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GB/T 24825-2022 PDF English

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GB/T 24825-2022English230 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. DC or AC supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules -- Performance specifications Valid
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GB/T 24825-2022: PDF in English (GBT 24825-2022)

GB/T 24825-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 29.140.99 CCS K 74 Replacing GB/T 24825-2009 DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance specifications (IEC 62384:2020, DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance requirements, MOD) ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 12, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 01, 2023 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 6 4 General notes on tests ... 6 5 Classification ... 7 6 Marking ... 8 7 Output voltage and current ... 9 8 Total circuit power ... 10 9 Circuit power factor ... 10 10 Supply current ... 11 11 Operational tests for abnormal conditions ... 11 12 Durability ... 11 13 Energy efficiency grades ... 12 Appendix A (Normative) Test ... 14 Appendix B (Informative) Guidance on assessing product life and failure rate ... 18 References ... 19 DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance specifications 1 Scope This document specifies the performance requirements for the electronic control gear using a DC power supply below 1 000 V and an AC power supply of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, whose output frequency is different from the power supply frequency. This control gear works with the LED modules specified in GB 24819. The LED control gear specified in this document is designed to provide a constant voltage or current. This document also covers types that do not comply with pure voltage and current. This document applies to the electronic control gear for LED modules with a DC power supply below 1 000 V and an AC power supply of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Note 1: The tests in this document are type tests. Test requirements for individual control gears during production are not included. Note 2: The requirement for a control gear equipped with a device capable of changing the output power is still under study. Note 3: It can be expected that, as long as the LED module manufacturer’s product specifications are considered, the control gear in accordance with this document can guarantee normal operation between 92% and 106% of the rated supply voltage. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB 19510.1, Lamp control gear - Part 1: General and safety requirements (GB 19510.1-2009, IEC 61347-1:2007, IDT) GB 19510.14, Lamp controlgear - Part 14: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules (GB 19510.14-2009, IEC 61347- 2-13:2006, IDT) 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB 19510.1 and the following apply. 3.1 Total circuit power The total power consumed by the control gear and the LED module together at the rated supply voltage of the control gear and the rated maximum output load. 3.2 Circuit power factor The ratio of the measured power of the circuit to the product of the supply voltage (rms) and the supply current (rms). 3.3 Controlgear for LED module circuitry with high input capacitance Control gear suitable for high capacitance LED modules connected directly or indirectly to the input terminals. Note 1: Examples are LED modules with switch-mode power conversion circuit, such as boost-buck converter. Note 2: Normally, capacitance over 100 nF are considered high capacitance. 3.4 Controlgear for LED module circuitry with low input capacitance Control gear suitable for low capacitance or no capacitance LED modules connected directly or indirectly to the input terminals. Note 1: Examples are LED modules with only LEDs or with logic circuits for thermal protection, but not directly modifying the power provided by the control gear, or linear voltage regulators. Note 2: Normally, capacitance of 100 nF and below are considered low capacitance. 4 General notes on tests 4.1 The tests specified in this document are all type tests. The requirements and tolerances stated in this document are based on tests performed on type test samples submitted by the manufacturer for this purpose. Such type test samples shall generally have the typical characteristics of the manufacturer’s product and shall be as close as possible to the center point value of the product. According to the output voltage, it is divided into: a) control gear with a stable output voltage; b) control gear without a stable output voltage. 5.3 Classification according to output current According to the output current, it is divided into: a) control gear with a stable output current; b) control gear without a stable output current. 5.4 Classification according to output isolation According to the output isolation, it is divided into: a) isolated output control gear; b) self-coupling control gear (i.e., non-isolated output control gear). 6 Marking 6.1 Mandatory marking 6.1.1 The control gear shall be clearly marked with the following: Circuit power factor, for example: λ = 0.9. For control gear where the power factor is not constant over the rated output range and/or has a supply voltage range, the power factor may vary for different combinations of supply voltage and output power. In this case, the range of power factor, for example λ = 0.8 ~ 0.9, shall be indicated on the control gear. If the power factor is less than 0.95 leading, the letter C shall be added after it, for example λ = 0.9C. 6.1.2 In addition to the above mandatory markings, the following information shall also be marked on the control device or indicated in the manufacturer’s catalog or similar documents: a) the allowable temperature range, if applicable; b) an indication that the control gear has a stable output voltage, if applicable; c) an indication that the control gear has a stable output current, if applicable; d) an indication that the control gear is suitable for use with the mains dimmer, if applicable; e) a statement of the mode of operation, e.g., phase control, if applicable; f) Prated_min, the rated minimum output power of the control gear for normal operation, if applicable. Note: Prated_min can be a marking with Prated, e.g., Prated = 20 W, ..., 60 W. 6.2 Optional marking The following shall be declared in the control gear or the manufacturer’s catalog or the like: a) total circuit power; b) if applicable, a statement of the short-circuit protection of the control gear (symbol under consideration). 7 Output voltage and current 7.1 Starting and connecting requirements After starting or connecting to an LED module, the output shall be within 110% of the rated value within 2 s. The maximum current or maximum voltage shall not exceed the manufacturer’s given value. This performance is tested at minimum rated power. Note: If the output voltage is AC, 110% is the percentage of effective value, if it is DC, 110% is the percentage of DC value. 7.2 Voltage and current during operation For a control gear with an unsteady output voltage, under the rated power supply voltage, the deviation between the output voltage and the rated voltage of the LED module shall not exceed ±10%; for a control gear with a stable output voltage, when the power supply voltage is any value between 92% and 106% of the rated power supply voltage, the deviation between the output voltage and the rated voltage of the LED module shall not exceed ±10%. For a control gear with an unsteady output current, under the rated power supply voltage, the deviation between the output current and the rated current of the LED module shall not exceed ±10%; for a control gear with a stable output current, when the power supply voltage is any value between 92% and 106% of the rated power supply voltage, the deviation between the output current and the rated current of the LED module shall not exceed ±10%. For control gear with supply voltage ranges, the test shall be performed with the combination of supply voltage ranges and output power ranges that provide the lowest and highest power factor (e.g., minimum supply voltage, maximum rated output power and maximum supply voltage, minimum rated output power). The measured power factors shall not be less than the lowest and highest marked values by more than 0.05, respectively. 10 Supply current When the control gear and the rated power LED module work at the rated voltage, the deviation of the power supply current from the value marked on the control gear or declared by the manufacturer’s product catalog shall not exceed 10%. 11 Operational tests for abnormal conditions The control gear shall not be damaged under the following conditions. a) Test without LED module installed Supply the control gear with the rated voltage for 1 h without the LED module installed; at the end of the test, connect the LED module, and the LED module shall be able to work normally. b) Test for reduced LED module resistance Still under study. c) Tests for short-circuit resistant control gears Short-circuit the control gear for 1 h. The above 1 h test shall also be completed when the thermal protection device operates. After the test is completed and the protective device is reset, the control gear shall be able to work normally. 12 Durability 12.1 The control gear shall be subjected to the following temperature cycling shock test and supply voltage switching test. a) Temperature cycling shock test First place the unpowered control gear at a temperature of -10 °C, or if the control gear is marked with a lower temperature value, at that value, for 1 h. Then, move Appendix A (Normative) Test A.1 General requirements A.1.1 General All tests are type tests. A single sample shall be subjected to all tests (except Chapter 13). A.1.2 Ambient temperature The test shall be carried out in a room without convective wind and at an ambient temperature of 20 °C ~ 27 °C. A.1.3 Supply voltage and frequency A.1.3.1 Test voltage and frequency The control gear under test shall operate at rated supply voltage and frequency, unless otherwise specified. When the used power supply voltage range is marked on the control gear or it has different independent rated power supply voltages, any intended voltage can be selected as the rated voltage. A.1.3.2 Stability of supply voltage and frequency During the test, the supply voltage and frequency shall remain stable, and its variation shall not exceed ±0.5%. However, during the actual measurement, the voltage shall be adjusted to within ±0.2% of the specified test value. A.1.3.3 Supply voltage waveform The total harmonic content of the supply voltage shall not exceed 3%. The harmonic content is defined as the sum of the root mean square (r.m.s.) of each component, and the fundamental wave is 100%. A.1.4 Magnetic effects No magnetic objects shall be placed within 25 mm from any external surface of the control gear under test, unless otherwise specified. A.1.5 Instrument characteristics ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.