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GB 55003-2021: PDF in English

GB 55003-2021 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA UDC P GB 55003-2021 General code for building and municipal foundations ISSUED ON: APRIL 09, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2022 Issued by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of PRC; State Administration for Market Regulation. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4  1 General ... 7  2 Basic provisions ... 8  2.1 Basic requirements... 8  2.2 Design ... 9  2.3 Construction and acceptance ... 12  3 Requirements for survey results ... 14  3.1 General requirements... 14  3.2 Specific requirements ... 14  4 Natural foundation and treated foundation ... 17  4.1 General provisions ... 17  4.2 Foundation design ... 17  4.3 Special rock foundation design ... 18  4.4 Construction and acceptance ... 19  5 Pile foundation ... 22  5.1 General provisions ... 22  5.2 Design of pile foundation ... 22  5.3 Pile foundation design for special rock and soil ... 25  5.4 Construction and acceptance ... 26  6 Foundation ... 28  6.1 General provisions ... 28  6.2 Design of extended foundation ... 28  6.3 Design of raft foundation ... 29  6.4 Construction and acceptance ... 30  7 Foundation pit engineering ... 32  7.1 General provisions ... 32  7.2 Design of supporting structure ... 32  7.3 Groundwater control design ... 34  7.4 Construction and acceptance ... 35  8 Slope engineering ... 39  8.1 General provisions ... 39  8.2 Design of retaining structure ... 40  8.3 Slope engineering drainage and slope protection design ... 41  8.4 Construction and acceptance ... 41  General code for building and municipal foundations 1 General 1.0.1 In order to implement the building policy in the construction of foundation projects, ensure the safety of foundations and superstructures, meet the needs of normal use of construction projects, protect the ecological environment, promote green development, this Code is hereby formulated. 1.0.2 This Code must be implemented for foundation engineering. 1.0.3 Whether the technical methods and measures, which are adopted in the engineering construction, meet the requirements of this Code, shall be determined by the relevant responsible entities. Among them, innovative technical methods and measures shall be demonstrated AND meet the relevant performance requirements in this Code. 2 Basic provisions 2.1 Basic requirements 2.1.1 The foundation shall meet the following functional requirements: 1 The foundation shall have the bearing capacity and stiffness, to transfer the superstructure load to the foundation; 2 Under the various functions and combinations of the superstructure, the foundation shall not be unstable 3 The settlement and deformation of the foundation shall not affect the function and normal use of the superstructure; 4 Has sufficient durability; 5 The foundation pit project shall ensure the safety and normal use of the supporting structure, surrounding buildings (structures), underground pipelines, roads, urban rail transit and other municipal facilities. It shall ensure the construction space and safety of the main underground structure; 6 The slope engineering shall ensure the safe and normal use of supporting structures, surrounding buildings (structures), roads, bridges, municipal pipelines and other municipal facilities. 2.1.2 Geotechnical engineering survey shall be carried out, before the design of foundation engineering. The results of geotechnical engineering survey shall meet the requirements of foundation design, construction and acceptance. 2.1.3 The foundation design shall select a reasonable plan, according to the structure type, action and combination of actions, survey results, environmental conditions and construction conditions of the proposed site. The design calculation shall have correct principles and clear concepts. The selection of calculation parameters shall conform to the actual working conditions. The design and calculation results shall be true and reliable. The analysis and judgment shall be correct. 2.1.4 The design service life of the foundation shall meet the following requirements: 1 The design service life of the base and foundation shall not be less than the design service life of the superstructure; 2 For the engineering design of the foundation pit, it shall specify the service life; the design service life shall not be less than 1 year; 3 The design service life of the slope project shall not be less than the design service life of the protected buildings (structures), roads, bridges, municipal pipelines and other municipal facilities. 2.1.5 Within the design service life of base and foundation, the foundation engineering materials, components, geotechnical properties shall meet the requirements of safety, applicability, durability. 2.1.6 The construction of foundation works shall adopt materials, components, equipment, that have passed quality inspections. The construction plan shall be formulated, according to the design requirements and engineering needs. The construction quality control and engineering monitoring shall be carried out. Engineering monitoring shall ensure the integrity, authenticity, reliability of the data. 2.1.7 Measures shall be taken, to control vibration, noise, dust, waste water, waste, toxic and hazardous substances, to prevent their hazards to the engineering site, surrounding environment, human health, in the construction of foundation engineering. 2.1.8 When the groundwater level changes adversely affect the safety of the construction project and the surrounding environment, it shall take safe and effective disposal measures. 2.1.9 For the groundwater control projects, it shall take measures to prevent the deterioration of groundwater quality. It shall not cause the mixing of groundwater of different water quality categories. It shall neither endanger the safety of surrounding buildings (structures), underground pipelines, roads, urban rail transit and other municipal facilities, nor affect its normal use. 2.1.10 For construction sites with special rock and soil, adverse geological effects and geological disasters, it shall ascertain the situation, analyze its impact on the ecological environment and the proposed project, propose countermeasures, evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures. 2.2 Design 2.2.1 Foundation engineering shall be designed, according to the design service life, the environmental category of the proposed site, the overall geology of the site and the survey results, the action and action combination of the foundation. It shall propose the construction and acceptance requirements, engineering monitoring requirements, maintenance requirements during 3 Requirements for survey results 3.1 General requirements 3.1.1 The geotechnical survey results of the proposed site shall include the following contents: 1 The topography, geomorphology, geological structure conditions of the proposed site; the classification and distribution of the foundation rock and soil; 2 Physical and mechanical indexes of rock and soil; 3 The buried conditions, types, water levels, changes of groundwater, within the scope of influence of the foundation; 4 The analysis and judgment of the corrosiveness of the foundation soil and groundwater, to the foundation and the main building materials of the foundation; 5 Earthquake effect evaluation of site and foundation; 6 Evaluation of site stability and suitability of project construction. 3.1.2 For the geotechnical engineering survey, it shall integrate the geotechnical characteristics and distribution of the proposed site, the design conditions of the proposed project, to provide the geotechnical design parameters and the recommended value of the foundation bearing capacity; propose the recommendations on the base and foundation, as well as the recommendations on the type selection of foundation pit supporting system and side slope retaining system. 3.2 Specific requirements 3.2.1 When there are special rocks and soils on the site and foundation, the geotechnical engineering survey results shall not only meet the requirements of clause 3.1 of this Code, but also include the following contents: 1 For collapsible soil, it shall determine the collapsibility grade; judge the type of collapsibility and the lower limit depth of collapsibility; 2 For permafrost, it shall determine the thawing subsidence grade and frost heaving grade; judge the possibility of existence of unfavorable geological actions, such as thick underground ice, ice cones, ice dunes, frozen soil swamps, thermal thawing landslides, thermal thawing lake ponds, freezing and thawing mud flows; 3 For expansive soils, it shall measure the expansion force; calculate the expansion deformation, contraction deformation, expansion and contraction deformation; determine the expansion and contraction level, atmospheric influence depth, site type; 4 For salt collapsed soil, it shall determine the content of easily soluble salt AND the type of salt content; evaluate the sinkability, salt swelling, corrosiveness; 5 For red clay, it shall clarify the primary or secondary type; analyze the characteristics of fracture development; evaluate the uniformity of the foundation; 6 For the fill, it shall ascertain the method and formation time of the fill or filling; analyze the nature and distribution range of the fill; evaluate the compactness, uniformity, stability of the fill foundation; 7 For soft soils, it shall ascertain the cause type and distribution characteristics; analyze the consolidation history, structure, sensitivity; evaluate the stability and uniformity of the soft soil foundation; 8 For weathered rock and residual soil, it shall ascertain the nature of the parent rock and the degree of weathering; judge the distribution of dikes and boulders; evaluate the uniformity of the weathered rock; 9 For contaminated soil sites, it shall investigate the source of pollution, pollution history, pollution pathways, pollutant components, impact of pollution; ascertain the spatial distribution of contaminated soil; evaluate its hazards. 3.2.2 When there are unfavorable geological effects and geological disasters in the proposed site and its vicinity, the geotechnical engineering survey results shall not only meet the requirements of clause 3.1 of this Code, but also include the following contents: 1 It shall identify the types, causes, distribution of adverse geological effects, as well as potential geological disasters; analyze their harm to the project; 2 For karst caves, earth caves and other caves, it shall evaluate their stability and impact on the project; propose the prevention and control measures; 3 For potential geological hazards, such as collapses, landslides, mudslides, it shall ascertain the conditions for their formation; analyze their possible development and impact; propose the prevention requirements and 4 Natural foundation and treated foundation 4.1 General provisions 4.1.1 The foundation design shall meet the following requirements: 1 Foundation calculation shall meet the requirements of bearing capacity calculation; 2 Engineering structures, that have control requirements for foundation deformation, shall be designed, according to foundation deformation; 3 For engineering structures, which are subject to horizontal loads, OR engineering structures, which are located on slopes, it shall carry out the verification of foundation stability. 4.1.2 After excavation of the foundation trench (pit) to the design elevation, it shall carry out the inspection of foundation trench (pit). 4.1.3 The treated foundation shall be evaluated for the bearing capacity and deformation of the foundation, as well as the evaluation of foundation uniformity within the treatment range and the effective reinforcing depth. The composite foundation shall be subject to the inspection of the strength of the reinforced body, the integrity of the pile body, the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile, the load test of a single or multiple pile composite foundation. When the construction process has an influence on the bearing capacity of the soil between the piles, it shall also carry out the inspection of bearing capacity of the soils, between the piles. 4.2 Foundation design 4.2.1 When the axial load actions, the pressure on the bottom surface of the foundation shall meet the requirements of the following formula: Where: pk - The average pressure at the bottom of the foundation, which is corresponding to the standard combination of actions (kPa); fa - The corrected characteristic value of foundation bearing capacity (kPa). 4.2.2 When the eccentric load actions, the pressure on the bottom surface of collapsible loess foundation. 4.3.3 When designing permafrost foundations, it shall be ensured that the ground temperature of the frozen foundations remains within the allowable range, during the normal use of the building. When calculating the bearing capacity of permafrost foundations, it shall consider of the temperature influence of the foundation soil. The thermal calculation of the foundation shall include the calculation of the characteristic value of the ground temperature, the calculation of the freezing depth of the foundation, the calculation of the thawing depth of the foundation. Drainage measures shall be set up at the construction site. For foundations, which are designed according to the frozen state, the snow shall be cleared in time in winter; heat and water supply pipes shall be thermal-insulated. 4.3.4 When the foundation soil is under-consolidated soil, collapsible loess, liquefiable soil, or other special soils, the reinforcement and construction technology, which are adopted in the design of the composite foundation, shall meet the technical requirements for the load, which are jointly shared by the treated foundation soil and reinforcement. 4.3.5 When using compacted fill as the foundation supporting layer of a construction project, before leveling the site, it shall propose the quality requirements for the fill to be compacted, according to the structure type, filler performance, site conditions, etc. Compacted fills, that have not been verified by inspection AND do not meet the quality requirements, shall not be used as the foundation supporting layer of construction projects. 4.4 Construction and acceptance 4.4.1 Before foundation construction, it shall prepare the foundation engineering construction program or foundation engineering construction plan, which shall include: foundation construction technical parameters, foundation construction process, foundation construction methods, technical measures of foundation construction safety, emergency plans, engineering monitoring requirements, etc. 4.4.2 Prior to the construction of the treated foundation, it shall determine the applicability and treatment effect of the foundation treatment method, through field tests. When the construction of treated foundation adopts vibration or soil squeezing methods, it shall take measures to control the vibration, the lateral extrusion to adjacent buildings (structures), the harmful impact on surrounding environment. 4.4.3 When replace-filled cushion, compacted foundation, tamped foundation adopts the layered construction, after each process is completed, the acceptance inspection shall be carried out according to the design requirements. The next process shall not be proceeded, if it has not been inspected or is unqualified. 4.4.4 During the construction and use of collapsible loess, expansive soil, saline soil, permafrost, compacted fill foundations, it shall take treatment measures, to prevent construction water, site rainwater, adjacent pipeline leakage water, from penetrating into the foundation. 4.4.5 During the excavation of foundation trenches (pits), when geological conditions are found to be inconsistent with the survey results report, OR abnormal conditions are encountered, it shall stop construction work; investigate the situation together with relevant organizations; propose treatment suggestions. 4.4.6 After the inspection of foundation trenches (pits), the foundation trenches (pits) shall be sealed in time; meanwhile it shall take measures, to prevent flooding, exposure, disturbance of the base soil. 4.4.7 The following buildings and municipal projects shall be monitored for settlement and deformation, during construction and use, until the settlement and deformation are stable: 1 There are control requirements for foundation deformation; 2 On a weak foundation; 3 On the treated foundation; 4 Adoption of new basic foundation forms or new structures; 5 Foundation construction may cause ground settlement or uplift deformation, deformation of surrounding buildings (structures) and underground pipeline, groundwater level changes, soil displacement. 4.4.8 The construction acceptance inspection of the foundation works shall meet the following requirements: 1 The foundation of the replace-filled cushion shall be tested for compactness in layers; the bearing capacity shall be tested after the completion of the construction. 2 The high-fill foundation shall be filled in layers, compacted (tamped) in layers, inspected in layers; the treated high-fill foundation shall meet the requirements of compactness and stability. 3 The pre-compressed foundation shall be tested for bearing capacity. For 5 Pile foundation 5.1 General provisions 5.1.1 The design calculation or check calculation of the pile foundation shall include the following contents: 1 Calculation of vertical and horizontal bearing capacity of pile foundation; 2 Checking calculations of pile strength, pile buckling, local buckling of steel pipe pile; 3 Checking calculation of the bearing capacity of the weak underlying layer, under the pile end plane; 4 Checking calculation of the overall stability of pile foundations, which are located on slopes and banks; 5 Checking calculation of pile's bearing capacity, during transportation, hoisting, sinking of concrete precast piles; 6 Calculation of the anti-floating pile and anti-uplift bearing capacity of anti- uplift pile; 7 Checking calculation of seismic bearing capacity of pile foundation; 8 For the friction-type pile foundations, the non-rock-socketed piles and pile foundations without deep and hard bearing layers that have control requirements for the settlement of the pile foundation, the pile foundations with complex structure, uneven load distribution or soft soil under the pile end plane, it shall carry out the settlement calculation. 5.1.2 The materials used for the pile foundation, the connection between the pile segments, the pile foundation structure shall meet the durability requirements, in the environment category of the site, where it is located. 5.1.3 Engineering piles shall be inspected for bearing capacity and pile quality. 5.2 Design of pile foundation 5.2.1 Under the action of the axial vertical force, the calculation of the vertical bearing capacity of the pile foundation shall meet the following requirements: 1 Standard combination of action effects: ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.