GB 23864-2023 PDF English
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GB 23864-2023 | English | 410 |
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GB 23864-2009 | English | 205 |
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GB 23864-2023: PDF in English GB 23864-2023
ICS 13.220.50
CCS C 84
Replacing GB 23864-2009
Firestop Material
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Classification and Signing ... 6
4.1 Classification ... 6
4.2 Signing ... 8
5 Requirements ... 9
5.1 General provisions ... 9
5.2 Physical and chemical properties ... 9
5.3 Combustion performance ... 10
5.4 Smoke toxicity ... 10
5.5 Air tightness ... 10
5.6 Fire resistance performance ... 11
5.7 Water flushing test performance ... 11
6 Test Methods ... 11
6.1 Physical and chemical properties ... 11
6.2 Combustion performance ... 17
6.3 Smoke toxicity ... 18
6.4 Airtightness ... 18
6.5 Fire resistance ... 18
7 Inspection Rules ... 24
7.1 Classification of inspection... 24
7.2 Comprehensive judgment criteria ... 25
7.3 Use of fire resistance test results ... 25
8 Packaging, Marking, Storage, and Transportation ... 25
Appendix A (Normative) Installation of Standard Test Pieces for Fire-Resistant
Performance Test of Firestop Materials ... 27
Appendix B (Informative) Installation of Typical Test Piece for fire Resistance Test of
Fire-Stop Subassembly ... 33
Appendix C (Normative) Optional and Additional Tests for Firestop Materials and
Firestop Subassemblies - Water Flushing Test ... 35
Appendix D (Informative) Use of Fire Resistance Test Results ... 37
Firestop Material
1 Scope
This Document specifies the classification and signing, requirements, test methods, inspection
rules, packaging, marking, storage, and transportation of firestop materials.
This Document applies to firestop materials or firestop subassemblies used in various through
holes and structural gaps in industrial and civil buildings, structures, and facilities.
This Document does not apply to fireproof expansion seals used inside building accessories
and fireproof rings for rigid polyvinyl chloride building drainage pipes.
2 Normative References
The provisions in following documents become the essential provisions of this Document
through reference in this Document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates
indicated are applicable to this Document; for the undated documents, only the latest version
(including all the amendments) is applicable to this Document.
GB/T 2611 Testing machines - General requirements
GB/T 5455 Textiles - Burning behavior - Determination of damaged length, afterglow time
and after-flame time of vertically oriented specimens
GB/T 7019-2014 Test methods for fiber cement products
GB/T 7106 Test methods of air permeability, watertightness, wind load resistance
performance for building external windows and doors
GB 8624 Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products
GB/T 8626 Test method of flammability for building materials
GB/T 9978.1 Fire-Resistance Tests-Elements of Building Construction – Part 1: General
GB/T 20285 Toxic classification of fire effluents hazard for materials
XF/T 714-2007 Rapid rise fire test methods of fire protection materials for structural
social impacts, and are represented by Code Z.
b) Firestop materials for general industrial and civil buildings, structures, and facilities:
Firestop materials used in industrial and civil buildings, structures, and facilities other
than important public buildings, represented by Code P.
4.1.3 Firestop materials are divided as follows according to the composition and shape
characteristics of the products.
a) Flexible organic plugging materials: Organic materials are used as binders; and they have
a certain flexibility or plasticity when used. The product is a clay-like object, represented
by Code R.
b) Inorganic plugging materials: Powdered solids with inorganic materials as the main
component, which have appropriate workability when mixed with admixtures,
represented by Code W.
c) Flame-retardant bags: Bag-shaped objects made by packaging fireproof materials,
suitable for firestop of larger holes or fireproof separation of cable trays (fireproof bags
are also called fire-resistant bags or fire-blocking bags), represented by Code B.
d) Flame-retardant modules: A solid with a certain shape and size made of fireproof material,
which can be easily cut and drilled, suitable for firestop of holes or cable trays,
represented by Code M.
e) Firestop board: a board made of fireproof material, which can be easily cut and drilled,
suitable for firestop of large holes, represented by Code C.
f) Foam plugging materials: fireproof materials that can expand and foam by itself after
being injected into the hole to seal the hole, represented by Code P.
g) Multi-component plugging materials: fireproof materials with firestop function produced
by mixing two or more liquid materials (solid powder can be added as an additive) evenly
and reacting chemically, represented by Code D.
h) Gap plugging materials: solid fireproof materials placed in the gap to plug fixed or
moving gaps, represented by Code F.
i) Fireproof sealants: liquid or paste-like fireproof materials with fireproof sealing function,
represented by Code J.
j) Flame-retardant tapes: flexible, coilable, and curled tape products made of fireproof
material; wrapped around the outer surface of a plastic pipe and cladded by a steel tape
or fixed with other appropriate means. It expands and squeezes the softened pipe when
exposed to fire, and blocks the holes left by the burning or softening of the plastic pipe.
It is represented by the Code T.
150mm×100mm×0.8mm and three PVC insulated sheathed cables with a length of 250mm and
an outer diameter of ϕ30mm~ ϕ40mm; and apply the prepared Inorganic plugging materials,
flexible organic plugging materials, foam plugging materials, multi-component plugging
materials or fireproof sealant on the surface of the steel plate and the outer rubber layer of the
cable. Place the prepared and cured test pieces in a test chamber with a relative humidity of
(90±5)% and a temperature of 70℃±5℃. After 168h, take out the specimens and place them in
an environment that is not directly exposed to sunlight for natural drying. Observe whether
there is rust or corrosion at the contact between the steel plate and the outer rubber layer of the
cable and the plugging material specimen.
6.1.5 Water resistance, oil resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance, damp-heat
resistance, freeze-thaw cycle resistance Preparation of specimen
Inorganic plugging materials, multi-component plugging materials, fireproof sealants: inject
the prepared specimen into a standard test mold of 200mm×20mm×20mm; tamp and smooth it;
demold it after it is basically solidified; and saw the specimen into three 20mm×20mm×20mm
cube test blocks after the curing period. The mixing and curing of the specimen shall be carried
out according to the product instructions.
Flexible organic plugging materials: take certain amounts of specimens; knead it evenly; and
make 3 spheres with a diameter of 20mm each.
Flame-retardant bags: the specimen is 3 complete bags.
Other firestop materials: cut the specimen into three 20mm×20mm×20mm test blocks. For
firestop materials with coating on the surface, the exposed section shall be sealed with the same
surface material. For materials with a thickness of less than 20mm, the thickness of the test
block is the same as that of the material.
NOTE: For fire-retardant sealants that cannot be cured, they can be coated on three 50mm×50mm×2mm
stainless-steel plates or polyethylene plastic plates for testing, with a coating thickness of 1mm±0.5mm. Test procedure Water resistance
Soak the prepared and cured specimens in tap water at a temperature of 20℃±5℃; observe
once every 24h; and take them out after the specified time. Observe whether the specimen is
swollen or cracked; whether the body of the fire-retardant bag is intact, whether there is any
damage; and whether there is any obvious change in the internal material. Oil resistance
Immerse the prepared and cured specimens in transformer oil; keep the oil temperature at
20℃±5℃; observe once every 24 h; and take them out after 72 h. Damp-heat resistance
Place the prepared and cured specimens in a test chamber with a relative humidity of (90±5)%
and a temperature of 45℃±5℃. After the specified time, take out the specimens and place them
in an environment that is not directly exposed to sunlight to dry naturally. Observe whether the
specimens are cracked or powdered. Freeze-thaw cycle resistance
Place the prepared and cured specimens in water at 23℃±2℃ for 18 h; then place the specimens
in a low-temperature box at -20℃±2℃. When the temperature in the box reaches -18℃, freeze
them for 3 h; then take them out of the low-temperature box and immediately place them in a
constant temperature box at 50℃±2℃ for 3 h. Take out the specimens and repeat the above
operation for a total of 15 cycles. Observe whether the specimen is cracked or powdered. Acid resistance
Place the prepared and cured specimen in a 3% hydrochloric acid solution at a temperature of
20 ℃±5 ℃ and observe it every 24 h to see if the specimen is swollen or cracked. Alkali resistance
Immerse the prepared and cured specimen in a 3% ammonia solution at a temperature of
20 ℃±5 ℃ and observe it every 24 h to see if the specimen is swollen or cracked. Judgment conditions Water resistance, oil resistance, acid resistance, and alkali resistance
After the fire-retardant bag is soaked for a specified time, take it out and wipe it dry. The bag
shall be intact and undamaged, and the internal material shall not change significantly.
After the other specimens are soaked for a specified time, at least two of the three specimens
shall not swell or crack. Damp-heat resistance, and freeze-thaw cycles resistance
After the test is carried out as specified, the materials in the fire-retardant bag shall not change
significantly; and at least two of the three test pieces of other specimens shall not show cracking
or powdering.
6.2 Combustion performance
6.2.1 Flame-retardant bag
The used fabric material shall be tested in accordance with GB/T 5455.
The refractory test furnace shall meet the requirements of test piece installation, heating
conditions, pressure conditions, temperature testing and test observation, etc. Temperature measuring equipment Temperature measuring in furnace
For temperature measuring in furnace, a thermocouple with a wire diameter of ϕ0.75mm~
ϕ2.30mm shall be used. The hot end shall extend 25mm out of the sleeve; and the temperature
sensing end of the thermocouple shall be 100mm away from the fire-exposure plane of the
plugging material. The number of thermocouples in the furnace shall be no less than 5. Temperature measurement of the back-fire surface of the test piece
The back-fire surface of the test piece - the temperature of the plugging material, the cable
surface or the pipe surface, the frame surface 25mm away from the plugging edge of the
plugging material, and the plastic pipe surface, shall be measured by thermocouples with a wire
diameter of ϕ0.5mm, industrial grade II, and the number shall be no less than 6.
The distribution is as follows: at least 2 thermocouples are set at 25mm from the plugging
material surface to the service penetration surface. At least 1 thermocouple is set for different
service penetration at 25mm from the service penetration (cable, cable bundle or pipe) surface
to the plugging material surface. At least 1 thermocouple is set at 25mm from bracket or tray
surface to the plugging material surface. When using flame-retardant tape, 2 thermocouples are
set at 25mm from the plastic pipe surface to the floor or wall. 1 thermocouple is set at 25mm
from the framework surface to the plugging edge of the plugging material. Another mobile
temperature measuring thermocouple is set to monitor the temperature rise of suspicious points
on the back-fire surface of the test piece when necessary; and its data shall be used as the basis
for judgment. Accuracy of temperature measuring equipment
The accuracy (system error) of temperature measuring equipment shall be:
a) In the furnace: within ±15℃;
b) Surface or other: within ±5℃.
6.5.2 Test conditions Heating conditions
When the heating conditions for building fiber fires are adopted, the temperature in the test
furnace shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T 9978.1.
When the heating conditions for electric fires are adopted, the temperature in the refractory test
furnace shall comply with the relevant provisions of 5.1.1 in XF/T 714-2007. Pressure conditions in the furnace
When the heating conditions for building fiber fires are adopted, the pressure in the test furnace
shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T 9978.1.
When the heating conditions for electric fires are adopted, the pressure in the refractory test
furnace at the horizontal plane of the top (vertical member) of the vertical specimen or the
horizontal plane (horizontal member) 100mm below the bottom of the specimen shall be
20Pa±5Pa after 5min the start of the test, and 22Pa±3Pa after 10min.
6.5.3 Requirements of test piece
When conducting fire resistance tests, the materials, manufacturing processes, splicing and
installation methods used for the test pieces shall be sufficient to reflect the actual use of the
corresponding components. Modifications to the installation method to enable the test to be
implemented shall have no significant impact on the test results; and the modifications shall be
explained in detail.
6.5.4 Production of test piece Overview When making product quality judgments for firestop materials, the production of test
pieces can choose the production method of standard test pieces specified in this Document.
For test pieces used for actual engineering applications, the production of test pieces shall be
consistent with actual use. When the test pieces made according to actual engineering
applications already contain all the service penetrations and their combinations in the standard
test pieces, if their fire resistance performance meets the specified requirements, the test results
can also be used to judge the quality of the product. The fire-exposed end of the cable is sealed with aluminum silicate fiber cotton (with
length 50mm, thickness 25mm of the seal head), and the length of the cable exposed to the fire
is 300mm; the fire-exposed end of the penetrating pipe is blocked in the inner diameter of the
pipe with aluminum silicate fiber cotton; the blocking length is 100mm; and the pipe extends
300mm from the fire-exposed surface of the test piece; the length of the penetration is 1500mm. The service penetration or bracket on the back-fire side shall be fixed in an appropriate
manner to prevent the service penetration or bracket from slipping before or during the test. Test piece of firestop material for holes The standard test piece of firestop material for holes shall include concrete frame,
service penetration, bracket, and firestop material for holes, etc. The size and detailed
production requirements of the standard test piece shall comply with the provisions of A.1 in
Appendix A.
production requirements of the standard test pieces shall comply with the provisions of Figure
A.3. Test pieces of firestop subassemblies
The size and detailed production requirements of the typical test pieces of the firestop
subassemblies can refer to B.1 of Appendix B.
The firestop subassemblies made by engineering application shall reflect its actual use structure.
6.5.5 State adjustment
After the production of the test piece, it shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions
of the product manual. The fire resistance test can be performed after the maintenance period
of the test is expired.
6.5.6 Test program Installation of the test piece
The installation of the test pieces shall reflect the actual usage; and the test pieces are installed
vertically or horizontally according to the test requirements for testing. The firestop materials,
service penetration and framework on the back-fire surface are equipped with the thermocouple
to measure the temperature rise of the back-fire surface. The cantilever end of the service
penetration shall have effective supporting (bracket). Measurement and observation The temperature in the furnace
The thermocouple for the measurement of temperature in the furnace shall comply with the
provisions of GB/T 9978.1. The setting number of the thermocouples shall be no less than 5;
and the temperature record cycle shall be no more than 30s. The temperature of test pieces on the back-fire surface
Measure and observe the temperature of the surface of the plugging materials on the back-fire
surface, the temperature of the cable surface 25mm from the back-fire surface of the plugging
materials, the temperature of the penetrating pipe surface 25mm from the back-fire surface of
the plugging materials, as well as the temperature of the framework surface 25mm from the
back-fire surface of the plugging materials. integrity
Measure and observe whether there are flames or hot air flowing out of the back-fire surface of
the test pieces to light the cushion pads, and whether the test pieces have a continuous flame
from the back-fire surface of the test pieces for more than 10s. The requirements and use of
cotton pads shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 9978.1. Thermal insulation
Measure and record the temperature rise of all temperature measuring points on the back-fire
surface, including the moving thermocouple; and the time when the temperature rise of any
temperature measuring point exceeds 180°C.
6.5.7 Judgment criteria for fire resistance limit Judgment of fire resistance limit
For Class E firestop materials, when the integrity loss specified in occurs during the
test, it means that the integrity of the firestop materials has reached the limit state; and the
recorded time is the limit fire resistance time for the integrity loss of the firestop materials.
For Class EI firestop materials, when any of the integrity loss or loss of thermal insulation
specified in and occurs during the test, it means that the integrity or thermal
insulation of the firestop materials has reached the limit state; and the recorded time is the limit
fire resistance time for the integrity loss or loss of thermal insulation of the firestop materials. Loss of integrity
The characteristics of loss of integrity are the following phenomena on the back-fire surface of
the test piece:
a) The cotton pad is ignited;
b) Flames appear and last for more than 10s;
c) The probe can pass through gap. Loss of thermal insulation
The characteristics of loss of thermal insulation are as follows:
a) The temperature rise of any point on the back-fire surface of the tested test piece exceeds
the initial temperature by 180℃;
b) The surface temperature rise of any service penetration at the back-fire side 25mm away
from the plugging materials exceeds the initial temperature by 180℃;
c) The temperature rise of any point of the frame surface on the back-fire surface exceeds
the initial temperature by 180℃.
NOTE: The initial temperature refers to the initial average temperature on the back-fire surface at the
beginning of the test. Physical and chemical properties, combustion performance, smoke toxicity, air tightness,
fire resistance and flushing test technical indicators specified in Clause 5 are all type inspection
items. Products shall be subject to type inspection in any of the following circumstances:
a) When taking trial design and identification of new products or old products for transfer
to other factory for production;
b) When the product design, structure, materials, parts, components, production process,
production conditions, etc. change, which may affect product quality;
c) When the technical requirements specified in the product standard change;
d) When production is resumed after suspension for one year or more;
e) When the product quality supervision department proposes a type inspection requirement;
f) Other situations where product quality can only be proved through type inspection.
7.2 Comprehensive judgment criteria
When the fire resistance performance of the firestop materials reaches a certain level (1h, 2h,
3h) of the specified category (E, EI) under a certain fire environment, and other performance
indicators meet the standard requirements, the product is deemed to be qualified for a certain
level of quality under the fire environment.
7.3 Use of fire resistance test results
The fire resistance test results can be directly applied to occasions with consistent fire test
installation conditions and temperature rise conditions. For inconsistent occasions, the
application of fire resistance test results is shown in Appendix D.
8 Packaging, Marking, Storage, and Transportation
8.1 The product shall be packaged in clean, dry, and sealable bags or containers and
accompanied by a certificate of conformity and product instructions.
8.2 The product packaging shall indicate the manufacturer's name, address, product name,
product trademark (when applicable), specification and model, production date or batch number,
storage period, packaging dimensions (when applicable) or quality, etc.
8.3 The product shall be stored in a ventilated, dry place that is protected from direct sunlight.
8.4 During transportation, products shall be protected from rain and sun exposure and shall
comply with the relevant provisions of the transportation department.
2 – 6 pieces of (7×1.5) mm2 KVV cables;
3 – 3 pieces of (3×50+1×25) mm2 YJV cables;
4 – 4 pieces of (3×50+1×25) mm2 YJV cables;
5 – DN32 steel pipes;
6 – Steel cable tray (500mm wide, 100mm high, 1.5mm thick) without holes;
7 – C30 concrete framework;
8 – Thermocouple.
Figure A.2 – Installation method of cable penetration standard test piece of flexible
organic plugging materials and foam plugging materials
A.7 The plate used to support the gap in the frame is a C30 concrete slab (the thickness of the
protective layer on the fire-exposed surface of the concrete slab is 10mm). For the gap plugging
materials, the gaps can be moved mechanically before or during the fire resistance test
according to the client's requirements. The movement method can be to move the width of the
gap along the supported plane, or to move along the shear direction or other directions. The
maximum distance of movement shall be determined by the client according to the performance
of the gap plugging material.
A.8 On the concrete supporting member of the gap plugging materials, two thermocouples are
arranged in each gap at 25mm from the gap edge on the back-fire side. On the back-fire side of
the plugging materials, two thermocouples are arranged in each gap along the center line of the
gap; and their positions are located at 1/3 and 2/3 of the gap length.
A.9 The (3×50+1×25) mm2 YJV cable model used in Figures A.1, A.2 and B.1 and B.2 is
specifically ZC-YJV-3×50+1×25 copper core cross-linked polyethylene insulated PVC
sheathed flame-retardant Class C power cable; the oxygen index of the sheath layer is
38%~40%; the cable structure diagram is shown in Figure A.5; and the outer diameter of the
cable is 28mm±2mm.
A.10 The (3×50+1×25) mm2 YJV cable used in Figures A.1, A.2 and B.1 shall retain a gap
equal to the cable diameter during installation.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.