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GB/T 18877-2020 English PDF (GB 18877-2009, GB 18877-2002)

GB/T 18877-2020_English: PDF (GB/T18877-2020)
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GB/T 18877-2020English195 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Organic inorganic compound fertilizer Valid GB/T 18877-2020
GB 18877-2009English479 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] [GB/T 18877-2009] Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer Obsolete GB 18877-2009
GB 18877-2002English679 Add to Cart 5 days [Need to translate] Organic-inorganic compound fertilizers Obsolete GB 18877-2002

Standard ID GB/T 18877-2020 (GB/T18877-2020)
Description (Translated English) Organic inorganic compound fertilizer
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard G21
Classification of International Standard 65.080
Word Count Estimation 11,121
Date of Issue 2020-11-19
Date of Implementation 2021-06-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 18877-2009
Drafting Organization Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Batian Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd., Hunan Golden Leaf Zhongwang Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Lvbaozhu Biological Fertilizer Co., Ltd., Shanghai Institute of Chemical Industry Testing Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huanqiu Engineering Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Adhesive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 185)
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement No. 26 of 2020
Proposing organization China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 18877-2009 (GB18877-2009)
Description (Translated English) [GB/T 18877-2009] Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard G21
Classification of International Standard 65.080
Word Count Estimation 12,139
Date of Issue 2009-04-07
Date of Implementation 2010-05-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 18877-2002
Quoted Standard GB/T 6679; GB/T 8170-2008; GB 8569; GB/T 8573; GB/T 8576; GB/T 8577; GB/T 17767.1; GB/T 17767.3; GB 18382; GB/T 19524.1; GB/T 19524.2; GB/T 22923-2008; GB/T 23349; GB/T 24890-2010; GB/T 24891; HG/T 2843
Drafting Organization Shenzhen Batian Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization Fertilizers and soil conditioners National Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 5, 2009 (No. 145 overall)
Proposing organization China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the organic machine fertilizer requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to people and livestock manure, plant and animal residues, agro-processing waste and other organic material through fermentation, after treatment for victims, adding machine made ??of organic fertilizer fertilizer machine. This standard does not apply to add humic acid organic local fertilizer.

Standard ID GB 18877-2002 (GB18877-2002)
Description (Translated English) Organic-inorganic compound fertilizers
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard G21
Classification of International Standard 65.08
Word Count Estimation 17,189
Date of Issue 2002/11/18
Date of Implementation 2003/6/1
Quoted Standard GB/T 610.1; GB/T 1250; GB/T 6679; GB/T 7686; GB 7959-1987; GB 8172; GB 8569; GB/T 8573; GB/T 8577; GB 15063-2001; GB/T 17767.1; GB/T 17767.3; GB 18382-2001; HG/T 2843
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2009 No. 5 (No. 145 overall)
Proposing organization China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China
Summary This Standard specifies the technical requirements of organic and inorganic fertilizer materials, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage. This Standard is applicable to livestock and poultry manure, animal and plant residues, for field application of a variety of maturity of municipal solid waste (must comply with GB 8172 "urban garbage agricultural control standards" requirement) and other organic materials through fermentation, add inorganic fertilizers made from organic - inorganic compound fertilizer.

GB/T 18877-2020 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 65.080 G 21 Replacing GB/T 18877-2009 Organic inorganic compound fertilizer ISSUED ON: NOVEMBER 19, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: JUNE 01, 2021 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 6  4 Technical requirements ... 6  5 Sampling ... 8  6 Test methods ... 9  7 Inspection rules ... 16  8 Marks and quality certificate... 17  9 Packaging, transportation and storage ... 18  Organic inorganic compound fertilizer 1 Scope This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, sampling, test methods, inspection rules, marks and quality certificates, packaging, transportation and storage for organic inorganic compound fertilizer. This Standard is applicable to the organic inorganic compound fertilizer that is made by organic materials such as human and livestock manure, animal and plant residues, scraps of agricultural products processing, through fermentation and harmless treatment, added with inorganic fertilizer. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 6679, General rules for sampling solid chemical products GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values GB/T 8569, Packing of solid chemical fertilizers GB/T 8573, Determination of available phosphorus content for compound fertilizers GB/T 8576, Determination of free water for compound fertilizers - Vacuum oven method GB/T 8577, Determination of free water for compound fertilizers - Karl Fischer method GB/T 15063-2020, Compound fertilizer GB/T 17767.1, Determination of organic-inorganic compound fertilizers - Part 1: Total nitrogen content GB/T 17767.3, Determination of organic-inorganic compound fertilizers - Part 3: Total potassium content GB 18382, Fertilizer marking - Presentation and declaration GB/T 19524.1, Determination of fecal coliforms in fertilizers GB/T 19524.2, Determination of mortality of ascarid egg in fertilizers GB/T 22923-2008, Determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for fertilizers by auto analyzer GB/T 22924, Determination of biuret content for compound fertilizers (complex fertilizers) GB/T 23349, Determination of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury contents for fertilizers GB/T 24890-2010, Determination of chloride content for compound fertilizers GB/T 24891, Determination of particle size for compound fertilizers GB 38400, Limitation requirements of toxic and harmful substance in fertilizers HG/T 2843, Chemical fertilizer Products-standard volumetric, standard, reagent and indicator solutions for chemical analysis NY/T 1117, Water - Soluble fertilizers - Determination of calcium, magnesium, sulphur and chlorine content NY/T 1972, Water-soluble fertilizers - Determination of sodium, selenium, silicon content NY/T 1978, Fertilizers - Determination of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead and chromium content 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 organic inorganic compound fertilizer A compound fertilizer containing a certain amount of organic fertilizer. NOTE: Organic inorganic compound fertilizer includes organic inorganic mixed fertilizer. 4 Technical requirements 4.1 Appearance: Granular or strip product, without mechanical impurities. divider or quarter method. Reduce into two portions. Subpack into two clean, dry glass bottles or plastic bottles with ground stoppers. Seal and label them, indicating manufacturer name, product name, product category, batch number or production date, sampling date and name of the person who took the sample. One bottle is for product inspection. The other is stored for two months, for future inspection. 6 Test methods WARNING - Potassium dichromate and its solution in the reagent are oxidizing. Sulfuric acid and its solutions, hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate solution and sodium hydroxide solution are corrosive. Related operations shall be carried out in a fume hood. This Standard does not point out all possible safety issues. The user is responsible for taking appropriate safety and health measures and ensuring compliance with relevant national regulations. 6.1 General provisions The preparation of reagents, water and solutions used in this Standard, when specifications and preparation methods are not specified, shall be in accordance with HG/T 2843. Except for appearance and particle size, two test materials are tested in parallel. 6.2 Specimen preparation Take a bottle of sample from 5.2. After multiple reductions, take out about 100g. Grind quickly to pass the 0.50mm or 1.00mm aperture test sieve (if the sample is wet or difficult to crush, it can be ground to pass the 2.00mm aperture test sieve). Mix well. Collect in a drying bottle for determination of content. The remaining samples are used to determine the appearance, particle size, mortality of roundworm eggs, and the number of fecal coliforms. 6.3 Appearance Use visual inspection method. 6.4 Organic matter content 6.4.1 Principle Use a certain amount of potassium dichromate solution and sulfuric acid. Under heating, the organic carbon in the organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is oxidized, and the remaining potassium dichromate solution is titrated with ferrous sulfate (or ferrous ammonium sulfate) standard titration solution. Do a blank test at the same time. According to the consumption of oxidant before and V3 - In the blank test, the volume of ferrous sulfate (or ferrous ammonium sulfate) standard titration solution consumed, in milliliters (mL); V4 - When measuring the test material, the volume of ferrous sulfate (or ferrous ammonium sulfate) standard titration solution consumed, in milliliters (mL); c2 - The concentration of ferrous sulfate (or ferrous ammonium sulfate) standard titration solution, in moles per liter (mol/L); 0.003 - The molar mass of a quarter of carbon, in grams per millimole (g/mmol); 1.5 - The oxidation correction factor; w1 - The chloride ion content in the specimen measured according to 6.11, %; 1/12 - The mass fraction of organic carbon equivalent to 1% chloride ion; 1.724 - The empirical conversion coefficient between organic carbon and organic matter; m0 - The mass of test material, in grams (g). The calculation result is expressed to one decimal place. Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. 6.4.6 Precision The absolute difference of the parallel determination results is not more than 1.0%. The absolute difference between the results of different laboratories is not more than 1.5%. 6.5 Total nutrient content 6.5.1 Determination of total nitrogen content Weigh the sample from the samples after milling in 6.2. Conduct according to the provisions of GB/T 17767.1 or 3.1 of GB/T 22923-2008. The method of GB/T 17767.1 is the arbitration method. 6.5.2 Determination of effective phosphorus pentoxide content Weigh the sample from the samples after milling in 6.2. Conduct according to Annex A of GB/T 15063-2020 or GB/T 8573. Take Annex A of GB/T 15063-2020 as the arbitration method. 6.5.3 Determination of total potassium oxide content Weigh the sample from the samples after milling in 6.2. Conduct according to the provisions of GB/T 17767.3. 6.7.6 Precision The absolute difference of the parallel determination results is not more than 0.10pH. 6.8 Determination of particle size According to GB/T 24891. 6.9 Determination of the mortality of roundworm eggs According to GB/T 19524.2. 6.10 Determination of fecal coliform group According to GB/T 19524.1. 6.11 Determination of chloride ion content 6.11.1 Volumetric method Principle The specimen is in a slightly acidic solution (if the filtrate is colored after the sample solution extracted with boiling water is filtered, mix the specimen and the Eschar mixed reagent, and burn to remove combustibles and convert chlorine to chloride). Add excess silver nitrate solution to convert chloride ions into silver chloride precipitation. Use dibutyl phthalate to coat the precipitate. Use ferric ammonium sulfate as indicator. Use ammonium thiocyanate standard titration solution to titrate the remaining silver nitrate. Reagents or solutions All reagents and materials in Chapter 4 of GB/T 24890-2010. Silver nitrate solution: 10g/L. Activated carbon. Eschar mixed reagent: Mix magnesium oxide and anhydrous sodium carbonate at a mass ratio of 2:1. Grind to be less than 0.25mm. Mix well. Instruments and equipment Laboratory equipment is usually used. Box-type resistance furnace: The temperature can be controlled at (500±20)°C. Weigh the sample from the samples after milling in 6.2. Conduct according to NY/T 1972. 6.14 Determination of biuret content Weigh the sample from the samples after milling in 6.2. Conduct according to the high-performance liquid chromatography in GB/T 22924. 7 Inspection rules 7.1 Inspection category and inspection items Product inspection includes exit-factory inspection and type inspection. Appearance, organic matter content, total nutrient content, moisture, particle size, pH, chloride ion content, and sodium ion content are exit-factory inspection items. Type inspection items include all items in Chapter 4. Type inspection is carried out in one of the following situations: - After formal production, if there are major changes in raw materials and processes, which may affect the quality of the product; - During normal production, type inspection is carried out according to the cycle. Ascaris egg mortality, number of fecal coliforms, biuret, arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, mercury shall be inspected at least once every six months. Other items in 4.3 are inspected at least once every two years; - When production is resumed after a long-term stop; - When the government regulatory agency puts forward the need for type inspection. 7.2 Batching The products are inspected in batches. Take one- or two-days' output as a batch. The maximum batch size is 500t. 7.3 Result determination 7.3.1 The conformity determination for product quality indicators in this Standard shall use "Rounding value comparison method" in GB/T 8170. 7.3.2 The manufacturer shall carry out exit-factory inspection and type inspection in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. When all the inspection items meet the requirements of this Standard, the batch of products shall be deemed conforming. 7.3.3 If one of the results of the exit-factory inspection or type inspection ......

GB 18877-2009 Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer ICS 65.080 G21 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB 18877-2002 Organic - inorganic compound Posted 2009-04-07 2012-05-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword The standard Chapter 4, Section 6, Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, 8.1, 8.2 are mandatory, others are recommended. This standard replaces GB 18877-2002 "organic - inorganic compound fertilizer." The main difference between this version and GB 18877-2002 are. --- Further defined the scope; --- The organic - inorganic compound fertilizer products are divided into type Ⅰ, Ⅱ type and are specified indicators; --- Moisture increases the GB/T 8576 "Determination of free water for compound fertilizers - Vacuum oven method"; --- "Coliform value" to "fecal coliform", according to GB/T 19524.1 measured; --- Roundworm eggs mortality according to GB/T 19524.2 measured; --- Refine the product package label. From the date of implementation of this standard, organic - inorganic compound fertilizer products should be the implementation of this standard; six months after the date of implementation of the standards on the market Machine - inorganic compound fertilizer product packaging prohibit labeling GB 18877-2002. The standard proposed by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee and soil conditioners Fertilizers (SAC/TC105) centralized. This standard was drafted. Shenzhen Batian Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd. Involved in the drafting of the standard units. National Fertilizer Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Shanghai), the fat (Heyuan) Agricultural Co., Hunan gold leaf fat Material limited liability company. The main drafters of this standard. Liu Gang, Huang Pei Zhao, Fan Bin, Wang Elah, Huang Qingming, Zhuzhao Xia, Chauhan dry. This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows. --- GB 18877-2002. Organic - inorganic compound 1 Scope This standard specifies the organic - inorganic compound fertilizer requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to people and livestock manure, animal and plant residues, agro-processing waste and other organic materials through fermentation, harmless After the treatment, the addition of organic and inorganic fertilizers made - inorganic compound fertilizer. This standard does not apply to add humic acid organic - inorganic compound fertilizer. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 6679 General rules for sampling solid chemical products GB/T 8170-2008 revised value represents about rules and limit values and judgment GB 8569 solid chemical fertilizers Packaging Determination of GB/T 8573 available phosphorus content in compound fertilizer GB/T 8576 free water for compound fertilizers - Determination vacuum oven method Determination of GB/T 8577 free water content for compound fertilizers - Karl Fischer method GB/T 17767.1 Organic - inorganic compound fertilizer method - Part 1. total nitrogen content GB/T 17767.3 Organic - Part 3 inorganic compound fertilizer. the total potassium content GB 18382 fertilizer identify the content and requirements Determination of GB/T 19524.1 fertilizers Fecal Coliform Determination of mortality GB/T 19524.2 fertilizer Ascaris eggs GB/T 22923-2008 fertilizer automatic analyzer determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium GB/T 23349 fertilizer of arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, mercury ecological indicators Determination of GB/T 24890-2010 chlorine ion content in compound fertilizer Determination of GB/T 24891 Fertilizer Feed Size HG/T 2843 fertilizer products for chemical analysis commonly used standard titration solution, standard solution, reagent solution and indicator solution 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Fertilizer fertilizer To provide plant nutrients its main effect materials. 3.2 Inorganic (mineral) fertilizers inorganic (mineral) fertilizer Was marked nutrient salts in the form of fertilizers, by the extraction, physical and (or) method of the chemical industry is made. 3.3 Organic fertilizer organicfertilizer Mainly from plants and (or) animals, applied to the soil to provide plant nutrition for the main effect of the carbon material. 3.4 Compound fertilizer compoundfertilizer Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium variations in nutrient, at least by the chemical fertilizer and (or) method of blending made two of the indicated amount of nutrients. 3.5 It contains a certain amount of organic fertilizer compound fertilizer. 3.6 Total nutrient totalprimarynutrient Total nitrogen, total phosphorus pentoxide, and potassium hydroxide of effective and to mass fraction. 4 Requirements 4.1 Appearance. granular or strip products, without mechanical impurities. 4.2 Organic - inorganic compound fertilizers shall comply with the requirements of Table 1, and shall comply with the indicated values. Table 1 Organic - inorganic compound fertilizer requirements project index Type Ⅰ Type Ⅱ Total nutrients (N P2O5 K2O) mass fraction of a /% ≥ 15.0 25.0 Water (H2O) mass fraction b /% ≤ 12.0 12.0 Organic matter content /% ≥ 20 15 Size (1.00mm ~ 4.75mm or 3.35mm ~ 5.60mm) c /% ≥ 70 PH (pH) 5.5 ~ 8.0 Ascaris eggs mortality rate /% ≥ 95 Fecal coliform/(a / g) ≤ 100 The chloride ion content d /% ≤ 3.0 Its mass fraction of arsenic compounds (as As) /% ≤ 0.0050 Cadmium and its compounds content (in terms Cd) /% ≤ 0.0010 Lead and its compounds content (Pb) /% ≤ 0.0150 Chromium compounds and their mass fraction (in terms Cr) /% ≤ 0.0500 The mass fraction of mercury and its compounds (as Hg) /% ≤ 0.0005 Nutrient content of a single mark of not less than 3.0%, and the measured value and indicated a single nutrient value not greater than the absolute value of the negative deviation of 1.5%. b Water to factory inspection data. c noted plant inspection data, when the user granularity with special requirements, may be negotiated OK. d If the product chlorine ion content greater than 3.0%, and marked "chlorine" in the packaging container, the project may not required. 5 Test methods Warning --- reagent and potassium dichromate solution with oxidation resistance, and sulfuric acid solution, hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate and sodium hydroxide solution Corrosive liquid, related operations should be carried out in a fume hood. This standard does not point out all possible security issues, users have a responsibility to Appropriate safety and health practices and to ensure compliance with the conditions relevant national regulations. 5.1 General provisions This standard reagent preparation, and water solution used in the method of preparation and specifications are not specified, shall be according to HG/T 2843 regulations. 5.2 Appearance Visual method. 5.3 Determination of Moisture Press/T 8576 provisions of GB/T 8577 GB carried out or to GB/T 8577 method of arbitration law. For containing ammonium bicarbonate and Fertilizers other volatile substances in the drying process will produce a non-water should be used in GB/T 8577 Method of determination. 5.4 Determination of total nitrogen Press 17767.1 or GB/T 22923-2008 3.1 requirements in GB/T were to GB/T 17767.1 method is secondary Cut method. 5.5 Determination of effective phosphorus pentoxide content Performed according to GB/T 8573 stipulated. 5.6 Determination of the total content of potassium According to GB/T 17767.3 of the regulations. 5.7 Determination of organic matter content of potassium dichromate volumetric method 5.7.1 Principle With an amount of sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate solution, under heating conditions, the organic - inorganic compound fertilizer organic carbon oxidation, the remaining weight Potassium chromate standard solution titration solution titrated with ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium), while for the blank test. According to extinction around oxidizing agent Consumption, calculate the content of organic carbon, organic carbon content multiplied by 1.724 empirical constants turn count as organic matter. 5.7.2 Reagents and materials sulfuric acid. sulfuric acid solution. 11. potassium dichromate solution. c (16K2Cr2O7 ) = 0.8mol/L. Weigh 39.23g potassium dichromate was dissolved in 600mL ~ 800mL Dilution water, add water to 1L, stored in a reagent bottle aside. Potassium dichromate standard solution. c (16K2Cr2O7 ) = 0.2500mol/L. Learn from 120 ℃ drying 4h said reference dichromate Potassium 12.2577g, with a small amount of water to dissolve, then transferred into a 1L volumetric flask, dilute to the mark and mix. 1,10- phenanthroline - ammonium ferrous sulfate mixed indicator solution. aluminum. CP. ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) standard titration solution. c (Fe2) = 0.25mol/L. Weigh ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 · 7H2O) 70g {or ferrous ammonium sulfate [(NH4) 2SO4 · FeSO4 · 6H2O] 100g}, was dissolved in 900mL of water, was added sulfuric acid 20mL, Diluted with water to 1L (filtered if necessary), after shaking stored in brown bottles. This solution is susceptible to air oxidation, so the application each time you use the weight Potassium chromate standard solution calibration. Added two clean aluminum in solution, the concentration of the solution can be maintained long-term stability. Ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) calibration standard titration solution. Imbibe 25.0mL in 250mL of potassium dichromate standard solution Erlenmeyer flask, add 50mL ~ 60mL water, 10mL sulfuric acid solution and 1,10-phenanthroline - ammonium ferrous sulfate mixed indicator solution 3-5 drops of sulfur Ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) standard titration titration solution was titrated by the solution turned bright orange green, brick red and finally to the end point. root According ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) consumption standard titration solution, calculate the exact concentration c2, according to equation (1). c2 = c1 × V1V2 (1) Where. Numerical c1 --- reference concentration of potassium dichromate, expressed in moles per liter (mol/L); V1 --- draw numerical benchmark potassium dichromate solution volume in milliliters (mL); V2 --- titration consumption of ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) numerical standard titration solution volume in milliliters (mL). 5.7.3 Instruments commonly used laboratory instruments. water bath. 5.7.4 Analysis of step Do two parallel determination of sample. A sample was weighed 0.1g ~ 1.0g (accurate to 0.0001g) (containing carbon is not more than 15mg), into the 250mL flask, accurately Added 15.0mL 15mL sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate solution, and added to the small funnel neck curved triangular bottle, then placed in already boiling 100 ℃ Boiling water bath and incubated for 30min (to maintain boiling water), removing, after cooling, the flask rinsed with water, the bottle should be controlled in the total volume of solution 75mL ~ 100mL, add 3-5 drops of 1,10-phenanthroline - ammonium ferrous sulfate mixed indicator solution, ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) standard drops Fixed titration solution was titrated by the solution turned bright orange green, brick red and finally into the titration end point. At the same time in the previous step Blank test. If the sample used for titration of ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) is less than the amount of standard titration solution used in the blank test ferrous sulfate (or 1/3 ferrous ammonium sulfate) standard titration solution dosage, the sample weight should be reduced, re-determination. About chloride ion interference, according to the determination of chloride ion content of 5.12 w1 (%), then be deducted from the measurement results of the organic carbon. 5.7.5 Analysis of the results presentation W2 organic matter content of the mass fraction, expressed in%, according to equation (2). w2 = [ (V3-V4) × c2 × 0.003 × 1.5 m0 × 100-w1/12] × 1.724 (2) Where. V3 --- blank test, consumption of ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) numerical standard titration solution volume, in units of milli L (mL of); V4 --- the determination of the sample, consumed ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) numerical standard titration solution volume, in units of milli L (mL of); c2 --- ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate or ammonium) numerical standard titration solution concentration, expressed in moles per liter (mol/L); --- 0.003 molar mass values of the fourth carbon units of grams per millimole of (g/mmol); 1.5 --- oxidation correction factor; w1 --- chloride ion content of the sample (mass fraction),%; 1/12 --- and 1% by mass of chloride ions considerable fraction of organic carbon; 1.724 --- experience conversion factor between organic carbon and organic matter; Numerical m0 --- sample mass, in grams (g). The results represent the arithmetic mean to one decimal place, take the parallel determination results of the measurement results. 5.7.6 allowable difference Parallel determination results is not more than 1.0% absolute difference; The absolute difference between the measurement results from different laboratories is not more than 1.5%. 5.8 Determination of particle size sieving Performed according to GB/T 24891 stipulated. 5.9 Determination of pH pH pH meter method 5.9.1 Principle The sample was dissolved in water, with a pH meter measuring acidity. 5.9.2 Reagents and solutions phthalate standard buffer solution. c (C6H4CO2HCO2K) = 0.05mol/L. standard phosphate buffer solution. c (KH2PO4) = 0.025mol/L, c (Na2HPO4) = 0.025mol/L. standard borate buffer solution. c (Na2B4O7) = 0.01mol/L. 5.9.3 Instruments usual laboratory instruments. pH pH meter. sensitivity 0.01pH units. 5.9.4 Analysis of step Do two parallel determination of sample. Weigh the sample 10.00g in 100mL beaker, add 50mL of carbon dioxide-free water, stir 1min, standing 5min, with pH Acidimeter. Measured before using standard buffer solution of pH meter for verification. 5.9.5 Analysis of the results presentation PH of the sample expressed as pH. Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results of the measurement results. 5.9.6 allowable difference Parallel determination results is not more than the absolute difference 0.10pH. Determination of 5.10 Ascaris eggs mortality Conducted in accordance with GB/T 19524.2 of. Determination of the number of fecal coliform 5.11 Performed according to GB/T 19524.1 requirements. 5.12 Determination of chloride ion content 5.12.1 Principle Sample in acidic solution (filtrate color if the sample solution after extraction with boiling water filtration, mixing the sample and reagent mixing Ai Sika Together, to remove by burning fuel and chlorine into chloride), an excess of silver nitrate solution; the chlorine ion converted into silver chloride Shen Lakes, parcels with dibutyl phthalate precipitate with ammonium ferric sulfate as an indicator, the remaining silver titration with ammonium thiocyanate standard titration solution of nitric acid. 5.12.2 Reagents and solutions with GB/T 24890-2010 reagents and materials. silver nitrate solution. 10g/L. activated carbon. Ai Sika mixed reagent. anhydrous sodium carbonate and magnesium oxide in a mass ratio of 2.1 mixed and finely ground to less than 0.25mm Mix well. 5.12.3 Instruments usual laboratory instruments. box-type resistance furnace; temperature can be controlled at (500 ± 20) ℃. 5.12.4 analysis step Do two parallel determination of sample. Performed according to GB/T 24890-2010 specified. If the filtrate color, should imbibe a quantity of filtrate (chlorine ion about 25mg) plus 2g ~ 3g of activated carbon, stir over Filtered and washed three to five times, each time with water to about 5mL, collect all filtrate was 250mL Erlenmeyer flask, the following according to GB/T 24890-2010 of Analysis step, "added 5mL solution of nitric acid, silver nitrate solution was added 25.0mL" were determined. The activated carbon can not be discolored samples, sample weight can be reduced, Weigh 1g ~ 2g sample, the sample is filled into the 2g ~ 4g (weighing accuracy 0.1g) Ai Sika mixed reagent porcelain crucible, carefully mix, then cover 2g Ai Sika reagent mixing, into the porcelain crucible (500 ± 20) ℃ box resistance furnace burning 2h. The porcelain crucible is removed from the furnace was cooled to room temperature, which was burning into 250mL Beaker and rinsed with 50mL ~ 60mL hot crucible together with the inner wall of the washing liquid into the beaker. Qualitative filter paper by decantation, The residue was washed with hot water 1 to 2 times, and then the residue was transferred to a funnel, and then the hot water filter and carefully wash the residue washed until no chlorine ions (With 10g/L solution of silver nitrate test), all the filtrate are collected 250mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark and shaken. Imbibe a certain amount The filtrate (containing chlorine ions about 25mg) in 250mL conical flask, the following according to GB/T 24890-2010 of the analysis step, "added 5mL Nitric acid solution, silver nitrate solution was added 25.0mL "was measured. 5.12.5 expression analysis See GB/T 24890-2010 of the analysis and calculation of results. 5.12.6 allowable difference See GB/T 24890-2010 specified. 5.13 arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium and mercury determination Performed according to GB/T 23349 stipulated. 6 Inspection rules 6.1 test categories and test items Including product testing and factory inspection type of inspection, Ascaris eggs Table 1 Mortality, fecal coliform, chloride, arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, mercury Determination of the type test project, the rest of the factory inspection items. Type test items in the following cases shall be determined. a) the production, raw materials, technology and equipment changes occur official; B) When the official production, after regular or accumulated to a certain amount, a test should be carried out periodically; c) the national quality supervision bodies type inspection requirements. 6.2 Batch Product batches tested to yield one or two days a group, the largest quantities of 500t. 6.3 Sampling Scheme 6.3.1 bagged product Not more than 512 bags, according to Table 2 to determine the minimum number of sampling bags; bags of greater than 512, according to equation (3) results to determine the minimum number of sampling bags, In case of decimals, is entered as an integer. n = 3 × 3N (3) Where. n --- minimum number of sampling bags; N --- each batch of the total number of bags. Table 2 to determine the number of sampling bags The total number of bags Minimum sampling bags All 1 ~ 10 11 to 49 11 50 ~ 6412 65 ~ 8113 82 ~ 10114 102 to 12515 126 to 15116 152 ~ 18117 The total number of bags Minimum sampling bags 182 ~ 21618 217 - 25419 255 to 29620 297 ~ 34321 344 ~ 39422 395 ~ 45023 451 ~ 51224 Table 2 or (3) the results randomly selected a certain number of bags, each bag longest diagonal is inserted into the bag along with a sampler 3/4 removed Less than 100g samples of each batch of samples taken total amount of not less than 2kg. 6.3.2 bulk products Performed according to GB/T 6679 regulations. Reduction of sub-samples 6.4 Samples will be taken rapidly mixing with a riffle or quartering the sample was reduced to less than 1kg, and then shrink into two, packed in two Clean, dry grinding mouth stuffed with a 500mL glass jar or plastic bottle, sealed and labeled, indicating the manufacturer name, product name Said the product categories, production date or batch number, date of sampling and sample names. Bottle of product quality analysis done, save another bottle for two months, in order to Future reference purposes. 6.5 Sample Preparation From 6.4 fetch a bottle of samples taken after several minutes reduced to about 100g (remaining unground samples for particle size measurement) quickly ground to All test sieve through 1.00mm aperture (such as wet or difficult samples crushed, ground to be all through the test sieve aperture 2.00mm), mixed Uniform, collected and dried bottle for component analysis. The remaining samples for particle size, mortality Ascaris eggs, fecal coliform determination. 6.6 Result judgment 6.6.1 The standard of product quality indicators pass judgment, adopted GB/T 8170-2008 in the "rounding value comparison method." Inspection results 6.6.2 test items all satisfy the requirements of this standard, this batch of qualified products. 6.6.3 When factory inspection, if there is an indicator of the test results do not meet the requirements of this standard should be re by 2 times the amount of recoverable bag Take samples to test and re-test results, even if there is an index does not meet the requirements of this standard, this batch of product failure. 6.6.4 inspection of each batch of manufactured products should be accompanied by a certificate of quality, which includes. the production company name, address, product name, product Category, batch number or production date, net content, total nutrients, with the type, organic matter content, chloride ion content, pH value and the number of this Standard. 7 Logo 7.1 should be marked on the front of the product packaging container product categories (such as type Ⅰ, Ⅱ), with type, organic matter content. 7.2 product contains nitrate, should be indicated on the face "containing nitrate" in the packaging container. 7.3 Nominal potassium (type), potassium nitrate (type), sulfur and other easily lead users into thinking it does not contain chlorine products should not also be marked "chlorine." Application of chlorine products clearly marked on the front kanji "chlorine", instead of "chlorine", "containing Cl" or "Cl" and so on. Labeled "chlorine" in the product package There should be mounted on the container bogey chlorine crops pictures. 7.4 product packaging bags should have instructions for use, including. warnings (such as "high chlorine content, improper use will damage crops." Etc.), the use of suitable crops and crop unfit recommended amount and the like. 7.5 net weight shall be marked with a single value, such as 50kg. 7.6 should be consistent with the rest of GB 18382. 8 packaging, transportation and storage 8.1 product plastic bag lined with polyethylene film bags PP woven bag or film, in compliance with the conditions specified in GB 8569 Under appropriate use of economic and practical packaging. Product net weight (50 ± 0.5) kg, (40 ± 0.4) kg, (25 ± 0.25) kg, (10 ± 0.1) kg, The average net weight, respectively, not less than 50.0kg, 40.0kg, 25.0kg, 10.0kg. When the user of net weight with special requirements When, by the supply and demand sides negotiated settlement to the provisions of both the contract shall prevail. Is within the range indicated net weight products have additives 8.2, should be mixed with the raw materials can not be placed in small packaging Bag. 8.3 The product should be stored in a cool dry place, in the course of transportation should be rain, moisture, sun protection, anti-rupture. ......

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