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GB 8957-2016 PDF English

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GB 8957-2016English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Hygienic specifications of pastry factory Valid
GB 8957-1988English279 Add to Cart 3 days Hygienic specifications of pastry factory Obsolete
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GB 8957-2016: PDF in English

GB 8957-2016 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National standards for food safety - Hygienic specifications of pastry, bread ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 23, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 23, 2017 Issued by. National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People 's Republic of China; China Food and Drug Administration. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Terms and definitions ... 4  3 Site and plant environment ... 4  4 Plant and workshop ... 5  5 Facilities and equipment ... 6  6 Hygiene management ... 7  7 Food ingredients, food additives and food related products ... 10  8 Food safety control in the production process ... 11  9 Inspection ... 13  10 Food storage and transport ... 14  11 Sale of cake shop (bakery) ... 14  12 Product recall management ... 14  13 Training ... 15  14 Management system and personnel ... 15  15 Records and document management ... 15  Foreword This Standard replaces GB 8957-1988 Hygienic specifications of pastry factory. Compared with GB 8957-1988, the main changes in this Standard are as follows. - modified the standard’s name to “National standards for food safety Hygienic specifications of pastry, bread”; - modified the standard’s structure; - modified the terms and definitions; - added the product recall management, training terms; - added Annex A “Guidelines for microbiological monitoring procedures of pastry, bread processing”. National standards for food safety - Hygienic specifications of pastry, bread 1 Scope This Standard specifies the basic requirements and management guidelines for places, facilities, personnel in material purchasing, processing, packaging, storage, transport and sales of pastry, bread production. This Standard applies to the production of pastry, bread in the factory and pastry, bread productions and sales in cake shop (bakery). The production and sale of biscuits in cake shop (bakery) can be carried out with reference to the implementation. 2 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB 14881-2013 apply to this Standard. 2.1 cooling processing room a workshop particularly used for cooling processing of western-style pastry decoration, bread and pastry 2.2 cake shop (bakery) a franchise store majoring in on-site productions and sales of bread, pastry and other baked food, and providing appropriate services 3 Site and plant environment 3.1 Site 3.1.1 The factory shall comply with the relevant provisions of 3.1 of GB14881-2013. 3.1.2 The cake shop (bakery) shall choose the area with water supply and drainage conditions and electricity supply, not an area having a significant pollution to food, away from the fecal pits, sewage tanks, exposed garbage dumps (stations), aquaculture and other sources of pollution. 3.1.3 The cake shop (bakery) set up in the supermarket, store, market shall be determined in conjunction with the actual production conditions. 4.1.7 There shall be enough space in the workshop (including packaging room). The spacing from production machinery to the roof and wall (column) shall consider the convenience of cleaning, installation and maintenance. 4.1.8 The cake shop (bakery) shall have reasonable layout for processing and sale areas, for example, it can usually set raw material storage, production processing, semi-finished product and finished product storage, packaging, personnel and utensil cleaning disinfection and fitting room, etc. as well as display facilities that meet requirements for product characteristics. 4.1.9 The cooling processing and thermal processing areas of the cake shop (bakery) shall be separated. It shall prevent cross-contamination during product’s manufacturing, storage and sale. Prevent the product contact with toxic and unclean products. 4.2 Building internal structure and materials 4.2.1 The factory shall comply with the relevant provisions of 4.2 of GB 14881-2013. 4.2.2 The ground of the cake shop (bakery) shall use wear-resistant, impermeable, easy to clean materials. The ground shall be flat, without cracks. 4.2.3 The wall of cake shop (bakery) production processing site shall use non-toxic, no smell, impermeable, smooth, easy to be fouling, easy to clean materials to pave to the top. 4.2.4 The windows of the cake shop (bakery) shall use smooth surface, anti-adsorption, impermeable, easy to clean and disinfect materials. 5 Facilities and equipment 5.1 Facilities 5.1.1 The factory shall comply with the relevant provisions of 5.1 of GB 14881-2013. 5.1.2 Effective mechanical exhaust facilities shall be provided above the food processing area where large amounts of steam or fumes are generated. 5.1.3 The cake shop (bakery) shall be equipped with suitable hand washing, disinfection, lighting, ventilation, drainage, temperature control and other facilities according to the needs of processing and sales. It is equipped with dustproof, fly, pest control, rodent and garbage and waste storage facilities to 6.1.1 It shall comply with relevant provisions of 6.1 of GB 14881-2013. 6.1.2 Appropriate, training assessment qualified hygiene management supervision staff shall be equipped with the processing staff. 6.1.3 The cake shop (bakery) shall meet the following requirements. a) based on food characteristics and the hygiene requirements of the business process, it shall develop a monitoring system with key control links having significant meaning in ensuring the food safety, so as to ensure effective implementation and regular inspection; correct once the problems are found; b) it shall develop a hygiene monitoring system for operating environment, food business personnel, equipment and facilities, raw materials, etc., establish the scope, object and frequency of internal monitoring. Record and archive the monitoring results, regularly check the performance and effectiveness, correct once the problems are found. 6.2 Plant and facilities hygiene management 6.2.1 It shall comply with relevant provisions of 6.2 of GB 14881-2013. 6.2.2 The utensils shall be stored in particular area according to category. 6.2.3 The food manufacturing and sale environment of cake shop (bakery) (including ground, drains, walls, ceilings, door and windows, etc.) and facilities shall be cleaned without delay and kept in good condition. 6.3 Food processing, operating personnel health management and hygiene requirements 6.3.1 Food processing, operating personnel health management In accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. 6.3.2 Food processing, operating personnel hygiene requirements It shall comply with relevant provisions of 6.3.2 of GB 14881-2013. Processing staff must not wear work clothes, work caps, work shoes into the place irrelevant with production. Processing staff shall abide by the hygiene system, develop good health habits, not smoking, spitting, throwing waste in the workshop. Wash hands and disinfect before operation. Wear neat clothes. The operating staff in the cleaning area shall wear mask. The cake shop (bakery) shall also meet the following requirements. unpacking time of original packaging shall be indicated. 8.1.6 For the material generated during the production process but not suitable for the next process, the incomplete finished product after modeling, the product with unqualified inner packaging, their conditions for use, use methods and use quantity shall be determined on the basis of hazard assessment; and there shall be corresponding use system and control program. When the product with non-edible inner packaging returns to the production line, the inner packaging shall be removed. If it cannot be removed, it shall be disposed as waste. 8.2 Control of biological contamination 8.2.1 Cleaning and disinfection It shall comply with relevant provisions of 8.2.1 of GB 14881-2013. The baking pan reused in the processing shall be removed of residues before use to keep clean. It shall be protected after use. If the pan is not used for a long time, it shall be washed and disinfected before use. The console, machinery and equipment, tools shall be carefully inspected before use whether they are in line with hygiene requirements. Clean, disinfect and protect them after use. Factory packaging used composite paper cans, paper cups, PET cups an... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.