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GB 30250-2013: PDF in English

GB 30250-2013 GB ICS 27.010 F 01 ATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The norm of energy consumption per unit product of ethylene plant ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 18, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Committee of Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 Technical requirements ... 5  5 Statistical range and calculation method ... 6  6 Energy-saving management and measures ... 8  Appendix A ... 10  Appendix B ... 11  Appendix C ... 13  Foreword The Article of this Standard is compulsory, while the remaining articles are recommendatory. This Standard was drafted according to the regulations specified in GB/T 1.1- 2009. This Standard was proposed by the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of National Development and Reform Commission, and the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Energy Infrastructure and Management Standardization (SAC/TC 20), and China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation. Drafting organizations of this Standard. National Energy Conservation Centre, SINOPEC Economics & Technology Research Institute, CNPC Energy-saving Technology Research Centre, CNOOC Planning Department, and North Huajin Chemical Industries Group Corporation. Main drafters of this Standard. Xie Yanli, Chen Guangwei, Wang Guanghe, Li Yangzhe, Xu Zhiqiang, Gao Hong, Sun Ying, Mo Hongpin, Duan Guohua, Wang Xuewen, Yang Yong, Tong Jingshun, Feng Xiao, Yang Fan, Fang Huirong, Wang Ruqiang, and Gong Yan. The norm of energy consumption per unit product of ethylene plant 1 Scope This Standard specifies the technical requirements, statistical range, calculation method, energy-saving management and measures of the norm of energy consumption per unit of product of ethylene plant. This Standard applies to the calculation and evaluation of the energy consumption for the ethylene plant that uses petroleum hydrocarbons as the materials for producing ethylene, propylene, mixed C4, pyrolysis gasoline, hydrogen, and other products after being processed by steam pyrolysis, quenching, compression and separation, and the energy consumption control of new projects. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document. For undated references, only the latest versions (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB 17167 General principle for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in organization of energy using GB/T 12723 General principles for establishing allowance of energy consumption per unit throughput GB/T 23331 Energy management systems - Requirements 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions defined according to the GB/T 12723 are applicable to this document. 3.1 Energy consumption for ethylene plant It refers to the sum of the physical quantity of various fuels, steam, electricity and energy-consuming working medium actually consumed in the manufacturing process of ethylene plant, within the statistical reporting period, 4.3 Advanced value of energy consumption per unit product of ethylene plant The advanced value of energy consumption per unit product of ethylene plant shall meet the requirements for the advanced value of energy consumption for unit output of ethylene or energy consumption for unit output of ethylene and propylene, specified in Table 3. Table 3 Advanced value of energy consumption per unit product of ethylene plant Type Advanced Value of Energy Consumption for Unit Output of Ethylene Advanced Value of Energy Consumption for Unit Output of Ethylene and Propylene Ethylene plant ≤ 610kgoe/t ≤ 400kgoe/t 5 Statistical range and calculation method 5.1 Statistical range The statistical boundary of energy consumption for ethylene plant includes various units, such as the zones for material desulfurization and dearsenication, cracking furnaces, quenching, compression and separation, the flare gas recovery compressor, the storage tanks of ethylene products, etc.; it does not include the gasoline hydrogenation unit, auxiliary boilers, main torch, spent caustic processing unit, storage tanks of other products, circulating water field, air compression station, etc. See Appendix A for the sketch map for the statistical boundary of energy consumption for ethylene plant. 5.2 Statistical requirements 5.2.1 The energy consumption statistics for ethylene plant includes fuels, electricity, steam and energy-consuming working medium. The energy- consuming working medium includes fresh water, circulating water, demineralized water, deoxygenated water, condensation water, nitrogen, and compressed air. 5.2.2 The fuels consumed by ethylene plant refer to the sum of various fuels consumed in the statistical boundary. 5.2.3 The energy consumption includes the energies consumed in the process of manufacturing, plant operation and shutdown, overhaul and maintenance; it does not include the energies consumed for basic infrastructure. 5.2.4 The magnitudes of output energies shall be consistent with those of output and input energies obtained from the statistical calculation. The output energies that have not been consumed yet shall not be used for energy output statistics. Appendix B (Normative) Conversion values of the energy for ethylene plant and the energy- consuming working medium See Table B.1 for the conversion values of the energy for ethylene plant and the energy-consuming working medium. Table B.1 Conversion values of the energy for ethylene plant and the energy- consuming working medium Serial No. Item Unit Conversion Value Kilogram(s) of oil equivalent (kgoe) Conversion Value Megajoule (MJ) 1 Standard Oil t 1,000 41,868 2 Fuel Oil t 1,000 41,868 3 Liquefied Petroleum Gas t 1,100 46,060 4 Hydrogen-methane t 1,200 50,242 5 Natural Gas in Oil Field m3 0.93 38.94 6 Natural Gas in Gas Field m3 0.85 35.59 7 Refinery Fuel Gas t 950 39,775 8 Recovered Flare Gas t 700 29,308 9 Electricity kW • h 0.233 9.76 10 10.0 MPa Steam a t 92 3,852 11 5.0 MPa Steam b t 90 3,768 12 3.5 MPa Steam c t 88 3,684 13 2.5 MPa Steam d t 85 3,559 14 1.5 MPa Steam e t 80 3,349 15 1.0 MPa Steam f t 76 3,182 16 0.7 MPa Steam g t 72 3,014 17 0.3 MPa Steam h t 66 2,763 18 Steam below 0.3 MPa i t 55 2,303 19 Fresh Water t 0.17 7.12 20 Circulating Water t 0.10 4.19 21 Demineralized Water t 0.25 10.47 22 Desalinated Water t 2.30 96.30 23 Low-pressure Deoxygenated Water j t 9.20 385.19 24 High-pressure Deoxygenated Water k t 13.20 552.66 25 Condensation Water of t 3.65 152.81 Appendix C (Informative) Lower calorific values of the commonly used pure components See Table C.1 for the lower calorific values of the commonly used pure components. Table C.1 Lower calorific values of the commonly used pure components Serial No. Component Name Unit Lower Calorific Value Kilogram(s) of oil equivalent (kgoe) Lower Calorific Value Megajoule (MJ) 1 Hydrogen t 2,867 120,022 2 Carbon Monoxide t 241 10,106 3 Hydrogen Sulfide t 364 15,235 4 Methane t 1,194 50,009 5 Ethane t 1,134 47,497 6 Propane t 1,107 46,357 7 Butane t 1,093 45,752 8 Pentane t 1,083 45,357 9 Acetylene t 1,162 48,651 10 Ethylene t 1,127 47,195 11 Propylene t 1,094 45,799 12 Butylene t 1,079 45,171 13 Pentene t 1,073 44,909 ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.