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GB/T 2102-2022 PDF English

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GB/T 2102-2022English170 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Acceptance, packaging, marking and quality certification for steel tubular products Valid
GB/T 2102-2006English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Acceptance, packing, marking and quality certification of steel pipe Obsolete
GB/T 2102-1988English199 Add to Cart 2 days Acceptance, packing, marking and certification of pipe Obsolete
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GB/T 2102-2022: PDF in English (GBT 2102-2022)

GB/T 2102-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.140.75 CCS H 48 Replacing GB/T 2102-2006 Acceptance, packaging, marking and quality certification for steel tubular products ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 12, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 01, 2023 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Acceptance rules ... 7 5 Packaging ... 8 6 Marks ... 14 7 Quality certificate ... 15 Bibliography ... 17 Acceptance, packaging, marking and quality certification for steel tubular products 1 Scope This document specifies the acceptance rules for steel tubular products as well as the technical requirements for packaging, marking and quality certificates. This document applies to acceptance rules for steel tubular products and general requirements for packaging, marking and quality certificates. When there are special provisions in product standards, follow the provisions of product standards. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and judgement of limiting values GB/T 17505, Steel and steel products - General technical delivery requirements GB/T 30062, Terminology of steel tubular products and tubes 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 17505, GB/T 30062 as well as the followings apply. 3.1 packaging The operational activities in which, to protect products during circulation, facilitate storage and transportation, and promote sales, strapping materials (3.3), containers and auxiliary materials are used, and certain technical methods are applied to wrap, bundle or place one or more steel tubular products in containers to form a cargo unit. 3.2 strapping package, binding A packaging (3.1) method in which steel tubular products are bound, fixed or reinforced with strapping materials (3.3). test unit According to product standards or contract requirements, based on the test conducted on the sampled products, the number of roots or tons of products that are accepted or rejected at one time. [Source: GB/T 17505-2016, 3.6, modified] 4 Acceptance rules 4.1 Inspection and acceptance The quality of steel tubular products shall be inspected and accepted by the technical quality supervision department of the manufacturer. The supplier shall ensure that the delivered steel tubular products comply with the corresponding product standards or the provisions of the contract. The purchaser has the right to re-inspect according to the corresponding product standards or contracts. 4.2 Batching rules Steel tubular products shall be inspected and accepted in batches. The batching shall comply with the corresponding product standards, or the rules stipulated in the contract. 4.3 Inspection item, sampling quantity, sampling method and test method The inspection item, sampling quantity, sampling method and test method of the steel tubular products shall comply with the relevant product standards or the provisions of the contract. 4.4 Determination of impact test results 4.4.1 A group of 3 specimens shall be used for the impact test of a single sampled steel tubular product. The average value of a group of 3 specimens shall not be less than the specified value (average value). The value (single value) of one specimen is allowed to be lower than the specified value. But it shall not be lower than 70% of the specified value. 4.4.2 If the results of a group of 3 specimens of a single sampled steel tubular product do not meet the requirements of 4.4.1, but no more than 2 specimens are lower than the specified value and when no more than 1 specimen is less than 70% of the specified value, a group of 3 specimens can be taken from the same sampling steel tubular product for testing. After the second group of specimen tests, if the following conditions are met at the same time, the sampled steel tubular product shall be determined as accepted, otherwise the sampled steel tubular product shall be rejected: a) The average value of 6 specimens is not less than the specified value; b) No more than 2 specimens are below the specified value; c) No more than 1 specimen is less than 70% of the specified value. 4.5 Reinspection and determination 4.5.1 For the test results representing a batch of steel tubular products, when a certain item does not meet the requirements of the product standard, the manufacturer can randomly take double the number of specimens from the same batch of remaining steel tubular products for the reinspection of the rejected item. The test requirements and determination rules for the impact test of each retested steel tubular product shall comply with the provisions of 4.4. If all the reinspection results (including any index required by the test item) meet the product standards or the provisions of the contract, except for the rejected steel tubular products in the initial inspection, this batch of steel tubular products will be determined as accepted. 4.5.2 If the initial inspection fails, the following inspection items are not allowed to be reinspected: a) White dots in low-magnification tissue defects; b) Microstructure, grain size, decarburization layer in metallographic inspection. 4.5.3 If the reinspection result is rejected or the initial metallographic inspection is rejected, the manufacturer may inspect the remaining steel tubular products of the batch one by one or conduct heat treatment again for the whole batch. The re-heat-treated steel tubular products shall be reinspected and accepted as a new batch. The number of reheat treatments for steel tubular products shall not exceed 2 times. 4.6 Acceptance of chemical composition If there is no special regulation in the product standard or contract, the chemical composition of the steel tubular product shall be checked and accepted according to the melting composition. 4.7 Numerical rounding off When it is necessary to evaluate whether the test result conforms to the specified value, the test result shall be rounded to be consistent with the number indicated by the last digit of the specified value. The rounding-off method shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 8170. 5 Packaging 5.1 General requirements both ends of the steel tubular product with beveled tubular product ends. 5.6.3 When required by the purchaser, support frames can be added at both ends of the large-diameter thin-walled steel tubular product. 6 Marks 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 The marks of steel tubular products shall be eye-catching and firm. The handwriting shall be clear, standardized, and not easy to fade. 6.1.2 Steel tubular products with an outer diameter not less than 36mm shall be marked one by one. Steel tubular products with an outer diameter less than 36mm may not be marked one by one. Steel tubular products used for galvanizing and special-shaped steel tubular products with complex cross-sections do not need to be marked one by one. 6.1.3 When spray-printing, stamping or roll-printing marks on the outer surface of the steel tubular product, the mark position shall start at a distance not less than 200mm from the end of the steel tubular product. For steel tubular products with an outer diameter of not less than 406.4mm, markings can be made on the inner surface of the steel tubular product. The mark position shall start at a distance not less than 50mm from one end of the steel tubular product. 6.1.4 The marking paint or ink used on the surface of stainless-steel tubular products shall not contain any harmful metals or metal salts, such as zinc, lead or copper. 6.2 Marking content 6.2.1 The content of the mark shall at least include: the name or trademark of the manufacturer, product standard number, steel designation (for the composite steel tubular product, it shall also include the designation or code of the cladding material), size specification and traceability identification number. For steel tubular products with a high degree of finishing, the main performance indicators and dimensional accuracy levels can be added. 6.2.2 The mark shall include one-dimensional bar code or two-dimensional bar code. The one-dimensional bar code and two-dimensional bar code can include the name of the manufacturer, product standard number, steel designation (for the composite steel tubular product, it shall also include the designation or code of the cladding material), size specification, furnace number, batch number, delivery condition, length, weight, root number (or number of pieces) and other information. This information shall be able to be identified and collected by automatic identification and data collection technologies such as machines and mobile terminals. 6.2.3 In addition to the content in 6.2.1, the marking content of alloy steel tubular products shall also include furnace number and batch number. 6.2.4 For tubular product joints of steel tubular products for geological and petroleum use, the marking content shall include the steel designation (steel level). 6.2.5 For threaded steel tubular products with left threads, the word "left" or the English letter "L" shall be printed after the standard number. 6.3 Marking method The mark can be printed, stamped, roll printed, printed, pasted with a mark or pasted (hanging) a label, a hang tag. The supplier can choose one or more marking methods. 6.4 Label or tag 6.4.1 Each bundle of bundled steel tubular products marked one by one shall be attached (hanged) with at least one label or tag. For other bundles of steel tubular products, at least 2 labels or tags shall be attached (hanged) to each bundle. The label or tag shall at least include: name or trademark of the manufacturer, product standard number, steel designation (for the composite steel tubular product, it shall also include the designation or code of the cladding material), size specification, furnace number (except for those not specified in the product standard), batch number, weight (or root number) and date of manufacture. It shall also include one-dimensional bar code or two-dimensional bar code. 6.4.2 or steel tubular products and tubular product joints packed in containers, a label or tag shall be attached in the container. A label or tag shall be pasted (hanged) on the outer end of the container. The content on the label or tag shall comply with the provisions of 6.4.1. 7 Quality certificate 7.1 Each batch of delivered steel tubular products shall be accompanied by a quality certificate proving that the batch of steel tubular products conforms to the order contract (or order) and product standards. 7.2 The quality certificate shall be stamped by the technical quality supervision department of the manufacturer or issued by the designated person in charge. 7.3 The quality certificate shall at least include the following: a) Name of the manufacturer; b) Name of the purchaser; c) Contract (or order) number; ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.