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GB/T 33983.2-2017 PDF English

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GB/T 33983.2-2017: PDF in English (GBT 33983.2-2017)

GB/T 33983.2-2017 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.070 K 82 Direct methanol fuel cell system - Part 2. Performance test method ISSUED ON. JULY 12, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 01, 2018 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Requirements... 6 4.1 General ... 6 4.2 Standard atmosphere of the test ... 7 4.3 Test equipment and inspection devices ... 7 5 Test methods ... 8 5.1 Performance test ... 8 5.2 Environmental adaptability test method ... 10 6 Test report ... 12 6.1 Heading page ... 12 6.2 Summary report ... 13 6.3 Detailed report ... 13 6.4 Complete report ... 13 Annex A (informative) Summary test report template ... 15 Foreword GB/T 33983 “Direct methanol fuel cell system” includes the following two parts. - Part 1. Safety; - Part 2. Performance test method. This Part is Part 2 of GB/T 33983. This Part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Part is proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This Part is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Fuel Cell and Flow Battery of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 342). Drafting organizations of this Part. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics under Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian Aimeirui Battery Co., Ltd., Wuhan Troowin Power System Technology Co., Ltd., Machinery Industry Beijing Electrotechnical Institute of Economic Research, Wuhan University of Technology, Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, China Quality Certification Center, Shanghai Shen-Li High Tech Co., Ltd., Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research. Main drafters of this Part. Sun Gongquan, Wang Suli, Tian Yang, Qi Zhigang, Lu Chenyu, Wang Gang, Li Shang, Sun Hai, Wang Yiqun, Zhang Ruogu, Yang Linlin, Li Songli, Chen Chen, Huang Ping, Pan Mu. Direct methanol fuel cell system - Part 2. Performance test method 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 33983 specifies the test items and test methods in terms of power generation performance and environmental adaptability for direct methanol fuel cell systems, classifies the direct methanol fuel cell systems with different power grades into Grade I and Grade II, see Table 1, and distinguishes the test items they need. Table 1 -- Classification of direct methanol fuel cell power generation systems Battery type Rated power P Power grade Micro direct methanol fuel cell power generation system P ≤ 240 W Grade I Mobile direct methanol fuel cell power generation system 240 W< P ≤ 1000 W Grade II The power generation performance and environmental adaptability test items and test methods specified in this Part include. a) Power generation performance under specified operating conditions. e.g. output voltage, output power, start time, fuel consumption, etc.; b) Power generation performance under special operating conditions. e.g. power generation after deactivation, etc.; c) Environmental adaptability under specified conditions. e.g. high temperature, low temperature, high humidity, low humidity, drop, vibration etc. This Part applies to direct methanol fuel cell systems with methanol or methanol aqueous solution as fuel and with rated power not exceeding 1000 W. The performance test method for direct methanol fuel cell systems with a rated power greater than 1000 W may refer to this Part. A typical direct methanol fuel cell system boundary diagram is shown in Figure 1. 5 Test methods 5.1 Performance test 5.1.1 Sample and test requirements Each test shall be carried out more than once on one sample. Unless otherwise specified, the measured value at the end of each measurement shall be taken as the measured value. The measured values shall be averaged to obtain the average measured value. The electrical parameters shall be measured at the power interface. 5.1.2 Start time The purpose of this test is to determine the starting time of the direct methanol fuel cell system. Unless otherwise specified, the sample shall be placed in the test environment for at least 2 hours in the power-off state before the measurement. At the beginning of the test, connect the system power output port to the electronic load with the four-wire measurement function. Turn on the system power switch and start timing, load the electronic load until the output power is not less than 90 % of rated power and stop timing. For direct methanol fuel cell systems with a start time of less than 100 ms, the test can be skipped. 5.1.3 Rated power and rated voltage The purpose of this test is to determine the rated power and rated voltage of the direct methanol fuel cell system. The test procedure is as follows. a) Before the measurement, the sample shall be placed in the test environment for at least 2 hours in the power-off state. After the system is started normally, connect the system power output to the electronic load with constant power discharge mode and four-wire measurement function, make the DMFC system discharge at the rated power and record the power of the electronic load. If the system cannot produce the rated power, interrupt test, no longer carry out the test content of the following b). b) The output voltage shall be continuously measured for at least 1 h to determine whether it is within the upper and lower limits of the rated voltage specified by the manufacturer. The rated voltage range specified by the manufacturer shall be indicated in the test report. The duration of the measurement and the fuel consumption during the measurement shall be recorded in the test report. The test procedure is as follows. a) Before the measurement, the sample shall be in a power-off state and placed at 20 % relative humidity for at least 2 h. b) START the fuel cell system, and RECORD the start-up time, the time required to reach the rated power and the output voltage change during the 1-h operation at the rated power. If the rated power is not reached, record the maximum power reached and the output voltage change during 1-h operation at that power. 5.2.4 High humidity The purpose of this test is to determine the performance of direct methanol fuel cell systems under high humidity conditions. The test procedure is as follows. a) Before the measurement, the sample shall be in a power-off state and placed at 80 % relative humidity for at least 2 h. b) START the fuel cell system, and RECORD the start-up time, the time required to reach the rated power and the output voltage change during the 1-h operation at the rated power. If the rated power is not reached, record the maximum power reached and the output voltage change during 1-h operation at that power. 5.2.5 Vibration The purpose of this test is to evaluate the effect of vibration on the performance of direct methanol fuel cell systems. The test procedure is as follows. a) MOUNT the direct methanol fuel cell system on the vibrating table at the intended operating position and APPLY sine wave vibration from 7 Hz to 200 Hz and from 200 Hz to 7 Hz within 15 min. The cycle is repeated 12 times. The direction of vibration shall be perpendicular to the fixed level of the system. The vibration conditions shall be determined in accordance with the clause of electronic equipment in GB/T 4798.7-2007. b) START the fuel cell system, and RECORD the start-up time, the time required to reach the rated power and the output voltage change during the 1-h operation at the rated power. If the rated power is not reached, record the maximum power reached and the output voltage change during 1-h operation at that power. 5.2.6 Drop The purpose of this test is to evaluate the effect of drop impact on the performance of - Place of the test; - Name of the test; - Date and time of the test; - Name of the manufacturer; - Test application organization. 6.2 Summary report... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.