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GB/T 24554-2022 English PDF (GB/T 24554-2009)

GB/T 24554-2022_English: PDF (GB/T24554-2022)
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GB/T 24554-2022English320 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Performance test methods for fuel cell system Valid GB/T 24554-2022
GB/T 24554-2009English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Performance test methods for fuel cell engines Obsolete GB/T 24554-2009

Standard ID GB/T 24554-2022 (GB/T24554-2022)
Description (Translated English) Performance test methods for fuel cell system
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.120
Word Count Estimation 22,258
Date of Issue 2022-12-30
Date of Implementation 2023-07-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 24554-2009
Drafting Organization Tongji University, China Automotive Research Institute New Energy Vehicle Inspection Center (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jet Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Remodeling Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing Yihuatong Technology Co., Ltd., Xiangyang Da'an Automobile Testing Center Co., Ltd., Beijing Hydrogen Power Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Guochuang Fuel Cell Technology Innovation Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., China First Automobile Co., Ltd., SAIC Maxus Automobile Co., Ltd., Chongqing Changan New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Fuel Cell Vehicle Power System Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shenli Technology Co., Ltd.,
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114)
Proposing organization State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Management Committee

Standard ID GB/T 24554-2009 (GB/T24554-2009)
Description (Translated English) Performance test methods for fuel cell engines
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.060.01
Word Count Estimation 8,898
Date of Issue 2009-10-30
Date of Implementation 2010-07-01
Drafting Organization Tongji University
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Approval Announcement 2009 No.12 (Total No.152)
Proposing organization National Development and Reform Commission
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the fuel cell engine starting characteristics, steady state characteristics, dynamic response characteristics, insulation resistance test methods for detection, leak detection. This standard for automotive proton exchange membrane fuel cell engine.

GB/T 24554-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.120 CCS T 47 Replacing GB/T 24554-2009 Performance test methods for fuel cell system ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 30, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2023 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Measurement parameters, units and accuracy ... 5 5 Test conditions ... 6 6 General test requirements ... 8 7 Preprocessing methods ... 8 8 Test methods ... 9 Appendix A (Informative) Test sequence of test items ... 21 Appendix B (Normative) Steady-state test data processing ... 22 Appendix C (Normative) Dynamic average power test data processing ... 24 Appendix D (Informative) Block diagram of fuel cell engine boundaries ... 26 Appendix E (Normative) Measurement method for fuel cell stack volumetric power density ... 27 Performance test methods for fuel cell system 1 Scope This document specifies the test methods of normal temperature start characteristics, low temperature cold start characteristics, steady state characteristics, dynamic response characteristics, dynamic average efficiency, high temperature operation test, air tightness test, insulation resistance test, mass and power density test, etc. for fuel cell engine. This document applies to the testing of proton exchange membrane fuel cell engines for vehicles. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgment of limiting values GB 18384, Electric vehicles safety requirements GB/T 24548, Fuel cell electric vehicles - Terminology GB/T 34593-2017, Test methods of hydrogen emission for fuel cell engine GB/T 35178, Fuel cell electric vehicles - Hydrogen consumption - Test methods GB/T 37244, Fuel specification for proton exchange membrane fuel cell vehicles - Hydrogen 3 Terms and definitions Terms and definitions determined by GB/T 24548 are applicable to this document. 4 Measurement parameters, units and accuracy Table 1 specifies the measurement parameters, units and accuracy of the test. engine shall be shut down immediately. When the ambient temperature reaches the set temperature, start timing, and the effective immersion time shall not be less than 12 hours. During the whole low-temperature cold start and low-temperature operation process, the temperature of the environmental chamber shall be controlled within ±2.0 °C of the set temperature and shall be lower than 0 °C. Note: The effective immersion time refers to the time from the time when the temperature of the environmental chamber reaches the set temperature to the end of the immersion. 7.3 High temperature immersion method Before immersion, the process of switching on and off the fuel cell engine shall be completed once, and the fuel cell engine shall be turned off. In the high temperature operation test of the fuel cell engine, the radiator or heat exchanger used for the fuel cell engine shall be placed in the environmental chamber. Set the temperature of the environmental chamber to 45.0 °C and the relative humidity to 40% ~ 90%. When the ambient temperature reaches the set temperature, start timing, and the effective immersion time shall not be less than 2 hours. During the whole high temperature immersion and high temperature operation process, the temperature of the environmental chamber shall be controlled within ±2.0 °C of the set temperature. Note: The effective immersion time refers to the time from the time when the temperature of the environmental chamber reaches the set temperature to the end of the immersion. 7.4 Warming-up method According to the manufacturer’s use regulations, make the fuel cell engine system work at a certain power, while monitoring the outlet temperature of the coolant of the fuel cell engine. When the outlet temperature of the coolant of the fuel cell engine reaches the normal operating temperature (the temperature is specified by the manufacturer), the fuel cell engine is considered to be in a hot state. 8 Test methods 8.1 Start characteristic test 8.1.1 Normal temperature start characteristic test Normal temperature idle speed cold start characteristic test Test conditions Before the test, place the fuel cell engine at normal temperature, and carry out the immersion treatment according to the immersion method in 7.1. The test process shall be carried out automatically without manual intervention. Test procedure Test according to the following procedure: a) According to the start procedure recommended by the manufacturer, the test platform sends a starting command to the fuel cell engine according to the provisions of 5.4, and starts the fuel cell engine; b) After the fuel cell engine is started, keep it running for at least 10 minutes at idle speed (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine); c) If condition b) is not met, the test shall be carried out again according to and this article. Data measured and recorded during the test Data measured in the test: cold starting time, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) voltage, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) current, etc. Normal temperature idle speed hot start test Test conditions Before the test, warm up the fuel cell engine according to the method specified in 7.4, so that the fuel cell engine is in a warm-up state. The test process shall be carried out automatically without manual intervention. Test procedure Test according to the following procedure: a) After the warm-up process is over, stop for 10 s; then, follow the starting procedure specified by the manufacturer. The test platform sends a starting command to the fuel cell engine according to the provisions of 5.4, and starts the fuel cell engine; b) After the fuel cell engine is started, keep it running for at least 10 minutes at idle speed (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine); c) If condition b) is not met, the test shall be carried out again according to and this article. Data measured and recorded during the test b) The test platform sends a loading command to the fuel cell engine in accordance with the provisions of 5.4. After loading to the rated power point, the fuel cell engine continues to run at the rated power for at least 10 minutes; c) If condition b) is not met, the test shall be carried out again according to and this article. Data measured and recorded during the test Data measured in the test: hot starting time, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) voltage, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) current. 8.1.2 Low temperature cold start characteristic test Low temperature idle speed cold start test Test conditions Before the test, place the fuel cell engine in the environmental chamber; set the temperature of the environmental chamber to the specified temperature; carry out the immersion treatment according to the immersion method in 7.2. The test process shall be carried out automatically without manual intervention. Test procedure Test according to the following procedure: a) After the preprocessing is completed, follow the starting procedure recommended by the manufacturer. The test platform sends a starting command to the fuel cell engine in accordance with the provisions of 5.4 to start the fuel cell engine; b) After the fuel cell engine is started, keep it running for at least 10 minutes at idle speed (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine); c) If condition b) is not met, the test shall be carried out again according to and this article. Data measured and recorded during the test Data measured in the test: starting time, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) voltage, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) current, ambient temperature, coolant temperature, auxiliary system voltage, auxiliary system current, hydrogen consumption. Low temperature rated power cold start test Test conditions Before the test, place the fuel cell engine in the environmental chamber; set the temperature of the environmental chamber to the specified temperature; carry out the immersion treatment according to the immersion method in 7.2. The test process shall be carried out automatically without manual intervention. Test procedure Test according to the following procedure: a) After the preprocessing is completed, follow the starting procedure recommended by the manufacturer. The test platform sends a starting command to the fuel cell engine in accordance with the provisions of 5.4 to start the fuel cell engine; b) The test platform sends a loading command to the fuel cell engine in accordance with the provisions of 5.4. After loading to the rated power point, the fuel cell engine continues to run at the rated power for at least 10 minutes; c) If condition b) is not met, the test shall be carried out again according to and this article. Data measured and recorded during the test Data measured in the test: starting time, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) voltage, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) current, ambient temperature, coolant temperature, auxiliary system voltage, auxiliary system current, hydrogen consumption. 8.2 Rated power test 8.2.1 Test conditions Before the test, set the fuel cell engine at a warm-up state. The test process shall be carried out automatically without manual intervention. 8.2.2 Test procedure Test according to the following procedure: a) After the warm-up process is over, return to the idle state (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine) and run for 10 s; b) The test platform sends a loading command to the fuel cell engine in accordance with the provisions of 5.4, loads to the rated power and continues to run at this power for 63 minutes (the loading process is shown in Figure 1); c) Take the average value of the 60-min operating power in Figure 1 as the rated power (PE) measured value (in kW) of the fuel cell engine, and round the rated power measured value to 2 decimal places according to the provisions of GB/T 8170. The nominal value of the rated power is the integer part of the rated power measured value; power point for at least 10 minutes, then loads to the set peak power, and continues to run at this power point (the length of time is determined by the manufacturer); after the set time is reached, it unloads according to the unloading method specified by the manufacturer, then the test is successful; otherwise, the test result is invalid, and the test must be repeated according to 8.3.1 and this article. 8.3.3 Data measured and recorded during the test Data measured in the test: peak power operation time, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) voltage, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) current, auxiliary system voltage, auxiliary system current, hydrogen consumption. 8.4 Dynamic response characteristic test 8.4.1 Test conditions Before the test, set the fuel cell engine to a warm-up state. The test process shall be carried out automatically without manual intervention. 8.4.2 Test procedure Loading dynamic response test Test according to the following procedure: a) Perform warm-up treatment on the fuel cell engine first; after the end of the warm- up process, it returns to the idle state (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine) and runs for 10 s; b) The test platform sends a loading command to the fuel cell engine according to the provisions of 5.4, loads to the initial power point of the dynamic response, and runs stably at this power point for at least 1 min; c) The test platform continues to send a loading command to the fuel cell engine until it reaches the cut-off point of the dynamic step; the fuel cell engine continues to run at this power point for at least 10 minutes, otherwise the test fails, and the test must be repeated in accordance with 8.4.1 and this article. Note: It is recommended to select the idle state (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine) as the initial power point of the dynamic response, 90% PE as the cut-off point of the dynamic step, and the response time of this step as an index to evaluate the dynamic response of the fuel cell engine. PE is the rated power of the fuel cell engine. Unloading dynamic response test Test according to the following procedure: a) Perform warm-up treatment on the fuel cell engine first; after the end of the warm- up process, it returns to the idle state (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine) and runs for 10 s; b) The test platform sends a loading command to the fuel cell engine according to the provisions of 5.4, and loads to the initial power point of the dynamic response. It is recommended to select 90% PE as the initial power point of the dynamic response, and PE as the rated power of the fuel cell engine, at which it shall run stably for at least 1 minute; c) The test platform continues to send an unloading command to the fuel cell engine, so that it reaches the cut-off point of the dynamic step within the specified time; the fuel cell engine continues to run stably at this power point for at least 10 minutes, otherwise the test fails, and the test must be repeated in accordance with 8.4.1 and this article. Note: The idle state (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine) is used as the cut-off point of the dynamic step, and the response time of this step is used as an indicator for evaluating the unloading dynamic response of the fuel cell engine. 8.4.3 Data measured and recorded during the test Data measured in the test: dynamic step response time, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) voltage, fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine) current, auxiliary system voltage, auxiliary system current, hydrogen consumption. 8.5 Steady state characteristic test 8.5.1 Test conditions Before the test, set the fuel cell engine to the warm-up state. The test process shall be carried out automatically without manual intervention, and the test data processing shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix B. 8.5.2 Test procedure Test according to the following procedure: a) Select the following operating points within the working range of the fuel cell engine, which are respectively the idle state (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine), 10%PE, 20%PE, 30%PE, 40%PE, 50%PE, 60%PE, 70%PE, 80%PE, 90%PE; b) After the warm-up process is over, it returns to the idle state (or the lowest power point of the fuel cell engine) and runs for 10 s; conditions specified by the manufacturer, and continues to run at this power for 63 minutes (the loading process is shown in Figure 1); c) The output power of the fuel cell engine within the effective measurement period in Figure 1 shall always be 95% ~ 105% of the average value of the effective measurement period of 60 minutes of operating power, otherwise the test result is invalid, and the test shall be carried out according to 8.6.1 and this article again. 8.6.3 Data measured and recorded during the test Data measured in the test: voltage and current of the fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine), consumption of hydrogen, voltage and current of the auxiliary system. 8.7 Dynamic average efficiency characteristic test Perform the test according to the test method specified in 5.2.2 of GB/T 34593-2017; collect the voltage, current, hydrogen flow and other parameters of the fuel cell stack (or fuel cell engine); conduct the test three times; take the average value of the three tests as the result. The test data processing method shall be processed according to Appendix C. 8.8 Fuel cell engine air tightness test 8.8.1 Test conditions Put the fuel cell engine at the ambient temperature without adding coolant; let it stand for not less than 12 h, so that the fuel cell engine is in a cold state; conduct the test according to the steps in 8.8.2. 8.8.2 Test procedure Hydrogen flow path air tightness test Carry out the air tightness test according to the following procedure. a) If the working pressure on the hydrogen side of the fuel cell engine is greater than or equal to 50 kPa: close the hydrogen exhaust port of the fuel cell stack; fill helium-nitrogen mixed gas (helium concentration not less than 10%) from the hydrogen inlet port (hydrogen inlet of the fuel cell engine); set the pressure at 50 kPa; close the inlet valve after the pressure is stable; keep the other ports open; keep the pressure 20 min; record the pressure drop value. b) If the working pressure on the hydrogen side of the fuel cell engine is less than 50 kPa: close the hydrogen exhaust port of the fuel cell stack; fill helium-nitrogen mixed gas (helium concentration not less than 10%) from the hydrogen inlet port (hydrogen inlet of the fuel cell engine). If the working pressure on the hydrogen side of the fuel cell stack is 30 kPa ~ 50 kPa, set the pressure to the working pressure of the fuel cell stack; if the working pressure on the hydrogen side of the ......

GB/T 24554-2009 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.060.01 T 47 Performance Test Methods for Fuel Cell Engines ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 30, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON. JULY 1, 2010 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 Accuracy requirements of testing instruments ... 5  5 Test preparation ... 5  6 General test conditions and test requirements ... 5  7 Performance test methods ... 6  8 Calculation of test data ... 11  Foreword This Standard was proposed by National Development and Reform Commission. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee. Drafting organization of this Standard. Tongji University. Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. China Automotive Technology and Research Center, Tsinghua University. Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Hou Yongping, Sun Zechang, Yu Zhuoping, Zhao Jingwei, He Yuntang, Ma Jianxin, Wang Zhe, Zhou Hong, Pei Pucheng. Performance Test Methods for Fuel Cell Engines 1 Scope This Standard specifies the test methods for starting characteristics, steady-state characteristics, dynamic response characteristics, air tightness, and insulation resistance etc. of the fuel cell engine. This Standard is applicable to the vehicles with proton exchange membrane fuel cell engines. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 18384 (All parts) Electric vehicle - Safety requirements GB/T 24548 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Terminology GB/T 24549 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Safety Requirements 3 Terms and definitions Terms and definitions determined by GB/T 24548, and the following ones are applicable to this Standard. 3.1 cold state The fuel cell engine’s internal temperature (coolant outlet temperature) and the environment temperature are the same. 3.2 hot state The fuel cell engine’s internal temperature is in normal operating temperature range (the normal operating temperature is specified by the manufacturer). 6.3 Pre-test fuel cell engine’s state regulations The pre-test fuel cell engine’s state shall meets the following requirements. --- Coolant filling is completed; --- After the hydrogen passing through, the fuel cell engine can work. 6.4 General test requirements Test shall be conducted in accordance with the following requirements. --- Throughout the whole test items, firstly, in accordance with 7.9, conduct leak detection; if air tightness does not meet the requirements, then terminate the test; --- After the completion of air tightness detection, in accordance with 7.10, conduct pre-test of insulation resistance (cooling pump is in operating state); if the insulation resistance value does not meet GB/T 24549 requirements, then terminate the test (this insulation resistance value is not deemed as the final result of insulation resistance test); --- After all performance test items (7.3 ~ 7.8) are completed, in accordance with 7.10, it can only conduct the insulation resistance test and quality test; --- According to actual need, arrange the test sequence of performance test items (7.3 ~ 7.8). --- During the test, the coolant and humidifying water are not allowed to be added to fuel cell engine. 7 Performance test methods 7.1 Cold-engine method Under the specified condition of temperature and humidity, the fuel cell engine (coolant filling is completed) keeps the heat preservation for enough duration, so as to ensure its internal temperature is as same as environment temperature; the standing time is at least 12 h. 7.2 Hot-engine method According to manufacturer’s specifications, keep the fuel cell engine working at a certain power; meanwhile, monitor the outlet temperature of fuel cell stack’s coolant; once the outlet temperature of fuel cell stack’s coolant reaches the normal operating temperature, then the fuel cell engine is deemed as to reach the hot state. 7.3 Starting characteristics test no artificial intervention. 7.4.2 Test Method The rated power test is conducted according to the following methods. a) After engine heating process, return to idle state running for 10 s; b) According to the loading method, load the test platform. When test platform reaches to rated power, operate it continuously and stably for 60 min. 7.4.3 Measurement-record data during the test Measurement-data during the test. voltage, current, hydrogen consumption of fuel cell engine system; voltage and current of auxiliary system. 7.5.1 Test conditions Before the test, the fuel cell engine is at hot state. The test process shall be automatic, no artificial intervention. 7.5.2 Test Method Peak power test is conducted according to the following methods. a) After engine heating process, return to idle state and run for 10 s; b) According to the specified loading method, load the test platform until reaching to rated power; operate it stably for at least 10 s. Then, in accordance with specified loading method, load to the set peak power; operate it continuously and stably at this peak power point for set time (determined according to product technical requirements). After reaching set time, unload it according to the unloading method specified by manufacturer. 7.5.3 Measurement-record data during the test Measurement data during the test. peak power running time, voltage, current, hydrogen consumption of fuel cell engine system, voltage and current of auxiliary system. 7.6 Dynamic response characteristics test 7.6.1 Test conditions Before the test, the fuel cell engine is at hot state. The test process shall be automatic, no artificial intervention. 7.6.2 Test method Dynamic load response test Dynamic load response test is conducted according to the following methods. a) After engine heating process, return to idle state and run for 10 s; b) According to the specified loading method, load it to the starting power point of dynamic response. Operate stably at this power point for at least 1 min; c) The test platform sends dynamic step working instructions to fuel cell engine; at the same time, test platform is loaded in accordance with the specified loading method, until it reaches to the dynamic step cut-off point; the fuel cell engine operates stably at this power point for at least 10 min. It is recommended to take response time of 10% PE ~ 90% PE as the dynamic response index to evaluate fuel cell engine. PE is fuel cell engine’s rated power. Unloading dynamic response test Unloading dynamic response test is conducted according to the following methods. a) After engine heating process, return to idle state and run for 10 s; b) According to the specified loading method, load to the starting power point of dynamic response; operate stably at this power point for at least 1 min; c) The test platform sends dynamic step working instructions to fuel cell engine; at the same time, the test platform is unloaded in accordance with the specified unloading method; it reaches the dynamic step cut-off point within specified time; the fuel cell engine operates stably at this power point for at least 10 min. 7.6.3 Measurement-record data during the test Measurement data during the test. dynamic step response time; voltage, current, hydrogen consumption of the fuel cell engine system; voltage and current of the auxiliary systems. 7.7 Steady characteristic test 7.7.1 Test conditions Before the test, the fuel cell engine is at hot state. The test process shall be automatic, no artificial intervention. 7.7.2 Test Method Steady performance test is conducted according to the following methods. a) Within the fuel cell engine operating range, evenly select at least 10 operating ......

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