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GB/T 35766-2017: PDF in English (GBT 35766-2017)

GB/T 35766-2017 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 07.040 A 75 General specification for GNSS navigation product based map ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 29, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2018 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations ... 6  3.1 Terms and definitions ... 6  3.2 Abbreviations ... 8  4 General ... 8  4.1 Form and type of product ... 8  4.2 Composition of product ... 9  4.3 Data configuration method of navigation electronic-map ... 9  4.4 Basic functions of products ... 10  5 Requirements of software product ... 11  5.1 Navigation electronic-map data ... 11  5.2 Display ... 13  5.3 Positioning ... 15  5.4 Query ... 17  5.5 Planning of route ... 19  5.6 Route guidance ... 21  5.7 Guidance service for parking ... 24  5.8 Language, text, speech ... 25  6 Requirements for whole-machine products ... 25  6.1 General ... 25  6.2 Receiving device of navigation-positioning signal ... 25  6.3 Positioning time ... 26  6.4 Positioning accuracy ... 26  6.5 Power supply and closed-circuit current draw ... 26  6.6 Appearance quality ... 26  6.7 Product’s size and installation ... 26  6.8 Environmental adaptability ... 27  6.9 Electromagnetic compatibility ... 28  7 Test methods ... 29  7.1 Test conditions ... 29  7.2 Test requirements of software product ... 29  7.3 Test requirements of whole-machine product ... 32  8 Quality assessment procedures ... 35  8.1 General ... 35  8.2 Identification test ... 35  8.3 Testing of quality consistency ... 37  9 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage, instructions for use of products ... 40  9.1 General ... 40  9.2 Marking ... 40  9.3 Packaging ... 40  9.4 Transportation ... 41  9.5 Storage ... 41  9.6 Instruction for use ... 41  Appendix A (Normative) Category of product’s non-conformance ... 42  References ... 44  General specification for GNSS navigation product based map 1 Scope This standard specifies the form, composition, function, requirements, test methods, quality assessment procedures, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, instruction for use of GNSS navigation product-based map. This standard applies to the production, testing, inspection, application of satellite navigation-positioning products based on navigation electronic-maps. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this standard. GB/T 191-2008 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods GB/T 2423.1-2008 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Tests A: Cold GB/T 2423.2-2008 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Tests B: Dry heat GB/T 2423.3-2016 Environmental testing - Part 2: Testing method - Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state GB/T 2423.5-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Ea and guidance: Shock GB/T 2423.10-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Tests methods - Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) GB/T 2828.1-2012 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection GB/T 2829-2002 Sampling procedures and tables for cyclic inspection by attributes (Apply to inspection of process stability) GB/T 4857.5-1992 Packaging - Transport packages - Vertical impact test method by dropping GB/T 5296.1 Instructions for use of consumer goods - Part 1: General GB/T 6388-1986 Transport package shipping mark GB/T 9254-2008 Radio disturbance limits and measurement methods for information technology equipment GB/T 13384-2008 General specifications for packing of mechanical and electrical product GB/T 17626.2-2006 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test GB 18030-2005 Information technology - Chinese coded character set GB/T 19392-2013 General specification for in-vehicle satellite navigation equipment GB 20263-2006 Navigable electronic-map - Basic requirements of security processing technology GB/T 20267-2006 Criterion of digital map production for automotive navigation system SJ/Z 3216-1989 Preservation, packaging and packing levels for electronic products 3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations 3.1 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1.1 In-vehicle satellite navigation devices An in-vehicle electronic device which uses the GNSS as the main navigation- positioning technology, combines with other supported positioning methods to obtain vehicle’s position, speed, time data, uses online or offline navigation electronic-map data to carry out vehicle navigation. 3.1.2 4.4 Basic functions of products 4.4.1 The in-vehicle software products and whole-machine products shall have the following basic functions: a) On the navigation electronic-map, indicate in a real-time manner the current position and direction of traveling of the vehicle; b) Query and set the destination and waypoint to which the vehicle travels; c) Plan the vehicle’s traveling routes; d) Provide guidance information for the vehicle’s traveling along the planned path; re-plan the route based on deviation behavior or traffic condition information; e) In absence of guidance of planned route, provide the information on the current road, surrounding scenes and traffic conditions for the process of vehicle’s movement positioning; f) Provide a voice announcement of the electronic eye information for the driving process of the vehicle; g) For networkable in-vehicle audio and video entertainment system, it can achieve interoperability with other devices and information systems such as radio, DVD, vehicle bus information transmission, vehicle networking services, mobile internet services. 4.4.2 In addition to the functions as listed in items a) ~ f) of clause 4.4.1, the portable software products and whole-machine products shall have the following basic functions: a) On the navigation electronic-map, indicate the current position and direction of travel of the pedestrian; b) Query the travel service information that the pedestrian pays attention to; set the destination to go; c) Plan the pedestrian’s travel route. The pedestrian’s travel route shall be able to connect with the planned self-driving route and the public transfer route; d) Provide guidance information for pedestrians along the planed route; re- plan the route according to the deviation behavior; e) Interact with other features as provided by the hardware environment. characteristics of which include the URL of the business outlet, business characteristics, business hours, fuel (gas) products of fuel (gas) station or charging station (pile), charging specifications, number of parking spaces of parking lot, charging standards, charging standards of toll stations, location of non-stop electronic toll gates, and so on; g) Electronic eye data, the attribute characteristics of which include device type, illumination direction, associated road, associated lane. 5.1.4 Types of map data The types of navigation electronic-map data in products include: a) The 2D vector map data that shall be used; b) The satellite image maps, street view maps, 3D city street maps, indoor navigation map data that should be used. 5.1.5 Update of map data The product should have the following map update capabilities: a) Under the support of communication network, receive and process the update data of navigation electronic-map which is published by external systems; b) Manually update the navigation electronic-map data. 5.1.6 Text The character set used for navigation electronic-map data shall comply with the provisions of GB 18030-2005. 5.1.7 External data Under the support of communication network, the product receives the following external data: a) Real-time traffic data Real-time traffic data is real-time updated road traffic information. The product should have the ability to real-time respond to the real-time traffic data: 1) Receive and use real-time traffic data as broadcasted by the real-time traffic information release system, including traffic congestion status and traffic events; 2) The geospatial position deviation between the real-time traffic data and a) The scale range is 1:2500 ~ 1:40960000; b) When the transformation scale is progressively converted, the selection and comprehensive processing of the map data shall maintain the display effect of coherent and gentle changes; c) Use the drawing of minimum scale map to cover and display nationwide range. 5.2.3 Display mode of map The display mode of map shall meet the following requirements: a) Overlap display: For roads at the same height level of space, the higher level overlaps the lower level. For roads which overlaps with other linear objects, the road overlaps other features. The three-dimensional intersection roads are displayed in the actual spatial relationship. The multi-layer parallel elevated roads in the same perpendicular direction are stagger-displayed. b) Display angle-of-view: 1) It shall have two kinds of display angle-of-view: the upwards true north direction of map and the upwards vehicle-head direction. For the display of upwards vehicle-head direction, the angle error between the direction of the rotating map and the head direction shall be not more than 6°; 2) It shall have a display angle-of-view of the three-dimensional perspective projection for the two-dimensional map. The angle of the viewpoint to the map plane shall be selectable from 0° to 90°. c) Day-night display: In-vehicle products shall have two display modes: day display and night display. d) Display of satellite image map, three-dimensional map, indoor navigation map: The display method is as specified by the manufacturer of product. 5.2.4 Load of map The degree of density of the display of road network and annotations shall meet the needs of the user to visually identify the positioning location and planning route. The maps of different scales shall show the basically-same degree of density. The product shall match the observation position of the positioning signal to the road where the vehicle is located. If the interval between adjacent road sections is more than 15 m, it shall be able to correctly match the position. If the interval between adjacent road sections is less than 15 m (such as adjacent trunk roads and byroads, or adjacent ramps on the overpass), the product should have the post-mismatch correction ability. 5.3.2 Transmission of location information In-vehicle products connected to the communication network meet the following requirements: a) Send its own location information to external systems, such as the vehicle- networking service operation platform, vehicle monitoring system, automobile information integration platform. The location information should include the information of vehicle conditions; b) Respond to the requests and responses from external system. Portable products meet the following requirements: a) Send its own location information to external systems, such as Internet map service platforms, professional location service platforms, and so on; b) Respond to requests and responses from external systems. Location information shall include location information of the event, information of road and surrounding environment, information of event. The data format, signal status, communication link, text, video file format of the location information are as specified by the manufacturer of product. The product’s user has the right to send location information. 5.3.3 Mobile positioning If the vehicle does not adopt the route guidance function of 5.6 during driving, it is in the mobile positioning status. In this status: a) It shall real-time indicate the current moving position on the map; b) It shall prompt the name of the current road; c) It shall broadcast the speed-limit reminder; d) It should prompt the congestion status and traffic events of the road ahead; e) It should prompt the neighborhood along the route and heading direction as well as the information of the point-of-interesting. a) Give priority to walking (including cycling); b) Give priority to bus. In addition to meeting the requirements of and, it should also set a planning strategy for avoided road sections or avoided locations. 5.5.3 Calculation of planning route In-vehicle products shall meet the following requirements: a) Calculate the planning route. The calculation result shall: 1) Comply with traffic restrictions; 2) For the product that can receive real-time traffic information, avoid congested roads and accident sections; 3) Avoid road-closure points or road-closure areas; 4) Comply with the set planning strategy; 5) The orientation of route is easy to be recognized by the traveler as optimized and reasonable. b) Recalculate the planning route. Under the following conditions in the road guidance process, it shall, according to the current location and traveling direction, automatically recalculate the originally planned route: 1) The vehicle deviates from the route; 2) Traffic congestion and traffic events occur ahead. c) Except for the products of online map configuration, the path calculation time shall: 1) When the intra-city distance is less than or equal to 100 km, it is not more than 5 s; 2) When the inter-city distance is more than 100 km, it is not more than 15 s. d) Generate route information. It includes the mileage, waypoints, service facilities, travel time. It should include highway’s tolling information. In addition to meeting the requirements of, portable products shall also meet the following requirements: a) Calculate the planning route. The calculation result shall: Under the following conditions, it shall exit the guidance process: a) Arrive at the destination; b) Manual operation to forcibly exit the guidance. 5.6.4 Handling of abnormality When the following abnormal conditions occur and are handled, it shall have the ability to resume guidance at the position of intermittent point: a) Temporarily withdraw from the guidance during the stop of the waypoint; b) The navigation-positioning signal is in an invalid status; c) The operation of inserting query or browsing map, etc. 5.7 Guidance service for parking The product shall have the ability of guiding the parking operation. The following requirements are related to the service function of the external intelligent parking system: a) Search the parking lot, including: 1) Query or automatically search for parking lot location, parking space, number of unoccupied parking spaces, forecast of unoccupied parking space, fees and other information within the preset range of the current location; 2) Query the parking lot location, parking space, number of unoccupied parking spaces, forecast of unoccupied parking space, fees and other information nearby the designated map location or the point-of- interesting. b) Book a parking space, including: 1) Select the parking lot and reserve the parking space. The reservation information includes the license plate number, estimated arrival time and other information; 2) Notify the parking lot to change the arrival time or reserve the parking space; 3) Notify the parking lot to cancel the reserved parking space. c) Guide the admission, including: 7 Test methods 7.1 Test conditions 7.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test shall be carried out under normal atmospheric conditions as follows: a) Temperature: 15 °C ~ -35 °C; b) Relative humidity: 25% ~ 75%; c) Atmospheric pressure: 86 kPa ~ 106 kPa. 7.1.2 The test field shall be located where there is convenient transportation and there shall be no objects that strongly reflect satellite signals. Keep away from the high-power radio transmission source, the distance is not less than 200 m. Keep away from the high-voltage transmission line and the transmission channel of microwave radio signal, the distance is not less than 50 m. 7.1.3 The power supply voltage applied to the equipment during the test shall be within the range of (100 ± 5) % of the rated voltage. 7.1.4 Unless otherwise specified, it generally uses the actual navigation satellite signals in the air for testing. When the signal simulation generator is used as the standard test signal source, the signals generated shall have the same characteristics as the navigation satellite signals. 7.1.5 All test equipment shall have sufficient resolution, accuracy. stability. The performance shall meet the requirements of the tested technical performance indicators. Unless otherwise specified, the accuracy shall be one or one third order of magnitude of the accuracy of the measured indicators. 7.1.6 The equipment used for the test shall be qualified by the metrology department and within the validity period. 7.1.7 The software product shall be loaded onto the designated electronic device for testing. 7.2 Test requirements of software product 7.2.1 Overview For the requirements in clause 5, if no specific test method is specified in this clause, it may be performed by visual inspection, diagram, text, object check, operation demonstration or according to the method specified by the test for 72 h. During the test, it is carried out according to the item No.1 in Table 15. After the test, it is tested according to each item of Table 15. b) The high-temperature and low-temperature storage tests shall be carried out in accordance with 5.2 of GB/T 2423.1-2008. Place the product to be tested in a test chamber at room temperature. The product does not work. Adjust the temperature of the test chamber to the storage temperature limit as specified in Table 2. After the temperature of the test chamber is stable, place the device to be tested for 8 h. At the end of the test, restore the tested product to room temperature. Carry out according to each item of Table 15. The damp heat test method shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2423.3-2016. After the completion of the test for 48 hours, the initial test items and the final test items of the tested sample are carried out according to the items in Table 15. The vibration test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2423.10-2008. Install the tested product in working condition on a vibration test bench. Carry out test according to the requirements of 6.8.2. After the test, carry out test according to each item in Table 15. The shock test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2423.5-1995. Install the tested product in working condition on the test bench. Carry out test according to the requirements of 6.8.3. After the test, carry out test according to each item in Table 15. 7.3.8 Electromagnetic compatibility The electromagnetic compatibility test of the in-vehicle products shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 5.7 of GB/T 19392-2013. Electromagnetic compatibility of portable products: a) The test of the conduction disturbance limit of power terminal is carried out according to the method as specified in GB/T 9254-2008; b) The test of radiation disturbance limit is carried out according to the method as specified in GB/T 9254-2008; c) The test of electrostatic discharge immunity is carried out according to the method as specified in GB/T 17626.2-2006. The recommended test results are evaluated as category-C. 7.3.9 Packaging The test methods for packaging include: For the test samples, 2 ~ 4 sets are randomly taken from the identification batch. It allows to take different number of samples according to the negotiated testing items. 8.2.4 Acceptance criteria When all the specified testing items are qualified, it is judged that the identification test is qualified, otherwise it is judged as unqualified. If any of the items fails, the manufacturer shall analyze the unqualified items, find out the reasons for the non-conformities, take corrective measures, make inspection again, until it is qualified. 8.3 Testing of quality consistency 8.3.1 Classification of testing The testing of quality consistency is divided into batch-by-batch testing and cyclic testing. 8.3.2 Formation and extraction of tested batch The formation and extraction of the tested batch shall comply with the provisions of 6.1 and 6.2 of GB/T 2828.1-2012. 8.3.3 Classification of non-conformance According to the quality characteristics of the product and the severity of its noncompliance, the testing items are divided into three categories: category-A, category-B, category-C (see Appendix A). A unit product which has one or more unqualified items is called an unqualified product. Unqualified products may be classified into three non-conformance categories according to the types of non- conformance contained: category-A, category-B, category-C. 8.3.4 Testing items and sequence The testing items and sequence are as shown in Table 16. According to the actual situation, the user and the manufacturer may negotiate to reduce the testing items or change the testing sequence. 8.3.5 Batch-by-batch testing General The purpose of the batch-by-batch testing is to determine whether the batch quality of each testing batch submitted meets the specified requirements. According to the number of non-conforming products tested, based on the requirements of the judgment array in the sampling plan, make judgement on whether it is qualified or unqualified. If one group is unqualified, it shall suspend delivery, analyze reasons, take corrective measures, carry out periodic test again. After it is qualified, the product can be delivered. When the cyclic test fails, for the manufactured products and the delivered products, the manufacturer shall take corrective measures. Processing of sample Samples that are cyclically tested cannot be exit-factory as genuine products. 9 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage, instructions for use of products 9.1 General This clause applies to the whole-machine product. Software products are to be specified by the manufacturer of product. 9.2 Marking Product’s marking shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 191-2008 and GB/T 6388-1986. There shall be markings such as trademark, company name and address, product model, date of manufacture on the product. On the package, there shall be markings such as the receipt and delivery marking, the pictorial marking of package storage and transportation, the size and mass of the package. 9.3 Packaging Packaging shall meet the following requirements: a) The product’s packaging shall meet the requirements of GB/T 13384-2008; b) The packing grade is carried out according to the grade-B requirements of SJ/Z 3216-1989; c) The package shall be able to withstand the drop test of GB/T 4857.5-1992. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.