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GB/T 37373-2019: PDF in English (GBT 37373-2019)

GB/T 37373-2019 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 03.220.20 R 85 Intelligent transport - Data security service ISSUED ON: MAY 10, 2019 IMPLEMENTED ON: DECEMBER 01, 2019 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 Abbreviations ... 6  5 Security support platform ... 7  6 Data security service ... 8  Annex A (informative) Security support platform of internet of vehicles based on PKI ... 15  Annex B (informative) Certificate authentication system ... 17  Annex C (informative) Authorization management system ... 19  Annex D (informative) Key management system ... 20  Annex E (informative) Security management system ... 22  Bibliography ... 24  Intelligent transport - Data security service 1 Scope This Standard specifies security support platform and data security service of intelligent transport system. This Standard is applicable to intelligent transport system to realize data security service that is based on cryptography. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 20839-2007, Intelligent transport systems - General terminology GB/T 22239-2008, Information security technology - Baseline for classified protection of information system security GB/T 25069-2010, Information security technology - Glossary 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 20839-2007 and GB/T 25069-2010 as well as the followings apply. To facilitate the use, some terms and definitions in GB/T 20839-2007 and GB/T 25069-2010 are repeatedly listed below. 3.1 intelligent transport systems; ITS An integrated transport system that is based on better transportation infrastructure, that effectively and comprehensively applies advanced science and technology (information technology, computer technology, data communication technology, sensor technology, electronic control technology, automatic control theory, operations research, artificial intelligence, etc.) to transportation, service control, and vehicle manufacturing, so as to strengthen the connection between vehicles, roads and users, thus to form a guarantee for safety, efficiency, environment and energy conservation. A mode that provides and manages scalable and elastic shared physical and virtual resource pools through network, in a manner of self-service on demand. NOTE: Resources include servers, operating systems, networks, software, applications, and storage devices. [GB/T 32400-2015, definition 3.2.5] 3.8 data integrity The property that the data has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. [GB/T 25069-2010, definition 2.1.36] 3.9 confidentiality A feature that prevents data from being leaked to or used by unauthorized individuals, entities, processes. [GB/T 25069-2010, definition 2.1.1] 3.10 availability A feature of data and resources that an authorized entity can access and use as needed. [GB/T 25069-2010, definition 2.1.20] 3.11 digital certificate A credible digital file that is digitally signed by a nationally-recognized, authoritative, credible and fair third-party certificate authority (CA). [GB/T 20518-2006, definition 3.7] 3.12 digital signature Data that is attached to the data unit, or cryptographic transformation of data unit. Such data or transformation allows the receiver of the data unit to verify the source and integrity of the data unit and protect data from forgery or repudiation by someone (e.g., recipient). [GB/T 25069-2010, definition] 4 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this document. and defense function to provide security management services for the intelligent transport system, including security policy formulation, security policy distribution, security audit, security resource management, security protection, backup and recovery, emergency handling and disaster recovery. See Annex E for general functional description of the security management system. 6 Data security service 6.1 Identity authentication 6.1.1 Basic requirements Identity authentication mainly includes identification registration and authentication the identity of the device / user. Participating entities for identity authentication generally include: manufacturer, registration agency, CA agency. The manufacturer provides globally unique identification for device. The registration agency issues registration certificate for user/device based on user/device identity. The CA agency certifies validity of certificate and authenticates user/device identity. 6.1.2 Identification The device and the user shall be identified first before accessing to the intelligent transport system. And ensure the uniqueness in its life cycle. The system shall manage and maintain the identification information to ensure that it is not unauthorizedly accessed, modified or deleted, and is associated with security audit. The identification in the intelligent transport system mainly includes device identification and user identification: a) See Figure 1 for device identification method; Identity certificate - Temporary identity that is required to apply for communication in the system; Identity characteristics - Information or biometrics that identify the user. NOTE: The above three parts are bound by the registration entity when the device entity applies for identity. Figure 2 -- User identification 6.1.3 Registration Application for registration The registration authority is responsible to receive the registration request from the device/user and determine if the information provided by the device/user meets the requirements. Its main functions include: a) Information input. Input the device/user application information for registration request, including information required to issue a certificate and information used to verify identity. Convert such information into the information that meets system-specific format requirements and store it in the registry database; b) Information review. Extract the device/user application information for registration request. Review its true identity according to certain rules; c) Qualification issue. When the audit is passed, submit the information required for certificate issuance to the CA. Issue the certificate to the device/user; d) Association binding. Bind the temporary identity information applied by the device/user to its identity; e) Security management. Conduct secure access control to registration agency. Manage and backup the information database. Certificate management Overview After the registration agency reviews the registration application, CA agency shall issue the certificate to the device/user and manage the certificate. Certificate issue After the device/user submits a request to the registration agency and is reviewed, the CA agency shall determine if a certificate request from the device/user is accepted. Verify if the application information of the device/user authenticate before connecting it to the system, so as to prevent illegal access to the device; d) It shall provide the function to authenticate failure. It may end the session, limit the number of illegal logins, log out automatically or other measures. 6.1.5 Concealing The intelligent transport system shall realize privacy protection function for the device/user. Under the premise of confirming its identity, use back-end support technology to ensure that the temporary identity of the device/user is untraceable. 6.2 Authorization management 6.2.1 Basic requirements The intelligent transport system shall realize the authorization management service on the basis of meeting the security requirements of identify authentication and authorization certificate. When the device/user applies for an authorization certificate, it shall present its registration certificate to the authorization agency. When requesting access to a specific resource, a valid authorization certificate shall be provided to the management system that owns the resource. Basic requirements for authorization management include: a) Access control policy shall be configured by the authorization agency. It shall control the device/user’s access to resources according to the security policy; b) The coverage of authorization management shall include the subject, the object and the operation between them related to the resource access; c) It shall have the ability to set sensitive tags for important information resources. It shall strictly control the operation of the device/user to the important information resources that have sensitive tags. 6.2.2 Acquisition of authorization certificate The device/user applies for and downloads an authorization certificate from one or more authorized authorities. The basic process to obtain an authorization certificate includes: requesting authorization, verifying the certificate, and obtaining authorization. 6.2.3 Update of authorization certificate processing and interaction, mainly including data integrity, confidentiality, availability protection. It may use the verification value to realize data integrity protection. It can use cryptography to realize data privacy protection. 6.4.2 Integrity protection It can use additional message authentication code or digital signature to realize the integrity protection of data transmission. 6.4.3 Privacy protection It shall use cryptography to realize the confidentiality of system management data, authentication information and important business data transmission. 6.4.4 Availability protection It shall use cryptography to guarantee that authorized users or entities can use and access data or resources when needed. 6.5 Liability determination The intelligent transport system shall conduct liability determination and evidence management on the operation behavior of device/user in the system. Usually, it uses the digital signature technology that is based on digital certificate to ensure that the subject of sending data can obtain the evidence that the data is received during the data exchange. This evidence can be verified by the subject or a third party. 6.6 Security management The intelligent transport system shall provide security management functions such as security policy management, log management and core system security defense, backup recovery, emergency response and disaster recovery for identity management, resource management, audit management, authorization management, key management and security services supported by them, which can be configured according to 7.2 in GB/T 22239-2008. Annex D (informative) Key management system The key management system shall have key management functions such as key generation, key storage, access control, key invocation, key backup migration, and key destruction. According to the use scope of the key, the key in the intelligent transport system can be classified into four categories: a) System identity key: the kay related to identity. The identity key is used to digitally sign the information inside the cryptographic module, so as to realize the identify identification between identity subject communication; b) System data key: is paired with authentication key to form a double key (that is, double certificate). Encrypt data between communicating entities to ensure confidentiality; c) System storage key: encrypt and store keys; d) User key: is used to realize the password functions required by user, for example, confidentiality, integrity protection and authentication during downloading entertainment services, shopping. The key system of the intelligent transport system uses three types of algorithms - symmetric cryptographic algorithm, asymmetric cryptographic algorithm, and data digest algorithm - to implement various functions related to cryptographic services. The symmetric cryptographic algorithm is for data encryption / decryption and message authentication. The asymmetric cryptographic algorithm is for signing / verifying and key exchange. The data digest algorithm is for digest operation of the message to be signed. The cryptographic algorithm requirements used by the system are as follows: a) Symmetric key cryptography algorithm: adopt symmetric cryptographic algorithm approved for use by national cryptographic authorities; b) Asymmetric key cryptography algorithm: adopt asymmetric key cryptographic algorithm approved for use by national cryptographic authorities; c) Data digest algorithm: adopt data digest algorithm approved for use by national cryptographic authorities. During the process of the data digest ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.