GB/T 17590-2008 PDF English
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GB/T 17590-2008 | English | 150 |
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Three-piece can with aluminium easy open end
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GB/T 17590-1998 | English | 639 |
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Three-piece can with easy open end
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GB/T 17590-2008: PDF in English (GBT 17590-2008) GB/T 17590-2008
ICS 55.140
A 82
Replacing GB/T 1759-1998
Three-piece can with aluminum easy open end
ISSUED ON. JULY 18, 2008
Issued by.
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms, definitions and symbols ... 6
5 Materials ... 9
6 Requirements ... 10
7 Testing method ... 14
8 Inspection rules ... 17
9 Mark, packaging, transportation and storage ... 20
This Standard replaces GB/T 17590-1998 “Three-piece can with easy open end”.
Compared with GB/T 17590-1998 “Three-piece can with easy open end”, the main
changes of this Standard are as follows.
- Clarify that the applicable scope is non-carbonated can-beverage;
- Delete the content related to tin-plating (chrome) thin steel-sheet easy open end;
- Update and adjust the reference documents;
- Add the definitions for easy open three-piece can, neck-in can, straight-body can,
powder striped can, liquid striped can; delete the definition for welding-seam striped
- For can-body, add the classification according to striped forms and spraying forms;
- Add 3 can-body specifications and 1 aluminum easy open end specification; and
specify the main dimensions and deviation requirements;
- The lower limits of aluminum easy open end’s breaking force and full-open force are
slightly adjusted;
- Printing quality requirements are executed in accordance with the provisions of QB/T
- Delete the content related to coating amount in inner-outer coating film performance;
the test temperature of solidifying performance of inner-outer coating films is
determined according to sterilization process requirements; for normal pressure
sterilization, it is 100°C; for high pressure sterilization, it is 121°C;
- Dry sealant mass requirements of aluminum easy open end and bottom end are
adjusted according to that the dry sealant’s density is 1.3 mg/mm3;
- Aluminum easy open end and bottom end’s compression strength AND sealing
performance requirements’ pressure values are increased to 180 kPa;
- Add the hygienic requirements;
- Specify the test condition of opening reliability.
This Standard was proposed by China Packaging Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Packaging Standardization
Technical Committee.
Three-piece can with aluminum easy open end
1 Scope
This Standard specifies requirements, testing methods, inspection regulation, symbols,
packaging, transportation and storage for three-piece can with aluminum easy open end.
This Standard is applicable to manufacturing, usage, circulating and supervision inspection
of three-piece can with aluminum easy open end, filled with non-carbonated beverages,
which is made of tinplate (chrome coated plate), aluminum alloy plate and meets
commercial sterility requirements after sealed and sterilized. For other similar products,
this Standard can be used as reference.
2 Normative references
The articles contained in the following documents have become part of this document when
they are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all subsequent modifications
(including all corrections) or revisions made thereafter do not apply to this Standard.
However, the parties who reach an agreement according to this Standard are encouraged
to study whether the latest versions of these documents may be used. For the undated
documents so quoted, the latest versions (including all modification sheets) apply to this
GB/T 191 Packaging-Pictorial marking for handling of goods (GB/T 191-2008, ISO
780.1997, MOD)
GB/T 2520 Cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate (GB/T 2520-2000, eqv ISO 11949.1995)
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1. Sampling
schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection (GB/T
2828.1 2003, ISO 2859-1.1999, IDT)
GB 4805 Hygienic standard of epoxy phenolic resin coating for the internal lacquer of
food cans
GB 4806.1 Hygienic standard for foodstuff rubber products
GB/T 13040 Packing terms. Metal containers
GB/T 14251 Technical specifications of round tin-plate container for canned foods
QB/T 1877 Tinplate prints for the packing and decoration
QB/T 2763 Coated tinplate (or ECCS)
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions specified in GB/T 13040 are applicable to this Standard.
3.1.1 three-piece can with aluminum easy open end
Metal can which is formed by rolling and sealing the aluminum easy open end, bottom end
and can body.
3.1.2 necked-in can
The can with necked cross section at one end or at two ends.
3.1.3 straight-body can
Can with constant cross section from top end to bottom end without considering partial
rolling rib.
3.1.4 liquid striped can
The can of which the inner welding seam of the can body is striped by liquid coating.
3.1.5 powder striped can
The can of which the inner welding seam of the can body is striped by powder coating.
3.1.6 sprayed can
The striped can of which the inner wall is sprayed.
3.1.7 splash point
Object that is formed by extruded and ejected melting metal which is caused by high
temperature in the welding spot centre which is equal to or above iron melting point due to
over welding temperature, when moving welding.
3.1.8 cold welding
Welding when two plates to be welded have not reached plastic-welded state (only tin is
melted) due to low welding temperature. It is commonly known as pseudo welding or false
3.1.9 pin hole
Table 3 The main property of can body
Items Property indexes
Performance of inner
and outer coating film
Inner and outer coating film
After coating film solidifying test at 100°C or
121°C, the inner coating film shall have no
phenomenon of being whitened, peeling and
separation while the outer coating film shall
have no phenomenon of chalkiness, peeling,
separation and colour fading of printed
Corrosion resistance of
Inner coating
According to content’s characteristics and
sterilization process requirements, after can
body anti-corrosion test at 100°C or 121°C is
carried out, the inner coating film shall have
no phenomenon of peeling, separation and
obvious corrosion.
Completeness of outer stripe There shall be no filiform corrosion and concentrated corrosion spots.
Completeness of inner
coating film/mA
Liquid striped
can Individual value≤50, average vale ≤30.
Powder striped
can Individual value≤30, average vale ≤15.
Sprayed can Individual value≤15, average vale ≤8.
Pressure withstand strength
There shall be no permanent deformation at
the pressure of 150kPa (180kPa for can
when the can height is greater than 2 times
of the can diameter), maintained for 1min.
There shall be no leakage at the pressure of
150kPa (180kPa for can when the can height
is greater than 2 times of the can diameter),
maintained for 1min.
6.1.5 Compatibility
Customer shall carry out compatibility test according to content in the can and verify the
test result.
6.2 Aluminum easy open end and bottom end
6.2.1 Main dimension and deviation limits of aluminum easy open end and bottom end
shall meet requirements of Table 4 and Table 5, as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Note. Test solution shall be prepared with analytical reagent and distilled water.
7.5 Completeness test of outer stripe
Immerse the outer stripe of welding seam into mixture solution of 20% (mass concentration)
copper sulfate (CuSO4 • 5H2O) and 10% (volume concentration) hydrochloric acid. Get it
out after 1min. Clean it with fresh water and dry it. Check it by visual inspection.
7.6 Completeness test of inner stripe
7.6.1 Instruments and electrolytic solution Completeness test instrument of inner stripe. DC voltage 6.3 V and the minimum
reading value shall not be greater than 0.1mA. Electrolytic solution. 2% (mass concentration) sodium sulfate solution, 1% (mass
concentration) sodium chloride solution.
Note. Test solution shall be prepared with analytical reagent and distilled water.
7.6.2 Completeness test of inner coating film of can body
Use completeness tester of inner coating film. Connect the can body to positive pole and
add 2% (mass concentration) sodium sulfate solution until the liquid level is 3mm to the
can mouth. Insert stainless steel bar and connect it to negative pole. Read the defect
current value in the 4th second.
7.6.3 Completeness test of easy open end and bottom end Aluminum alloy plate easy open end and bottom end. use completeness tester of
inner coating film. Use 1% (mass concentration) sodium chloride solution for test. Read
the defect current value in the 4th second.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.