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GB/T 10610-2009 English PDF (GB/T 10610-1998, GB/T 10610-1989)

GB/T 10610-2009_English: PDF (GB/T10610-2009)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 10610-2009English125 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Surface texture: Profile method -- Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture Valid GB/T 10610-2009
GB/T 10610-1998English439 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)-Surface texture: Profile method--Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture Obsolete GB/T 10610-1998
GB/T 10610-1989EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Rules and procedures for the measurement of surface roughness using stylus instrument Obsolete GB/T 10610-1989

Standard ID GB/T 10610-2009 (GB/T10610-2009)
Description (Translated English) Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Surface texture: Profile method. Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J04
Classification of International Standard 17.040.20
Word Count Estimation 11,134
Date of Issue 2009-03-16
Date of Implementation 2009-11-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 10610-1998
Quoted Standard GB/T 131-2006; GB/T 1031-2009; GB/T 3505-2009; GB/T 6062-2009; GB/T 18618-2002; GB/T 18778.1-2002; GB/T 18778.2-2003; GB/T 18778.3-2006; GB/T 18779.1-2002; GB/Z 20308-2006
Drafting Organization Productivity Promotion Center in the machine
Administrative Organization National product size and geometry Technology Standardization Technical Committee Specification
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Approval Announcement 2009 No.2 (Total No.142)
Proposing organization National product dimensions and specifications Technology Standardization Technical Committee
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the GB/T 3505-2009, GB/T 18618, GB/T 18778. 2-2003, rules of the measured values ??of GB/T 18778. 3-2006 various surface structures defined parameters and tolerance limits compared. This standard also specifies the default choice of cut-off wavelength ��c of the application of rules of GB/T 6062 stipulated stylus instruments to measure the roughness profile parameters GB/T 3505-2009 definition.

Standard ID GB/T 10610-1998 (GB/T10610-1998)
Description (Translated English) Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)-Surface texture: Profile method--Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J04
Classification of International Standard 17.040.20
Word Count Estimation 11,12
Date of Issue 1998/8/28
Date of Implementation 1999/7/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 10610-1989
Quoted Standard GB/T 131-93; GB/T 1031-1995; GB 3505-83; GB 6062-85
Adopted Standard ISO 4288-1996, MOD
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2009 No. (No. 142 overall) 2
Proposing organization Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision

Standard ID GB/T 10610-1989 (GB/T10610-1989)
Description (Translated English) Rules and procedures for the measurement of surface roughness using stylus instrument
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J04
Date of Issue 1989/3/22

GB/T 10610-2009 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture. Profile method - Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture ICS 17.040.20 J04 National Standards of People's Republic of China Product Geometric Technical Specification (GPS) Surface structure profile method Rules and methods for evaluating surface structure 2009-03-16 released Implementation of.2009-11-01 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Issued by China National Standardization Administration Preface This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO 4288..1996 "Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) Surface Structure Profile Method Evaluation Rules and Methods of Surface Structure (English version). The technical content of this standard is consistent with ISO 4288..1996.It is only for editing as follows modify. ---The introduction of international standards is deleted; ---In Chapter 2 "Normative Reference Documents", the corresponding international standards are replaced by Chinese standards that adopt international standards. This standard replaces GB/T 10610-1998 "Geometric Technical Specifications for Products, Surface Structure Profile Method, Rules and Rules for Surface Structure Evaluation method". Compared with GB/T 10610-1998, the main changes of this standard are as follows. ---Added 5 normative references; ---Revised individual words in Article 4.1.2, 5.2, 6.2, and 7.2.1; ---Revised the title of Table 1, Table 2, Table 3; Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are informative appendices. The position of this standard in the GPS system is described in Appendix B. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Standardization Technical Committee for Product Dimensions and Geometric Technical Specifications. Drafting organizations of this standard. China National Machinery Productivity Promotion Center, Harbin Measuring and Cutting Tool Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Metrology and Testing Science Research Institute, China Institute of Metrology, China Institute of Metrology. The main drafters of this standard. Wang Xinling, Lang Yanmei, Wu Xun, Wang Zhongbin, Gao Sitian, Zhao Jun, Chen Jingyu. The previous versions of the standard replaced by this standard are as follows. --- GB/T 10610-1983, GB/T 10610-1998. GB/T 10610-2009/ISO 4288..1996 Product Geometric Technical Specification (GPS) Surface structure profile method Rules and methods for evaluating surface structure 1 scope This standard specifies GB/T 3505-2009, GB/T 18618, GB/T 18778.2-2003, GB/T 18778.3-2006 The measured values of various surface structure parameters are compared with tolerance limits. This standard also specifies the application of the stylus instrument specified in GB/T 6062 to measure the roughness profile parameters defined in GB/T 3505-2009 The default rule of cut-off wavelength λ犮 is selected when counting. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard after being quoted in this standard. For dated reference documents, all subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard. However, all parties that have reached an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study Is the latest version of these files available? For undated references, the latest version is applicable to this standard. GB/T 131-2006 Product Geometric Technical Specification (GPS) Representation of surface structure in technical product documents (ISO 1302. 2002, IDT) GB/T 1031-2009 Product Geometric Technical Specification (GPS) Surface texture profile method surface roughness parameters and their values GB/T 3505-2009 Product Geometric Technical Specification (GPS) Surface structure profile method terms, definitions and surface structure parameters (ISO 4287..1997, IDT) GB/T 6062-2009 Product Geometric Technical Specification (GPS) The nominal characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments with surface structure profile method Sex (ISO 3274..1996, IDT) 4 Parameter measurement 4.1 Parameters defined on the sampling length 4.1.1 Parameter determination Only one measurement of the parameter value calculated from the data measured by one sampling length. 4.1.2 Determination of average parameters Take the arithmetic average of all parameter values calculated according to a single sampling length to obtain an average parameter measurement. When taking 5 sampling lengths (default value) to determine the roughness profile parameters, there is no need to make a mark after the parameter symbol. If the parameter value is not measured at 5 sampling lengths, the number of sampling lengths must be marked after the parameter symbol, for example. R狕1, R狕3. 4.2 Parameters defined on the evaluation length The default value of the assessment length) is calculated from the measurement data. 4.3 Curves and related parameters For the determination of the curve and related parameters, first solve the curve based on the evaluation length, and then use the data measured on the curve to calculate Get a parameter value. 4.4 Default assessment length If there is no other mark on the drawings or technical product documents, the default evaluation length should follow the following provisions. ---R parameter. According to the evaluation length given in Chapter 7; ---P parameter. the evaluation length is equal to the length of the measured feature; ---Graphic parameters. See Chapter 5 of GB/T 18618-2002 for the provisions of the assessment length; ---GB/T 18778.2-2003, GB/T 18778.3-2006 defined in the parameters, the provisions of the assessment length, see GB/T 18778.1- Chapter 7 in.2002. 5 Rules for comparing measured values with tolerance limits 5.1 The area of the inspected feature The surface structure of each part of the inspected workpiece may be uniform, or it may be very different. This can be determined by visual inspection of the surface. Can see. In the case where the surface structure appears to be uniform, the parameter values measured on the overall surface should be used with the drawings or technical product documents Compare with the specified value. If the surface structure of individual areas is significantly different, the parameter values measured on each area should be compared with those on the drawings or technical product documents. Compare the specified value in the file. When the specified value of the parameter is the upper limit value, the area that may have the largest parameter value should be selected among several measurement areas. 5.2 The 16% rule When the specified value of the parameter is the upper limit (see GB/T 131-2006), if the selected parameters are all measured on the same evaluation length In the value (see Note 1, Note 2), if the number greater than the value specified in the drawing or technical product document does not exceed 16% of the total measured value, the surface is qualified. When the specified value of the parameter is the lower limit, if the selected parameter is less than all the measured values (see Note 1, Note 2) on the same evaluation length If the number of values specified in the drawings or technical documents does not exceed 16% of the total number of measured values, the surface is qualified. When specifying the upper and lower limit of the parameter, the parameter symbol used is not marked with "max". Note 1.Appendix A provides simple and practical guidance for comparing measured values with upper and lower limits. Note 2.If the surface roughness profile parameter value of the inspected surface follows a normal distribution, 16% of the measured value of the roughness profile parameter exceeds the specified value as the limit condition. This judgment principle is consistent with the limit condition determined by the value of μ+σ. Among them, μ is the arithmetic mean of roughness profile parameters, and σ is the standard of these values. Quasi-bias. The greater the value of σ, the farther the average roughness profile parameter deviates from the specified limit (upper limit) (see Figure 1). 5.3 Maximum rule During the inspection, if the specified value of the parameter is the maximum value (see 3.4 in GB/T 131-2006), it is measured in all areas of the inspected surface One of the parameter values should not exceed the specified value in the drawings or technical product documents. If the maximum value of the parameter is specified, it should be after the parameter symbol Add a "max" mark, for example. R狕1max. 5.4 Measurement uncertainty In order to verify whether it meets the technical requirements, when comparing the measured parameter value with the specified tolerance limit, it should be in accordance with GB/T 18779.1- The regulations in.2002 take into account the measurement uncertainty. When comparing the measurement result with the upper limit or lower limit, the estimated measurement is not The degree of certainty does not have to consider the unevenness of the surface, because this has been taken into account in the allowable 16% tolerance. 6 Parameter evaluation 6.1 Overview Surface structure parameters cannot be used to describe surface defects. Therefore, when inspecting the surface structure, surface defects, such as scratches, pores, Wait to be considered. In order to determine whether the surface of the workpiece meets the technical requirements, a set of measured values of surface structure parameters must be used, and each set of values is in Measured on an assessment length. The reliability of determining whether the inspected surface meets the technical requirements, and the accuracy of the average value of surface structure parameters obtained from the same surface It depends on the number of sampling lengths within the evaluation length for obtaining the surface parameters, and also depends on the number of evaluation lengths, that is, the number of measurements on the surface. 6.2 Roughness profile parameters For the roughness series parameters defined in GB/T 3505-2009, if the evaluation length is not equal to 5 sampling lengths, the upper and lower limits The value should be recalculated and linked to the limit value when the evaluation length is equal to 5 sampling lengths. Each σ shown in Figure 1 is equal to σ5. The relationship between σ shape and σ5 is given by. The more the number of measurements and the longer the evaluation length, the higher the reliability of determining whether the inspected surface meets the requirements. The average value of the measured parameters The uncertainty is also smaller. However, an increase in the number of measurements will lead to an increase in measurement time and cost. Therefore, the inspection method must consider a balance between reliability and The cost compromise (see Appendix A). 7 Rules and methods for inspection with stylus instruments 7.1 The basic principle of determining the cut-off wavelength in the measurement of roughness profile parameters When the sampling length has been specified in the technical conditions of the industrial product documents or drawings, the cut-off wavelength λY should be the same as the specified sampling length value. If the roughness specification does not appear in the drawings or product documents or the roughness specification does not specify the sampling length, you can The cut-off wavelength is selected by the method given in 7.2. 7.2 Measurement of roughness profile parameters When the measurement direction is not specified, the workpiece should be placed so that the direction of the measured cross-section and the maximum value of the roughness amplitude parameter (Ra, Rx) are obtained. The measurement direction is the same, which is perpendicular to the processed texture of the surface to be measured. For a non-directional surface, the direction of the measurement section can be arbitrary. The measurement should be performed at the location where the measured surface may have extreme values, which can be estimated by visual inspection. Should be evenly distributed on this part of the surface Measure separately at the position to obtain each independent measurement result. In order to determine the measured value of the roughness profile parameter, you should first observe the surface and determine whether the roughness profile is periodic or aperiodic of. If there are no other regulations, this judgment shall be used as the basis and the procedures specified in 7.2.1 or 7.2.2 shall be followed. If a special test The measurement procedures must be described in the technical documents and measurement records. 7.2.1 Measurement procedure of aperiodic roughness profile For the surface with aperiodic roughness profile, the measurement should be carried out according to the following steps. a) According to needs, methods such as visual inspection, roughness comparison sample block comparison, graphic analysis of full contour trajectory, etc. can be used to estimate the measured It should be set according to the sampling length corresponding to the measured value, that is, adjust the instrument to the corresponding higher or lower sampling length. then Use this adjusted sampling length to measure a set of parameter values and compare them with the values in Table 1, Table 2 or Table 3.at this time, The measured value should reach the combination of the measured value and the sampling length recommended in Table 1, Table 2 or Table 3. e) If a shorter sampling length has not been used in the evaluation in step d) before, adjust the sampling length to a shorter one to obtain a set Whether the combination also meets the requirements of Table 1, Table 2 or Table 3. f) As long as the last setting in step d) is consistent with Table 1, Table 2 or Table 3, then the set sampling length is equal to R A, R 狕, R 狕 1max or g) Use the cutoff wavelength (sampling length) preselected in the above steps to complete a measurement of the required parameters. 7.2.2 Measurement procedure of periodic roughness profile For surfaces with periodic roughness profiles, the following steps should be used to measure. The smaller or larger sampling length value should be used as the cutoff wavelength value. e) Use the cutoff wavelength (sampling length) determined in the above steps to complete a measurement of the required parameters. Appendix A (Informative appendix) Simplified procedure for roughness inspection A. 1 Overview The following examples illustrate several procedures for roughness inspection. The inspection procedures have been specified in the standard text. The procedures here are only a A simplified procedure. A. 2 Visual inspection It is not necessary for the roughness to be significantly better or worse than the specified value, or because there are defects that significantly affect the surface function Use a more accurate method to inspect the surface of the workpiece, and use visual inspection. A. 3 Comparison check If the visual inspection cannot make a judgment, the method of tactile and visual comparison with the roughness comparison sample can be used. A. 4 Measurement If the comparison method cannot be used to make a judgment, it should be based on the results of visual inspection, and the most likely part of the surface to be tested should have extreme values. Line measurement. A. 4.1 When there is no requirement for “max” (maximum value) after the marked parameter symbol, if the following conditions occur, the workpiece is qualified And stop testing. Otherwise, the workpiece should be rejected. ---The first measured value does not exceed 70% of the specified value on the drawing; ---The first 3 measured values do not exceed the specified value; ---Only one of the first six measured values exceeds the specified value; ---Only 2 of the first 12 measured values exceed the specified value. It is sometimes possible to do more than 12 measurements before judging important parts as scrap. If measuring 25 times, 4 measured values are allowed to exceed the specified value. A. 4.2 When there is a tail mark "max" after the marked parameter symbol, generally the maximum value may appear on the surface (for obvious deep groove At least three measurements should be taken; if the surface shows even traces, measurements can be made at three evenly distributed locations. A. 4.3 The most reliable roughness inspection results can be obtained by using measuring instruments. Therefore, for demanding parts, you should directly Use measuring instruments for inspection. Appendix B (Informative appendix) Position in GPS matrix model Please refer to GB /Z 20308-2006 for full details of the GPS matrix. B. 1 Information and application of this standard This standard specifies the following rules regarding issues. ---Comparison between measured value and limit value of surface structure parameters; ---When using a stylus instrument to measure roughness profile parameters, the selection rule of the default value of λ X; ---The principle of comparing the measured values of roughness profile and original profile parameters and graphic parameters with specified values; ---The cut-off wavelength of the filter is not selected according to the pattern, but according to the surface structure of the workpiece; ---Includes the measurement criteria for various parameters other than RA and RZ. B. 2 Position in GPS matrix model This standard is a GPS general standard, which affects the roughness profile in the GPS general standard matrix and the link 3 and the original profile standard chain. Link 4, as shown in Figure B. 1 mentioned. ......

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