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DL/T 259-2023 English PDF (DLT259-2012)

DL/T 259-2023_English: PDF (DL/T259-2023)
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DL/T 259-2023English389 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] (Calibration procedure for sulfur hexafluoride gas density relay) Valid DL/T 259-2023
DL/T 259-2012English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Calibration regulation for SF6 gas density monitor Obsolete DL/T 259-2012

Standard ID DL/T 259-2023 (DL/T259-2023)
Description (Translated English) (Calibration procedure for sulfur hexafluoride gas density relay)
Sector / Industry Electricity & Power Industry Standard (Recommended)
Word Count Estimation 19,188
Date of Issue 2023-05-26
Date of Implementation 2023-11-26

Standard ID DL/T 259-2012 (DL/T259-2012)
Description (Translated English) Calibration regulation for SF6 gas density monitor
Sector / Industry Electricity & Power Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K33
Classification of International Standard 29.120.70
Word Count Estimation 14,170
Quoted Standard GB/T 2423.10; GB/T 11287; GB/T 22065-2008; DL/T 393
Drafting Organization North China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization Power industry and the DC power supply voltage switchgear Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) National Energy Board Notice 2012 No. 4; industry standard filing Notice 2012 No. 6 (Total No. 150);
Summary This standard specifies the spring tube type SF6 gas density relay (hereinafter referred to as density relay) the general technical requirements, measuring performance requirements, verification and validation methods project. This standard applies to new

DL/T 259-2012 DL ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 29.120.70 K 33 Filing No.. 36413-2012 Calibration regulation for SF6 gas density relay ISSUED ON. APRIL 6, 2012 IMPLEMENTED ON. JULY 1, 2012 Issued by. National Energy Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 General technical requirements ... 6  5 Metrological property requirements ... 10  6 Calibration conditions ... 11  7 Calibration method ... 13  8 Calibration standard, cycle and items ... 16  Annex A (Normative) Test process ... 18  Annex B (Normative) Pressure conversion method ... 19  Annex C (Informative) SF6 gas status equation ... 21  Calibration regulation for SF6 gas density relay 1 Scope This Standard specifies the general technical requirements, metrological property requirements, calibration items and calibration methods of the spring tube type SF6 gas density relays (hereinafter referred to as “density relays”). This Standard is applicable to the on-site calibration and laboratory calibration of the spring tube type SF6 gas density relays newly produced, in use and after repair. Other types of SF6 gas density relays can be calibrated by reference to this Standard. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this Standard. For dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are applicable to this Standard. For undated references, only the latest editions (including all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard. GB/T 2423.10 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods - Test Fc. Vibration (sinusoidal) (GB/T 2423.10-2008, IEC 60068-2-6. 1995, IDT) GB/T 11287 Electrical relays - Part 21. Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment - Section one. Vibration tests (sinusoidal) (GB/T 11287-2000, IEC 255-21-1.1988, IDT) GB/T 22065-2008 Pressure type SF6 gas density monitor DL/T 393 Regulations of condition-based maintenance & test for electric equipment 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in DL/T 393-2010 and the following ones are applicable to this Standard. 3.1 Rating pressure It refers to the pressure of filling the equipment air chamber with the required SF6 gas under standard atmospheric conditions, before the equipment is put into operation or during air injection. 3.2 Alarm pressure It refers to the pressure of giving alarm signals, when the SF6 gas pressure in the equipment air chamber drops to a certain set value. 3.3 Lock pressure It refers to the pressure of giving lock signals, when the SF6 gas pressure in the equipment air chamber drops to a certain set value. 3.4 Overpressure alarm pressure It refers to the pressure of giving overpressure alarm signals, when the SF6 gas pressure in the equipment air chamber rises to a certain set value exceeding the rating pressure. 3.5 Absolute pressure type density relay It refers to the gas density relay indicated with absolute pressure and using absolute vacuum as reference pressure. 3.6 Relative pressure type density relay It refers to the gas density relay indicated with relative pressure and using environmental atmospheric pressure as reference pressure. 3.7 Relatively mixed pressure type density relay It refers to the gas density relay indicated with relative pressure and using standard atmospheric pressure as reference pressure. 3.8 Absolutely mixed pressure type density relay It refers to the gas density relay indicated with absolute pressure and using environmental atmospheric pressure as reference pressure. 3.9 Condition-based maintenance It refers to a kind of maintenance strategy used for arranging the maintenance reasonably, based on the equipment status and taking the security, reliability, environment, cost and other factors into overall consideration. [Definition 3.1.1 in DL/T 393-2010] 4.2.1 As for the density relay equipped with a stop pin, whose scale starts from a certain positive pressure value, when the ambient temperature is 20°C and the atmospheric pressure is standard atmospheric pressure, the pointer shall rest against the limit nail under non-pressure working condition, before the pressure-rise calibration and after the pressure-drop calibration. For the specific relationships among reference zero, temperature and atmospheric pressure, REFER to the instruction manual of this density relay. 4.2.2 As for the density relay whose scale starts from the minimum pressure value, the pointer zero error under non-pressure working condition, before the pressure-rise calibration and after the pressure-drop calibration, shall comply with the following requirements. a) For the absolute pressure type density relays, when the ambient temperature is 20°C, the pointers shall point at local atmospheric pressure value. When the ambient temperature is higher than 20°C, the pointers shall point at the pressure which is lower than local atmospheric pressure. When the ambient temperature is lower than 20°C, the pointers shall point at the pressure which is higher than local atmospheric pressure. For the specific relationships among reference zero, temperature and atmospheric pressure, REFER to the instruction manual of the density relays. b) For the relative pressure type density relays, when the ambient temperature is 20°C, the pointers shall point within the width range of the zero index line. The width of the zero index line shall not exceed twice the absolute value of the maximum allowable basic error. When the ambient temperature is higher than 20°C, the pointers shall point at the position below the zero. When the ambient temperature is lower than 20°C, the pointers shall point at the position above the zero. For the specific relationship between reference zero and temperature, REFER to the instruction manual of the density relays. c) For the relatively mixed pressure type density relays, when the ambient temperature is 20°C, the pointers shall point at the difference of local environmental atmospheric pressure minus standard atmospheric pressure. When the ambient temperature is higher than 20°C, the pointers shall point at the position below this difference. When the ambient temperature is lower than 20°C, the pointers shall point at the position above this difference. For the specific relationship between reference zero and temperature, REFER to the instruction manual of the density relays. d) For the absolutely mixed pressure type density relays, when the ambient temperature is 20°C, the pointers shall point within the width range of the 0.1MPa index line. The width of the index line shall not exceed twice the absolute value of the maximum allowable basic error. When the ambient temperature is higher than 20°C, the pointers shall point at the position below Under rating pressure, the hysteresis error shall not be greater than the permissible error specified in Section 5.1. 5.4 Tapping displacement TAP the case so that the pointer can swing freely. The variation of the pointer’s indicating value shall not be greater than 1/2 of the absolute value of the permissible error specified in Section 5.1. 5.5 Pointer deflection stability Within the range of measurement, the pointer deflection shall be stable and without obvious jitter and jam faults, except when the pressure-rise pointers pass near the low-pressure lock contacts and low-pressure alarm contacts. 5.6 Switching value error On the set point of the same signal contact, the difference between the actual pressure values during the signal connection and disconnection or switching of the density relay shall not exceed 3% of the range. 6 Calibration conditions 6.1 Environmental conditions 6.1.1 The ambient temperatures shall refer to the temperatures required by the standards and density relays for normal operations. The standards and density relays shall be protected from direct sunlight, and shall not be affected by stronger heat sources. In addition, the ambient temperatures shall be steady. The periods with larger temperature fluctuations shall be avoided during on-site calibration. 6.1.2 Relative ambient humidity. no greater than 85%. 6.1.3 Ambient pressure. atmospheric pressure. 6.1.4 Before calibration, the density relays shall operate or stand for at least 3h in the calibration environment. 6.2 Standard 6.2.1 The absolute value of the standard’s permissible error shall not be greater than 1/4 of the absolute value of the permissible error of the density relay to be inspected. 6.2.2 The available standards include. calibration. PAY attention to the connection mode between density relay and equipment body, so as to prevent gas leakage. 6.3.2 During the on-site calibration of the density relays, it is allowed to lead the contact s... ......

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