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GB/T 25307-2010 PDF English

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GB/T 25307-2010: PDF in English (GBT 25307-2010)

GB/T 25307-2010 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 29.130.10 K 43 High-voltage direct current by-pass switches 高压直流旁路开关 ISSUED ON. NOVEMBER 10, 2010 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 1, 2011 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration Committee. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Normal and special conditions of use ... 7  5 Rated values ... 7  6 Design and structure ... 11  7 Type test ... 15  8 Routine tests ... 24  9 Field test ... 25  10 Information provided with inquiry, tender and order ... 27  11 Transport, storage, installation, operation and maintenance rules ... 30  12 Safety ... 31  Annex A (Informative) DC system overload current ... 32  Annex B (Informative) Selection guide for bypass switch operation ... 34  Foreword The structure of this Standard is based on GB/T 1.1. This Standard was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on High-voltage Switchgear of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 65). Main drafting organizations of this Standard. China Southern Power Grid Technology Research Center, Xi'an Institute of High Voltage Electrical Appliances. The drafting organizations of this Standard. Machinery Industry Beijing Institute of Electrical Technology and Economy, Xi'an West High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd., Henan Ping High Electrical Co., Ltd., New Northeast Electric (Shenyang) High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard. Li Binbin, Wang Qi, Zhu Jing, Wang Tianxiang, Rao Hong, Yan Guanxing. The drafters of this Standard. Gou Ruifeng, Tian Enwen, Huang Ying, Guo Liping, You Yimin, Gao Wen, Tian Enwen, Yang Xiaohui, Du Haiyan, Wang Yuchi, Xu Guanghui, Wang Xuefan, Li Fucheng, Zhang Wanrong, Zhang Hualiang, Cheng Xiaoxun, Wang Jing. High-voltage direct current by-pass switches 1 Scope This Standard specifies the rated values, design and structure, test of high-voltage direct current by-pass switches. This Standard applies to the high-voltage direct current by-pass switches installed indoors or outdoors, operating at a voltage level of ± 800kV and below. This Standard is also applicable to actuators and auxiliary equipment of by-pass switches. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB 1984-2003, High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers (IEC 62271-100.2001, MOD) GB/T 2900.20-1994, Electrotechnical terminology High-voltage switchgear (neq IEC 60050 (441), IEC 60056, etc.) GB 3906-2006, Alternating-current metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 3.6 kV and up to and including 40.5 kV (IEC 62271-200.2003, MOD) GB/T 5273-1985, Terminals for transformers, high-voltage apparatus and bushings (neq IEC 60518.1975) GB/T 11022-1999, Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standard (eqv IEC 60694.1996) GB/T 12022-2006, Sulphur hexafluoride for industrial use (IEC 60376.1971, IEC 60376A.1973, IEC 60376B.1974, MOD) GB/T 13498-2007, Terminology for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission (IEC 60633.1998, IDT) 3.15 insulation level [GB/T 1984-2003, definition 3.7.154] 3.16 direct current withstand voltage when the test is carried out under the specified conditions and the prescribed time, the DC voltage to which the bypass switch can withstand 3.17 impulse withstand voltage [GB/T 1984-2003, definition 3.7.156] 3.18 short-time withstand current [GB/T 1984-2003, definition 3.7.121] 3.19 peak withstand current [GB/T 1984-2003, definition 3.7.122] 3.20 DC transfer current through the cooperation of converter bridge trigger angle, bypass switches, etc., the direct current transferred by the bypass switch to the converter bridge 3.21 short-time DC current under specified conditions of use and performance, the direct current to which the main circuit of by-pass switch can withstand within 30min 4 Normal and special conditions of use Clause 2 of GB/T 11022-1999 is applicable and supplemented as follows. For equipment installed at an altitude higher than 1000 m, the rated insulation level of the external insulation shall be corrected according to 5.1 of GB/T 20635-2006. 5 Rated values The characteristics used to determine the rated values of the by-pass switch, its actuator and auxiliary equipment are as follows. The rated characteristics shall be given for all by-pass switches. 5.9 Rated pressure of compressed air source for insulation, operation and/or transfer of DC current 4.10 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 5.10 Rated DC transfer current The rated DC transfer current of bypass switch is equal to the rated short-time DC current. 5.11 Transient recovery voltage (TRV) related to rated DC transfer current According to 5.10, the transient recovery voltage associated with the rated DC transfer current is a reference voltage. It constitutes the limit value of the expected transient recovery voltage of the circuit to be tolerated by the by-pass switch during transfer DC operation. 5.12 Rated closing current The by-pass switch's rated closing current is equal to the rated short-time DC current. 5.13 Rating operation sequence The rating operation sequence of by-pass switch is related to the rating characteristics. The rating operation sequence of by-pass switch is as follow. Closing-t1-openning-t2-cloding-t1-opening, in which. t1≤0.06s, t2< 15s. 5.14 Rated time parameters It shall specify rated values for the following time parameters. - opening time (empty loaded); - break time; - closing time (empty loaded); - opening-closing time (empty loaded); - reclosing time (empty loaded); - closing-opening time (empty loaded). The rated time parameters are based on. 6.10 Interlocking device 5.11 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 6.11 Location instructions 5.12 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 6.12 Protection rating of enclosure 5.13 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 6.13 Creepage distance According to by-pass switch used pillar insulator antifouling performance and withstand mechanical requirements, insulators can be divided into porcelain insulator, ceramic surface coating insulator and composite insulator. Valve room equipment recommended creepage ratio is 14 mm/kV. Indoor DC switching field recommended creepage distance is 25 mm/kV. Outdoor insulator shall be determined according to the insulator umbrella, converter station contamination conditions and the insulator material. 6.14 Gas and vacuum sealing 5.15 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 6.15 Liquid sealing 5.16 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 6.16 Flammability 5.17 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 6.17 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 5.18 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 6.18 Dispersion requirements for opening operation Opening time dispersion shall be less than 2 ms. 6.19 General requirements for operation The bypass switch and its actuator shall be capable of completing its rated operating sequence within the entire ambient temperature range of the temperature class specified in Clause 2 of GB/T 11022-1999. 6.1.2 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 7.1.3 Information contained in type test report 6.1.3 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 7.2 Insulation test 7.2.1 Atmospheric conditions for test 6.2.1 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 7.2.2 Wet test program The by-pass switch installed outdoors shall withstand the wet endurance test under the standard wet test procedure specified in GB/T 16927.1. 7.2.3 By-pass switch state in insulation test 6.2.3 of GB/T 11022-1999 applies. 7.2.4 Criteria for passing test a) DC voltage withstand test If no destructive discharge occurs, the by-pass switch shall be considered to have passed the test. During wet test, if a destructive discharge occurs on the external self-restoring insulation, the test shall be repeated under the same test conditions. If no destructive discharges occur again, the by-pass switch shall be considered successfully passed the test. b) Impact test Each test condition and each polarity shall be applied continuously 15 rated lightning impulses withstand voltage or rated oper... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.