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GB/T 34506-2017 (GB/T 34506-2023 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 34506-2023English269 Add to Cart 3 days High strength and toughness Al-Zn-Mg-Cu series aluminium alloy extrusion products Valid
GB/T 34506-2017English150 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Aluminum alloys extruded profiles, bars, rods and tubes from spray-formed billet Obsolete
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GB/T 34506-2017: PDF in English (GBT 34506-2017)

GB/T 34506-2017 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.10 H 61 Aluminum Alloys Extruded Profiles, Bars, Rods and Tubes from Spray-Formed Billet ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 14, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 01, 2018 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative References ... 4 3 Requirements ... 5 4 Test Methods ... 12 5 Inspection Rules ... 14 6 Marking, Package, Transportation and Storage ... 17 7 Ordering List (or Contract) Contents ... 20 Aluminum Alloys Extruded Profiles, Bars, Rods and Tubes from Spray-Formed Billet 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, package, transportation, storage and quality certificate, and ordering list (or contract) contents of aluminum alloys extruded profiles, bars, rods and tubes from spray-formed billet. This Standard is applicable to the aluminum alloys extruded profiles, bars, rods and tubes from spray-formed billet. 2 Normative References The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 3190 Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys-Chemical Composition Limits GB/T 3191 Extrusion Rods and Bars of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy GB/T 3199 Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Products-Packing, Marking, Transporting and Storing GB/T 3246.1 Inspection Method for Structure of Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Products Part 1: Inspection Method for Microstructure GB/T 3246.2 Inspection Method for Structure of Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Products - Part 2: Inspection Method for Macrostructure GB/T 4436 Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Tubes― Dimensions and Deviations GB/T 6519 Ultrasonic Testing Method for Products of Wrought Aluminum Alloy GB/T 7999 Standard Method for Direct Reading Spectrometric Analysis of Aluminum and Its Alloys GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgement of Limiting Values GB/T 12966 The Method for Determining Aluminum Alloys Conductivity Using Eddy Current GB/T 14846 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Extruded Profiles -- Tolerances on Dimensions and Form GB/T 16865 Test Pieces for Tensile Test for Wrought Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Products GB/T 17432 Methods of Sampling for Analyzing the Chemical Composition of Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy GB/T 20975 (all parts) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys GB/T 22639 Test Method of Exfoliation Corrosion for Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys GB/T 33911-2017 4××× Aluminum Alloy Columniform Ingots YS/T 845 Aluminum Alloy Round Billets by Spray Forming 3 Requirements 3.1 Product classification 3.1.1 Grade, state and size specification The grade, state and size specification of the product shall conform to the provisions of Table 1. 3.9 Microstructure The microstructure is not allowed to have overfiring. 3.10 Ultrasonic flaw detection performance When there are requirements for the ultrasonic flaw detection performance of the product, it shall be negotiated between the supplier and the purchaser, and indicated in the ordering list (or contract) for the ultrasonic inspection and inspection level. 3.11 Appearance quality 3.11.1 Profiles No cracks, corrosion or non-metallic indentations are allowed on the surface of the profiles. The surface of the profile is not allowed to have the peelings, pits, indentations, bubbles, bumps with depth greater than the negative deviation of the wall-thickness, or scratches, surface roughness or individual abrasion with depth exceeding half negative deviation of the wall-thickness. Within any length of 1m of the profile, the total area of the defects shall not exceed 4% surface area of the profile. The supplier is allowed to trim the surface defects of the profile in a longitudinal direction until it becomes smooth. The trimming treatment shall not cause the wall thickness to exceed the allowable range. 3.11.2 Rods The rod surface is not allowed to have cracks, bubbles, and corrosive spots. The depth of the defects such as peelings, pits, craters, bubbles, abrasions, bumps, straightening marks, etc. on the rods surface is not allowed to exceed the negative deviation of the diameter. The defects on the rods surface are allowed to be ground; but the minimum diameter of the rod shall be guaranteed. 3.11.3 Tubes The surface of the tube shall be smooth, no cracks, bubbles or corrosive spots are allowed. The depth of the defects such as peelings, bubbles, abrasions, scratches, bumps, pits, dents, etc. on the surface of the tubes shall not be allowed to exceed the permissible deviation range of the inner and outer diameters of the tubes. The surface of the tube is allowed to have defects such as extrusion flow pattern, oxidation color caused by the mold. The surface of the tube is allowed to have straightening spiral marks that do not affect eh outer diameter size; but the dept shall not exceed 0.5mm. 4 Test Methods 4.1 Chemical composition 4.1.1 The analysis method of the chemical composition shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 20975 or GB/T 7999; while the arbitration analysis shall adopt the method specified in GB/T 20975. 4.1.2 Only perform the routine chemical analysis on the elements with specified values beyond the columns “Al” and “other” with corresponding grades in Table 2 and GB/T 3190. When the mass fraction of the unconventional analytical elements is suspected to exceed the limit of this Standard, the manufacturer shall analyze these elements. 4.1.3 The judgment of the analytical value is based on the round-off comparison method; the numerical rounding-off shall be performed as per the provisions of GB/T 8170. The rounding-off digits shall be consistent with the limit digits specified in Table 2 or GB/T 3190. 4.2 Size deviation 4.2.1 Size deviation of profiles When measuring the plane clearance of the profiles, firstly, place the profile on the platform. When the profile becomes stable by its own weight, measure the maximum clearance (F1) between the profile pane and the ruler by 100mm-long ruler (or knife flat ruler), as shown in Figure 1; such value (F1) is the plane clearance of any 100mm-wide of the profile. Place the ruler (or knife flat ruler) with length greater than the width of the profile along the width direction against the concave surface of the profile; measure the maximum clearance (F) between the ruler and the profile. Or place the concave surface of the profile on the platform; measure the maximum clearance (F) between the profile and the platform along the width direction; as shown in Figure 1. Such value (F) is the plane clearance of the profile over the entire width. 4.5 Exfoliation corrosion performance The test method for exfoliation corrosion performance shall be carried out as per the provisions of GB/T 22639. 4.6 Macrostructure The test method for macrostructure shall be carried out as per the provisions of GB/T 3246.2. 4.7 Microstructure The test method for microstructure shall be carried out as per the provisions of GB/T 3246.1. 4.8 Ultrasonic inspection The ultrasonic inspection method shall be carried out as per the provisions of GB/T 6519. 4.9 Appearance quality Under natural scattered light, visually examine the appearance quality. If necessary, the size of the defects shall be defined by a dimensional measurement tool; the depth of the defect can be determined by grinding. 5 Inspection Rules 5.1 Inspection and acceptance 5.1.1 The product shall be inspected by the supplier, ensure that the product quality complies with the provisions of this Standard and ordering list (or contract); and fill in the quality certificate. 5.1.2 The purchaser shall inspection the received products as per the provisions of this Standard. When the inspection result is inconsistent with the provisions of this Standard and ordering list (or contract), it shall be submitted to the supplier in written form, and settled through negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser. If it is the objections on the appearance quality and size deviation, it shall be submitted within 1 month from the date of receipt of the product. If it is the objections on other performances, it shall be submitted within 3 months from the date of receipt of the product. If arbitration is required, it may be entrusted to the organization approved by the supplier and the purchaser, and sample shall be jointly taken from the purchaser. 5.2 Batching inspection. 5.6.4 If the conductivity of any sample is unqualified, then such batch of products is judged as unqualified. If the exfoliation corrosion performance of such batch of products is qualified, then conductivity shall not serve as the basis for rejection; and such batch of products is judged as qualified. 5.6.5 If the exfoliation corrosion performance of any sample is unqualified, then such batch of products is judged as unqualified. 5.6.6 When the macrostructure of any sample is unqualified, the judgement is as follows: a) If the products are unqualified due to the metallurgical defects such as cracks, pores, bright grains, non-metallic inclusions, foreign metal inclusions, and oxide film, then such batch of products is judged as unqualified. b) When products are unqualified due to finished layer, shrinkage tail, coarse grain ring, reinspection is allowed to be performed on the extrusion tail ends of the product until it is qualified. Other products in such batch shall serve as the tested products, which shall be cut the tail for maximum length as per the above defect distribution, or inspect one by one, the qualified can be delivered. c) If products are unqualified due to weld-seam of the hollow profiles, reinspection is allowed to be performed on the hollow profile cutting a section of extrusion front end until it is qualified. Other products in such batch shall serve as the tested products, which shall be cut the head for maximum length as per the above defect distribution, or inspect one by one, the qualified can be delivered. 5.6.7 If the microstructure of any sample is unqualified, then such batch of products is judged as unqualified. 5.6.8 If the ultrasonic flow detection results of any sample is unqualified, then such piece of product is judged as unqualified. 5.6.9 If the appearance quality of any sample is unqualified, then such piece of product is judged as unqualified. 6 Marking, Package, Transportation and Storage 6.1 Marking 6.1.1 Product marking Marking of profiles The marking of packaging box of the products shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 3199. 6.2 Package 6.2.1 Package of profiles The profiles shall not be oiled, and packed in the packaging box lined with packaging materials; each box weight shall not exceed 1000kg. If oiling or other special requirements are required, it shall be negotiated between the supplier and the purchaser, and indicated in the ordering list (or contract). Other requirements shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 3199. 6.2.2 Package of rods The rods shall not be oiled, the rods with diameter less than 50.00mm shall be packed in the packaging box lined with packaging materials; each box weight shall not exceed 1000kg. Other rods shall be bundled in bare parts. If oiling or other special requirements are required, it shall be negotiated between the supplier and the purchaser, and indicated in the ordering list (or contract). Other requirements shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 3199. 6.2.3 Package of tubes The tubes shall not be oiled, the tubes with diameter less than or equal to 50.00mm, or dimeter greater than 50.00mm and wall-thickness less than 7.00mm shall be packed in the packaging box lined with packaging materials; each box weight shall not exceed 1000kg. Other tubes shall be bundled in bare parts. If oiling or other special requirements are required, it shall be negotiated between the supplier and the purchaser, and indicated in the ordering list (or contract). Other requirements shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 3199. 6.3 Transportation and storage The transportation and storage of the products shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 3199. 6.4 Quality certificate Each batch of products shall be attached with product quality certificate, where the following contents shall be indicated: a) Supplier name; b) Product name; c) Grade, state and size specification (or cross-section code); ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.