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GB/T 36400-2018: PDF in English (GBT 36400-2018)

GB/T 36400-2018 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 81.040 Q 33 Standard terminology of decorative glass ISSUED ON. JUNE 7, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 1, 2019 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Sand blasting glass ... 4  3 Chemical etching glass ... 5  4 Laser etching ... 6  5 Colored drawing glass ... 7  6 Glued decorative glass ... 8  7 Lamp glassware ... 8  8 Melt glass ... 10  9 Casting glass ... 10  10 Other architectural decorative glass ... 11  Index ... 12  Standard terminology of decorative glass 1 Scope This Standard defines general terminologies and product types of architectural decorative glass, and terminologies and definitions related to the production process. This Standard applies to the design, production, and application of architectural decorative glass. 2 Sand blasting glass 2.1 Sand blasting glass MIX the abrasive with compressed air and SPRAY onto a glass surface, to cause the glass to be roughened and cracked, and to form a planar or concave- convex glass product. 2.2 Sand blasting method A process in which a glass surface is sandblasted to make it a uniform, full- faced matte glass. 2.3 Spray method A process in which a protective film is pasted on a glass surface, the pattern is depicted, the contours of the pattern are cut with a burin (or cut by a computer engraving machine), the protective film in the part which needs to be sandblasted and etched is removed, and then the glass is put into the sandblasting cabinet for uniform sand blasting. 2.4 Engraving method A process in which a glass surface is engraved by sand blasting. 2.5 Shadow method A method in which a pattern is showed by the degree and depth of sand blasting marks on glass surface. 2.6 Texture method 4.9 Hollow-cutting HOLLOW out the glass base plate and the scene behind the relief can be seen from the front through the hollow, one of the cameo processes. 4.10 Cut glass Glass products with patterns or designs formed by grinding and polishing using various grinding tools. 5 Colored drawing glass 5.1 Colored drawing glass (pattern glass) A glass product with patterns on its surface drawn by means of pigment spray- painting, hand-painting, printing, transfer, etc. 5.2 Carving and painting PASTE a protective film on sand blasting glass; according to the outline of the pattern, USE a carving knife to cut; and then according to the color of the pattern, PERFORM painting and coloring. 5.3 Lines colored drawing (pattern) A process in which the embossed painting process in lacquer art is used to make lines on glossy glass and then fill with colors. 5.4 Glass stickers A product formed by attaching a painting or decorative material to a glass surface. 5.5 Color printing A process in which pictures, text, and photo information are transferred onto a glass surface by printing form. 5.6 Seal printing A method in which a rubber seal is used and etching cream or ink is used as inkpad to print patterns on a glass surface. 5.7 Offset printing An indirect printing method in which a rubber roller is used to transfer-print the plate pattern and text onto a glass surface. Example. If the milky white material plus the red material is stirred, it becomes pink. 7.3 Stripe stir HEAT the glass rods of several different colors in different proportions by burner flame, and then unevenly STIR, to form stripe between two or more colors. Example. If a small quantity of red rods, orange rods, and milky white rods are melted, softened, and stirred, glass with red, orange, and white stripes can be made. 7.4 Tinted glass HEAT and MELT glass tubes (rods) of two different colors and put together, then to PROCESS, a tinted effect can be realized. 7.5 Color points PASTE glass blocks of one or more colors on a heated formed white product and ENGRAVE it into a design pattern. 7.6 Winding filaments WIND glass filaments of different colors in a certain direction and regularity on a formed glass product, to form patterns and textures. 7.7 Lamp blown glass HEAT and MELT a glass tube (rod) by burner heating, and USE a thermoplastic and blowing method to stretch, bend the glass tube and blow-produce an expanded shape, to make it a decorative glass product. 7.8 Buttons pattern A button-shaped product formed through a special operating method by heating a glass rod. 7.9 Flowers pattern A flower-shaped product formed through a special operating method by heating a glass rod. 7.10 Mushroom pattern A mushroom-shaped product formed through a special operating method by heating a glass rod. 7.11 Earthworm pattern A model casting method, that is, USE lost wax method to make glass model [Translator note. There is additional 1 name in Chinese]. 10 Other architectural decorative glass 10.1 Aventurine glass An opacified or partially transparent glass product which contains crystalline particles and produces point-like metal reflecting luminance under light. 10.2 Crystal glass A glass which has higher transparency, whiteness, gloss, and uniformity of melting than ordinary ware glass [Translator note. There is additional 1 name in Chinese]. 10.3 Ice glass APPLY special glue solution on the surface of frosted glass; DRY, BURST, and PEEL off, to form a glass product with patterns similar to ice flowers on its surface. 10.4 Blow molded glass USE a metal blowpipe to draw molten glass frit to make various hollow glass products. 10.5 Silicone coated glass APPLY silicone coating on a glass surface by spraying, roller coating, printing, hand-painting, etc., to form a coated glass product with decorative and protective effects. 10.6 Glass mosaic A small size colored decorative finish glass. It is also known as mosaic glass or glass mosaic tile. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.