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GB/T 2694-2018 English PDF (GB/T 2694-2010, GB/T 2694-2003)

GB/T 2694-2018_English: PDF (GB/T2694-2018)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 2694-2018English679 Add to Cart 5 days [Need to translate] Specification of manufacturing for transmission line tower Valid GB/T 2694-2018
GB/T 2694-2010English125 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Specification of manufacturing for transmission line tower Obsolete GB/T 2694-2010
GB/T 2694-2003English639 Add to Cart 5 days [Need to translate] Transmission line tower -- Technical requirements for manufacturing Obsolete GB/T 2694-2003
GB 2694-1981English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Transmission line towers--Technical requirements for manufacturing Obsolete GB 2694-1981

Standard ID GB/T 2694-2018 (GB/T2694-2018)
Description (Translated English) Specification of manufacturing for transmission line tower
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K47
Classification of International Standard 29.240.99
Word Count Estimation 34,317
Date of Issue 2018-07-13
Date of Implementation 2019-02-01
Drafting Organization Power Industry Power Equipment and Line Equipment Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Qingdao Huijintong Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Changshu Fengfan Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Shandong Zhongchen Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chongqing Shuntai Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Company, Anhui Hongyuan Iron Tower Co., Ltd., Chongqing Jiangdian Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Wenzhou Taichang Iron Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Qingdao Wuxiao Group Co., Ltd., Weifang Changan Iron Tower Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization China Electricity Council
Proposing organization China Electricity Council
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Markets and China National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 2694-2010 (GB/T2694-2010)
Description (Translated English) Specification of manufacturing for transmission line tower
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K47
Classification of International Standard 29.240.99
Word Count Estimation 41,468
Date of Issue 2010-12-23
Date of Implementation 2011-05-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 2694-2003
Quoted Standard GB/T 41; GB/T 95; GB/T 470; GB/T 699; GB/T 700; GB/T 702; GB/T 706; GB/T 709; GB/T 805; GB/T 985.1; GB/T 985.2; GB/T 1591; GB/T 2828.1; GB/T 2829; GB/T 3098.1; GB/T 3098.2; GB/T 3323; GB/T 5117; GB/T 5118; GB/T 5293; GB/T 5780; GB/T 8110; GB 11345; GB/T 12470; GB/T 13912; DL/T 764.4; JGJ 81
Drafting Organization Power industry electrical equipment and wiring equipment Quality Inspection and Testing Center
Administrative Organization China Electricity Council
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 10 of 2010 (No. 165 overall)
Proposing organization China Electricity Council
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the transmission line tower manufacturing process materials, technical requirements, testing, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage requirements.

Standard ID GB/T 2694-2003 (GB/T2694-2003)
Description (Translated English) Transmission line tower. Technical reguirements for manufacturing
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K51
Classification of International Standard 29.240.01
Word Count Estimation 16,177
Date of Issue 2003-04-14
Date of Implementation 2003-12-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 2694-1981
Quoted Standard GB/T 470; GB/T 3098.1; GB/T 3098.2; GB/T 3323; GB/T 11345; GB/T 13912; GB 50205-2001
Drafting Organization Anshan Tower Manufacturing Plant, the Ministry of Electric Power Industry Tower Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Anshan Tower Development Center
Administrative Organization China Electric Power Enterprise Federation Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment Branch
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 10 of 2010 (No. 165 overall)
Proposing organization The original power department
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China

GB/T 2694-2018 Specification of manufacturing for transmission line tower ICS 29.240.99 K47 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replace GB/T 2694-2010 Transmission line tower manufacturing technical conditions Published on.2018-07-13 Implementation of.2019-02-01 State market supervision and administration China National Standardization Administration issued Content Foreword III 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 terms and definitions, symbol 2 3.1 Terms and Definitions 2 3.2 Symbol 3 4 General 3 5 Material 3 5.1 Steel 3 5.2 Welding materials 4 5.3 Fasteners 4 5.4 Zinc ingot 4 6 Technical requirements 4 6.1 Cut off 4 6.2 Mark 5 6.3 Forming (bending, flattening, opening and closing angle) 5 6.4 Hole 6 6.5 Clearing, shovel and opening 8 6.6 Welding 8 6.7 Welding parts assembly 13 6.8 Correction 14 6.9 Hot dip galvanizing 15 6.10 Trial assembly 16 7 Inspection 17 7.1 Certificate 17 7.2 Inspection items 17 7.3 Inspection requirements and methods 18 7.4 Sampling plan and decision principle 19 8 Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage 21 8.1 Packing 21 8.2 Mark 22 8.3 Transportation and storage 22 9 Data Transfer Requirements 22 Appendix A (Normative) Hot-dip galvanizing layer uniformity test copper sulfate test method 23 Appendix B (Normative) Hot-dip galvanized layer adhesion test Drop-weight test method 25 Appendix C (Normative) Hot-dip galvanized layer thickness test Metal coating thickness gauge test method 26 Appendix D (Normative) Hot-dip galvanized layer adhesion test Dissolution weighing test method 27 Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces GB/T 2694-2010 "Technical Conditions for the Manufacturing of Transmission Line Towers". Compared with GB/T 2694-2010, the main technical changes in this standard are as follows. ---Modified some terms and definitions, symbols; --- Modified the steel material code identification requirements; ---Adjust, increase or decrease some of the items and their deviation requirements; ---Modified inspection requirements; --- Increased data transfer requirements. This standard is proposed and managed by the China Electricity Council. This standard was drafted. Power Industry Power Equipment and Line Equipment Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Qingdao Huijintong Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Company, Changshu Fengfan Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Shandong Zhongchen Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chongqing Shun Tai Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Anhui Hongyuan Tower Co., Ltd., Chongqing Jiangdian Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Wenzhou Taichang Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Company, Jiangsu Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Qingdao Wuxiao Group Co., Ltd., Weifang Changan Tower Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. the company. The main drafters of this standard. Cai Pengyi, Li Xianjin, Gu Xiaolei, Ma Qian, Fu Bichuan, Ping Lang, Dai Gangping, Wang Lixin, Ke Yongjun, Liu Feng, Xie Yi, Chen Yanbing, Sun Jianjun, Li Yonggang, Wu Shuiwen. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are. ---GB 2694-1981, GB/T 2694-2003, GB/T 2694-2010. Transmission line tower manufacturing technical conditions 1 Scope This standard specifies the materials, technical requirements, inspection, packaging, marking, and transportation in the manufacturing process of transmission line towers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "iron towers"). Loss and storage. This standard is applicable to the manufacture of transmission line angle steel towers. The manufacture of power microwave towers, power communication towers and similar steel structures can be implemented. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article. Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 41 Type 1 Hex Nut Grade C GB/T 95 flat washer C grade GB/T 229 metal material Charpy pendulum impact test method GB/T 470 zinc ingot GB/T 699 high quality carbon structural steel GB/T 700 carbon structural steel GB/T 702 hot rolled steel bar size, shape, weight and tolerance GB/T 706 hot rolled steel GB/T 709 hot rolled steel sheet and strip size, shape, weight and tolerance GB/T 805 fastening nut GB/T 985.1 Recommended groove for gas welding, electrode arc welding, gas shielded welding and high energy beam welding GB/T 985.2 recommended groove for submerged arc welding GB/T 1591 low alloy high strength structural steel GB/T 2828.1. Sampling and sampling procedures - Part 1 . Batch-to-batch sampling plan searched by the acceptance quality limit (AQL) GB/T 2829 Cycle Inspection Counting Sampling Procedures and Tables (Applicable to Inspection of Process Stability) GB/T 3098.1 Fastener mechanical properties bolts, screws and studs GB/T 3098.2 fastener mechanical properties nut GB/T 3274 carbon structural steel and low alloy structural steel hot rolled steel sheet and strip GB/T 3323 metal fusion welding joints radiography GB/T 3524 carbon structural steel and low alloy structural steel hot rolled steel strip GB/T 5117 non-alloy steel and fine grain steel electrode GB/T 5118 heat-strength steel electrode GB/T 5293 Submerged arc welding non-alloy steel and fine grain steel solid welding wire, flux cored wire and wire-flux combination classification requirements GB/T 5313 thickness direction performance steel plate GB/T 5780 Hex Head Bolt C Grade GB/T 6052 industrial liquid carbon dioxide GB/T 6170 type 1 hex nut GB/T 8110 carbon steel, low alloy steel welding wire for gas shielded arc welding GB/T 9448 welding and cutting safety GB/T 10045 carbon steel flux cored wire GB/T 11345 weld non-destructive testing ultrasonic testing technology, inspection grade and assessment GB/T 12470 Submerged arc welding heat-strength steel solid wire, flux cored wire and wire-flux combination classification requirements Technical requirements and test methods for hot dip galvanized layer of GB/T 13912 metal-clad steel parts GB/T 17493 low alloy steel flux cored wire GB/T 29711 Weld non-destructive testing Ultrasonic testing of display characteristics in welds GB/T 29712 weld non-destructive testing ultrasonic testing acceptance level GB 50661 Steel Structure Welding Specification JB/T 3223 Welding Material Quality Management Procedures JG/T 203 steel structure ultrasonic flaw detection and quality classification method HG/T 3728 welding mixed gas argon-carbon dioxide 3 terms and definitions, symbols 3.1 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1.1 Part part The smallest unit that makes up the tower component or component, such as angle steel, steel, etc. 3.1.2 Component A unit consisting of several parts, such as welded parts. 3.1.3 Component element The basic unit of the tower consisting of parts and components fastened together. 3.1.4 Assembly The process of joining parts together to make them part, according to specified accuracy and technical requirements. 3.1.5 Test assembly Assembly to verify that the component or tower meets the design and installation quality requirements. 3.1.6 Hot dip galvanized hot-dipgalvanizing A process of immersing a steel piece subjected to pretreatment such as rusting into a molten zinc liquid to form a zinc and/or zinc-iron alloy layer on the surface thereof Process and method. 3.1.7 Cut surface perpendicularity shearing sectionperpendicularity The degree of inclination of the cut surface of the steel plate or angle steel. 3.1.8 Angle steel end verticality angleshearededgeperpendicularity The degree to which the angle between the cut edge and the ridge line is inclined. 3.1.9 Angle steel quasi-roredangledirectrix The vertical distance of the center of the bolt hole on the angle steel from the angle back of the steel, usually divided into single row standard and double row standard distance. 3.1.10 Clear root arcshoveled In order to ensure the tight connection of the angle steel, the inner arc of the outer angle steel is cut into a right angle. 3.1.11 Shovel back chipheel In order to ensure the tight connection of the angle steel, the back corner of the inner angle steel is shoveled into a smooth circular arc shape. 3.2 symbol The following symbols apply to this document. a ---pitch, clearance, quasi-distance B --- Weld width b ---width, blunt edge C --- Weld seam height d --- aperture e --- eccentricity, displacement f --- deflection, deformation, curvature, straightness, flatness, pre-arch g --- groove width h --- height, vertical spacing Hf---welding foot size L --- outline size, length P --- tilt, verticality R ---radius S --- hole spacing, row spacing, end spacing, margins t --- plate, wall thickness Z0---center of gravity -- --- angle δ --- wrong side 4 General 4.1 The manufacturing and inspection of the tower shall meet the design requirements. When the design needs to be modified, the design unit's consent shall be obtained and the design change shall be signed. file. 4.2 Not specified in this standard shall comply with the relevant national standards. 4.3 When adopting new technologies, new processes and new materials, they shall pass the test and verification and pass the test. 4.4 The production process of the tower should comply with environmental, safety and occupational health regulations. 5 materials 5.1 Steel 5.1.1 The specifications and grades of steel used in the manufacture of iron towers shall be selected according to the design requirements, and the quality indicators shall comply with GB/T 699 and GB/T 700. GB/T 702, GB/T 706, GB/T 709, GB/T 1591, GB/T 3274, GB/T 3524, GB/T 5313, and shall have The factory quality certificate is used and passed after sampling. The batch and quantity of steel samples should meet the requirements of relevant standards. Imported steel Quality should be in accordance with the design and contract. 5.1.2 Steel shall have traceable marks. In the manufacturing process, if the original traceable marks are divided, the marks shall be completed before the material is divided. transplant. 5.1.3 The dimensions, shape, weight and tolerance of hot-rolled steel sheets and strips shall be in accordance with GB/T 709 when there is no special requirement for design or contract. The N-type deviation requirements. 5.1.4 The bending angle of angle steel with side width greater than.200mm shall not exceed 2mm/m, and the total bending shall not exceed 0.2% of the total length. 5.1.5 The surface of the steel shall be free from cracks, folds, crusting, inclusions and heavy skin; when the surface is rusted, pitting or scratched, the depth shall not be greater than the steel. The thickness of the material is 1/2 of the negative allowable deviation value, and the cumulative error should be within the negative tolerance. 5.1.6 Steel should not have burrs larger than 5mm. The surface defects of the steel are allowed to be removed, but should not be removed laterally. The clearing should be smooth and unequal. Angle, the clearance width should not be less than 5 times the depth of clearance, and the dimensional deviation of the profile after removal should not exceed the contracted negative tolerance. 5.2 Welding materials 5.2.1 The quality of welding materials such as welding rod, welding wire and flux should conform to GB/T 5117, GB/T 5118, GB/T 5293, GB/T 8110, GB/T 10045, GB/T 12470, GB/T 17493 provisions. 5.2.2 The surface of the electrode should not fall off or get wet; the surface of the wire should be smooth and flat, and there should be no burrs, scratches, rust and scales or Other impurities that adversely affect the welding performance and the operational performance of the welding equipment exist. 5.2.3 Welding gas should meet the requirements of GB/T 6052 and HG/T 3728. 5.2.4 The mechanical properties of the deposited metal shall be tested before the first use of each welding consumable. 5.2.5 The management of welding consumables shall comply with the provisions of JB/T 3223. 5.3 Fasteners 5.3.1 The specifications, grades and anti-corrosion forms of the fasteners used in the tower shall be selected according to the requirements of the design documents, and the quality of the products shall comply with GB/T 41, GB/T 95, GB/T 805, GB/T 3098.1, GB/T 3098.2, GB/T 5780, GB/T 6170. 5.3.2 High strength bolts of class 8.8 and above shall have a certificate of conformity for strength and plasticity tests. 5.3.3 The thickness of the galvanized layer of the fastener shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 13912. 5.4 Zinc ingot The quality requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, transportation and storage of zinc ingots shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 470. 6 Technical requirements 6.1 cut off 6.1.1 After the steel is cut, there shall be no cracks on the fracture and edge ribs larger than 1.0mm. The flatness of the cut surface shall not be greater than 0.05t (t is the thickness), and should not be greater than 2.0mm, the scribe depth should not be greater than 0.3mm, and the local notch depth tolerance is 1.0mm. 6.1.2 The allowable deviation of cutoff shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Table 1 The allowable deviation unit is mm Project tolerance deviation diagram Length L or width b ±2.0 Cut plane perpendicularity P ≤ t/8, and ≤ 3.0 Angle steel end perpendicularity P ≤ 3b/100, and ≤ 3.0 6.2 Identification 6.2.1 Parts can be stamped with steel characters according to the company logo, engineering code (if necessary), tower type, part number, and steel material code. Steel Materials should be identified by the code in Table 2. Table 2 Steel material code identification Steel grade Steel quality grade BCD Q235 - FC FD Q345 H HC HD Q420 P PC PD Q460 - TC TD Note. Q235B material is not identified. 6.2.2 The stamps of the logo shall be arranged neatly, the font shall not be defective, and the font height shall be 8mm~18mm. Material thickness is not more than 8mm When the thickness of the stamp is 0.3mm~0.6mm, when the thickness of the material is more than 8mm, the depth of the stamp is 0.5mm~1.0mm, which should be clear after galvanizing. Clear and identifiable. The surface of the steel near the stamp shall not produce significant irregularities and shall not have cracks or nicks at the edges. 6.2.3 The stamp shall not be pressed into the hole making, bending, milling or welding. 6.3 Forming (bending, flattening, opening and closing angle) 6.3.1 For the bending and opening angle of the parts, cold deformation processing or uniform thermal deformation processing at room temperature may be used, and the flattening shall be performed by thermal deformation. Carbon When the structural steel is lower than -16 °C at ambient temperature and the low-alloy structural steel is below -12 °C at ambient temperature, it should not be cold-deformed. Steel plate cold bend The minimum radius of curvature is 2 times the thickness of the plate. 6.3.2 After the parts are bent, the edge of the bend should be smoothly transitioned. There should be no cracks and obvious wrinkles, concave surfaces and damage on the surface. The scratch depth is not Should be greater than 0.5mm. 6.3.3 After the part is bent, the thinnest part of the angle of the angle steel shall not be less than 70% of the original nominal thickness. 6.3.4 When the part is bent, the weld quality grade at the gap shall not be lower than the secondary weld requirement, and the weld shall not affect the installation. Gap When filling material, the material and thickness of the material should be the same as the original part. 6.3.5 After the parts are flattened, a reasonable gap should be reserved for the flattened parts to ensure the quality of galvanizing. 6.3.6 The allowable deviation of bending, flattening and opening and closing angles shall be in accordance with Table 3. Table 3 The allowable deviation of the bending, flattening and opening and closing angle is in millimeters. Project tolerance deviation diagram Curve point (line) displacement e 2.0 Steel plate 5L/1000 Joint angle steel, regardless of the sideband size 1.5L/1000 Non-joint Angle steel B≤50 7L/1000 50 \u003cb≤100 5L/1000 100 \u003cb≤200 3L/1000 b>200 2L/1000 Limb clearance a 2±0.5 Length L 10.00 Deformation fb/100 Length L 5.00 Note. b is the angle of the angle of the angle. 6.4 Hole making 6.4.1 There should be no obvious concave defects on the punched surface, and burrs larger than 0.3mm should be removed. The boundary between the hole wall and the part surface after the hole is made At the junction, there should be no ribs or sag angles greater than 0.5 mm. The allowable deviation of the hole shall be in accordance with Table 4. Table 4 The allowable deviation unit for making holes is mm Project tolerance deviation diagram Before galvanizing After galvanizing d 0.80 d 0.5-0.3 D1-d ≤0.12t Table 4 (continued) Unit is mm Project tolerance deviation diagram Hole roundness dm-d ≤1.2 Hole verticality P ≤0.03t And ≤2.0 Quasi-aperture a1, a2 ±1.0 Inter-row distance S ± 1.0 The distance between two adjacent holes in the same group is S1 ± 1.0 The distance between two adjacent holes in the same group is S2 ± 0.5 Adjacent group two holes distance S3 ± 1.0 Non-adjacent group two holes distance S4 ± 1.5 Two face displacement deviation e ±1.0 at the angle joint End distance and margin Sd ±1.5 Cut corner margin Sg ±1.5 Aperture after galvanizing D≤80 ±1.0 d>80 ±2.0 Hole spacing S ± 2.0 Note 1. The measurement position of the punching aperture is performed in the plane of its small diameter. Note 2. d is the nominal diameter in the roundness of the hole. 6.4.2 When the steel material is Q235 and the thickness is more than 16mm, the steel material is Q345 and the thickness is more than 14mm, the steel material is All thicknesses and hanging holes of Q420 with thickness greater than 12mm and steel material Q460 shall be drilled. 6.5 Clearing, shovel and opening The allowable deviation of clearing, shovel and opening shall comply with Table 5. Table 5 The allowable deviation unit of clear root, shovel back and groove is mm Project tolerance deviation diagram T≤10 0.8-0.4 10 \u003ct≤16 1.2-0.4 t>16 2.0-0.6 Length L1 5.0-2.0 Arc radius R1 2.00 L---lap length with the outer angle steel; R---outer angle radius of the outer angle steel Groove angle α ±5° Blunt edge b ±1.0 6.6 Welding 6.6.1 Welding procedure qualification The steel, welding materials, welding methods, structural forms, preheating and post-treatment used for the first time shall be in accordance with GB 50661 before welding. Conduct welding process evaluation, and prepare welding procedure specifications and welding operation instructions. 6.6.2 Welder qualification Welders should pass special basic theoretical and operational skills training and pass the examination to obtain a certificate of conformity. The type of welding, the welding method and the welding position of the welder shall be in accordance with the scope of application of the welder's own qualified test items. 6.6.3 Basic welding regulations The quality requirements and technical measures for tack welding shall be the same as for formal welds and shall be applied by welders with valid qualification certificates. The welding range of the welded parts shall not exceed the coverage of the welding procedure. The welding site environment shall meet the following requirements. a) Welding rod arc welding, the maximum wind speed in the welding operation area should not exceed 8m/s, gas shielded arc welding should not exceed 2m/s, if super In the above range, effective measures should be taken to ensure that the welding arc area is not affected. b) It is strictly forbidden to weld when the welding work area is in one of the following conditions. --- Relative humidity is greater than 90%; --- Welded parts are wet or exposed to rain, ice and snow; ---The welding operation conditions do not meet the relevant provisions of GB/T 9448. c) When the welding environment temperature is lower than 0 °C but not lower than -10 °C, heating or protective measures shall be taken, and the joints of the joints shall be ensured. To the base metal temperature not less than 2 times the thickness of the plate and not less than 100 mm, not lower than 20 ° C or the specified minimum preheating temperature The higher value of both, and should not be lower than this temperature during the welding process. d) When the welding environment temperature is lower than -10 °C, the process qualification test under the corresponding welding environment shall be carried out, and the test shall be carried out after passing the assessment. Welding is carried out. If the above requirements are not met, welding is strictly prohibited. Metal materials shall not be embedded in the weld gap. After welding of the first and second welds, the welder number stamp shall be placed at a position of 50 mm from the weld toe. For independent welding, it is only necessary to put a welder number stamp on the obvious position of the component, and it should be clearly visible after galvanizing. Welds to be ground shall ensure the effective penetration of the weld. 6.6.4 Welding groove The form and size of the welding groove shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T 985.1 and GB/T 985.2. Slopes with special requirements for drawings The form and size of the mouth shall be determined in accordance with the drawings and in conjunction with the welding procedure. The welding groove shall be processed by mechanical method first. When using flame cutting, the weld bevel shall be flat, free from burrs and cracks. There are no defects such as gas cutting and dissection. 6.6.5 Welding rework Prior to welding rework, rework procedures and rework processes shall be developed in accordance with relevant standards and procedures, and shall be strictly followed. The quality control of welding rework shall be the same as the quality control of formal welding operations. When the number of rework of the same part of the weld is more than twice, the number of rework, location and rework shall be in the acceptance data of the product. Description. 6.6.6 Weld quality Quality of weld appearance The quality of the weld appearance should meet the following requirements. a) Weld feel should be. uniform shape, good forming, smooth transition between weld bead and weld bead, weld and base metal. b) Non-destructive testing of surface defects shall occur when one of the following conditions occurs in the weld. --- When the appearance inspection finds cracks, 100% surface non-destructive testing shall be carried out for similar welds in the batch; ---When the appearance inspection is suspected to have cracks, the surface of the suspected part should be non-destructively tested; --- Design drawings specify when performing surface nondestructive testing. c) The appearance quality of the weld shall comply with the requirements of Table 6. Table 6 Weld quality grade and appearance defects are graded in millimeters Project tolerance Weld quality grade level 1st level 3rd level Not soldered (refers to insufficient design requirements) Not allowed Root shrinkage is not allowed ≤0.2 0.02t and ≤1.0 ≤0.2 0.04t and ≤2.0 The total length of defects per 100.0 weld is less than or equal to 15.0 ≤0.2 0.02t and ≤1.0 ≤0.2 0.04t and ≤2.0 Any length Table 6 (continued) Unit is mm Project tolerance Weld quality grade level 1st level 3rd level Undercut is not allowed Depth ≤0.05t and ≤0.5; continuous length Degree ≤ 100.0 and total undercut on both sides of the weld Length ≤10% of weld length Depth ≤ 0.1t and ≤ 1.0, long Unlimited Crack is not allowed Arc cracks are not allowed Allowed to exist individually ≤ 5.0 Arc crack Arc abrasion does not permit the presence of individual arc abrasions Splash clean Poor connector is not allowed Notch depth ≤0.05t and ≤0.5 notch depth ≤0.1t and ≤1.0 No more than 1 weld per 1000.0 weld Welded tumors are not allowed Surface slag is not allowed Deep ≤0.2t, length ≤0.5t And ≤20.0 Surface pores are not allowed Permissible for every 50.0 weld In diameter ≤ 0.4t and ≤ 3.0 2 stomata; stomata ≥6 times aperture Note 1. If the undercut is ground and smoothed, it is rated according to the minimum allowable thickness of the weld. Note 2. t is the thickness of the thinner plate at ...... ......

GB/T 2694-2010 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 29.240.99 K 47 Replacing GB/T 2694-2003 Specification of Manufacturing for Transmission Line Tower ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 23, 2010 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 1, 2011 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ); Standardization Administration of China (SAC) of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative References ... 5  3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols ... 7  3.1 Terms and Definitions ... 7  3.2 Symbols ... 8  4 General Provisions ... 9  5 Materials ... 9  5.1 Steel ... 9  5.2 Welding Materials ... 10  5.3 Fasteners ... 10  5.4 Zinc Ingots ... 11  6 Technical Requirements ... 11  6.1 Shearing ... 11  6.2 Marking ... 11  6.3 Bending ... 12  6.4 Holing ... 13  6.5 Arc Shoveled, Chip Heel and Beveling ... 14  6.6 Welding ... 15  6.7 Assembling of Weldment ... 21  6.8 Straightening ... 23  6.9 Hot-dip Galvanizing ... 24  6.10 Test Assembling ... 25  7 Inspection ... 26  7.1 Conformity Certificate ... 26  7.2 Inspection Items ... 26  7.3 Inspection Requirements and Methods ... 27  7.4 Sampling Scheme and Judgement Principles ... 28  8 Packing, Marking, Transportation and Storage ... 32  8.1 General Requirements for Packing ... 32  8.2 Marking ... 33  8.3 Transportation and Storage ... 33  Appendix A (Normative) Uniformity Test of Hot-dip Galvanized Coating – ... 34  Method of Copper Sulfate Test ... 34  Appendix B (Normative) Adhesiveness Test of Hot-dip Galvanized Coating – ... 36  Method of Drop-Hammer Test ... 36  Appendix C (Normative) Thickness Test of Hot-dip Galvanized Coating – ... 37  Test Method by Metal Coating Thickness Tester ... 37  Appendix D (Normative) Adhesion Amount Test of Hot-dip Galvanized Coating – ... 38  Dissolving and Weighing Test Method ... 38  Appendix E (Normative) Adhesion Amount and Uniformity Test of Hot-dip Galvanized Coating - Sampling Method ... 40  Appendix F (Informative) Color and Corresponding Temperature of Steel Surface ... 41  Foreword This Standard was drafted according to the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard replaces GB/T 2694-2003 "Transmission Line Tower - Technical Requirements for Manufacturing". Compared with GB/T 2694-2003, besides the editorial amendments, the main technical changes of this Standard are as follows. - The characteristics of the ultra-high voltage (UHV) steel-tower products were fully considered; - The chapter "Terms, Definitions and Symbols" was added; - Requirements for materials were added; - Parts of the items and tolerances were adjusted, added-deleted; - Index requirements of test assembling were added; - Inspection requirements were modified. This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of China Electricity Council. Drafting organizations of this Standard. Power Industry Electric Power Installation and Line Material Quality Inspection Test Center, Weifang Chang'an Steel-tower Stock Co., Ltd., Anhui Hong Yuan Iron Tower Co., Ltd., Changshu Fengfan Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Fujian Electric Power Survey & Design Institute, Zhejiang Shengda Steel-tower Co., Ltd., Nanjing Daji Steel-tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Yunnan Electric Power Line Equipment Factory, Guangdong Electric Line Appliance Factory AND Chongqing Jiangjin Electric Power Line Component Factory. Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Li Xianjin, Cai Pengyi, Wang Jun, Zhu Danming, Zhao Jinyuan, Zhang Guixiang, Su Bo, Zhu Wende, Ma Qian, Zhao Jinfei, Chang Juan and Ren Jindong. The previous editions replaced by this Standard are as follows. - GB 2694-1981, GB/T 2694-2003. Specification of Manufacturing for Transmission Line Tower 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements such as materials, technical requirements, inspection, packing, marking, transportation and storage during the manufacture process of transmission line towers (hereinafter referred to as "steel-tower"). This Standard is applicable to the manufacturing of transmission line towers, electric power microwave towers, electric power communication towers and similar steel structures, of which the elements are manufactured mainly with angle-steel, connected by fasteners, and resistant to corrosion by hot-dip galvanizing. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendment) applies. GB/T 41 Hexagon Nuts - Product Grade C (GB/T 41-2000, eqv ISO 4034. 1999) GB/T 95 Plain Washers - Product Grade C (GB/T 95-2002, eqv ISO 7091. 2000) GB/T 470 Zinc Ingots (GB/T 470-2008, ISO 752. 2004, MOD) GB/T 699 Quality Carbon Structural Steels GB/T 700 Carbon Structural Steels (GB/T 700-2006, ISO 630. 1995, NEQ) GB/T 702 Hot-rolled Steel Bars - Dimensions, Shape, Weight and Tolerances (GB/T 702-2008, ISO 1035-1~4. 1980, MOD) GB/T 706 Hot Rolled Section Steel GB/T 709 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerances for Hot-rolled Steel Plates and Sheets (GB/T 709-2006, ISO 7452. 2002, ISO 16160. 2000, NEQ) GB/T 805 Tight Nuts GB/T 985.1 Recommended Joint Preparation for Gas Welding, Manual Metal Arc Welding, Gas-shield Arc Welding and Beam Welding (GB/T 985.1-2008, ISO 9692-1. 2003, MOD) GB/T 985.2 Recommended Joint Preparation for Submerged Arc Welding (GB/T 985.2-2008, ISO 9692-2. 1998, MOD) GB/T 1591 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels GB/T 2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes - Part 1. Sampling Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection (GB/T 2828.1-2003, ISO 2859-1. 1999, IDT) GB/T 2829 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Periodic Inspection by Attributes (Apply to Inspection of Process Stability) GB/T 3098.1 Mechanical Properties of Fasteners-Bolts, Screws and Studs (GB/T 3098.1-2000, idt ISO 898-1. 1999) GB/T 3098.2 Mechanical Properties of Fasteners-Nuts-Coarse Thread (GB/T 3098.2-2000, idt ISO 898-2. 1992) GB/T 3323 Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded Joints in Metallic Materials ... ......

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