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FZ/T 10007-2018 PDF English

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FZ/T 10007-2018English110 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Inspection rules for grey yarn of cotton, man-made fiber or their blend Valid
FZ/T 10007-2008English279 Add to Cart 3 days Inspection rules for gray yarns of cotton, man-made fibers or their blends Obsolete
FZ/T 10007-1993English319 Add to Cart 3 days Inspection rules for gray yarns of cotton, man-made fibers or their blends Obsolete
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FZ/T 10007-2018: PDF in English (FZT 10007-2018)

FZ/T 10007-2018 FZ TEXTILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 59.080.01 W 10 Replacing FZ/T 10007-2008 Inspection rules for grey yarn of cotton, man-made fiber or their blend ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 22, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2019 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 Acceptance ... 5  5 Sampling quantity ... 5  6 Inspection assessment ... 6  7 Re-inspection rules ... 7  8 Others ... 7  Annex A (normative) Acceptance of yarn package net weight ... 8  Annex B (normative) Interim provisions on yarn defects acceptance ... 11  Inspection rules for grey yarn of cotton, man-made fiber or their blend 1 Scope This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, acceptance, sampling quantity, inspection assessment, reinspection rules for inspection rules for grey yarn of cotton, man-made fiber or their blend. This Standard is applicable to acceptance and re-inspection of grey yarn of cotton, man-made fiber, and other fiber or their blend. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 2828.1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributea - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection GB/T 3291.1, Textiles - Terms of textile material properties and test - Part 1: Fibre and yarn GB/T 3291.3, Textiles - Terms of textile material properties and test - Part 3: General GB/T 9995, Determination of moisture content and moisture regain of textile - Oven-drying method FZ/T 10006, Inspection of Neps and trashes for gray fabrics of cotton Man- made fibers or their blends FZ/T 10008, Marking and packing of grey pure cotton, pure chemical fibre spun yarn and blended yarn 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T sampling plan of GB/T 2828.1. The general inspection level is I. The acceptance quality limit (AQL) is 2.5. 5.2.5 When the net weight of the package is less than 2t, take 2 packages (boxes) for inspection. When it is 2t and above, take 5% of the total number of packages (boxes), not more than 15 packages (boxes). 5.2.6 The number of tests for each acceptance item shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant test methods or product standards. 6 Inspection assessment 6.1 The quality level of the acceptance items of the grey yarn is assessed according to the requirements of the respective product standard (or agreement). If the quality indicators of all assessment items are qualified, the quality of the batch of products shall be accepted. If the quality indicators of an assessment item is unqualified, the quality of the batch of products shall be rejected. 6.2 For the yarn that has been heat-fixed and twisted (with a fixed-twist temperature of 40°C and above), the breaking strength of the single yarn (thread) is reduced by 5% according to the specified indicator. 6.3 In the inspection of package net weight of cheese yarn, when the moisture regain is inconsistent with the electric heating oven and the bobbin moisture meter, the moisture regain measured by the electric heating oven shall prevail. 6.4 The range of linear density deviation rate of singeing yarn is assessed and graded based on the absolute value specified in the corresponding standard plus 0.5. 6.5 The inspection of the net weight of the package shall be based on the weight at the time of the regular moisture regain. When the actual moisture regain exceeds or falls below the public moisture regain, it shall be converted into the weight at the regular moisture regain. The specific inspection method shall be implemented in accordance with Annex A. The allowable deviation of the package net weight of cheese yarn (fixed weight) is -0.2% and less. The allowable deviation of net weight of the package skein yarn and cheese yarn (fixed length) (after removing the influence of the difference in the Tex series on the weight) is -0.5% and less. 6.6 The yarn defect acceptance shall be carried out in accordance with Annex B. 6.7 The forming appearance inspection of yarn is carried out in accordance with the agreement between the two parties. Annex A (normative) Acceptance of yarn package net weight A.1 Sampling Sampling is conducted according to 5.2.5 of this Standard, or according to the method agreed by both parties. A.2 Weighing and sample extraction A.2.1 Weigh the gross weight and packaging material weight of each package one by one. The cheese yarn needs to be weighed by the bobbin (tube). A.2.2 Six cheese yarns are randomly selected from each package as a group of specimens for moisture regain determination. A.2.3 Randomly select skein yarns with a total weight of not less than 150g from each package as a set of specimens for moisture regain determination. A.3 Determination of moisture regain A.3.1 The moisture regain of the yarn is determined by the oven test method, which is implemented in accordance with GB/T 9995. A.3.2 Moisture regain specimen of cheese yarn: Remove the outer layer of a group of cheese yarn specimens by more than 6mm. Then strip the yarn (total weight is not less than 150g) and weigh it as the specimen weight before baking. Put it in the oven to bake till the constant weight. Then weigh it. Calculate the moisture regain. A.3.3 Moisture regain specimen of skein yarn: Weigh a group of skein yarn samples directly as the specimen weight before baking. Put it in the oven to bake till the constant weight. Then weigh it. Calculate the moisture regain. When the moisture regain specimen weight is greater than 120g, it shall be dried in baskets. A.4 Calculation of package net weight A.4.1 The net weight of the yarn in the package at the regular moisture regain is calculated according to formula (A.1). If there are multiple packages, the net weight of a single package shall be calculated separately. Calculate the average net weight of the batch of specimens. The calculation result is rounded to two ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.