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QC/T 1162-2022: PDF in English (QCT 1162-2022)

QC/T 1162-2022 QC AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.020 CCS T 24 Honeycomb sandwich structure product for automobile exterior decoration parts ISSUED ON: APRIL 08, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2022 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 6 1 Scope ... 7 2 Normative references ... 7 3 Terms and definitions ... 7 4 Structure and classification ... 8 5 Technical requirements ... 8 6 Test method ... 9 7 Inspection rules ... 14 8 Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage ... 15 Honeycomb sandwich structure product for automobile exterior decoration parts 1 Scope This document specifies the structure and classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of honeycomb sandwich structure products for automotive exterior decoration parts. This document is applicable to compression-molded honeycomb sandwich structure products for automotive exterior decoration parts, such as battery covers, roof shrouds, door trim panels, etc. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to the date is applicable to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Grey scale for assessing change in colour GB/T 1456-2005 Test method for flexural properties of sandwich constructions GB/T 16422.2-2014 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc sources QC/T 15-1992 General test method for automobile plastic products 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Damage load The force value, at which a specimen is damaged, when it is subject to the bending strength test, according to the provisions of GB/T 1456-2005. 3.2 Flexure stiffness The ability of a specimen to resist deformation, under a bending load. 4 Structure and classification 4.1 Structure Honeycomb sandwich structure products for exterior decoration parts are composed of: exterior panels (ABS, ASA, PC/ABS, PMMA and other materials or composite panels composed of two or more materials), glass fiber reinforced polyurethane foam materials, honeycomb core material (paper honeycomb, polypropylene honeycomb, aluminum honeycomb or other honeycomb structure materials), etc. 4.2 Classification Honeycomb sandwich products are divided into the following three categories, according to the mass per unit area: - Category a: Products which have a mass per unit area of less than 3000 g/m2 AND are suitable for products with a bending stiffness higher than 9 x 106 N·mm2, such as battery covers, etc.; - Category b: Products which have a mass per unit area of 3000 g/m2 ~ 4500 g/m2 AND are suitable for products with a bending stiffness higher than 12 x 106 N·mm2, such as roof spoilers, side spoilers, engine compartment covers, etc.; - Category c: Products which have a mass per unit area greater than 4500 g/m2 AND are suitable for products with a bending stiffness higher than 14 x 106 N • mm2, such as lower door trim panels, top covers, rear doors, etc. 5 Technical requirements 5.1 Appearance quality The outer surface of the product shall be smooth and flat, without defects such as collapse and cracks, or other defects that affect the service life. 5.2 Product performance Product properties shall meet the requirements of Table 1. Carry out the test, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1456-2005. The test speed is 2 mm/min ~ 5 mm/min. Record the maximum failure load. Take the arithmetic mean of 5 test data. Round the result to an integer. 6.4.2 Room temperature Take a pretreated product. Conduct the test, according to the requirements of 6.4.1, at 23 °C ± 2 °C. 6.4.3 Long-term heat resistance Take a pretreated product and place it in an incubator at 80 °C ± 2 °C for 168 hours. After taking it out, place it in an environment of 23 °C ± 2 °C for 0.5 hours. Conduct the test according to the requirements of 6.4.1. 6.4.4 Resistance to cyclic cold & heat Take a pretreated product and put it in a high & low temperature test chamber. Take (80 ± 2) °C x 4 h → (23 ± 2) °C x 1 h →(-40 ± 2) °C x 4 h → (23 ±2) °C x 1 h as one cycle; carry out 4 cycles of tests. After taking it out, place it at 23 °C ± 2 °C for 0.5 h. Carry out test, according to 6.4.1. 6.4.5 Damp resistance According to the provisions of 5.4.2 in QC/T 15-1992, take a pretreated product and put it in a humidity test chamber, at a temperature of 55 °C ± 2 °C and a relative humidity of (95 ± 5)% for 168 h. After taking it out, place it in an environment of 23 °C ± 2 °C for 0.5 h. Conduct the test according to the requirements of 6.4.1. 6.5 Bending stiffness 6.5.1 Sampling method Take 5 specimens from the test product. The sampling position shall be selected as far as possible at a flat center position, which is more than 20 mm away from the edge. The specimen size is as shown in Table 3. The length, width, thickness of the specimen are accurately measured by a caliper which has an accuracy of 0.02 mm. Table 3 -- Dimensions of specimens for bending stiffness Unit in mm Thickness Length Width Span < 10 320 60 120 10 ~ 21 400 60 160 > 21 480 60 200 6.5.2 Test method 6.7 Resistance to cyclic cold & heat 6.7.1 Test method Take three pretreated products and put them into the high & low temperature test chamber. The test conditions are in accordance with the provisions in 6.4.4. 6.7.2 Appearance quality and dimensional change rate Visually inspect the product for abnormal phenomena, such as deformation, warping, delamination, etc. Test the dimensional change rate, according to the provisions in 6.6.3. 6.8 Damp resistance 6.8.1 Test method Take three pretreated products and put them into the damp test chamber. The test conditions are in accordance with the provisions in 6.4.5. 6.8.2 Appearance quality and dimensional change rate Visually inspect the product for abnormal phenomena, such as deformation, warping, delamination, etc. Test the dimensional change rate, according to the provisions in 6.6.3. 6.8.3 Weight change rate Carry out the damp resistance test, according to the provisions in 6.4.5. Use weighing tools, which have a division value not greater than 1 g, to weigh the pre-test mass and post-test mass of the three products, respectively. Calculate according to formula (3). The test results are taken as arithmetic mean of 3 test data. The result retains one decimal place. Where: ε - Weight change rate, %; m1 - The weight before the test, in grams (g) m2 - The weight after the test, in grams (g). 6.9 Cold impact resistance Take three pieces of pretreated products. Place them in a low-temperature box at -40 °C ± 2 °C for 24 h, according to the provisions of in QC/T 15-1992. Take them out. Within 5 s, use 500 g ± 10 g steel balls to impact the outer surface of the product, at a ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.