QC/T 198-2014 PDF English
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QC/T 198-2014 | English | 135 |
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General technical specification for automotive switch
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QC/T 198-2014: PDF in English (QCT 198-2014) QC/T 198-2014
ICS 43.040.10
T 36
Replacing QC/T 198-1995
General technical specification for automotive switch
ISSUED ON. MAY 06, 2014
Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People's Republic of China
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Announcement of Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
2014 No.32
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved 1208 industry
standards such as the “Stickers label printing press” (standard number, name,
main content and the date of implementation are as shown in Appendix 1),
including 471 mechanical industry standards, 32 automotive industry
standards, 70 ship industry standards, 111 aviation industry standards, 137
chemical industry standards, 69 metallurgy Industry standards, 30 building
materials industry standards, 14 petrochemical industry standards, 6
non-ferrous metal industry standards, 89 light industry standards, 49 textile
industry standards, 79 ordnance civilian industry standards, 15 nuclear
industry standards, 2 electronic industry standards, and 34 communication
industry standards. It also approved 39 metallurgical industry standard
samples including the “Manganese silicon alloy (FeMn68Si16)” (standard
sample catalog and composition content are as shown in Appendix 2).
The above mechanical industry standards are published by the Machinery
Industry Publishing House, the automotive industry standards and chemical
industry, non-ferrous metal engineering construction industry standards are
published by the China Planning Publishing House, the ship industry standards
are published by the China Shipbuilding Industry Integrated Technology and
Economic Research Institute, the aviation industry standards are published by
China Aviation Institute of Integrated Technology Institute, the chemical
industry standards are published by the Chemical Publishing House, the
metallurgical industry standards are published by the Metallurgical Industry
Press, the building materials industry standards are published by the Building
Materials Industry Press, the petrochemical industry standards are published
by the China Petrochemical Publishing House, the light industry standards are
published by the China Light Industry Press, the textile industry standards are
published by the China Standard Publishing House, the ordnance civilian
industry standards are published by the China Ordnance Industry
Standardization Institute, the nuclear industry standards are published by the
Institute of Nuclear Industry Standardization Organization, the electronics
industry standards are published by the Electronics Industry Standardization
Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the
communications industry standards are published by the People's Posts and
Telecommunications Press, AND the communications engineering
construction industry standards are published by the Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications Press.
Number, name, and date of implementation of 32 automotive industry
No. Standard number Standard name Number of standard replaced
Date of
1 QC/T 231-2014 Specification of kick-starter for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 231-1997
October 01,
2 QC/T 233-2014
Performance and measurement
method for static intensity of
motorcycles and mopeds
QC/T 233-1997 October 01, 2014
3 QC/T 66-2014 Wet clutch for moped and motorcycles QC/T 66-1993 October 01, 2014
4 QC/T 962-2014 Technical specifications for coating of motorcycles and moped
October 01,
5 QC/T 680-2014
General technical specifications for
voltage regulators for motorcycles and
QC/T 680-2002 October 01, 2014
6 QC/T 963-2014 Drum brakes of motorcycles and mopeds wheels
October 01,
7 QC/T 234-2014
General technical specifications for
steering shaft for motorcycles and
QC/T 234-1997 October 01, 2014
8 QC/T 964-2014 The strength of plastic seats and their anchorages for city buses
October 01,
9 QC/T 644-2014 Technical specifications for automotive metallic fuel tank
QC/T 644-2000
QC/T 488-2000
October 01,
10 QC/T 965-2014 Driver of electric rear-view mirrors for motor vehicles
October 01,
11 QC/T 966-2014 Technical specifications for automotive plastic parts coatings
October 01,
12 QC/T 459-2014 Truck with loading crane QC/T 459-2004 October 01, 2014
13 QC/T 29106-2014
Technical specification of automobile
wire harness QC/T 29106-2004
October 01,
14 QC/T 198-2014 General technical specification for automotive switch QC/T 198-1995
October 01,
15 QC/T 220-2014 Technical specifications for automotive fusible links QC/T 220-1996
October 01,
16 QC/T 967-2014 Port fuel injector for gasoline engine October 01, 2014
17 QC/T 968-2014
Determination methods of platinum,
palladium and rhodium contents in
metallic catalytic converters
October 01, 2014
18 QC/T 969-2014 Interior truck release for compartment of a passenger car
October 01,
19 QC/T 636-2014 Electric window regulator specification for vehicles QC/T 636-2000
October 01,
20 QC/T 970 2014 Passenger car air filter technical October 01,
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 7
1 Scope ... 10
2 Normative references ... 10
3 Terms and definitions ... 11
4 Requirements ... 11
5 Test methods ... 17
6 Inspection rules ... 23
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 25
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009
“Directives for standardization – Part 1. Structure and drafting of standards”.
This standard shall, from the date of implementation, replace QC/T 198-1995.
As compared with QC/T 198-1995, the main changes of this standard are as
- DELETE the interchangeability test in clause 4.16 of the original version.
- ADD the definition of mechanical switches and electronic switches
(chapter 3 of this version).
- ADD the lighting feature requirements (clause 4.1.1 of this version).
- ADD the identification requirements (clause 4.1.2 of this version).
- MODIFY the switch ambient temperature range (clause 3.10 of original
version; clause 4.3 of this version).
- MODIFY the enclosure protection degree (clause 3.9 of original version;
clause 4.4 of this version).
- MODIFY the main contact-point voltage drop (clause 3.22 of original
version; clause 4.6 of this version).
- ADD the mechanical strength requirements for switch (clause 4.7 of this
- ADD the contact-point vibration time test (clause 4.8 of this version).
- MODIFY the switch surface paint adhesion requirements (clause 3.15 of
original version; clause 4.9 of this version).
- ADD the noise performance test (clause 4.10 of this version).
- ADD the electromagnetic compatibility requirements (clause 4.11 of this
- ADD the abnormal voltage resistance requirements (clause 4.12 of this
- MODIFY the voltage withstanding performance test (clause 3.21 of original
version; clause 4.13 of this version).
General technical specification for automotive switch
1 Scope
This standard specifies the definition, requirements, test methods, inspection
rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of automotive switches.
This standard applies to the automotive switches having a nominal voltage of
12V and 24V (hereinafter referred to as switch).
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 2423.8 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products –
Part 2. Test methods – Test Ed. Free fall
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes – Part 1.
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
GB/T 4094 Automobile – Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales
GB/T 4094.2 Electric vehicles - Symbols for controls, indicators and
GB 8410 Flammability of automotive interior materials
GB/T 9286 Paints and varnishes – Cross cut test for films
GB/T 30038-2013 Road vehicles – Degrees of protection (IP-code) –
Protection of electrical equipment against foreign objects, water, and access
GB/T 16422.2 Plastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources –
Part 2. Xenon-arc sources
GB 18655 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance
characteristics for the protection of receivers used on board vehicles
It shall comply with the level 3 above requirements of clause 8.3 in GB/T 9286.
4.10 Noise per...
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.