GB/T 1535-2017 PDF English
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Standard ID | Contents [version] | USD | STEP2 | [PDF] delivered in | Name of Chinese Standard | Status |
GB/T 1535-2017 | English | 135 |
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[Including 2019XG1] Soya bean oil
| Valid |
GB 1535-2003 | English | 359 |
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[GB/T 1535-2003] Soya bean oil
| Obsolete |
GB 1535-1986 | English | 199 |
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Soybean oil
| Obsolete |
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PDF Preview: GB/T 1535-2017
GB/T 1535-2017: PDF in English (GBT 1535-2017) GB/T 1535-2017
ICS 67.200.10
X 14
Replacing GB/T 1535-2003
Soya bean oil
[Including Amendment No.1 2019XG1]
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Classification ... 7
5 Basic composition and main physical parameters ... 7
6 Quality requirements ... 8
7 Inspection methods ... 9
8 Inspection rules ... 10
9 Labels ... 11
10 Packaging, storage, transport and sale ... 11
Bibliography ... 12
Amendment No.1 [2019XG1] to GB/T 1535-2017 “Soya bean oil” ... 13
Soya bean oil
1 Scope
This Standard specifies terms and definitions, classification, quality
requirements, inspection methods and rules, labels, packaging, storage,
transport and sale of soya bean oil.
This Standard is applicable to finished product of soya bean oil and crude soya
bean oil.
Quality indicators for crude soya bean oil are only applicable to trade of soya
bean crude oil.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 2716, Hygienic standard for edible vegetable oil
GB 2760, National Food Safety Standard - Standards for Uses of Food
GB 2761, National Food Safety Standards - Maximum levels of mycotoxins
in foods
GB 2762, Maximum levels of contaminants in foods
GB 2763, National food safety standard - Maximum residue limits for
pesticides in food
GB/T 5009.37-2003, Method for analysis of hygienic standard of edible oils
GB 5009.168, National Food Safety Standard - Determination of Fatty Acid
in Foods
GB 5009.227, National Food Safety Standard - Determination of peroxide
value in food
GB 5009.229, National Food Safety Standard - Determination of Acid Value
3.2 finished product of soya bean oil
soya bean oil product that is processed to comply with quality indicators for
finished oil in this Standard and national food safety standard, is for human
3.3 relative density
ratio of mass of soy bean oil at 20°C to mass of distilled water of same volume
at 20°C
3.4 fatty acid
generic name for aliphatic monocarboxylic acids; general formula is R-COOH
3.5 colour
color of grease itself; it is mainly from oil-soluble pigments in oil
3.6 transparency
extent to which grease can transmit light
3.7 moisture and volatile matter content
trace moisture and volatiles contained in grease, under certain temperature
3.8 insoluble impurity
a substance in grease that is insoluble in an organic solvent such as petroleum
3.9 acid value
number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize free fatty
acids contained in 1g of grease
3.10 peroxide value
number of Millimoles of peroxide in 1kg of grease
3.11 residual solvent content in oil
number of milligrams of solvent remained in 1kg of grease
3.12 saponified matter content
content of saponification in grease (in sodium sulfate)
Peroxide value / (mmol/kg) ≤ 5.0 6.0 In accordance with GB 2716
Heating test (280°C) -
No precipitates, oil
color is
are allowed and oil
color darkens
Saponified matter content /
(%) ≤ - 0.03
Cold test (storage at 0°C for 5.5h) Clarified and transparent -
Smoking point / °C ≥ 190 -
Residual solvent content in oil /
Must not be
detected In accordance with GB 2716
NOTE 1: Items that have “-“ are not tested.
NOTE 2: Unit conversion of peroxide value: when expressed in g/100g, for example, 5.0mmol/kg =
5.0/39.4g/100g ≈ 0.13g/100g.
NOTE 3: When detection value of residual solvent content in oil is less than 10mg/kg, it is regarded
as not detected.
6.3 Food safety requirements
6.3.1 In accordance with GB 2716 and relevant national regulations.
6.3.2 Variety and usage of food additive shall be in accordance with GB 2760.
But any flavors or fragrances must not be added. Other edible oils and non-
edible substances must not be added.
6.3.3 Mycotoxin limit shall be in accordance with GB 2761.
6.3.4 Contaminant limit shall be in accordance with GB 2762.
6.3.5 Pesticide residue limit shall be in accordance with GB 2763.
7 Inspection methods
7.1 Inspections for transparency, odor, taste test: in accordance with GB/T 5525.
7.2 Color inspection: in accordance with GB/T 5009.37-2003.
7.3 Relative density inspection: in accordance with GB/T 5526.
7.4 Inspection of moisture and volatile matter content: in accordance with GB
7.5 Insoluble impurity inspection: in accordance with GB/T 15688.
7.6 Acid value inspection: in accordance with GB 5009.229.
9 Labels
9.1 In accordance with GB 7718 and GB 28050.
9.2 Product name: mark product name according to contents of terms and
9.3 Processing technique shall be identified on packaging or accompanying
9.4 Mark country of origin of product.
9.5 Soya bean oil that uses genetically modified raw material to produce shall
be marked according to relevant national regulations.
10 Packaging, storage, transport and sale
10.1 Packaging
In accordance with GB/T 17374.
10.2 Storage
Store in a hygienic, cool, dry, dark place. Do not store with harmful or toxic
substances, especially to avoid items with unusual odor.
If product's expiration date depends on certain special conditions, it shall be
indicated on label.
10.3 Transport
Pay attention to safety during transportation. Prevent sun, rain, leakage,
contamination and label shedding. Special tankers shall be used for bulk
transportation. Keep cleaning and sanitation inside and outside vehicle and
tank. Do not use vehicles that have been transported with toxic or hazardous
10.4 Sale
Pre-packaged finished product of soya bean oil must not be sold in bulk at retail
terminal without original packaging.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.