GB/T 10288-2016_English: PDF (GB/T10288-2016)
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GB/T 10288-2016 | English | 145 |
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[Including 2020XG1] Test method for down and feather
| Valid |
GB/T 10288-2016
GB/T 10288-2003 | English | 759 |
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4 days [Need to translate]
Testing methods for down and feather
| Obsolete |
GB/T 10288-2003
GB/T 10288-1988 | English | 239 |
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2 days [Need to translate]
Inspection method of feather for export
| Obsolete |
GB/T 10288-1988
Standard ID | GB/T 10288-2016 (GB/T10288-2016) | Description (Translated English) | Test method for down and feather | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | B45 | Classification of International Standard | 59.040 | Word Count Estimation | 16,176 | Date of Issue | 2016-12-30 | Date of Implementation | 2017-07-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 10288-2003 | Drafting Organization | China's food and livestock import and export Chamber of Commerce, Liuqiao Group Co., Ltd., Bosideng Down Garment Co., Ltd., Anhui Hongrun (Group) Co., Ltd., ancient Qi down company, Guangzhou Fiber Products Testing Institute, Anhui Xiazhen Down Co., Ltd. China Down Industry Association | Administrative Organization | National Leather Industry Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 252) | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Notice No.27 of 2016 | Proposing organization | China Light Industry Federation | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee | Standard ID | GB/T 10288-2003 (GB/T10288-2003) | Description (Translated English) | Testing methods for down and feather | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | B45 | Classification of International Standard | 59.040 | Word Count Estimation | 19,166 | Date of Issue | 2003-10-22 | Date of Implementation | 2004-05-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 10288-1988; GB/T 10289-1988 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 6682-1992; GB/T 17685-2003 | Drafting Organization | China CFNA | Administrative Organization | Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation | Regulation (derived from) | Chinese national standard approved by the announcement in 2003 No. 14 (No. 62 overall) | Proposing organization | Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China | Summary | This standard specifies: bad meat food irradiation sterilization system processes and requirements. This standard applies to: bad Cooked poultry meat radiation sterilization. | Standard ID | GB/T 10288-1988 (GB/T10288-1988) | Description (Translated English) | Inspection method of feather for export | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | B45 | Word Count Estimation | 6,646 | Date of Issue | 1988/12/30 | Date of Implementation | 1989/10/1 |
GB/T 10288-2016
ICS 59.040
B 45
Replacing GB/T 10288-2003
Test method for down and feather
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of PRC;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Sampling and specimen treatment ... 6
5 Inspection... 8
6 Test report ... 25
Test method for down and feather
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, sampling and specimen
treatment, inspection and test reports of down and feather inspection,.
This standard applies to the inspection of down and feathers and the filling
materials of their products.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 601 Chemical reagent - Preparations of standard volumetric solutions
GB/T 6529 Textiles - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB/T 17685 Down and feather
GSB 16-2763 Standard sample photo of down and feather
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 17685, as well as the following
terms and definitions, apply to this document.
Moisture content
The percentage of water content in down and feathers TO the original weight
of down and feathers.
as down bedding, which has a nominal down filling capacity of 500 g and above
for a single sample, samples shall be taken from at least three parts. For other
down products, all fillings shall be taken, as test samples.
4.3.3 Sampling container: The test specimen for moisture content/moisture
regain shall be placed in a clean, intact, airtight container. The specimens for
other test items shall be placed in a normal sample bag.
4.4 Test atmospheric conditions and sample balance
Component analysis, type identification, filling power test shall be carried out,
under constant temperature and humidity conditions. The atmospheric
conditions, which are used for the test, shall be carried out in accordance with
the provisions of GB/T 6529. The samples shall be balanced for 24 hours and
above. Other inspection items can be carried out, at room temperature OR
under actual conditions.
4.5 Specimen treatment
4.5.1 Instruments and equipment
Mixing tank, length (150 cm ~ 200 cm) × width (80 cm ~ 100 cm), depth (20 cm
~ 30 cm), height from the bottom to the ground (55 cm ~ 65 cm). It is made of
antistatic materials, such as wood or stainless steel.
4.5.2 Uniformity and reduction of samples Put all the samples in the sample mixing tank. Adopt the method of
“mixing first and then spreading”, to first evenly spread the samples by hand.
The method of down spreading is lifting from left and falling to right, AND lifting
from right and falling to left, to flatly spread the down alternatively in layers.
Then use the four-corner halving method, to repeatedly reduce it to 100 g. In
the middle circular sampling area from the center to the edge of the sample,
select 5 evenly distributed points, to use fingers to clamp the sample. During
sampling, pay attention to take sample from top to bottom. If it is found that the
sample, after the reduction, is still uneven, it is necessary to repeatedly reduce
the sample, to the specified specimen mass. According to the designated inspection items, according to the
provisions of Table 2, respectively weigh the specimen of the corresponding
mass. The remaining samples are retained for reference.
4.5.3 The number of specimens required for each inspection item
The number of specimens, which are required for each inspection item, shall Tweezers.
5.1.2 Requirements The component analysis includes the separation of down, down fiber,
feather fiber, waterfowl feathers, waterfowl damaged feather, landfowl feather,
long feather, quill feather, residues. The component analysis is carried out in two steps:
- Preliminary sorting, it is necessary to separate the mixture, which contains
down/down fiber/feather fiber, waterfowl feathers, waterfowl damaged
feather, landfowl feather (including landfowl damaged feather and landfowl
fiber), long feather pieces, quill feather, residues;
- Second sorting, separate the down, down fiber, feather fiber from the
mixture, which contains down/down fiber/feather fiber. If there are still other
components, such as waterfowl feathers and residues, during the second
sorting, it needs to be further separated.
If the sample is a pure feather, the second sorting is not required. The specimens shall be classified and separated, according to the
requirements of GSB 16-2763.
5.1.3 Preparation of specimen
According to the requirements of Table 2, weigh three sets of specimens. Place
them under the atmospheric conditions, which are specified in 4.4. Accurately
weigh them after the humidity conditioning for 24 hours. Record the initial mass,
accurate to 0.0001 g.
5.1.4 Preliminary sorting Operation method of preliminary sorting
Place the test specimen and seven beakers in the sorting box. Use tweezers to
pick out all kinds of feathers. Then use thumb and index finger, to flick the
feather, to remove other attached components. Respectively place the seven
components of complete waterfowl feathers, waterfowl damaged feather,
landfowl feather (including landfowl damaged feather and landfowl feather fiber),
long feather, quill feather, a mixture of down/down fiber/feather fiber, residues,
etc., in different containers. Calculation of preliminary sorting
After sorting, weigh and record the mass of the contents in each container,
accurate to 0.0001 g.
Add the contents of the seven containers together, to get the total mass (m1)
after sorting.
Taking the waterfowl feather content in formula (1) as an example, respectively
calculate the percentages of the various components, which are obtained in the
preliminary sorting, to the total mass after sorting; the calculation result is
expressed in %, which is rounded to 0.1, according to GB/T 8170:
Waterfowl feather content (%) = (mF/m1) x 100 …………………. (1)
mF - The mass of waterfowl feathers, in grams (g);
m1 - The total mass of various components, which are obtained after
preliminary sorting, in grams (g).
5.1.5 Sorting and calculation of colored down and feather Sorting method of colored down and feather
After the preliminary sorting is completed, the colored down and feather
(including colored down, down fiber, feather fiber, waterfowl feathers, waterfowl
damaged feather, landfowl feather, landfowl damaged feather, fiber), in each
component, are sorted out together. Weigh it (m3), accurate to 0.0001 g. Then
put the colored down and feather components back into the original
components. Calculation of colored down and feather
Calculate the content of colored down and feather, according to formula (2).
The calculation result is expressed in %. It is rounded off to 0.1, according to
GB/T 8170:
Content of colored down and feather (%) = (m3/m1) x 100 ………. (2)
m3 - The mass of colored down and feather, in grams (g);
m1 - The total mass of various components, which are obtained after
preliminary sorting, in grams (g).
5.1.6 Second sorting Specimen preparation for the second sorting
Mix the mixture, which contains down/down fiber/feather fiber, in the mixing tank.
5.1.7 Final report results The sum of the results of the same component, in the preliminary sorting
and the second sorting, is the content result of the component in this test.
For example: The sum, of the residue content in the second sorting AND the
residue content in the preliminary sorting, is the residue content of this test. The final report results include: down, down fiber, feather fiber, waterfowl
feathers, waterfowl damaged feather, landfowl feather, long feather, quill feather,
residues. Use the same method to inspect the second set of specimens. Take the
average of the two test results as the final result, expressed in %. It is rounded
off to 0.1, according to GB/T 8170.
5.2 Type identification of goose and duck down
5.2.1 Instruments and equipment Projector or microscope, 70X above. Analytical balance, which has an accuracy of 0.0001 g. Containers that can be used for weighing, such as beakers. Tweezers.
5.2.2 Requirements
Specific requirements are as follows:
a) If the sample is nominally goose feather (down), goose and duck down
shall be subject to type identification;
b) If the sample is nominally duck feather (down), no type identification is
c) For goose feather (down), which has a nominal down content of < 80%, it
needs to be subject to down and feather type identification, respectively;
for goose down, which has a nominal down content of ≥ 80%, it only needs
to be subject to the down type identification.
5.2.3 Preparation of specimen The specimen preparation for the completion of the component analysis
Place the down, which is sorted out by the component analysis, in the sample Electronic scale: The weighing pan size is above 20 cm × 20 cm; the
maximum weighing is above 3000 g, accurate to 0.1 g. Stopwatch.
5.3.2 Preparation of specimen Put 40 g of sample into the pre-treatment box. Use a wooden stick, to
gently break it up. At the nozzle of the steam generator, which is 10 cm ~ 15 cm away from
the gauze of the pretreatment box, blow the steam into the pretreatment box,
15 s for each side, 60 s in total for four sides. Place the sample for 5 min ~ 10 min. Place the hair dryer, at 1 cm ~ 2 cm away from the gauze of the
pretreatment box, to dry the sample, for at least 30 s on each side, more than
2 min for four sides. Check whether the sample is completely dry by hand. If it is not dry,
continue to blow until the sample is completely dry. Equilibrate the pretreatment box, which contains 40 g of samples, in a
standard atmosphere, for more than 24 hours.
5.3.3 Operation method Weighing: Use a funnel-type pouring bucket, to weigh (30 ± 0.1) g of the
treated specimen. Open the bottom cover of the pouring bucket, to let all the specimens
slowly fall into the filling power measuring bucket. Remove the pouring bucket.
Use a stirring rod, to gently smooth and level the surface of the specimen. Cover the platen. Start timekeeping, when the platen slowly drops to the
surface of the specimen. After 2 min, record the corresponding scale value of
the filling power meter of the platen. Repeat the test three times, for the same specimen.
5.3.4 Result calculation
Take the average of the three results, as the final result, in cm, which is rounded
off to 0.1, according to GB/T 8170.
5.4 Oxygen number
5.4.1 Instruments and equipment Horizontal oscillator: The frequency is (150 ± 2) times/min; the
oscillation amplitude is (40 ± 2) mm; it can be timing. Magnetic stirrer. Standard sieve, 150-mesh aperture, 6 cm height, 20 cm diameter. Micro titration device: Micro burette or pipette, which has an accuracy
of 0.01 mL. Stopwatch. Wide-mouth plastic bottle, which can be sealed by a cap, has a capacity
of 2000 mL. Triangular beaker: 250 mL. Beaker: 1000 mL, 2000 mL. Suction tube: 10 mL. Measuring cylinder: 5 mL, 100 mL.
5.4.2 Reagents and materials Sulfuric acid: 3 mol/L. Potassium permanganate solution: 0.02 mol/L, which is prepared or
diluted according to GB/T 601; OR it is purchased standard solution.
The prepared solution shall be stored in a brown bottle AND protected from light. Distilled water or deionized water, which is in line with the provisions of
grade 3 water in GB/T 6682.
5.4.3 Preparation of specimen
According to Table 2, weigh two sets of specimens. Put them into two 2000 mL
wide-mouth plastic bottle. Add 1000 mL of distilled water. Cover and seal it. Use
hands to shake it uniformly, until the specimen is completely wetted.
5.4.4 Operation method Place the wide-mouth bottle, which contains the specimen, horizontally
in the oscillator, to oscillate it for 30 minutes, in a horizontal direction (see Figure
1). If the sample is still not completely wetted by water after shaking in a wide-
mouth bottle, for 5 minutes, it needs to be shaken again by hand.
Gradually release the filtrate, after the bubbles disappear. In the day light or
artificial light source of 600 lx ~ 1000 lx, observe the double cross-line, from the
top, until it can see the two cross-line (compared to the level 2 of the 5-level
system, which is specified in GSB 16-2763). Record the highest height at which
the double cross-line can be seen clearly. The unit is expressed in mm. Method B (special turbidity meter method)
Pour the sample liquid into the measuring dish of a special turbidity tester, for
measurement. Before use, make the "absorbance-visual value" working curve.
Input the working curve regression equation in the tester. At least 30 sets of
"absorbance-visual value" data are required, wherein the "visual value" shall be
evenly distributed within 50 mm ~ 1000 mm. When measuring, directly read the
mm value, which is displayed by the turbidity tester.
5.5.4 Result calculation
Test the second set of specimen, according to the provisions of 5.5.3. Take the
average of the two test results, as the final result, in mm, which is rounded off
to 1, according to GB/T 8170.
5.6 Fat and oil content (Soxhlet extraction method)
5.6.1 Instrument, equipment and materials Soxhlet extractor and its matching extraction spherical flask, which has
a specification of 250 mL. Constant temperature water bath. Circulating water cooler. Dryer. Fume hood. Ventilated drying box. Analytical balance, which has an accuracy of 0.0001 g. Degreasing filter paper. Anhydrous ether, which is analytically pure. Beakers: 150 mL, 250 mL.
5.6.2 Preparation of specimen
According to Table 2, weigh two sets of specimens. Put them in a 250 mL flask.
Bake to constant weight, in a drying oven at (105 ± 2) °C. Make accurate
weighing, accurate to 0.0001 g.
5.6.3 Operation method Put the baked specimen into two filter paper cylinders, respectively; put
them into two pre-washed and dried extractors. Put an empty filter paper tube,
in another pre-washed and dried extractor, as a blank control. Install the extractor in order. Connect the condensed water. Add 120 mL
of anhydrous ether, to each pre-washed, dried, weighed extraction spherical
bottle, so that it covers the filter paper tube, beyond the siphon pipe opening,
produces backflow, flows into the extraction spherical bottle. Put it in a constant temperature water bath (the temperature of the
constant temperature water bath can be determined, according to the actual
reflux times of anhydrous ether. If the reflux is too fast, reduce the temperature
of the water bath; if the reflux is too slow, increase the temperature of the water
bath; it may first set the temperature to 50 °C). Connect the extractor. Control the reflux for 20 ~ 25 times (reflux 5 ~ 6
times per hour; reflux time is about 4 h). The ether, after extraction, shall be
recovered. Put the three spherical bottles, which contain the extracted lipids, into a
ventilated drying oven at (105 ± 2) °C, to dry it to a constant weight. Take them
out and place them in a desiccator. Cool to room temperature. Weigh the mass,
respectively, after 30 minutes.
5.6.4 Result calculation
Calculate according to formula (18). Inspect the second set of specimen,
according to the provisions of 5.6.3. Take the average of the two test results, as
the final result, expressed in %, which is rounded off to 0.1, according to GB/T
Fat and oil content (%) = [(m4 - m5)/m6] x 100 ……….. (18)
m4 - The mass of the constant weight ball bottle, which contains fat and oil,
minus the mass of the original empty bottle, in grams (g);
m5 - The mass of the blank control spherical bottle, after extraction, minus
the mass of the original empty bottle, in grams (g); The inspection requires at least three inspectors to participate. More
than half of the same evaluation results are used as the inspection results.
5.8 Acidity (pH value)
5.8.1 Instrument, equipment, materials Analytical balance, which has an accuracy of 0.01 g. pH meter, which has a glass electrode AND an accuracy of 0.1. Standard sieve, 150-mesh aperture, 6 cm height, 20 cm diameter. Horizontal oscillator: The frequency is (60 ± 2) times/min; the oscillation
amplitude is (40 ± 2) mm; it can be timing. Measuring cylinder: 100 mL. Beaker: 100 mL. Conical flask, which has a glass stopper, 250 mL. Flat-headed glass rod. Plastic gloves. Scissors. Buffer solution:
- Phthalic acid buffer solution: 0.05 mol/L solution; its pH value is 4.0 at 25 °C;
- Sodium borate buffer solution: 0.01 mol/L solution; its pH value is 9.18 at
25 °C. Distilled water or deionized water, which is in line with the provisions
of grade-3 water in GB/T 6682.
5.8.2 Preparation of specimen
Use scissors to cut two sets of about 5 g of down & feather, into two sets of
pieces, which are about 5 mm in length. Wear plastic gloves, to avoid direct
contact between hands and samples.
5.8.3 Operation method Weigh (1 ± 0.01) g of specimen, from the cut sample. Put it into a 250
mL conical flask, which contains 70 mL of boiling distilled water. Use flat-headed
glass rod, to make it completely wet. Cover a glass stopper. Shake vigorously