GB/T 328.14-2007 English PDF

GB/T 328.14-2007_English: PDF (GB/T328.14-2007)
Standard IDUSDBUY PDFLead-DaysStandard Title (Description)Status
GB/T 328.14-2007209 Add to Cart 3 days Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing -- Part 14: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-flexibility at low temperature Valid

Standard ID GB/T 328.14-2007 (GB/T328.14-2007)
Description (Translated English) Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing. Part 14: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-flexibility at low temperature
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Q17
Classification of International Standard 91.120.30
Word Count Estimation 8,873
Date of Issue 2007-03-26
Date of Implementation 2007-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 328.7-1989
Quoted Standard GB/T 328.1; GB/T 6379.2
Drafting Organization China chemical building materials company in Suzhou waterproof materials research design
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee of lightweight construction materials and decoration
Regulation (derived from) China National Standard Approval Announcement2007 No.3 (Total No.103)
Proposing organization China Building Materials Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies test methods to enhance the flexibility of asphalt roofing membrane temperatures. No enhanced bitumen membrane can also be the standard. This section requires the web to be the upper surface and the lower surface by a predetermined temperature, the test temperature as the polar or continue measuring the temperature of cold-formed at different temperature ranges. This section can also be used to measure temperature or cold-formed products of the minimum requirements of cold-formed temperature measurement products, such as determination of product changes after accelerated aging properties.