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Test method of mercury removal rate for activated carbon mercury removal catalyst
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GB/T 37355-2019: PDF in English (GBT 37355-2019) GB/T 37355-2019
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G 74
Test method of mercury removal rate for activated
carbon mercury removal catalyst
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Principle ... 4
4 Test devices ... 4
5 Samples ... 6
6 Test steps ... 6
7 Test data processing ... 8
Annex A (normative) Determination of compact density of catalyst specimen . 9
Annex B (normative) Flow correction of rotameter ... 10
Test method of mercury removal rate for activated
carbon mercury removal catalyst
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the test method of mercury removal rate for activated
carbon mercury removal catalyst.
This Standard is applicable to activated carbon mercury removal catalyst that
takes activated carbon as carrier; elemental sulfur, sulfide and metal oxide as
active components, that is mainly used for removing mercury from natural gas,
synthesis gas, refinery gas and industrial tail gas.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 6003.1, Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test
sieves of metal wire cloth
GB/T 6679, General rules for sampling solid chemical products
GB/T 16781.1, Natural gas - Determination of mercury - Part 1: Sampling of
mercury by chemisorption on iodine
3 Principle
Trace mercury in feed gas under the action of catalyst, due to physical
adsorption and chemical reaction, is removed. Through the determination of the
mass concentration of mercury at the inlet and outlet of the reactor, calculate
the mercury capacity of the catalyst, so as to characterize the mercury removal
rate of the catalyst.
4 Test devices
4.1 Devices
to make the test material filled tight, uniform and flat. Then put on a glass cloth.
Use quartz sand to fill to a position that is about 5mm from the inlet cross section
of the reaction tube. Connect the reaction tube into the system.
6.3 System leakage test
Close all outlet and vent valves of the system. Make access to nitrogen. Boost
the system to 0.1MPa. Close the system inlet valve. Use soap water to check
the connection of each joint to test leakage. After the leakage test meets the
requirements, open the system outlet valve to vent to reduce the system
pressure to atmospheric pressure.
6.4 Absorption of mercury
Raise the temperature of the water bath to 35°C. Maintain the temperature
constant. Make the system access to nitrogen. Control and adjust the system
pressure as constant pressure, reactor temperature as 25°C and volumetric
space velocity as 10000h-1 (see Annex B for gas-related flow correction).
Meanwhile, record the initial reading of the wet gas flowmeter. After several
hours (depending on the removal rate of mercury removal catalyst), start
determining the mass concentration of mercury in the inlet and outlet of the
reactor, once every 2h. When the mercury concentration in the exhaust gas is
found to increase, determine once every 30min. When the mass concentration
of mercury exceeds 100μg/m3, it shall immediately and continuously determine
twice. If the determination result still exceeds 100μg/m3, it shall immediately
turn off the mercury generator. At the same time, record the end reading of the
wet gas flowmeter.
6.5 Determination of mercury mass concentration
6.5.1 Mass concentration of inlet mercury
Take an absorption bottle that is filled with 30mL of potassium permanganate-
sulfuric acid solution (one volume of 40g/L potassium permanganate, one
volume of 1+1 sulfuric acid solution and two volumes of water) to absorb 100mL
of inlet gas. Measure 2.00mL of absorption fluid and move to a 100mL
volumetric flask. Set constant volume and shake well. Then, according to the
provisions of GB/T 16781.1, use atomic absorption spectroscopy to determine
the mercury mass concentration.
6.5.2 Mass concentration of outlet mercury
Take an absorption bottle that is filled with 30mL of potassium permanganate-
sulfuric acid solution (one volume of 40g/L potassium permanganate, one
volume of 1+1 sulfuric acid solution and two volumes of water) to absorb
300mLof outlet gas. Measure 10.00mL of absorption fluid and move to a 100mL
volumetric flask. Set constant volume and shake well. Then, according to the
Annex A
Determination of compact density of catalyst specimen
A.1 Specimen accumulation
Divide an appropriate amount of specimen (see 5.2) into several portions. Add
25mL into a measuring cylinder in sequence. In each addition, it needs to shake
the cylinder up and down several times until the position of the specimen in the
measuring cylinder does not change to compaction. Repeat the operation till
the compacted sample volume is 10mL.
A.2 Weighing of specimen
Weigh the mass of 10mL of compacted specimen (see A.1), to the nearest of
A.3 Calculation of compact density
The compact density ρ, in grams per milliliter (g/mL), is calculated according to
formula (A.1):
m2 - Values of mass of 25mL measuring cylinder and mass of 10mL of specimen,
in grams (g);
m1 - Value of mass of 25mL measuring cylinder, in grams (g);
V - Value of specimen’s volume, in milliliters (mL).
Calculation results are retained to two digits after the decimal point. Take the
arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement
results. The relative error of parallel determination results shall not be greater
than 2.0%.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.