanized rubber shore A hardness GB 1216-85 Micrometers GB 4871-1995 Sheet glass GB 5137.2-1996 Road vehicles - Safety glasses - Test methods for optical properties GB 11614-89 Float glass JC/T 677-1997 Test method to model wind pressure for architectural glass under the uniform static loads 3 Classification and application 3.1 Tempered glass, according to shape, is classified into flat tempered glass and curved tempered glass. 3.2 Tempered glass, according to the scope of application, is classified into tempered glass for construction and tempered glass for use other than construction. sample in the 50 mm×50 mm area must exceed 40. A small number of elongated fragments are allowed, the length of which is no more than 75 mm and the ends are not blade-shaped. The elongated fragment extending to the glass edge forms an angle of no more than 45° with the edge. 4.6 Shotgun bag impact performance TAKE 4 flat tempered glass samples for testing. The provisions of any of the following (1) or (2) must be met. (1) When the glass is broken, the sum of the masses of the maximum 10 fragments of each sample shall not exceed the mass of the corresponding 65 cm2 area of the sample. (2) When the drop height of the shotgun bag is 1200 mm, the sample is not damaged. 4.7 Transmittance The transmittance of tempered glass is determined by both the supplier and the purchaser. 4.8 Wind pressure resistance The wind pressure resistance of tempered glass is determined by both the supplier and the purchaser. 5 Test methods 5.1 Dimensional inspection Dimensions are measured with a steel ruler or steel tape with a minimum scale of 1 mm. 5.2 Thickness inspection USE the micrometer specified in GB 1216 or the instrument with the same accuracy to measure the midpoint of each side of glass. The arithmetic mean of the measurement results is the thickness value. ROUND to two decimal places after the decimal point in millimeters (mm). 5.3 Appearance inspection USE the product as a sample. Under good natural or scattered light conditions, 600 mm away from the glass surface, use the naked eye to check. 5.4 Measurement of bending degree USE a flat tempered glass product as a sample. The sample is placed vertically. The ruler is placed horizontally against the sample surface for measurement. For a bow shape, use the percentage of the ratio of the arc height to the chord length to express. For a corrugated shape, use the percentage of the ratio OF the height of trough to peak TO the distance of peak to peak (or trough to trough) to express. 5.5 Impact resistance test 5.5.1 The sample is the tempered glass having a dimension of about 610 mm×610 mm manufactured with the same type of original plate glass of the same thickness as the product under the same process conditions as the product. 5.5.2 USE the iron frame shown in Figure 1 to support the sample, to keep the impact face level. When testing curved tempered glass, it is necessary to use the corresponding auxiliary frame to support. 5.5.3 A steel ball with a smooth surface of 63.5 mm in diameter (mass approximately 1040 g) is placed at a height of 1000 mm from the sample surface, to allow it to fall freely. The impact point shall be in the range of 25 mm from the sample center. The impact on each sample is limited to once, to observe whether it is damaged. The test is carried out at normal temperature. in the frame. The fragment across the edge of the counting frame is counted as one-half of the fragment. 5.7 Test of shotgun bag impact performance 5.7.1 Sample: The sample is the rectangular flat tempered glass having a dimension of 1930 mm×864 mm manufactured with the same type of original plate glass of the same thickness as the product under the same process conditions as the product. 5.7.2 Test equipment: The test equipment consists of the test frame shown in Figure 2 and the impact body shown in Figure 4. The structure of the test frame is shown in Figure 2. The main part is box iron with a height of more than 100 mm. It is bolted to the ground; a support rod is placed behind it to prevent displacement or skew during impact. The sample is mounted on the test frame as shown in Figure 3 using wooden fixing frame as shown in Figures 2 and 3. The contact part between the four sides of the sample and the fixing frame is lined with a rubber strip with a hardness of A50 in accordance with GB/T 531. After the sample is installed, the compressed thickness of the rubber strip is 10%~15% of the original thickness. Moreover, the inner dimension of the fixing frame is about 19 mm smaller than the sample dimension. The impact body is shown in Figure 4(a). The impact body is: After the leather bag1) with the metal rod is filled with shotgun2), the upper and lower ends of the bag are fixed with nuts; then, the surface of the leather bag is crosswise tilt-wound using glass fiber reinforced polyester nylon belt with a width of 12 mm and a thickness of about 0.15 mm, until the surface is completely covered into a bag. Its mass is 45 kg±0.1 kg. 1) USE a 1.5 mm thick artificial leather. STITCH 2 A pieces and 4 B pieces together [see Figure 4(b)]. The seam (dashed line) is about 5 mm. 2) FILL with lead sand with a nominal size of φ2.5 mm. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.