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GB/T 24347-2021 English PDF (GB/T 24347-2009)

GB/T 24347-2021_English: PDF (GB/T24347-2021)
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GB/T 24347-2021English305 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery DC/DC converter for electric vehicles Valid GB/T 24347-2021
GB/T 24347-2009English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery The DC/DC converter for electric vehicles Obsolete GB/T 24347-2009

Standard ID GB/T 24347-2021 (GB/T24347-2021)
Description (Translated English) DC/DC converter for electric vehicles
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.080.01
Word Count Estimation 22,232
Date of Issue 2021-08-20
Date of Implementation 2022-03-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 24347-2009
Drafting Organization Suzhou Inovance United Power System Co., Ltd., Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pandong Electric Technology Co., Ltd., China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Forte Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Weilai Automobile Co., Ltd., BYD Automobile Industry Co., Ltd., China Automotive Research Institute Automobile Inspection Center (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Vmax New Energy Co., Ltd., Toyota Motor Investment (China) Co., Ltd., Delta Electronics Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. , Pan-Asian Automotive Technology Center Co., Ltd., China FAW Co., Ltd., Alyons Automotive Research and Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd., Qoros Automobile Co., Ltd., Chongqing Changan New Energy Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. Company, Zhengzhou Yutong
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114)
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 24347-2009 (GB/T24347-2009)
Description (Translated English) The DC/DC converter for electric vehicles
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.080.01
Word Count Estimation 11,111
Date of Issue 2009-09-30
Date of Implementation 2010-02-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 2423.1; GB/T 2423.2; GB/T 2423.17; GB 4208-2008; GB 14711-2006; GB/T 17619-1998; GB/T 18384.1-2001; GB/T 18488.1-2006; GB 18655-2002; QC/T 413-2002
Drafting Organization Tsinghua University
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Approval Announcement 2009 No.10 (Total No.150)
Proposing organization National Development and Reform Commission
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the electric vehicle DC/DC converter requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transport, storage and so on. This standard applies to electric vehicle power supply system using DC/DC converter. Accessories and control systems Low (12V, 24V) power supply system using a DC/DC converter can refer to this standard related content. Involved in the standard DC/DC converter power rating of kilowatt (1kM-200kW), does not include modular low-power DC/DC converters.

GB/T 24347-2021 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.080.01 CCS T 47 Replacing GB/T 24347-2009 DC/DC Converter for Electric Vehicles ISSUED ON: AUGUST 20, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: MARCH 1, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative References ... 5  3 Terms and Definitions ... 6  4 Technical Requirements ... 7  4.1 Appearance Requirements ... 7  4.2 Input and Output Performance ... 8  4.3 Protective Functions ... 9  4.4 Environmental Adaptability ... 10  4.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility ... 11  4.6 Electrical Safety ... 14  5 Test Methods ... 15  5.1 Test Requirements ... 15  5.2 Appearance Test ... 16  5.3 Input and Output Performance Test ... 16  5.4 Protective Functions Test ... 21  5.5 Environmental Adaptability Test ... 24  5.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test ... 25  5.7 Electrical Safety Test ... 26  Bibliography ... 28  DC/DC Converter for Electric Vehicles 1 Scope This Standard specifies the technical requirements and test methods of DC/DC converter for electric vehicles. This Standard is applicable to DC/DC converter for electric vehicles. Other circuits with DC/DC conversion function may take this document as a reference. 2 Normative References The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document through normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document. GB/T 18655-2018 Vehicles, Boats and Internal Combustion Engines - Radio Disturbance Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement for the Protection of On-board Receivers GB/T 19596 Terminology of Electric Vehicles GB/T 19951 Road Vehicles - Disturbances Test Methods for Electrical / Electronic Component from Electrostatic Discharge GB/T 28046.3-2011 Road Vehicles - Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Part 3: Mechanical Loads GB/T 28046.4-2011 Road Vehicles - Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Part 4: Climatic Loads GB/T 29259 Road Vehicle - Electromagnetic Compatibility Terminology ISO 7637-2:2011 Road Vehicles - Electrical Disturbances from Conduction and Coupling - Part 2: Electrical Transient Conduction along Supply Lines Only ISO 7637-3:2016 Road Vehicles - Electrical Disturbances from Conduction and Coupling - Part 3: Electrical Transient Transmission by Capacitive and Inductive Coupling via Lines Other Than Supply Lines ISO 11452-2 Road Vehicles - Component Test Methods for Electrical Disturbances from Narrowband Radiated Electromagnetic Energy - Part 2: Absorber-lined Shielded Figure 1 -- Schematic Diagram of Overshoot and Response Time 3.3 Quiescent Current Quiescent current refers to the current of the low-voltage battery consumed by the DC/DC converter in the dormant state. 3.4 Weighted Efficiency Weighted efficiency refers to the weighted average value of each efficiency of the load spectrum corresponding to the DC/DC converter. 3.5 DC/DC for High Voltage Output DC/DC for high voltage output refers to DC/DC converter with rated output voltage level greater than 60 V and not greater than 1,500 V. 3.6 DC/DC for Low Voltage Output DC/DC for low voltage output refers to DC/DC converter with rated output voltage level not greater than 60 V. 3.7 Ripple Factor Ripple factor refers to the ratio of the half of the difference between the peak value and the valley value of the pulsating DC power to the absolute value of its DC component. [source: GB/T 19826-2014, 3.8] 4 Technical Requirements 4.1 Appearance Requirements 4.1.1 The outer surface of the DC/DC converter for electric vehicles (hereinafter referred to as “DC/DC”) shall manifest no obvious defects, for example, damage or deformation. 4.1.2 The terminals or lead wires of the DC/DC shall be intact and undamaged; the fastener connections shall not be loose. 4.1.3 The accessible surface of the DC/DC shall be free of rust, burrs, trimmings and similar sharp edges. 4.1.4 The installation of the marks containing product information shall be upright and firm, and the handwriting shall be clear. 4.2.5 Quiescent current When the DC/DC does not have output, for the port that has a fixed electrical connection with the low-voltage battery (cannot be controlled to disconnect), the quiescent current shall not be greater than 3 mA. 4.2.6 Ripple factor of output voltage The ripple factor of the DC/DC output voltage shall not be greater than 5%. 4.3 Protective Functions 4.3.1 Input overvoltage and undervoltage protection When the DC/DC input voltage is greater than or equal to the overvoltage protection value, or less than or equal to the undervoltage protection value, the output shall be turned off or limited. After troubleshooting, the output can be automatically restored, or after necessary human intervention. The input overvoltage protection value and input undervoltage protection value shall comply with the stipulations of the product technical documents. 4.3.2 Output overvoltage and undervoltage protection When the DC/DC output voltage is greater than or equal to the overvoltage protection value, or less than or equal to the undervoltage protection value, the output shall be turned off or limited. After troubleshooting, the output can be automatically restored, or after necessary human intervention. The output overvoltage protection value and output undervoltage protection value shall comply with the stipulations of the product technical documents. 4.3.3 Output short-circuit protection For the DC/DC with short-circuit protection function, when a short-circuit occurs at the DC/DC output terminal, the power output shall be turned off or limited. After troubleshooting, the output can be automatically restored, or after necessary human intervention. 4.3.4 Over-temperature protection The DC/DC shall have over-temperature protection function. When the temperature of the DC/DC temperature sampling point reaches the set value of the over-temperature protection, the output shall be turned off or limited. After troubleshooting, the output can be automatically restored, or after necessary human intervention. The over-temperature protection value shall comply with the product technical documents. The high-temperature operation resistance of the DC/DC shall comply with the requirements of in GB/T 28046.4-2011. 4.4.4 Damp heat Damp heat cycle The damp heat cycle resistance of the DC/DC shall comply with the requirements of 5.6 in GB/T 28046.4-2011. Steady-state damp heat The steady-state damp heat resistance of the DC/DC shall comply with the requirements of 5.7 in GB/T 28046.4-2011. 4.4.5 Salt spray The salt spray resistance of the DC/DC shall comply with the requirements of 5.5 in GB/T 28046.4-2011. 4.4.6 Vibration resistance The vibration resistance of the DC/DC shall comply with the requirements of 4.1 in GB/T 28046.3-2011. 4.4.7 Mechanical shock The mechanical shock resistance of the DC/DC shall comply with the requirements of 4.2 in GB/T 28046.3-2011. 4.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility 4.5.1 Functional feature status Functional feature status, which defines the expected target of functional features of the device under test (DUT) in the test environment, is applicable to each independent function of the DUT. It describes the working status of the expected function during and after the test. Four functional feature statuses are provided below: ---Status I: the design function can be completed during and after the test; ---Status II: the design function cannot be completed during the test, but it can automatically return to the normal status after the test; ---Status III: the design function cannot be completed during the test, but after the test, through the simple operation of the testing personnel, it can return to the normal status, for example, by turning on / off the DUT, or restarting; ---Status IV: the design function cannot be completed during the test, and more For the measurement of unshielded systems and low-voltage artificial network radio frequency ports through the conducted emission voltage method, the limits shall comply with the limit requirements of Level-3 in Table 5 of GB/T 18655-2018, or the stipulations of the product technical documents. The measurement through the conducted voltage method by the shielded power supply device shall comply with the limit requirements of Level-3 in Table I.1 of GB/T 18655-2018, or the stipulations of the product technical documents. The limits of the DC/DC conducted emission current probe method shall comply with the limit requirements of Level-3 in Table 6 of GB/T 18655-2018, or the stipulations of the product technical documents. Radiated emission disturbance The DC/DC radiated emission disturbance shall comply with the limit requirements of Level-3 in Table 7 of GB/T 18655-2018, or the stipulations of the product technical documents. Electrical transient conduction disturbance along the power line The electrical transient conduction disturbance of DC/DC along the power line shall satisfy the requirements of Level III in Appendix B of ISO 7637-2:2011. 4.6 Electrical Safety 4.6.1 Insulation resistance The insulation resistance of DC/DC shall satisfy the following requirements, or the stipulations of the product technical documents. a) The insulation resistance between each independent live circuit and the ground (enclosure) shall be not less than 10 M; b) The insulation resistance between the circuits without electrical connection shall be not less than 10 M. 4.6.2 Voltage resistance The voltage resistance between each independent circuit and the ground (enclosure) and between the circuits without electrical connection shall comply with the stipulations of Table 6. The duration of the voltage resistance test is 1 min; there shall be no breakdown or arcing, and the leakage current limits shall comply with the stipulations of the product technical documents. ---the DC/DC weighted efficiency, expressed in (%); i---working condition No.; n---total number of working conditions; i---the efficiency of the DC/DC converter under i working condition, expressed in (%); Pouti---the output power of the DC/DC converter under i working condition; Pini---the input power of the DC/DC converter under i working condition; wi---the load weight of the DC/DC converter under i working condition. 5.3.3 Rated power test The test methods and steps are as follows: a) In accordance with Figure 2, properly connect the test circuit. Make the DC/DC working voltage value equal to the rated voltage value. Set the electronic load to constant-current (or constant-resistance) load mode; b) Adjust the load current, so that the product with the rated voltage is not less than the rated power; c) Continuously work for no less than 2 h. Every 0.5 h, record the output voltage and the output current value; calculate the output power value. 5.3.4 Control error test Voltage control error test The test methods and steps are as follows: a) In accordance with Figure 2, properly connect the test circuit. Set the electronic load to constant-current (or constant-resistance) load mode; b) Under the conditions of rated input and rated output, turn on the DC/DC; make it work in a constant-voltage output state. The voltage is a certain set value Uzo within the controlled range of the DC/DC; c) Respectively adjust the input voltage to the minimum input voltage, the rated input voltage and the maximum input voltage. Respectively adjust the output load to 20% (or the minimum load given in the product technical documents), 50% and 100% of the load capacity under the current conditions. At this moment, respectively measure the actual voltage Uz of the DC/DC. In accordance with Formula (2), calculate the output voltage error: b) Under the conditions of rated input, turn on the DC/DC; make it work under the minimum load (load current is greater than zero); c) Gradually adjust the DC input voltage to the overvoltage protection value or the undervoltage protection value, until the DC/DC is turned off or the output is limited; d) Gradually adjust the DC input voltage from the overvoltage protection value or the undervoltage protection value to the normal operating voltage range and observe the DC/DC output status; or re-start the DC/DC under rated conditions and observe its output status. 5.4.2 Output overvoltage and undervoltage protection test Output overvoltage protection test The test methods and steps are as follows: a) In accordance with Figure 2, properly connect the test circuit. The output terminal is connected to a DC voltage source; b) Under the conditions of rated input, turn on the DC/DC. Set the output voltage to the rated output voltage value; c) Turn on the DC source at the output terminal; adjust the voltage source at the output terminal to the output overvoltage protection value, until the DC/DC is turned off or the output is limited; d) Turn off the DC source at the output terminal and observe the DC/DC output status; or re-start the DC/DC under rated conditions and observe its output status. DC output undervoltage protection test The test methods and steps are as follows: a) In accordance with Figure 2, properly connect the test circuit. Set the electronic load to constant-resistance (or constant-voltage) load mode; b) Under the conditions of rated input, turn on the DC/DC; make it work in the output current limit state; c) Reduce the resistance value of the electronic load (or reduce the voltage setting value of the electronic load), so that the output voltage gradually reaches the undervoltage protection value; observe the DC/DC output status; d) Restore the electronic load resistance value to the rated load state (or set the constant-voltage setting value to the DC/DC rated output voltage) and observe the DC/DC output status; or re-start the DC/DC under rated conditions and observe its output status. 5.4.3 Output short-circuit protection test Short-circuit protection test before starting The test methods and steps are as follows: a) In accordance with Figure 2, properly connect the test circuit. Short-circuit the DC/DC output DC positive and negative poles; b) Under the conditions of rated input, turn on the DC/DC; check the DC/DC status; c) After the output short circuit is removed, observe its output status; or re-start the DC/DC under rated conditions and observe its output status. Short-circuit protection test during operation The test methods and steps are as follows: a) In accordance with Figure 2, properly connect the test circuit; b) Under the conditions of rated input, turn on the DC/DC; make it in the rated working state; c) Short-circuit the output DC positive and negative poles; check the DC/DC working status; d) After the output short circuit is removed, observe its output status; or re-start the DC/DC under rated conditions and observe its output status. 5.4.4 Overtemperature protection test The DC/DC overtemperature protection test shall be performed in accordance with the following methods: ---For air-cooled DC/DC, after the high-temperature operation test, continue to gradually increase the temperature of test chamber to the over-temperature protection value, observe and record the DC/DC working status. Restore the test chamber to the temperature range, in which, the rated operation of the DC/DC is possible, and the DC/DC can automatically restore the output or restore the output after necessary human intervention. ---For liquid-cooled DC/DC, after the high-temperature operation test, gradually increase the temperature of the coolant to the over-temperature protection value, observe and record the DC/DC working status. Restore the temperature 5.5.4 Salt spray test The salt spray test of the DC/DC shall be performed in accordance with the stipulations of 5.5 in GB/T 28046.4-2011. 5.5.5 Vibration test In accordance with the installation location, the vibration test of the DC/DC shall be performed in accordance with the stipulations of 4.1 in GB/T 28046.3-2011. NOTE: vibration test requires power-on test, which can be tested with small load. 5.5.6 Mechanical shock test The mechanical shock test of the DC/DC under the non-working status shall be performed in accordance with 4.2 in GB/T 28046.3-2011. 5.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test 5.6.1 Working status When the DC/DC receives the electromagnetic compatibility test under the working status, if there are no special requirements, the DC/DC works under the rated input voltage and the rated output voltage, and the output power reaches 30% of the rated power. 5.6.2 Electromagnetic immunity test Electrostatic discharge immunity test The test arrangement and test method shall comply with GB/T 19951. Low-voltage electrical transient conduction immunity test along the power line The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of different impulse tests on the low-voltage input power line in Chapter 4 of ISO 7637-2:2011. Low-voltage conduction immunity test along the non-power line The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of ISO 7637- 3:2016. Anechoic chamber immunity test The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of ISO 11452-2. Bulk current injection (BCI) method immunity test The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of ISO 11452-4. Magnetic field immunity test The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of ISO 11452-8:2015. 5.6.3 Electromagnetic emission disturbance test Conducted emission disturbance test The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 18655-2018. The test shall be performed at the input port. The voltage method is used to assess the characteristics of disturbance signals transmitting along low-voltage power lines and high-voltage wiring harnesses. The current probe method is used to assess the characteristics of disturbance signals transmitting along low-voltage wiring harnesses. Radiated emission disturbance test The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 18655-2018. Low-voltage electrical transient conduction disturbance test along the power line The test arrangement and test method shall comply with the requirements of ISO 7637- 2:2011. 5.7 Electrical Safety Test 5.7.1 Insulation resistance test When the DC/DC is not working, use an insulation resistance tester to measure the insulation resistance of the DC/DC; apply a DC test voltage of 500 V and maintain a steady-state value for 60 s, then, determine the insulation resistance. 5.7.2 Voltage resistance test During the test, the terminals of the same independent circuit loop in the DC/DC shall be short-circuited. In accordance with the voltage resistance value in Table 6, apply the test voltage: a) Between the terminal and the ground (enclosure); b) Between circuits without electrical connection. ......

GB/T 24347-2009 GB/T24347-2009 GB ICS 43.080.01 T 47 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The DC/DC converter for electric vehicles ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 1, 2010 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Classification and model designation ... 7  5 Requirements ... 7  6 Test method ... 10  7 Inspection rules ... 14  8 Labeling, packaging, transportation, and storage ... 16  Foreword This Standard was proposed by National Development and Reform Commission. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Road Vehicles of Standardization Administration of China. The responsible drafting organizations of this Standard. Tsinghua University, Chinese Automotive Technology & Research Centre, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and CSR’S Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Research Institute. The chief drafting staffs of this standard. Chen Quanshi, He Yuntang, Gao Dawei, Qi Bojin, Shi Shuangrong, Yang Weibin, and Wu Lixun. The DC/DC converter for electric vehicles 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements, test method, inspection rules, labeling, packaging, transportation and storage, etc. for the DC/DC converter for electric vehicles. This Standard applies to the DC/DC converter of power supply for electric vehicles. For the DC/DC converter used for low voltage power system (12V, 24V) of accessories and control systems, it may reference to the relevant contents of this Standard. The power rating of DC/DC converters involved in this Standard is KW-level (1 kW ~ 200 kW). It does not include modular low-power DC/DC converters. 2 Normative references The articles contained in the following documents have become part of this Standard when they are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all the modifications (excluding corrections) or revisions made thereafter shall not be applicable to this Standard. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest editions shall be applicable to this Standard. GB/T 2423.1 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products – Part 2. Test methods – Tests A. Cold (GB/T 2423.1-2008, IEC 60068-2-1. 2007, IDT) GB/T 2423.2 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products – Part 2. Test methods – Tests A. Hot (GB/T 2423.2-2008, IEC 60068-2-2. 2007, IDT) GB/T 2423.17 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products – Part 2. Test methods – Tests Ka. Salt spray (GB/T 2423.17-2008, IEC 60068-2-1. 1981, IDT) GB 4208-2008 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code) (IEC 60529.2001, IDT) GB 14711-2006 General requirements for safety of small and medium size rotating electrical machines GB/T 17619-1998 Limits and methods of testing for immunity of electrical / electronic sub-assemblies in vehicles to electromagnetic radiation The earthing point shall be clearly indicated with earthing mark. 5.9 Electrical gap and creepage distance The electrical gap and creepage distance shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements specified in Table 3 of GB/T 18488.1-2006. 5.10 Rated power The maximum output power from the DC/DC converter shall be greater than or equal to the rated power value indicated on the nameplate after the temperature rise is stable, under specified environmental condition, rated voltage, and continuous operating condition. 5.11 Peak output power and duration For a DC/DC converter, the overloading output power shall not be less than 1.2 times of its rated power. The operating duration measured at peak value according to the method as mentioned in sub-clause 6.11 shall not be less than 6 min. 5.12 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) For a DC/Dc converter, the conductive interference and radiated interference generated during operation shall not exceed the limits specified in clauses 12 and 14 in GB 18655- 2002. The anti-interference of an operating DC/DC converter shall comply with clause 4 of GB/T 17619-1998. 5.13 Dynamic response time The dynamic response time of a DC/DC converter shall meet the delivery documents signed by the manufacturer and user. 5.14 Reliability The mean time between failures (MTBF) of a DC/DC converter shall not be less than 3000 h, under the rated load or according to the set condition of cyclic operation. 5.15 Durability The durability requirements of a DC/DC converter shall meet the delivery documents signed by manufacturer and user. For a DC/DC converter, the humidity test shall be carried out in accordance with sub- clause 3.11 of QC/T 413-2002, for 2 cycles. During test, when 0 ~ 45°C, the DC/DC converter shall operate at normal state. 6.1.3 Salt spray The salt spray test shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of GB/T 2423.17. The DC/DC shall be properly installed. The recommended test duration shall be 16 h, 24 h and 48 h. Upon completion of test, and after the DC/DC converter is recovered for 1 h ~ 2 h, check if it can operate normally after energized. 6.2 Vibration test A DC/DC converter shall be performed for vibration test in accordance with sub-clause 3.12 of QC/T 413-2002. 6.3 Mechanical strength of outer housing Evenly apply a force equivalent to a weight of 100 kg onto an arbitrary area of 30 cm × 30 cm on the surface of the outer housing of the DC/DC converter. Observe the plastic deformation on the surface. 6.4 Protection level Test shall be carried out in accordance with GB 4208-2008 with respect to IP55. 6.5 Noise A DC/DC converter shall be performed for operating noise in accordance with sub-clause 4.4 of QC/T 413-2002. 6.6 Insulation performance Under the condition that the DC/DC converter is not operated, when the ambient temperature is 23°C±2°C and relative humidity is 80% ~ 90%, use a 1000V megger (or other instrument with the same function and precision level) to measure the insulation resistance between the live circuit of a DC/DC converter and the earth (outer housing). 6.7 Performance of voltage withstanding Under the condition that the DC/DC converter is not operated, when the ambient temperature is 23°C±2°C and relative humidity is 80% ~ 90%, use a voltage withstanding tester with a measuring range of 2000 V (DC) (or rated voltage of +1500 V) to measure b) Certificate of conformity; and c) Instructions for use. 8.3 Transportation 8.3.1 During transportation, the product shall be kept away from serious mechanical impact, strong sunlight and rain, not turned upside down. 8.3.2 During loading/unloading, handle the product with care. Strictly avoid throwing, rolling and heavy load. 8.4 Storage 8.4.1 The product may be stored in a dry, clean, and well-ventilated warehouse with a temperature range from -30 ~ +70°C. 8.4.2 The product shall not be exposed to direct sunlight and kept away from heat source by not less than 2 m. 8.4.3 The product shall not be turned upside down and shall avoid mechanical impact and heavy load. ......

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