GB/T 10045-2018 PDF English
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GB/T 10045-2018 | English | 190 |
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Tubular cored electrodes for non-alloy and fine grain steels
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GB/T 10045-2001 | English | 879 |
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Carbon steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding
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GB/T 10045-1988 | English | 639 |
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Carbon steel flux cored wires for arc welding
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GB/T 10045-2018: PDF in English (GBT 10045-2018) GB/T 10045-2018
ICS 25.160.20
J 33
Replacing GB/T 10045-2001
Tubular cored electrodes for non-alloy and fine grain
(ISO 17632:2015, Welding consumables - Tubular cored electrodes for
gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and
fine grain steels - Classification, MOD)
ISSUED ON: MAY 14, 2018
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Models ... 6
4 Technical requirements ... 12
5 Test methods ... 15
6 Retests ... 18
7 Technical delivery conditions ... 19
Annex A (Informative) Table for comparison of clause-subclause number ... 20
Annex B (Informative) Technical differences between this Standard and ISO
17632:2015 and their causes ... 21
Annex C (Informative) Comparison of models of tubular cored electrodes ... 23
Annex D (Informative) Symbols for type of shielding gas ... 26
Annex E (Informative) Description of usability characteristics of tubular cored
electrodes ... 28
Annex F (Informative) Notes on diffusible hydrogen ... 32
This Standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard replaces GB/T 10045-2001 “Carbon steel flux cored electrodes
for arc welding”. Compared with GB/T 10045-2001 “Carbon steel flux cored
electrodes for arc welding”, the main content changes are as follows:
- CHANGE the standard name to “Tubular cored electrodes for non-alloy and
fine grain steels”;
- According to the tensile strength range of this Standard, ADD all non-metal
powder type molybdenum-steel electrode models of GB/T 17493-2008
“Low alloy steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding”, E43XT1-Ni1C,
E43XT1-Ni1M, E49XT1-Ni1C, E49XT1-Ni1M, E49XT6-Ni1, E49XT8-Ni1,
E55XT1-Ni1C, E55XT1-Ni1M, E55XT5-Ni1C, E55XT5-Ni1M, E49XT8-Ni2,
E55XT8-Ni2, E55XT1-Ni2C, E55XT1-Ni2M, E55XT5-Ni2C, E55XT5-Ni2M,
E55XT5-Ni3C, E55XT5-Ni3M, and E55XT11-Ni3 of non-metal powder type
nickel-steel electrode models, E55XT5-K1C, E55XT5-K1M, E49XT4-K2,
E49XT7-K2, E49XT8-K2, E49XT11-K2, E55XT1-K2C, E55XT1-K2M,
E55XT5-K2C, E55XT5-K2M, E55XT8-K2, E49XT5-K6C, E49XT5-K6M,
E43XT8-K6, E49XT8-K6, E55XT1-W2C, and E55XT1-W2M of non-metal
powder type other low-alloy steel electrode models, and E55C-Ni1, E49C-
Ni2, E55C-Ni2, E55C-Ni3, and E55C-W2 of metal powder type electrode
models. These models are re-developed in accordance with ISO
17632:2015. The technical requirements are adjusted;
- According to the actual production situation in China, ADD two
classifications of chemical composition: NCC2 and NCC3;
- MAKE corresponding adjustments to the requirements for model division,
mechanical properties, T-joint fillet weld, and chemical composition etc.
according to ISO 17632:2015;
- For the symbols for usability characteristics, according to ISO 17632:2015,
delete T9 and add T15;
- Delete the bending test requirements for a single-run welded joint.
This Standard uses redraft law to modify and adopt ISO 17632:2015 “Welding
consumables - Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas shielded
metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Classification”.
Compared with ISO 17632:2015, this Standard has more adjustments in
structure. Annex A lists a table for comparison between the clause-subclause
Tubular cored electrodes for non-alloy and fine grain
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the models, technical requirements, test methods,
retests, and technical delivery conditions, etc. of tubular cored electrodes for
non-alloy and fine grain steels.
This Standard applies to tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas
shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels with a minimum
tensile strength requirement of not more than 570 MPa (hereinafter referred to
as “electrodes”).
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For the dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are
applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition
(including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 700 Carbon structural steels (GB/T 700-2006, ISO 630:1995, NEQ)
GB/T 1591 High strength low alloy structural steels
GB/T 2650 Impact test methods on welded joints (GB/T 2650-2008, ISO
9016:2001, IDT)
GB/T 2651 Tensile test methods on welded joints (GB/T 2651-2008, ISO
4136:2001, IDT)
GB/T 2652 Tensile test methods on weld and deposited metal (GB/T 2652-
2008, ISO 5178:2001, IDT)
GB/T 3323 Radiographic examination of fusion welded joints in metallic
GB/T 3965 Determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal (GB/T
3965-2012, ISO 3690:2000, MOD)
GB/T 16672 Welds - Working positions - Definitions of angles of slope and
rotation (GB/T 16672-1996, idt ISO 6947:1990)
2) The second part: Indicate the symbol for tensile strength of the deposited
metal under as-welded or post-weld heat treatment condition when used
for multi-run welding; see Table 1. Or indicate the symbol for tensile
strength of the welded joint under as-welded condition when used for
single-run welding; see Table 2;
3) The third part: Indicate the symbol for test temperature when the impact
absorbed energy (KV2) is not less than 27J; see Table 3. For electrodes
only applicable to single-run welding, this symbol is not available;
4) The fourth part: Indicate the symbol for usability characteristics; see Table
5) The fifth part: Indicate the symbol for welding position; see Table 5;
6) The sixth part: Indicate the symbol for type of shielding gas. The symbol
for non-gas shielding is “N”. The symbol for shielding gas shall be in
accordance with ISO 14175; see Annex D. For electrodes only applicable
to single-run welding, ADD the letter “S” after the symbol;
7) The seventh part: Indicate the symbol for post-weld state; where “A”
indicates the as-welded condition, “P” indicates the post-weld heat
treatment state, and “AP” indicates both the as-welded condition and the
post-weld heat treatment state;
8) The eighth part: Indicate the classification of chemical composition of
deposited metal; see 4.3.
In addition to the above compulsory symbols, optional symbols may be added
after them:
a) The letter “U” indicates that, at the specified test temperature, the impact
absorbed energy (KV2) shall not be less than 47J;
b) The symbol “HX” for diffusible hydrogen; where “X” may be the number
15, 10, or 5, representing the maximum (mL) of diffusible hydrogen
content per 100g of deposited metal respectively; see 4.6.
The examples of electrode model in this Standard are as follows:
5 Test methods
5.1 Electrode dimension and surface quality
5.1.1 Dimension
For the inspection of electrode diameter, USE a measuring tool with an
accuracy of 0.01 mm to measure in the directions perpendicular to each other
at the same position. The measurement positions is not less than 2.
5.1.2 Surface quality
The surface quality of electrodes shall be visually inspected for any part of the
electrodes according to the provisions of GB/T 25775.
5.2 T-joint fillet weld test
5.2.1 Base metal for test
The plate material shall be unalloyed steel of 0.30 % C maximum.
5.2.2 Specimen preparation
The specimen preparation of T-joint fillet weld test is carried out according to
GB/T 25774.3. The welding parameters and the electrode diameter used for the
test are recommended by the manufacturer. For the electrodes classified as
symbol 0 for welding position, the fillet weld test shall be performed in the PB
position. For the electrodes classified as symbol 1 for welding position, the fillet
weld test shall be performed in the PE and PF or PG positions.
5.3 Chemical analysis
5.3.1 The specimens for chemical analysis of deposited metal shall be prepared
in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 25777; or may be prepared on the
mechanical property specimen or on the broken pull-rod. For the arbitration test,
it shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 25777.
5.3.2 The chemical composition analysis may be carried out by any suitable
analytical method. The arbitration test is carried out according to the analytical
method confirmed by both the supplier and the purchaser.
5.4 Test of mechanical properties
5.4.1 Base metal for test
The base metal for test of mechanical properties of deposited metal for multi- Tensile test of welded joint for single-run welding
The size, sampling position, and number of the tensile specimens of welded
joint for single-run welding shall be in accordance with GB/T 25774.2. The
tensile test is carried out in accordance with GB/T 2651.
5.4.4 Impact test The size and sampling position of multi-run welding impact specimens
shall be in accordance with GB/T 25774.1. For each set of impact specimens, it shall measure the shape and size
of the V-notch of at least one specimen. The measurement shall be performed
on a projector or metallographic microscope with at least 50 times magnification. The V-notch impact test shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T
5.5 Radiographic examination test
5.5.1 The radiographic examination test of welds for multi-run welding shall be
carried out before taking the mechanical specimen. Before the radiographic
examination, it shall remove the base plate.
5.5.2 The radiographic examination test of welds is carried out according to
GB/T 3323.
5.5.3 When assessing the radiographic examination film of welds, 25 mm at
both ends of the specimen shall not be considered.
5.6 Diffusible hydrogen test of deposited metal
The diffusible hydrogen content of deposited metal is determined according to
GB/T 3965. For notes on diffusible hydrogen, see Annex F.
6 Retests
If any test fails to meet the requirement, that test shall be repeated twice. For
chemical analysis, retesting need be only for those specific elements that failed
to meet their test requirement. When the tensile test is repeated, the tensile
strength, yield strength, and percentage elongation after fracture are
simultaneously taken as retest items. The specimens may be taken from the
original test assembly or taken from the newly-welded test assembly. The
results of both retests shall meet the requirement of this item.
In the event that during preparation or after completion of any test it is clearly
Annex E
Description of usability characteristics of tubular cored electrodes
E.1 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T1”
These electrodes are designed for single- and multi-run welding using d.c.(+)
polarity. The larger diameters (usually 2.0 mm and larger) are used for welding
in the flat position and for welding fillet welds in the horizontal position. The
smaller diameters (usually 1.6 mm and smaller) are used for welding in all
positions. These electrodes are characterized by a spray transfer, low spatter
loss, flat to slightly convex bead contour, and a moderate volume of slag which
completely covers the weld bead. Electrodes of this classification have a rutile
base slag and produce high deposition rates.
E.2 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T2”
Electrodes of this type are similar to the “T1” types, but with higher manganese
or silicon or both and are designed primarily for single-run welding in the flat
position and for welding fillet welds in the horizontal position. These electrodes
give good mechanical properties in single-run welds. The higher levels of
deoxidizers in these classifications allow single-run welding of heavily oxidized
or rimmed steel. Weld metal composition requirements are not specified for
single-run electrodes since checking the composition of the deposited weld
metal will not provide an indication of the composition of a single-run weld.
E.3 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T3”
Electrodes of this type are self-shielded, used on d.c.(+), and have a globular-
type transfer. The slag system is designed to make very high welding speeds
possible. The electrodes are used for single-run welds in the flat, horizontal,
and vertical (up to 20° incline) positions (downward progression) on sheet metal.
Since these electrodes are sensitive to the effects of base metal quenching,
they are not generally recommended for the following:
a) T- or lap joints in materials thicker than 5 mm.
b) Butt, edge, or corner joints in materials thicker than 6 mm.
The electrode manufacturer should be consulted for specific recommendations.
E.4 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T4”
Electrodes of this type are self-shielded, operate on d.c.(−), and have a small
droplet transfer. The electrodes are used for single-run welds at high travel
speeds on material of any thickness in the flat, horizontal, and vertical (up to
20° incline) positions.
E.10 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T11”
Electrodes of this type are self-shielded, operate on d.c.(−), and have a smooth
spray-type transfer. They are general purpose electrodes for single- and multi-
run welding in all positions.
Some electrodes are designed for thin plate only. The manufacturer should be
consulted regarding any plate thickness limitations.
E.11 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T12”
These electrodes are similar in arc transfer, welding characteristics, and
deposition rates to the “T1” types. However, they have been modified to improve
impact toughness and to meet the lower manganese requirements (1.60 %
maximum). They therefore have an accompanying decrease in tensile strength
and hardness. Since welding procedures influence all weld metal properties,
users are urged to check hardness on any application where a maximum
hardness level is a requirement.
E.12 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T13”
Electrodes of this type are self-shielded and operate on d.c.(−) and are usually
welded with a short-arc transfer. The slag system is designed so that these
electrodes can be used in all positions for the root pass on circumferential pipe
welds. The electrodes can be used on all pipe wall thicknesses, but are only
recommended for the first run. They generally are not recommended for multi-
run welding.
E.13 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T14”
Electrodes of this type are self-shielded, operate on d.c.(−), and have a smooth
spray-type transfer. They are intended for single-run welding. The slag system
is designed with characteristics so that these electrodes can be used to weld in
all positions and also to make welds at high speed. They are used to make
welds on sheet metal up to 4.8 mm thick and often are specifically designed for
galvanized, aluminized, or other coated steels. Since these welding electrodes
are sensitive to the effects of base metal quenching, they are not generally
recommended for the following:
a) T- or lap joints in materials thicker than 5 mm.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.