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QC/T 743-2006: PDF in English (QCT 743-2006)

QC/T 743–2006 INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles ISSUED ON. MARCH 07, 2006 IMPLEMENTED ON. AUGUST 01, 2006 Issued by. the National Development and Reform Committee Table of Contents Foreword ... 5 1 Scope ... 6 2 Normative References ... 6 3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols ... 6 4 Classification and Type ... 7 5 Requirements ... 7 6 Test Methods ... 11 7 Inspection Rules ... 23 8 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 24 Annex A (Normative) Consistency analysis method ... 26 Annex B (Normative) Test procedure of simple simulation working condition... 28 National Development and Reform Committee NOTICE No. 18 2006 89 industry standards (number and title of standards refer to Annex) such as Blanks for cemented carbide sealing ring, etc. have been approved by National Development and Reform Committee, in which, 40 standards are non-ferrous metal industry standards, 17 standards are coal industry standards, 6 standards are textile industry standards, 7 standards are building materials industry standards, 1 standard is physical distribution industry standard, 18 standards are auto industry standards. Since August 1, 2006, above standards will be implemented. Above non-ferrous metal industry standards, textile industry standards and physical distribution industry standards are published by China Standards Press, coal industry standards are published by Coal Industry Press, building material industry standards are published by China Building Materials Industry Press, auto industry standards are published by China Plan Publishing Company. Attachment. 18 numbers and titles of auto industry standards National Development and Reform Committee of the P. R. China March 07, 2006 Attachment. 18 Numbers and Titles of Auto Industry Standards S/N Number of Standard Title of Standard Number of Standard to be Replaced 72 QC/T 741-2006 Ultra capacitors for Vehicles 73 QC/T 742-2006 Lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles 74 QC/T 743-2006 Lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles 75 QC/T 744-2006 Nickel-metal hydride batteries for electric vehicles 76 QC/T 745-2006 Rubber pipelines for liquefied petroleum gas vehicles 77 QC/T 746-2006 High pressure pipelines for compressed natural vehicles 78 QC/T 33-2006 Test methods of viscous fan clutch for automotive engines QC/T 33-1992 79 QC/T 747-2006 Specifications of viscous fan clutch for automotive engines 80 QC/T 748-2006 The bench test methods of valve-valve holder intensify abrasion for automotive engines 81 QC/T 471-2006 Specifications for auto diesel engines QC/T 471-1999 82 QC/T 749-2006 Tree sprinkling tanker 83 QC/T 750-2006 General specifications for cleaning tanker 84 QC/T 54-2006 Street sprinklers QC/T 29114-1993 QC/T 54-1993 85 QC/T 53-2006 Suction-type excrement tanker QC/T 29113-1993 QC/T 53-1993 86 QC/T 51-2006 Sweeper truck QC/T 29111-1993 QC/T 51-1993 87 QC/T 751-2006 Method of durability test for catalytic converter of motorcycle and moped 88 QC/T 752-2006 General specifications for catalytic converters of motorcycles and mopeds 89 QC/T 753-2006 Motorcycles and mopeds-The form format of technical parameters Foreword Annex A and Annex B of this Standard are normative. This Standard was proposed by National Technical Committee on Road Vehicles of Standardization Administration of China. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Road Vehicles of Standardization Administration of China. Main drafting organizations of this Standard. National Development Center of High-technology Green Materials, North Auto Quality Supervision and Inspection Laboratory, and 18th Research Institute of CETC. Main drafters of this Standard. Wu Feng, Wang Jiqiang, Wang Zidong, Xiao Chengwei, Mao Licai, Zhao Shuhong, Li Li, and Chen Renjie. Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements, testing methods, inspection rules, symbols, package, transport and storage of Li-ion battery used in electric vehicles. This Standard is applicable to lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles of which the nominal voltage of monomer is 3.6V and modules are n×3.6V (n is number of battery). 2 Normative References The articles contained in the following documents have become part of this standard when they are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all the modifications (excluding corrections) or revisions made thereafter shall not be applicable to this Standard. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest editions shall be applicable to this Standard. GB/T 2900.11 Terminology of (secondary) cell or battery [eqv IEC 60050(482). 2003] 3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols 3.1 Terms and Definitions For the purposes of this Standard, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2099.11 apply. 3.1.1 energy-type density battery The battery characterized by energy-type density and mainly used for high energy output. 3.1.2 energy-type density ultracapacitors The capacitor characterized by energy-type density, mainly used for input and output of high energy. 3.1.3 charge recovery The ratio between the discharge capacity AND the rated capacity of battery that has been a) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.2.4. b) Discharge the battery at 4.5 I 3 (A) current under 20ºC ± 5ºC till the voltage of the battery reaches 3.0V or the end-of-discharge voltage specified in the technical specifications of the manufacturer. c) Calculate the capacity with the (A · h) current and the discharge time data as per b), and express it as the percentage of rated capacity. Power-type density battery. a) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.2.4. b) Discharge the battery at 12 I 3 (A) current under 20ºC ± 5ºC till the voltage of the battery reaches 2.8V or the end-of-discharge voltage specified in the technical specifications of the manufacturer. c) Calculate the capacity with the (A · h) current and the discharge time data as per b), and express it as the percentage of rated capacity. 6.2.9 Charge holding and recovery characteristics at room temperature and high temperature Charge holding and recovery characteristic at room temperature. a) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.2.4. b) Store the battery at 20ºC ± 5 ºC for 28d. c) Discharge the battery at 1 I 3 (A) current under 20ºC ± 5ºC till the voltage of the battery reaches 3.0V or the end-of-discharge voltage specified in the technical specifications of the manufacturer. d) Calculate the capacity (in A · h) with the current and the discharge time data as per c), and express it as the percentage of rated capacity. e) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.2.4 one more time. f) Discharge the battery at 1 I 3 (A) current under 20ºC ± 5ºC till the voltage of the a) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.3.4. b) Discharge the battery at 1 I3 (A) current under 20 ºC ± 5 ºC, till the voltage of the battery reaches 0V (if there is electric protection wire, the discharge electric protection wire shall be removed temporarily). The battery shall conform to provisions in Clause 5.2.7 a). Over-charge. a) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.3.4. b) Carry out the test according to charging modes. 1) Charge the battery at 3 I 3 (A) current till the voltage of the battery reaches 5V or the change it for 90min (if one of the conditions is met in priority, then stop the test); 2) Charge the battery at 9 I 3 (A) current till the voltage of the battery reaches 10V, then stop the test. Short circuit. a) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.3.4. b) Short-circuit the battery circuit externally for 10min and the external wire resistance shall be less than 5mΩ. The battery shall conform to provisions in Clause 5.2.7 c). Heating. a) Charge the battery according to provisions in Clause 6.3.4. b) Place the battery in the constant temperature oven at 85 ºC ± 2 ºC and maintain it for 120min, the battery shall conform to provisions in Clause 5.2.7d). Extrusion a) Charge the battery module according to method specified in Clause 6.3.4. b) Carry out the test according to the following conditions and the battery module shall conform to provisions in Clause 5.2.7 e). See Figure 1 for the form of the extrusion plate. one side is a flat plate and the other side 8.1.2 External surface of packing case shall have following markings. a) Name of production, type and specification, quantity, name of manufacturer, address and postcode; b) Standard number of the product [Translator. e.g. QC/T 743-2006]; c) Net and gross weight ... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.