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QC/T 1075-2017 English PDF

QC/T 1075-2017_English: PDF (QC/T1075-2017)
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QC/T 1075-2017English150 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Technical specification of honeycomb metal substrate for exhaust catalytic converter Valid QC/T 1075-2017

Standard ID QC/T 1075-2017 (QC/T1075-2017)
Description (Translated English) Technical specification of honeycomb metal substrate for exhaust catalytic converter
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T13
Word Count Estimation 16,159
Date of Issue 2017-04-12
Date of Implementation 2017-10-01
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Bulletin 2017 No.14
Summary This standard specifies the technical requirements, materials, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of metal honeycomb carriers for exhaust catalytic converters.

QC/T 1075-2017 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.060.20 T 13 Technical specification of honeycomb metal substrate for exhaust catalytic converter ISSUED ON: APRIL 12, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 1, 2017 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China. 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This Standard applies to the honeycomb metal substrate for exhaust catalytic converter of Class M and Class N motor vehicles. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential for the application of this Standard. For dated references, only the dated editions apply to this Standard. For undated references, the latest editions (including all amendments) apply to this Standard. GB/T 31942 FeCrAl foil for metallic honeycomb substrates 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this Standard. 3.1 Honeycombed structure A honeycomb-like spatial structure composed of a plurality of spatial channels surrounded by thin walls having a certain outer shape, such as a cylindrical shape. 3.2 Honeycomb metal substrate (hereinafter referred to as substrate) A place where the metal material is fabricated into a honeycombed structure and a housing, providing a purification reaction of the engine exhaust. 3.3 Density of cells The end face of the honeycombed structure, excluding the outermost layer and the surrounding layer of the middle hole, the number of holes per unit area may be expressed in metric (or British) area units. 3.4 Net volume of substrate The volume of the honeycombed structure contained in a single substrate, and the substrate housing is not counted. If a single substrate contains multiple relatively independent honeycombed structures, the void volume between each honeycombed structure shall be excluded. 3.5 Total volume of substrate The volume of space enclosed by the substrate size. 3.6 Substrate size The outer size of the substrate. 3.7 Substrate mass The total mass of the housing of the substrate before coating the catalyst and the honeycombed structure fixed to the interior thereof. 3.8 Catalytic converter A device mounted in an exhaust system of an automobile to perform oxidation and/or reduction reaction by a catalyst to reduce the emission of harmful substances such as CO, HC, NOx, and PM in the exhaust gas. 3.9 Manifold catalytic converter for petrol vehicles (hereinafter referred to as manifold catalytic converter) A catalytic converter assembly component that is mounted in the engine compartment of a petrol vehicle and consists of an engine exhaust manifold and a catalytic converter, and the junction of each branch of the engine manifold to the inlet end of the catalytic converter is not more than 400mm. 3.10 Under-floor catalytic converter for petrol vehicles (hereinafter referred to as under-floor catalytic converter) A catalytic converter assembly that is mounted under the petrol vehicle chassis and at a distance of more than 400mm from the engine exhaust manifold. 3.11 Aftertreatment devices for diesel vehicle exhaust A device mounted in the exhaust system of a diesel engine that can reduce the emission of pollutants in the exhaust gas through various physical and chemical functions. d) Other phenomena that affect normal use. 4.5 Vibration durability 4.5.1 The substrate shall be subjected to a thermal vibration test in accordance with 5.3 of this Standard. 4.5.2 Before and after the thermal vibration test, the differential pressure of the front and rear end faces under the substrate airspeed of (60,000±600)h-1 is measured at normal temperature, and the change of the differential pressure value shall not exceed 15%. 4.5.3 After the thermal vibration test, the substrate shall not exhibit obvious deformation of the honeycomb, falling off or detachment of the honeycombed structure and the housing, severe deformation of the outer contour, and other damages. Other forms of damage may be specified in detail by the company's technical requirements. 4.6 Temperature shock durability 4.6.1 The substrate shall be subjected to a temperature shock test in accordance with 5.4 of this Standard. 4.6.2 Before and after the temperature shock test, the differential pressure of the front and rear end faces under the substrate airspeed of (60,000±600)h-1 is measured at normal temperature, and the change of the differential pressure value shall not exceed 15%. 4.6.3 After the temperature shock test, the substrate shall not exhibit obvious deformation of the honeycomb, falling off or detachment of the honeycombed structure and the housing, severe deformation of the outer contour, and other damages. Other forms of damage may be specified in detail by the company's technical requirements. 5 Test methods 5.1 General 5.1.1 Before the test, it shall be confirmed that the substrate is in a brand new state in which the catalyst is not coated. 5.1.2 MEASURE, RECORD and CONFIRM that the initial state of the test sample meets the specifications of 4.2. 5.1.3 According to the different classification categories of the substrate application environment, there are differences in different types of test conditions. end faces of the substrate at the airspeed of (60,000±600)h-1 is measured at normal temperature, and check the integrity of the substrate. 6 Inspection rules 6.1 Inspection category The inspection of the substrate is divided into exit-factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Exit-factory inspection 6.2.1 Each product shall be inspected at the factory before leaving the factory, and shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the factory, and a certificate of conformity shall be issued. 6.2.2 The inspection items and requirements shall comply with the provisions of 4.1 to 4.3. 6.3 Type inspection In case of any of the following circumstances, the product shall be subject to type inspection: a) new product finalization; b) continuously produced products, once every two years; c) re-production when the production interval is more than one year; d) when there are major changes in product design processes, materials, etc.; e) when there is a problem with the quality of the product; and f) other time when it is deemed necessary. 6.3.1 Sampling method The type inspection adopts random sampling. Three products are randomly selected from the products qualified for exit-factory inspection, and the sampling base is not less than 100. 6.3.2 Inspection item. The test items as required in 4.4 to 4.6. 6.3.3 Determination rule. The type inspection results shall comply with the corresponding provisions of 4 Technical requirements. In the type inspection, if any inspection item is unqualified, it shall be ......

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