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Q/BQB 408-2023 English PDF (QBQB408-2021, QBQB408-2019)
Q/BQB 408-2023_English: PDF (Q/BQB408-2023)
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Q/BQB 408-2023
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Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming
Q/BQB 408-2023
Q/BQB 408-2021
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Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming
Q/BQB 408-2021
Q/BQB 408-2019
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Cold formed low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming
Q/BQB 408-2019
Q/BQB 408-2018
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Cold formed low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming
Q/BQB 408-2018
Q/BQB 408-2014
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[Replaced by Q/BQB 408-2018] Cold formed low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming
Q/BQB 408-2014
Q/BQB 408-2009
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Cold rolled strip and strip for stamping
Q/BQB 408-2009
Standard ID
Q/BQB 408-2023 (Q/BQB408-2023)
Description (Translated English)
Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming
Sector / Industry
Chinese Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard
Word Count Estimation
Date of Issue
Date of Implementation
Standard ID
Q/BQB 408-2021 (Q/BQB408-2021)
Description (Translated English)
Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming
Sector / Industry
Chinese Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard
Word Count Estimation
Date of Issue
Date of Implementation
Older Standard (superseded by this standard)
Q/BQB 408-2019
Issuing agency(ies)
Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
Q/BQB 408-2023 BQB ENTERPRISE STANDARD OF BAOSTEEL CO., LTD. Replacing Q/BQB 408-2021 Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming ISSUED ON: APRIL 09, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2023 Issued by: BaoSteel Co., Ltd. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 6 4 Classification and code ... 6 5 Information required for ordering ... 7 6 Dimensions, appearance, weight, allowable deviations ... 8 7 Technical requirements ... 8 8 Inspection and testing ... 13 9 Packaging, marking, inspection documents ... 15 10 Numerical rounding rules ... 15 11 Comparison of similar designations ... 15 Appendix A (Normative) Hard material ... 16 Appendix B (Informative) Hardness reference value of SPCC-X series specific designation ... 19 Appendix C (Informative) Comparison of similar designations between this document and relevant domestic and foreign standards ... 20 Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming 1 Scope This document stipulates the classification and code, size, shape, weight, technical requirements, inspection and testing, packaging, marking and inspection documents of low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming. This document applies to low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming (hereinafter referred to as steel plates and strips), which have a thickness of 0.17 mm ~ 3.5 mm, as produced by Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 222 Permissible tolerances for chemical composition of steel products GB/T 223 Chemical analysis methods for steel and alloys GB/T 228.1-2021 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature GB/T 230.1 Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part 1: Test method GB/T 232 Metallic materials - Bend test GB/T 2523 Measuring method of surface roughness, peak count and waviness for cold-rolled metal sheet and strip GB/T 2975 Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing GB/T 4336 Carbon and low-alloy steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Spark discharge atomic emission spectrometric method (routine method) GB/T 4340.1 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 1: Test method GB/T 5027 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of plastic strain ratio GB/T 5028 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values GB/T 20066 Steel and iron - Sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition GB/T 20123 Steel and iron - Determination of total carbon and sulfur content Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method) GB/T 20125 Low-alloy steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method GB/T 20126 Unalloyed steel - Determination of low carbon content - Part 2: Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (with preheating) Q/BQB 400 Package, mark and inspection document for cold-rolled product Q/BQB 401 Dimension, shape, weight and tolerances for cold-rolled steel sheet and strip 3 Terms and definitions There are no terms or definitions to be defined in this document. 4 Classification and code 4.1 Steel sheets and strips shall comply with the requirements in Table 1, when divided according to their uses. 4.2 Steel sheets and strips shall comply with the requirements in Table 2, when divided according to surface quality. 4.3 Steel sheets and strips shall comply with the requirements in Table 3, when divided according to surface structure. 4.4 Codes for distinguishing types of tempering degrees of steel sheets and strips with SPCC designation. 8.3 The tensile test shall be in accordance with Method B of GB/T 228.1-2021. In order to improve the reproducibility of the measurement results, it is recommended to use the beam displacement rate control method. The beam displacement rate for determining the yield strength is 0.00083 × Lc (mm/s) (where Lc is the parallel length of the tensile specimen, in mm, the same below) or 0.05 × Lc (mm/min). After the yield strength is measured, the beam displacement rate is 0.0067 × Lc (mm/s) or 0.4 × Lc (mm/min). 8.4 The r value is calculated at 15% plastic strain. When the maximum force plastic elongation Ag is less than 15%, the value of the plastic strain at the end of Ag is calculated. The n value is calculated in the range of 10% ~ 20% plastic strain. When Ag is less than 20%, the calculated strain range is 10% to Ag. 8.5 Steel sheets and strips shall be inspected and accepted in batches. Each inspection batch shall be composed of steel sheets and strips of the same designation, specification, processing state, at not exceeding 30 tons. For steel strips weighing more than 30 tons, each coil forms an inspection lot. 8.6 The inspection items, number of samples, sampling methods, test methods for each batch of steel sheets and strips shall comply with the provisions of Table 15. 8.7 The supplier may use different inspection and test methods for acceptance testing. In the event of a dispute, it shall use the inspection and test methods and relevant technical requirements specified in this document for testing. 8.8 Reinspection For tensile test, strain hardening index (n value), plastic strain ratio (r value), Rockwell hardness or Vickers hardness, bending test, if any test result does not meet the requirements of this document, it shall take double quantity of specimens randomly from the same batch, to carry out reinspection for this unqualified item. If the re- inspection results (including all indicators required for the test of item) are qualified, the whole batch will be qualified. If even one index in the reinspection results (including all indicators required for the test of the item) fails, the reinspection will fail. If the re- inspection fails, the individual pieces that have been tested and have inconsistent test
Q/BQB 408-2021 BQB ENTERPRISE STANDARD OF BAOSHAN IRON AND STEEL CO., LTD Replacing Q/BQB 408-2019 Low Carbon Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet and Strip for Cold Forming ISSUED ON: JUNE 04, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: AUGUST 10, 2021 Issued by: Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Chemical composition ... 4 2 Mechanical properties ... 5 3 Inspection and test ... 7 Foreword This Document was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for Standardization – Part 1: Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents. This Document was formulated by reference to JIS G 3141:2017, EN 10130:2006, JFS A 2001:2014. This Document replaced Q/BQB 408-2019 Low Carbon Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet and Strip for Cold Forming. Compared with Q/BQB 408-2019, the major technical changes of this Document are as follows: --- Revise the description of SPCC series designations in Tables 1, 4 and 11; --- Add the provisions of the minimum yield strength of SPCC-XM and SPCC-XL designations with thickness greater than 2.3mm in Table 8; --- Adjust the sampling provisions for r-value inspection; --- Revise Appendix A Comparison List of Approximate Designations of Related Standards at Home and Abroad; --- Make editorial modifications. Please note some contents of this Document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this Document does not assume the responsibility to identify these patents. The Appendix A of this Document is normative; Appendixes B and C are informative. This Document was proposed by Manufacturing and Management Department of the Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. This Document shall be under the jurisdiction of Manufacturing and Management Department of the Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Drafting organization of this Document: Manufacturing and Management Department of the Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Chief drafting staffs of this Document: Yuan Min, Mao Mingxi. The historical editions replaced by this Document are as follows: Q/BQB 408-1988, Q/BQB 408-1994, Q/BQB 408-1999, Q/BQB 408-2003, Q/BQB 408- 2009, Q/BQB 408-2014, Q/BQB 408-2018, Q/BQB 408-2019.
Q/BQB 408-2019 ENTERPRISE STANDARD OF BAOSTEEL CO., LTD. Replacing Q/BQB 408-2018 Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming ISSUED ON: FEBRUARY 02, 2019 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 10, 2019 Issued by: Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Chemical composition ... 4 2 Mechanical properties ... 4 3 Inspection and test ... 6 4 Annex ... 7 Foreword This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009 “Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards”. This Standard was prepared by referring to JIS G 3141:2017, EN 10130:2006, JFS A 2001:2014. This Standard replaces Q/BQB 408-2018. Compared with Q/BQB 408-2018, main changes in this Standard are as follows: -- added description on special roughness control requirements; -- revised Annex C Control table of similar designations of related standards are home and abroad. Annex A of this Standard is normative. Annex B and Annex C are informative. This Standard was proposed by Manufacturing Management Department of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of Manufacturing Management Department of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. The drafting organization of this Standard: Manufacturing Management Department of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Drafters of revision of this Standard: Yuan Min, Mao Mingxi. Versions of standard substituted by this Standard are: Q/BQB 408-1988, Q/BQB 408-1994, Q/BQB 408-1999, Q/BQB 408-2003, Q/BQB 408-2009, Q/BQB 408-2014, Q/BQB 408-2018. Low carbon cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for cold forming 1 Chemical composition Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 2 Mechanical properties Designation Chemical composition a (melting analysis) % (mass fraction) a It is allowed to add other alloying elements. b SPCC-X is a specific designation. Designation Chemical composition (melting analysis) % (mass fraction) a It is allowed to add Nb and/or Ti. b Nb is allowed to replace part of Ti. At this time, the total content of Nb and Ti shall not be greater than 0.20%. Designation Chemical composition (melting analysis) % (mass fraction) a It is allowed to add Nb and/or Ti. b Nb is allowed to replace part of Ti. At this time, the total content of Nb and Ti shall not be greater than 0.20%.
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