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YD/T 1896-2009 English PDF

YD/T 1896-2009_English: PDF (YD/T1896-2009)
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Standard ID YD/T 1896-2009 (YD/T1896-2009)
Description (Translated English) Criteria for Use Instructions of Mobile Terminal Products
Sector / Industry Telecommunication Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard M30
Classification of International Standard 33.050.99
Word Count Estimation 12,192
Date of Issue 2009-06-15
Date of Implementation 2009-09-01
Quoted Standard GB 5296.1-1997; GB/T 18287; GB/T 18288; GB/T 18289; YD 1268; YD/T 0001; YD/T 1591
Drafting Organization MIIT Telecommunications Research Institute
Administrative Organization China Communications Standards Association
Regulation (derived from) MIIT [2009] No. 43
Summary This standard specifies the use of mobile devices in the form of instructions, preparation requirements, content and labeling, safety warnings, standardized terminology and signs, audition signal and durability requirements and so on. This standard applies to the mobile communication terminal products.

YD/T 1896-2009 YD COMMUNICATION INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 33.050.99 M 30 Criteria for Use Instructions of Mobile Terminal Products ISSUED ON. JUNE 15, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 01, 2009 Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative References ... 4 3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations ... 5 4 General Rules ... 5 5 Form of Instructions for Use ... 7 6 Formulation Requirements of the Instructions for Use ... 8 7 Contents and Labelling Requirements of Instructions for Use ... 9 8 Safety Warning ... 14 9 Standardized Terms and Signs ... 14 10 Audio-visual Signals ... 14 11 Durability Requirements of Instructions for Use ... 14 Bibliography ... 15 Criteria for Use Instructions of Mobile Terminal Products 1 Scope This Standard specifies the form, formulation requirements, contents and markings, security warnings, standardized terms and signs, audio-visual signals, durability, etc. for the use instructions of mobile terminal products. This Standard is applicable to the mobile communication terminal products. 2 Normative References The following documents contain the provisions which, through reference in this Standard, become the provisions of this Standard. For dated references, their subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this Standard. GB 5296.1-1997 Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest - General Principles GB/T 18287 General Specification of Lithium-Ion Battery for Cellular Phone GB/T 18288 General Specification of Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery for Cellular Phone GB/T 18289 General Specification of Nickel-Cadmium Battery for Cellular Phone YD 1268 The Safety Specification and Test Method for Lithium Batteries and Charger YD/T 0001 The Requirements for Qualification of Mobile and Fixed Telephone Service YD/T 1591 Technical Requirements and Test Method of Charger and Interface for Mobile Telecommunication Terminal Equipment 4.2 The contents of the instructions for use shall conform to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. 4.3 The contents of the instructions for use shall be concise, accurate, easy to read and understand. 4.4 The instructions for use shall help the consumer to use the product correctly, and can effectively help the consumer to avoid the possible danger caused by misuse. The instructions for use can’t compensate for the unreasonable dangers of design that may endanger the safety of person and property of others. 4.5 The instructions for use shall. a) Be able to identify the product clearly; b) Clearly identify the used objects and their capabilities; c) Explain the intended use of the product, if required; d) Include all information required for proper and safe use of the product and/or related services and maintenance. 4.6 The instructions for u se shall explain the foreseeable use errors and give adequate warning. 4.7 The instructions for use shall include the following information. a) The basic information of the mobile terminal products including physical characteristics, basic performance indicators, and main functions; b) General safety guideline and precautions; c) Functional instructions; d) Version statement; e) Three Guarantees service statement; f) After-sale service information. 4.8 The instructions for use shall provide the consumers with the following important information about use. a) The environment [e.g. waste destruction (treatment), reuse]; b) Protection of the energy and other resources. 4.9 The instructions for use shall indicate the special protective measures required to 6 Formulation Requirements of the Instructions for Use 6.1 General It shall conform to the provisions of 8.1 in GB 5296.1-1997. 6.2 Easy to read 6.2.1 Fonts and sizes In order to facilitate consumers to read and identify, the font used in the instructions shall be clear. a) The size of the title font shall be no less than that of the text; b) The size of the text font shall be no less than 1.85mm×1.85mm; c) The safety warning shall be particularly eye-catching and shall be in bold type. The warning words such as “Danger”, “Warning”, “Attention”, etc. shall be significantly larger than the font size of the text; d) The font size of the instructions for use on the product shall conform to the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations; e) The location of the instructions for use on the product and their angles on the horizontal and vertical plane shall facilitate the consumer to read and understand easily from the consumer’s location when using the product. 6.2.2 Brightness comparison The difference between the percentage of light reflected back from the bottom surface and the percentage of light reflected back from the print shall be as large as possible. 6.2.3 Instruction requirements for safety contents For the safety instructions in the instructions for use, in order to make the content stand out, the words with different fonts and different sizes or other methods that make the contents stand out shall be used. If safety and health are to be explained at the same time, special considerations hall be given to safety. 6.3 Color It shall conform to the provisions of 8.3 in GB 5296.1-1997. 6.4 Principle of expression It shall conform to the provisions of 8.4 in GB 5296.1-1997. consistent with the product. 7.3 Manufacturer information If the producer and the manufacturer are the same, their legally registered name and related information shall be indicated on the product or on the product package. If the producer differs from the manufacturer, the legally registered name and related information of the producer and the manufacturer shall be indicated on the product or on the product package. The imported products shall be labelled with the country of origin (country and region), and the name and related information of the agent or importer or seller registered in China. The above related information includes name, address, zip code, contact information, website address, etc. 7.4 IMEI/ESN/MEID serial numbers of the product The IMEI/ESN/MEID serial number must be labelled on the product package, on the product body or prominent location; and shall be consistent with the product. 7.5 Network access license sign The products that have obtained the network access license sign shall be affixed with the network access license sign on the product package, on product body or prominent location. The use of the network access license sign shall conform to the relevant provisions of No.11 Order of the Ministry of Information Industry. 7.6 Product reference standard The number of reference standard for the product shall be labelled on the product package, in the instructions for use of the product, on the product body or prominent location; such standard include the national standard, industry standard, or enterprise standard. 7.7 Product safety certification mark The product that obtained the safety certification shall be affixed with a safety certification mark on the product package, on the product body or prominent location. If the printing or molding is used, the certification mark shall be applied as per the relevant national regulations. 7.8 Color indication The input method and its use supported by the product shall be explained in the instructions for use; it shall be consistent with the product. 7.18 Operating system If the product is a mobile communication terminal with a built-in open operating system, then the instructions for use must indicate the type, version or finding method of the operating system. 7.19 Version statement and date The version, or publication date and revision date of the instructions for use must be indicated in the instructions for use; and provide a method to acquire the updating version of the instructions for use. The software version of the product and tis search method shall be indicated in the instructions for use. 7.20 Product function and how to use The instructions for use shall specify the functions of the products, indicate the detailed usage method in steps, and accompany the textual description by a diagram, if necessary. The functional description and usage method of the product shall be consistent with the product. 7.21 Safety information The instructions for use shall provide sufficient information to the user, including all conditions of use, to ensure that the user is not in danger when using the equipment as specified by the manufacturer. The new type of mobile phone terminal is attached with many additional functions; the safety instructions of the mobile phone terminal shall contain the safety instructions against such additional functions. The safety information includes. a) Safety instructions used in the hospital; b) Safety instructions for using mobile phone terminal when driving a vehicle; c) Safety instructions when riding an aircraft; d) Safety instructions for use mobile phone terminal in the explosive places such as gas stations, oil depots, and chemical plants; e) Special consideration for children; 7.26 Contents and requirements that shall be labelled on the electronic document 7.26.1 Product name The product name shall be indicated on the carrier to which the electronic document is attached. The product name shall be consistent with what labelled on the product. 7.26.2 Product model The brand and model of the product shall be indicated on the carrier to which the electronic document is attached; and they shall be consistent with what labelled on the product. 7.26.3 Manufacturer information The electronic document shall be labelled with the name of the manufacturer registered in accordance with law. 7.26.4 Publication date and revision date The version number or publication date and revision date of the electronic document shall be indicated on the carrier to which the electronic document is attached. 8 Safety Warning It shall conform to the provision of Clause 9 in GB 5296.1-1997. 9 Standardized Terms and Signs It shall conform to the provision of Clause 10 in GB 5296.1-1997. 10 Audio-visual Signals It shall conform to the provision of Clause 11 in GB 5296.1-1997. 11 Durability Requirements of Instructions for Use It shall conform to the provision of Clause 12 in GB 5296.1-1997. ......

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