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GB/T 40969-2021: PDF in English (GBT 40969-2021)

GB/T 40969-2021 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 85.060 CCS Y 30 Paper and board - Determination of colour (D50/2° diffuse reflectance method) [ISO 5631-3: 2015, Paper and board - Determination of colour by diffuse reflectance - Part 3: Indoor illumination conditions (D50/2°), MOD] ISSUED ON: NOVEMBER 26, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: JUNE 1, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 6 4 Principles ... 7 5 Instruments ... 7 6 Sampling ... 9 7 Preparation of samples ... 9 8 Test steps ... 10 9 Result calculation ... 10 10 Expression of results ... 12 11 Test report ... 12 Appendix A (Normative) Spectral characteristics of reflectance photometers for determining CIE tristimulus values ... 13 Paper and board - Determination of colour (D50/2° diffuse reflectance method) 1 Scope This document describes a method for determining the color of paper and cardboard by the diffuse reflectance method with the elimination of gloss. This document applies to paper and cardboard for printing. When the amount of ultraviolet radiation irradiated by the light source of the instrument on the sample is adjusted to be consistent with the fluorescence reference standard under CIE illuminant C provided by the authorized laboratory specified in GB/T 40277, this method can be used for the determination of the color of paper and cardboard that contains fluorescent whitening. This document does not apply to paper and cardboard to which fluorescent dyes or color dyes have been added. 2 Normative references The following documents contain the provisions which, through normative reference in this document, constitute the essential provisions of this document. For the dated referenced documents, only the versions with the indicated dates are applicable to this document; for the undated referenced documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 450 Paper and board - Sampling for testing and identification of machine and cross direction, wire side and felt side (GB/T 450-2008, ISO 186: 2002, MOD) GB/T 3977 Specification of colors (GB/T 3977-2008, CIE 15: 2004, NEQ) GB/T 10739 Paper, board and pulps - Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing (GB/T 10739-2002, ISO 187: 1990, EQV) GB/T 40277 Paper, board and pulps - Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO brightness) - Indoor daylight conditions (GB/T 40277-2021, ISO 2470-1: 2016, MOD) ISO 2469 Paper, board and pulps - Measurement of diffuse radiance factor (diffuse reflectance factor) of the sample. Note: The reflectance factor of a transparent specimen depends on the backing, not material properties. 3.5 X, Y, Z tristimulus values In a given trichromatic system, the amounts of three reference color stimuli that match the color of the stimulus under study. Note 1: In this document, the CIE illuminant D50 and CIE 1931 (2°) standard observer are used for defining the trichromatic system. Note 2: According to CIE convention, when the CIE 1931 (2°) standard observer is used, the obtained tristimulus values have no subscript [when the CIE 1964 (10°) standard observer is used, the obtained tristimulus values have the subscript 10]. 3.6 CIELAB colour space The approximately uniform three-dimensional colour space that is drawn by rectangular coordinates, and the magnitudes of L*, a*, and b* are specified by the formulas given in Chapter 9. Note: The value of L* represents the measured brightness of the sample, L*=0 corresponds to the sample that is black, and L*=100 corresponds to the sample that is a perfect diffuse reflection surface. The values of a* and b* represent the red-green and yellow-blue directions on the coordinates, respectively. Thus, +a* is a measure of the redness of the sample; -a* is a measure of the greenness of the sample; +b* is a measure of the yellowness of the sample; -b* is a measure of the blueness of the sample. If both a* and b* are 0, the sample is gray. 4 Principles Under the specified ultraviolet irradiation conditions, a tristimulus filter-type reflection photometer or an abridged spectrophotometer is used to analyze the reflected light on the sample, and the color coordinates under the condition of D50/2° are calculated. 5 Instruments 5.1 Reflection photometer 5.1.1 General rules The geometric, spectral, and photometric characteristics of the reflection photometer shall comply with the provisions of ISO 2469, and it shall be calibrated according to ISO 2469. As described in GB/T 40277, when samples containing fluorescent brighteners are tested, the reflectance photometer shall be equipped with a radiation source with adjustable UV content. The UV conditions shall be adjusted to be consistent with the CIE illuminant C with the use of a reference standard. 5.1.2 Filter-type reflectance photometer For a filter-type reflectance photometer, the overall response given by the combination of filters and the instrument’s optical characteristics is equivalent to the CIE tristimulus values X, Y, and Z of the sample under the conditions of CIE illuminant D50 and CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system. When a filter-type reflectance photometer is used, the UV content irradiated on the sample shall be consistent with that of the CIE illuminant C. 5.1.3 Abridged spectrophotometer When the samples are tested under CIE illuminant D50 with an abridged spectrophotometer, one of the functions allows the CIE tristimulus values X, Y, and Z of the tested sample under the conditions of CIE illuminant D50 and CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system is calculated with the weighted coefficient. Appendix A gives the weighting functions required for the calculations. Among them, Table A.1 and Table A.2 are used for instruments without a bandpass correction function, and Table A.3 and Table A.4 are used for instruments with a bandpass correction function. When an abridged spectrophotometer is used, the instrument shall have a UV tunable filter with a cut-off wavelength of 395 nm or other equivalent systems. The filter shall be adjusted, or the system shall be calibrated with the fluorescence reference standard (5.2.3), so that the UV content irradiated to the sample is consistent with that of the CIE illuminant C. 5.2 Reference standard 5.2.1 General rules A reference standard, which is applied for the instrument calibration and the working standards, shall be used frequently to ensure that the requirements of the instrument and UV calibration can be met. 5.2.2 Non-fluorescent reference standard It is used for photometric calibration and shall be provided by an authorized laboratory top and bottom of the stack to protect the samples. Avoid contamination and unnecessary exposure to light or heat. Make a mark on one corner of the sample to identify the sample and distinguish between the top and wire sides. If the top side can be distinguished from the wire side, the top side shall be facing up. If the top and wire sides of the sample cannot be distinguished, such as paper produced by a twin-wire paper machine or coated on both sides, it shall be ensured that the same sides of paper samples are facing up, to ensure that each side of the paper and cardboard can be measured separately. 8 Test steps 8.1 Ensure that the instrument is calibrated in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 40277 and the instrument manufacturer’s instructions. 8.2 Remove the protective sheets on the top and bottom of the sample stack, do not touch the test area with hands, and measure the CIE tristimulus value (or CIELAB value, if the instrument is designed to report the colour space directly) of the first sample according to the operating method of the instrument. Read and record the tristimulus values, and the values shall be accurate to 0.01. 8.3 Remove the uppermost sample and place it under the sample stack to test the value of the next sample. Test the remaining samples in the same way until at least 10 samples have been tested. If necessary, repeat the above procedure to test the other sides of the samples. 9 Result calculation 9.1 CIE tristimulus values If the bandpass of the instrument is equal to or less than 5 nm, the CIE tristimulus value is calculated according to GB/T 3977. In addition, the CIE tristimulus values are calculated according to the corresponding weighting function given by ASTM E308. If the CIE tristimulus value is not directly provided by the instrument, it can be calculated according to the tables given in Appendix A. 9.2 CIELAB coordinates Use the CIE tristimulus values X, Y, and Z to calculate the CIELAB coordinates according to formula (1), formula (2), and formula (3) respectively: where: Xn, Yn, Zn are the tristimulus values of a perfect diffuse reflector at D50/2°. These data are given in Appendix A as “White point” values. If any of X/Xn, Y/Yn, Z/Zn is ≤ (24/116)3, it can be replaced by the following equation: a) If (X/Xn) ≤ (24/116)3, then (X/Xn)1/3 in formula (2) is replaced by (814/108) (X/Xn) + 16/116; b) If (Y/Yn) ≤ (24/116)3, then (Y/Yn)1/3 in formula (1), formula (2), and formula (3) is replaced by (814/108) (Y/Yn) + 16/116; c) If (Z/Zn) ≤ (24/116)3, then (Z/Zn)1/3 in formula (3) is replaced by (814/108) (Z/Zn) + 16/116. Note 1: (24/116)3 ≈ 0.008856. Note 2: (814/108) ≈ 7.787. Note 3: When (Y/Yn) ≤ (24/116)3, formula (1) is replaced by L* = 903.3(Y/Yn). 9.3 Dispersion of results Since the three-dimensional statistical calculation is very complicated, the following simple method is recommended to evaluate the color difference. Calculate the mean < L*>, < a*>, and < b*> of the L*, a*, and b* values. The deviation of each sample from the mean is calculated according to formula (4): where: ΔL*, Δa*, and Δb* --- The difference between the L*, a*, b* of the sample and the corresponding mean < L*>, < a*>, < b*>. Calculate the mean < ΔEab*> of the ΔEab* values to obtain the Mean of “Colors’ Differences from the Mean” (MCDM), which represents the dispersion of the color in the CIELAB colour space, and is expressed by the spatial radius around the mean point. Appendix A (Normative) Spectral characteristics of reflectance photometers for determining CIE tristimulus values A.1 Filter-type reflectance photometer The spectral characteristics of a reflectance photometer consist of a light source, an integrating sphere, glass optics, filters, and a photodetector. When evaluating the sample with the CIE illuminant D50, it shall be ensured that filters are used in conjunction with other optical characteristics of the instrument to give the overall responses that are equivalent to the CIE tristimulus values X, Y, and Z of the CIE 1931 (2°) standard chromaticity system. A.2 Abridged spectrophotometer A.2.1 General rules The measured tristimulus values are obtained by summing the products of the spectral reflectance factors and the weighting functions specified in ASTM E308 for the illuminant C and CIE 1931 (2°) observer. The data for “checksum” and “white point” is given at the bottom of each column in Table A.1, Table A.2, Table A.3, and Table A.4. The “checksum” is the algebraic sum of the items. For convenience, it provides a check value to ensure that the table is copied correctly if it needs to be copied. Due to rounding off, these checksums may not be identical to the “white point” values below them. The values in each column of the table have been rounded to three decimal places. When converting tristimulus values that are calculated by using these tables to CIELAB or CIELUV coordinates, or for any other purpose that requires the ratio of the sample tristimulus value to the “white point”, these “white points”, rather than other data, shall be used as Xn, Yn, Zn. When values at the top or bottom of the range are not available, the following instructions given in ASTM E308 shall be followed. The wavelength range is between 360 nm~780 nm. When β(λ) data are not available over the entire wavelength range, all wavelengths for which data are not available are weighted at the shortest or longest wavelength to make spectral data available, i.e.: a) All wavelengths (360 nm, ...) for which test data are not available are weighted to the next higher weight for which such data are available; b) All wavelengths (…, 780 nm) for which test data are not available are weighted to the next lower weight for which such data are available. In the absence of fluorescence, the spectral radiance factor can be replaced by the spectral reflectance factor, or referred to as the spectral reflectance factor R(λ). A.2.2 Procedure for using data without bandpass correction When the spectral data have not been corrected for bandpass correlation and not been corrected for the case where the bandpass is approximately equal to the test interval, Table A.1 and Table A.2 shall be used; when the test interval of the data is 10 nm, Table A.1 shall be used; when the test interval of the data is 20 nm, Table A.2 shall be used. Table A.1 and Table A.2 apply a correction for the spectral bandpass correlations that are built into the calculation of tristimulus values. A.2.3 Procedure for using data with bandpass correction Tables A.3 and A.4 shall be used when the spectral data have been corrected for bandpass correlation and corrected for the case where the bandpass is approximately equal to the test interval (for example by the instrument manufacturer); when the test interval of the data is of 10 nm, Table A.3 shall be used; when the test interval of the data is 20 nm, Table A.4 shall be used. Note 1: Table A.3 and Table A.4 have been attached to this document to allow for calculations by using instruments that do not require bandpass correction, that is, have been built into the instrument and applied to the reported raw data. Note 2: Raw reflectance data will vary from instruments, which depends on whether they have built-in bandpass correction. However, after proper use of the weighting table, the resulting chromaticity values are nearly identical. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.