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GB/T 19951-2019 English PDF (GB/T 19951-2005)

GB/T 19951-2019_English: PDF (GB/T19951-2019)
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GB/T 19951-2019English345 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Road vehicles -- Disturbances test methods for electrical/electronic component from electrostatic discharge Valid GB/T 19951-2019
GB/T 19951-2005English85 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Road vehicles -- Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge Obsolete GB/T 19951-2005

Standard ID GB/T 19951-2019 (GB/T19951-2019)
Description (Translated English) Road vehicles -- Disturbances test methods for electrical/electronic component from electrostatic discharge
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T36
Classification of International Standard 43.040.10
Word Count Estimation 38,324
Date of Issue 2019-06-04
Date of Implementation 2020-01-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 19951-2005
Quoted Standard GB/T 29259-2012
Adopted Standard ISO 10605-2008, MOD
Drafting Organization China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Suzhou Test Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., China Electronics Standardization Institute, Changchun Automobile Testing Center, Shanghai Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd., Xiangyang Daan Automotive Testing Center, Shanghai Electric Apparatus Research Institute, Yanfeng Visteon Electronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd., SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Company, SAIC Motor Commercial Vehicle Technology Center, Brilliance Automotive Group Holdings Co., Ltd., Pan Asia Automotive Technology Center Co., Ltd. Company, China Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Hangsheng Electronics Co., Ltd., FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd., Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., GAC Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., Great Wall Motor
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114)
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, China National Standardization Administration
Summary This standard specifies the test methods for the resistance of vehicle electrical/electronic components to electrostatic discharge (ESD) that may be generated during assembly, maintenance, and inside and outside the vehicle by drivers and passengers, including component and vehicle level tests. This standard applies to electrical and electronic components for M, N, O, L vehicles (not limited to vehicle power systems, such as spark ignition engines, diesel engines, electric motors).

Standard ID GB/T 19951-2005 (GB/T19951-2005)
Description (Translated English) Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard L06
Classification of International Standard 33.100
Word Count Estimation 19,183
Date of Issue 2005-10-08
Date of Implementation 2006-04-01
Adopted Standard ISO 10605-2001, IDT
Drafting Organization China Automotive Technology and Research Center
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee; National Standardization Technical Committee of radio interference
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 13 of 2005 (No. 87 overall)
Proposing organization National Development and Reform Commission
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the installation in road vehicles within the electronic modules and systems, electrostatic discharge (ESD) test methods, including in the two states bench and vehicle electronic module of the program under evaluation. In addition, the standard also specifies requirements for packaging as shipped in ESD Sensitivity Classification module test procedures, test for electrostatic discharge simulator calibration procedures, and functional status classification for immunity. This standard applies to all road vehicles, no matter what it is using the drive system (eg spark ignition engines, diesel engines, electric motors).

GB/T 19951-2019 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.10 T 36 Replacing GB/T 19951-2005 Road vehicles - Disturbances test methods for electrical/electronic component from electrostatic discharge (ISO 10605:2008, Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge, MOD) ISSUED ON: JUNE 04, 2019 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2020 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Terms and definitions ... 6  4 Test conditions ... 7  5 Test location ... 7  6 Test apparatus and instrumentation ... 8  7 Discharge modes ... 12  8 Component test method (DUT powered-up) ... 13  9 Component test method (DUT unpowered) ... 18  10 Vehicle test method ... 21  11 Test report ... 24  Annex A (Normative) Verification of ESD generator ... 25  Annex B (Informative) Guidelines for current target design ... 29  Annex C (Informative) Function performance status classification (FPSC) and example severity levels ... 42  Annex D (Informative) Selection guidance for test method of component discharge ... 45  Annex E (Informative) Optional test set-up and procedure for components (powered-up test) ... 48  Foreword This Standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard replaces GB/T 19951-2005. The main differences between this Standard and GB/T 19951-2005 are as follows: - Adjust the terms (see Clause 3; Clause 3 of the 2005 edition); - ADD test conditions, test location, and discharge modes (see Clauses 4, 5, and 7); - There are major modifications to the provisions on test apparatus and instrumentation (output voltage, discharge resistance, and reduction of apparatus variety specified) (see Clause 6; Clause 4 of the 2005 edition); - MAKE major adjustments to the test methods, including component powered-up test method and vehicle test method (see Clauses 8 and 10; Clauses 5 and 6 of the 2005 edition); - Adjust the requirements for evaluation of test results and test report (see Clauses 8, 9, and 11; Clauses 5~7 of the 2005 edition); - ADD “Guidelines for current target design”, “Selection guidance for test method of component discharge”, and “Optional test set-up and procedure for components (powered-up test)”, to specify the calibration, test methods, and test procedure of the device (see Annexes B, D, and E); - CHANGE the function performance status classification to an informative annex (see Annex C; Annex B of the 2005 edition). This Standard uses the redraft law to modify and adopt ISO 10605:2008 “Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge”. The structural adjustment of this Standard compared with ISO 10605:2008 is as follows: - No subclauses under 6.3; - No subclauses under 9.3.3; - ADD 9.3.7; - Delete C.3 and C.4; - The content of Annex F of the source text is adjusted to Annex E. There are technical differences between this Standard and ISO 10605:2008. The clauses involved in these differences have been marked by a vertical single line (|) at the blank of the outer margin. The technical differences between this Standard and ISO 10605:2008 and their reasons are as follows: - About normative references, this Standard has made adjustments with technical differences, to adapt to the technical conditions of China. The adjustments are reflected in Clause 2 “Normative references”, as follows:  Delete ISO 7637-1 and ISO 11452-1;  ADD a reference to GB/T 29259-2012. - GB/T 29259-2012 has included the terms of electrostatic discharge, human ESD model, reference plane, and electrostatic discharge simulator (generator), so delete the 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.10 contents of the source text. - In order to clearly describe the contact discharge current waveform, and to facilitate understanding of the meanings of t1 and t2 in Table 2, with reference to the relevant standard, below Table 2, ADD Figure 3 “Schematic diagram for contact discharge mode waveform parameters”. The subsequent figure numbers change in order. - ADD the functional requirements after component test, as post-test result judgement, see 9.3.7. - The 6.3.2 content of the source text is unnecessary statement, and is easy to cause misunderstanding, so it is deleted. This Standard makes the following editorial changes: - Modify the standard name; - INCORPORATE the amendments of ISO 10605:2008/Amd 1:2014 and ISO 10605:2008/Cor. 1:2010. The clauses involved in these amendments have been marked by a vertical double line (ǁ) at the blank of the outer margin; - For ease of understanding, GIVE a note to the current/test voltage (A/kV) in Table 2; - The description of test voltage in 8.4.5 of the source text is the same as that in 8.3.6. This Standard does not repeat the description but refers to 8.3.6 instead. 9.3.3, 9.3.4, 9.3.5, 9.3.6, 10.3.3 are all treated in this way; - Delete the comment for “1” in Figure B.1c) “Cut side view” in Annex B of the source text and change “1” to “M3 screw hole”; - In order to maintain the unification of expression and understanding of function performance status classification (FPSC) between several standards of electromagnetic immunity series, the content of function performance status classification (FPSC) of Annex C is directly referred to GB/T 33014.1; - The source text’s Annex E “Rationale for air discharge generator verification” is not directly related to the technical requirements and test methods of the standard, and the drafting is extremely non-standard and so deleted. This Standard was proposed by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114). Responsible drafting organizations of this Standard: China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., Suzhou 3C-Test Electronic Co., Ltd., China Electronics Standardization Institute, Changchun Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai Volkswagen Co., Ltd., Xiangfan Da An Automobile Test Center, Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute, Yanfeng Visteon Electronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd., SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Company, SAIC Motor Commercial Vehicle Technical Center, Brilliance Auto Group Holdings Co., Ltd., Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Co., Ltd., Centre Testing International Group Co., Ltd., Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp., Ltd., Shenzhen Hangsheng Electronics Co., Ltd., FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd., Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd., Guangzhou GRG Metrology & Test Co., Ltd. Participating drafting organizations of this Standard: Bosch Automotive Products (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Toyota Motor Technical Center (China) Co., Ltd., BMW (China) Services Ltd., Mercedes-Benz (China) Automobile Sales Co., Ltd., Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Ford Motor (China) Co., Ltd., Jaguar Land Rover China, Daimler Greater China Ltd., Peugeot Citroen (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard: Xu Xiuxiang, Hu Xiaojun, Cui Qiang, Liu Xin, Lin Yanping, Liu Xinliang, Liu Ketao, Liu Yuan, Cui Weidong, Deng Fuqi, Lu Changjun, Wu Dingchao, Cao Shanggui, Zou Aihua, Chu Yangang, Li Zheng, Liu Yingli. Road vehicles - Disturbances test methods for electrical/electronic component from electrostatic discharge 1 Scope This Standard specifies the test methods for the tolerance of vehicle’s electrical/electronic components against electrostatic discharge (ESD), which may be caused by assembly, service, and occupants inside and outside the vehicle, including component and vehicle level tests. This Standard applies to electrical/electronic components for type M, N, O, L vehicles (unlimited vehicle power systems, such as spark ignition engines, diesel engines, motors). 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For the dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 29259-2012 Road vehicle - Electromagnetic compatibility terminology 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 29259-2012 and the following apply to this document. 3.1 Device under test; DUT Single component or combination of components as defined to be tested. 3.2 Air discharge Test method characterized by bringing the test generator charging electrode close to the device under test (DUT); the discharge is by arcing on the DUT. 3.3 Contact discharge Test method characterized by contact of the test generator electrode with the DUT, where discharge is initiated by the generator discharge switch. 3.4 Direct discharge Test method for discharging directly on the DUT. 3.5 Indirect discharge Test method for discharging on a coupling plane near the DUT. It is generally used to simulate discharge by a human being on items near the DUT. 3.6 Surface Uninterrupted housing area, gap or opening of DUT, such as tip switches, points of contact, air vents, speaker openings. 3.7 Holding time Interval of time within which the decrease of the test voltage due to leakage, prior to the discharge, is 10 %. 3.8 Horizontal coupling plane; HCP Metal plane oriented in horizontal direction, to which discharges are applied to simulate discharge to objects adjacent to the DUT. 4 Test conditions The environmental conditions during the test are as follows. When other test conditions are used, they shall be recorded in the test report: - Ambient temperature: (25 ± 10) °C; - Relative humidity between 20 % and 60 % (20 °C and 30 % relative humidity preferred). The user shall specify the test level, see Annex C. 5 Test location It shall be carried out in a laboratory which meets environmental conditions. Special locations, such as a shielded room or an anechoic chamber, may be used. Note: ESD testing creates transient fields, which can interfere with sensitive electronic devices or receivers, even at a distance of a few meters. It is advisable that this be considered when choosing a test location. 6 Test apparatus and instrumentation 6.1 ESD generator The ESD generator should be able to generate a repetition rate of at least 10 discharges per second. Regardless of automatic or manual control, any degradation of the discharge current waveform shall not occur. In cases where a 2 m length of the discharge return cable is insufficient (e.g. for tall DUTs), a length not exceeding 3 m may be used and compliance with the waveform specifications shall be guaranteed. The characteristic parameters of the ESD generator are shown in Table 1. Note: When an ESD generator is supplied from an external supply source or controlled by a separate unit, this/these cable(s) is/are not combined (bundled) with the ESD generator discharge return cable, to avoid unintended current flowing through this/these cable(s). Table 1 -- Characteristic parameters of ESD generator 6.2 Discharge electrodes 6.2.1 Contact discharge electrode The electrode for contact discharge is typically made of stainless steel, as shown in Figure 1. Dimensions in millimeters Key: 1 - Sharp point. Figure 1 -- Contact discharge mode electrode of the ESD generator 6.2.2 Air discharge electrode The electrode for air discharge is shown in Figure 2. For air discharge at test voltages higher than 15 kV, larger electrode tip (e.g. 20 mm to 30 mm diameter) can be used to avoid pre-discharge. Dimensions in millimeters Key: 1 - Body of ESD generator. Figure 2 -- Air discharge mode electrode of the ESD generator 6.3 Contact discharge mode current verification The contact discharge mode currents shall be verified according to Annex A. The contact discharge mode waveform parameters shall be in accordance with Table 2. Examples of calculated contact discharge waveforms in accordance with Table 2 are given in Figures 4a) and b). Table 2 -- Contact discharge mode waveform parameters Figure 3 -- Schematic diagram for contact discharge mode waveform parameters Note 1: The peak current is obtained from actual measurement. Note 2: t1 and t2 are the two times of the falling edge of current pulse. t1=R×C(1-40%); t2=R×C(1+20%); as shown in Figure 3. It is used to determine whether the current pulse amplitude corresponding to t1 and t2 meets the requirements of GB/T 17626.2. Note 3: The current/test voltage (A/kV) is a scaling factor. The current at different test voltages is multiplied by the scaling factor. Ipeak I at t1 I at t2 Key: X - Time, ns; Y - Current, A; 1 - 330 pF/330 Ω; 2 - 150 pF/330 Ω. a) 150 pF/330 pF, 330 Ω Figure 4 -- Examples of calculated contact discharge waveform (5 kV test voltage) Key: X - Time ,ns; Y - Current, A; 1 - 330 pF/2 kΩ; 2 - 150 pF/2 kΩ. b) 150 pF/330 pF, 2 kΩ Figure 4 (continued) 6.4 Horizontal coupling plane and ground/reference plane The horizontal coupling plane (HCP) and ground/reference plane (GRP) shall be metallic sheets (e.g. copper, brass or aluminium) and a minimum thickness of 0.25 mm. If aluminium is used, care is taken that oxidation does not prevent a good ground connection. GRP is placed under the non-conductive table. The HCP shall extend the projected geometry of the DUT (including the cables connected to the DUT) by at least 0.1 m. The size should be at least 1.6 m × 0.8 m. The height of the HCP above the GRP shall be between 0.7 m and 1.0 m. The GRP should have at least the dimensions of the HCP. 6.5 Insulation block Insulation blocks, if used, shall be constructed of clean non-hygroscopic material (e.g. polyethylene). The relative permittivity should range between 1 and 5. The blocks shall be (50 ± 5) mm in thickness and extend beyond the test set-up by at least 20 mm on all sides. 6.6 Insulation support Insulation support, if used, shall be constructed of clean non-hygroscopic material (e.g. polyethylene) with a relative permittivity between 1 and 5. The support shall be between 2 mm and 3 mm in thickness and project beyond the test set-up by at least 20 mm on all sides. Care shall be taken that support prevents dielectric breakdown up to 25 kV of discharge voltage. 7 Discharge modes 7.1 General During the test, discharges can be applied by two discharge modes: contact and air. See Annex D for guidance on air versus contact discharge modes. 7.2 Contact discharge In contact discharge mode, before applying the discharge, the tip of the ESD generator’s discharge electrode is brought in contact with the DUT. 7.3 Air discharge In air discharge mode, the discharge electrode is charged to the test voltage and then brought with the demanded speed of approach to the DUT, applying the discharge through an arc that happens when the tip approaches close enough to the DUT to break down the dielectric material between the tip and test point. The speed of approach of the discharge electrode is a critical factor in the rise time and amplitude of the injected current during an air discharge. The speed of approach should be between 0.1 m/s and 0.5 m/s. In practice the ESD generator should approach the DUT as quickly as possible until the discharge occurs or the discharge tip touches the discharge point without causing damage to the DUT or generator. 8 Component test method (DUT powered-up) 8.1 General These tests consist of direct and indirect types of application of discharges to the DUT, as follows: - direct type discharges (contact or air discharge mode) are applied directly to the DUT or to the remote parts that are accessible, e.g. switches and buttons; - indirect type discharges (contact discharge mode) simulate discharges that occur to other conductive objects in the vicinity of the DUT and are applied through an intervening metal, such as an HCP. Note: An optional test set-up and procedure using direct discharge test method are described in Annex E. The ESD generator shall be configured with the 330 pF or 150 pF capacitor, depending on the DUT location in the vehicle, and the 330 Ω resistor. If the DUT location is not specified, the 330 pF capacitor shall be used. Conductive surfaces shall be tested using contact mode discharges. For contact discharge, use the contact discharge tip (see Figure 1). Air discharge may also be applied to conductive surfaces, if required in the test plan. Non- conductive surfaces shall be tested using air mode discharges. For air discharge, use the air discharge tip (see Figure 2). Before applying any discharges to the DUT, according to Annex A, it shall periodically verify the ESD generator. 8.2 Test plan Prior to performing the test, generate a test plan, including the following: - the detailed test set-up; - test points; - mode of operation of DUT; - any special instructions and changes from the standard test. 8.3 Test procedure for direct discharges 8.3.1 General Discharges shall be applied to all specified test points with the equipment operating in normal modes. Product response may be affected by the polarity of the discharge. Both polarities of discharge shall be used. 8.3.2 Test set-up Place the DUT on the HCP (see Figure 5). If the DUT is, when installed, directly connected to the body, during the test, it shall be placed directly on the HCP. If it is not connected to the body during installation, during the test, an insulation support shall be placed between the DUT and the HCP. For testing, the DUT shall be connected to all peripheral units necessary for functional testing. The line lengths used should be between 1.50 m and 2.50 m. If vehicle intent peripheral units are not available for testing, substitute peripheral units and test discharge points shall be addressed in the test plan. All components on the test table shall be a minimum distance of 0.2 m from each other. The lines shall be laid in such a way that they run parallel to the HCP edges and they shall be a distance of 0.1 m away from the HCP edges. The lines should be bundled and shall be secured on an insulating block. The wiring type is defined by the actual vehicle. The supply battery shall be on the test table, with the negative terminal of the battery directly connected to the HCP. The explosion hazard of the battery shall be taken into account and appropriate protective measures taken. For direct discharge, the discharge return cable of the ESD generator shall be connected to the HCP. The discharge return cable of the generator shall be kept at least 0.2 m away from the DUT and all cables connected to the DUT (to reduce coupling from this cable which might affect the test results). The ESD test bench (test surface) shall be a minimum of 0.1 m from other conductive structures, such as the surfaces of a shielded room. Figure 5 -- Test set-up for direct discharge 8.3.3 Electrode connections for direct discharge method Contact discharge Before contact discharges, the tip of the discharge electrode of ESD generator shall touch the DUT. Where painted surfaces cover a conducting substrate, if the coating is not declared to be an insulating coating by the equipment manufacturer, then the pointed tip of the generator penetrates the coating so as to make contact with the conducting substrate. Air discharge In the case of air discharges, the tip of the discharge electrode shall be brought sufficiently close to the DUT as quickly as possible. Note: When the case is a non-conductive surface, or the coating is declared to be an insulating coating for the conductive surfaces, then the surface is tested as an insulating surface using the air discharge mode. 8.3.4 Orientation of ESD generator For direct discharge, the ESD generator’s discharge tip is held perpendicular to the surface of the DUT when possible; if not possible, an angle of at least 45° to the surface of the DUT is preferred. 8.3.5 Number of discharges and time between ESD events At least 3 discharges shall be applied to all direct discharge test points for each specified test voltage and polarity (see Annex C). The time interval between successive single discharges shall be as long as necessary, not less than 1 s, in order to ensure that the charges are removed before new discharge. The methods for removing the charges described below can be applied. - Charge build-up of the DUT can be eliminated by briefly connecting a bleeder wire with resistance (≥ 1 MΩ) in the following sequence: (1) between the discharge location and ground, and (2) between the ground point of the DUT and ground. If there is evidence that the tandem connection of 1 MΩ wire does not have any impact on the test result, it can remain connected to the DUT. - If the time interval is lengthened between two successive discharges, the build-up charge vanishes due to the natural charge decay. - Air-ionizers may be used to speed up the “natural” discharging process of the DUT. The ionizer shall be turned off when applying an air discharge test. 8.3.6 Test voltage The test voltages shall be increased, using at least two values, up to the maximum test level. Note: Some products have the tendency to exhibit susceptibility responses when exposed to specific test voltages, but not necessarily at other test voltage levels. 8.4 Test procedure for indirect discharges 8.4.1 General Discharges to objects placed or installed near the DUT are simulated by applying contact discharges of the ESD generator to a horizontal coupling plane (HCP). Contact discharges shall be applied to the HCP at points on each side of the DUT. The ESD pulse should be applied to the edges of the HCP. The DUT shall be positioned on the HCP such that its closest surface is 0.1 m from the edge of the HCP receiving the discharge. The DUT may need to be repositioned during the test, when applying ESD to the edge of the HCP, in order to maintain this 0.1 m spacing between the DUT edge and the edge of the HCP. 8.4.2 Test set-up Place the DUT on the HCP (see Figure 6). If the DUT is, when installed, directly connected to the body, during the test, it shall be placed directly on the HCP. If it is not connected to the body during installation, during the test, an insulation support shall be placed between the DUT and the HCP. For testing, the DUT shall be connected to all peripheral units necessary for functional testing. The line lengths used should be between 1.50 m and 2.50 m. If vehicle intent peripheral units are not available for testing, substitute peripheral units and test discharge points shall be addressed in the test plan. All components on the test table shall be a minimum distance of 0.2 m from each other. The lines shall be laid in such a way that they run parallel to the HCP edges and the plane and they shall be a distance of 0.1 m away from the HCP edges. The lines should be bundled and shall be secured on an insulating block. The wiring type is defined by the actual vehicle. The supply battery shall be on the test table, with the negative terminal of the battery directly connected to the HCP. The explosion hazard of the battery shall be taken into account and appropriate protective measures taken. For indirect discharge, the discharge return cable of the ESD generator may be connected to the HCP or to the GRP (as defined in the test plan). The discharge return cable of the generator shall be kept at least 0.2 m away from the DUT and all cables connected to the DUT (to reduce coupling from this cable which might affect the test results). The ESD test bench (test surface) shall be a minimum of 0.1 m from other conductive structures, such as the surfaces of a shielded room. Figure 6 -- Test set-up for indirect discharge 8.4.3 Number of discharges and time between ESD events 50 discharges shall be applied to all indirect discharge test points for each specified test voltage and polarity (see Annex C). For discharges to the HCP, the time intervals between successive single discharges shall be longer than 50 ms. 8.4.4 Orientation of ESD generator For discharges to HCP, the discharge tip is in the same plane as the HCP while making contact with the edge of the plane. No discharge is made to the flat surface of the HCP. 8.4.5 Test voltage It shall be in accordance with 8.3.6. 9 Component test method (DUT unpowered) 9.1 General The test shall subject the DUT to simulated direct discharges from humans during the assembly process or in the service case. Before applying any discharges to the DUT, according to Annex A, it shall periodically verify the ESD generator. The ESD generator shall be configured with the 150 pF capacitor and the resistor value specified in the test plan. 9.2 Test plan Prior to performing the test, generate a test plan, including the following: - the detailed test set-up; - test points; - mode of operation of DUT; - any special instructions from the standard test. 9.3 Test procedure 9.3.1 General The test shall be performed by contact discharge on all pins and contacts, and/or air discharge mode on all surfaces and points that can be touched during the assembly process or in the service case. Apply the ESD at (as a minimum) each connector pin (including recessed connector pin of DUT), case, button, switch, display, case screw and case opening that is accessible during handling. To access recessed connector pins, an insulated solid wire with a cross-section between 0.5 mm2 and 2 mm2 and a maximum length of 25 mm shall be used. Discharge on pins of a connector with closely-spaced pins may be difficult. In this case, it is possible to use insulated solid wire with a cross-section between 0.5 mm2 and 2 mm2, and a maximum length of 25 mm to access. Direct discharges shall be applied to all specified test points in the test plan. Product response may be affected by the polarity of the discharge. Both polarities of discharge shall be used. 9.3.2 Test set-up The ESD test set-up is shown in Figure 7. The safety ground connection (item 7 in Figure 6) may include 2 × 470 kΩ resistors. The DUT shall be tested without periphery, as delivered by the supplier. If required in the test plan, a static dissipative mat shall be used between DUT and HCP. The size of the mat shall be greater than the horizontal projection size of DUT. The surface resistivity of this material shall be between 107 Ω per square and 109 Ω per square. For direct discharge, the discharge return cable of the ESD generator shall be connected to...... ......

GB/T 19951–2005 ICS 33.100 L 06 NATIONAL STANDARD GB OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GB/T 19951-2005 / ISO 10605. 2001 Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge (ISO 10605. 2001, IDT) ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 08, 2005 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 01, 2006 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative references ... 4 3 Terms and definitions ... 4 4 Test equipment ... 6 5 Test procedure for electronic modules (powered-up test) ... 9 6 Test procedure for vehicle tests ... 12 7 Electronic module sensitivity classification for packaging and handling (unpowered test) ... 14 Annex A (Normative) Electrostatic discharge simulator verification ... 19 Annex B (Normative) Failure mode severity classification and test severity levels ... 25 Foreword This Standard equivalently adopts ISO 10605. 2001 Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge. Major differences between this Standard and ISO 10605. 2001 are as follows. — In Chapter 2, Normative reference of ISO 10605. 2001 is IEC 61000-4-2. 1995, this Standard’s reference is National Standard. GB/T 17626.2-1998 which is equivalent to IEC 61000-4-2. 1995. Annex A and B of this Standard are normative annex. This Standard is proposed by National Development and Reform Commission. This Standard is under the jurisdiction of National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee and National Radio Disturbance Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting organization. Chinese Automotive Technology & Research Centre. The chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Xu Li, and Wang Weimin. Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge 1 Scope This Standard specifies electrostatic discharge (ESD) test methods for evaluating electronic modules intended for use in road vehicles, including procedures for evaluating electronic modules both on the bench and in completed vehicles. Additionally, it specifies a test procedure for classifying the ESD sensitivity of modules for packaging and handling, and a procedure for calibrating the simulator used to generate the electrostatic discharge, as well as functional status classifications for immunity to ESD. This Standard is applicable to all types of road vehicles, regardless of the vehicle propulsion system (e.g. spark-ignition engine, diesel engine, or electric motor). 2 Normative references The articles contained in the following documents become part of this Standard when they are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all the modifications (excluding corrections) or revisions made thereafter shall not be applicable to this Standard. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest editions shall be applicable to this Standard. GB/T 17626.2-1998 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test (idt IEC 61000-4-2. 1995) ISO 7637-1 Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling - Part 1. Definitions and general considerations ISO 7637-2 Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling - Part 2. Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the following terms and definitions shall apply. polarity and then with the opposite polarity. Operate the various systems such as heater controls, air-conditioner controls, radio controls and digital displays periodically during the test to confirm normal responses. 6.3 Requirement The functional status of the device under test shall be as agreed upon on the basis of annex B. 6.4 Test report Record relevant test vehicle information, any specific test conditions, and all deviations from normal vehicle operation (visible, audible, failures, etc.) in the test report. 7 Electronic module sensitivity classification for packaging and handling (unpowered test) 7.1 General provisions Prior to perform the test, generate a test plan that includes interface test points, electronic module mode of operation, number of modules to be tested, and any special instructions and changes from the standard test. Before applying any discharge to the device under test, verify that the ESD simulator discharge verification procedures of annex A have been performed within the time period established by the laboratory or the customer. All containers of ESD-sensitive devices and, where required, the ESD-sensitive devices themselves shall be clearly marked with a standard ESD warning label. For the packaging and handling test, the ESD simulator shall be configured with the 150 pF capacitor probe shown in Figure 1 b). Maintain the ambient temperature during the test at (23 ± 5) °C and the relative humidity at between 30 % and 60 % (20 °C and 30 % RH is preferred), or using other recognizable conditions, in this case it shall be documented in the test report. B.3 Functional status classification All classifications given below are for the all device/system functional status. NOTE. The word “function” as used here concerns only the function performed by the electronic system. — Class A. all functions of a device or system perform as designed during and after exposure to interference. — Class B. all functions of a device/system perform as designed during exposure; however, one or more of them may go beyond the specified tolerance. All functions return automatically to within normal limits after exposure is removed. Memory functions shall remain class A. — Class C. one or more functions of a device or system do not perform as designed during exposure but return automatically to normal operation after exposure is removed. — Class D. one or more functions of a device or system do not perform as designed during exposure and do not return to normal operation until exposure is removed and the device or system is reset by a simple “operator/use” action. — Class E. one or more functions of a device or system do not perform as designed during and after exposure and cannot be returned to proper operation without repairing or replacing the device or system. B.4 Classification of test severity levels B.4.1 General provisions The suggested minimum and maximum severity levels are given in Tables B.1 and B.2. Additional test levels may be chosen by agreement between vehicle manufacturer and supplier. It is recommended that tests be carried at all levels according to Tables B.1 and B.2. B.4.2 Electronic module test levels Table B.1 presents the test severity levels used during electronic module testing. Table B.3 — Test levels for handling classification of electronic modules (un-powered test) Type of discharge Test level b /kV Minimum number of discharge a Direct discharge ±4 ±6 ±8 Air discharge ±4 ±15 ±25 a Minimum interval between discharges is 5 s. b Recommended test sequence is to perform ± 8 kV air discharge before ± 8 kV direct discharge. B.5 Presentation of results The examples in Table B.4 (module test) and Table B.5 (vehicle test) illustrate how the failure mode severity classification may be used to characterize the function performance of a device. Table B.4 — Module test Type of discharge Functional status at test level Remarks I II III IV Direct discharge A B C E Air discharge A B D E Table B.5 — Vehicle test Condition Functional status at test level Remarks I II III IV Accessible only from inside vehicle Function 1 A B C D Function 2 A C D E Accessible from outside vehicle Function 1 A C D D Function 2 A C D E ......

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