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GB 8702-2014 English PDF (GB 8702-1988)

GB 8702-2014_English: PDF (GB8702-2014)
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GB 8702-2014English75 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection Valid GB 8702-2014
GB 8702-1988English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection Obsolete GB 8702-1988

Standard ID GB 8702-2014 (GB8702-2014)
Description (Translated English) Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z05
Classification of International Standard 13.280
Word Count Estimation 10,133
Date of Issue 2014/12/5
Date of Implementation 2015/1/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 8702-1988; GB 9175-1988
Quoted Standard HJ 681; HJ/T 10.2
Drafting Organization Environmental Protection Ministry Radiation Environmental Monitoring Technology Center
Administrative Organization Ministry of Environment Protection
Regulation (derived from) Environmental Protection Ministry Bulletin Bulletin 2014 on No. 63; Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2014 No. 27
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Ministry of Environmental Protection
Summary This Standard is applicable to all units or individuals within the People's Republic of China to produce electromagnetic radiation pollution, all the facilities or equipment, but this standard does not apply to medical or protective limits diagnostic irra

Standard ID GB 8702-1988 (GB8702-1988)
Description (Translated English) Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z05
Classification of International Standard 13.28
Word Count Estimation 7,764
Date of Issue 1988/2/3
Date of Implementation 1988/6/1
Drafting Organization Radiation Environmental Management Office of the State Environmental Protection Administration
Proposing organization State Environmental Protection Bureau Standards Office
Issuing agency(ies) National Bureau of Standards
Summary This standard applies to the territory of People's Republic of China to produce electromagnetic radiation pollution in all units or individuals, all facilities or equipment, but the standard does not apply to protective limits for medical or diagnostic irradiation patient arrangements.

GB 8702-2014 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS Replacing GB 8702-88, GB 9175-88 Controlling limits for electromagnetic environment ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 1, 2015 Issued by. Ministry of Environmental Protection; General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Limits and evaluation methods ... 7  5 Exemption range ... 9  6 Monitoring ... 9  Foreword This Standard was formulated so as to implement the "People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law", strengthen the electromagnetic environment management and protect public health. This Standard is an integrated revision to GB 8702-88 Electromagnetic radiation protection regulations and GB 9175-88 Environmental health standards for electromagnetic waves. This Standard referred to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) "Guidelines for Exposure to Time-varying Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Fields (300 GHz and below), 1998”, and “IEEE standard of 0~3 kHz electromagnetic field safety level" of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). It also considered the practice of electromagnetic environment protection in China. As long as the limits of this Standard are met, it encourages the electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field facilities (equipment) owners to follow the precautionary principle, actively take effective measures and reduce public exposure. This Standard specifies the field limits, evaluation methods and relevant facilities (equipment) exemptions of electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field (1Hz ~ 300GHz) of controlling public exposure in the electromagnetic environment. This Standard was first issued in 1988. This is the first revision. The main content of this revision are as follows. - added the public exposure controlling limits for the electric field and magnetic field in the 1 Hz to 100 kHz band; - deleted the occupational exposure limits; - deleted the administrative content requirements; - adjusted the monitoring requirements; - supplemented the scope of the exchange of power transmission facilities. Since the implementation of this Standard, GB 8702-88 Electromagnetic radiation protection regulations and GB 9175-88 Environmental health standards for electromagnetic waves are repealed simultaneously. This Standard were proposed by Environmental Protection Department of Science and Technology Standards Division, Department of Radiation Safety Supervision Division. Controlling limits for electromagnetic environment 1 Scope This Standard specifies the field limits, evaluation methods and relevant facilities (equipment) exemptions of electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field (1Hz ~ 300GHz) of controlling public exposure in the electromagnetic environment. This Standard is applicable to the evaluation and management of controlling public exposure in the electromagnetic environment. This Standard is NOT applicable to the evaluation and management of controlling patients or escort personnel exposure to treatment or diagnosis; is NOT applicable to the evaluation and management of controlling exposures of wireless communication terminal, household appliances to users. It cannot be used as product quality requirements for facilities (equipment) that generate electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field. 2 Normative references This Standard refers to the following documents or the terms thereof. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. HJ 681, Electromagnetic environmental monitoring method for AC electric power transmission and distribution project (on trial) HJ/T 10.2, Guideline on management of radioactive environmental Protection electromagnetic radiation monitoring Instruments and Methods Environmental Monitoring Management Measures (State Environmental Protection Administration Decree No. 39) 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this Standard. 3.1 electromagnetic environment the sum of all electromagnetic phenomena present at a given place 3.2 public exposure all public electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field exposure, excluding occupational exposure and medical exposure 3.3 electric field the composition of the electromagnetic field characterized by the electric field strength and the electrical density 3.4 magnetic field the composition of the electromagnetic field characterized by the magnetic field strength and magnetic induction 3.5 electromagnetic field the field of electrical and magnetic states determined by four related vectors of electric field strength, electric flux density, magnetic field strength, magnetic induction strength, and characterized by the current density and body charge density 3.6 electric field strength the force of the vector field E, whose force acting on the stationary charged particles is equal to the product of E and the charge of the particles, in volts per meter (V/m) 3.7 magnetic field strength the vector field H, at a given point, which is equal to the magnetic induction intensity divided by the permeability and minus the magnetization, in amperes per meter (A/m) 3.8 magnetic induction strength the force of the vector field B, which acts on the charged particles with a certain velocity, is equal to the product of velocity and B vector product, and then the charge of the particle, in Tesla (T); in the air, the magnetic induction intensity is equal to the magnetic field strength multiplied by the permeability μ0, that is, B = μ0H 3.9 power density the scalar field quantity S, is the value of the area divided by the area of the face that is perpendicular to the energy propagation direction of the electromagnetic wave in watts per square meter (W/m2) 3.10 equivalent radiation power at less than 1000 MHz, the equivalent radiated power is equal to the product ......

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