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GB 8982-2009 English PDF (GB 8982-1998, GB 8982-1988)

GB 8982-2009_English: PDF (GB8982-2009)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB 8982-2009English155 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery [GB/T 8982-2009] Oxygen supplies for medicine and aircraft breathing Valid GB 8982-2009
GB 8982-1998English519 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Oxygen supplies for medicine Obsolete GB 8982-1998
GB 8982-1988EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Gaseous oxygen supplies for medicine Obsolete GB 8982-1988

Standard ID GB 8982-2009 (GB8982-2009)
Description (Translated English) [GB/T 8982-2009] Oxygen supplies for medicine and aircraft breathing
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard G86
Classification of International Standard 71.100.20
Word Count Estimation 10,191
Date of Issue 2009-06-21
Date of Implementation 2010-05-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 8982-1998; GB 8983-1998
Quoted Standard GB/T 3863; GB/T 5832.2; GB/T 8984; JB/T 5905
Drafting Organization Hangzhou gas plant
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee of the gas
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 8, 2009 (No. 148 overall)
Proposing organization China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the medical oxygen and air breathing oxygen product requirements, inspection rules, test methods, packaging, labeling, storage, transport material and security alerts. This standard applies to the air system taken by the separation of gaseous and liquid medical oxygen, air breathing oxygen. Mainly used in medical, diving breathing mixture preparation, aviation breathing.

Standard ID GB 8982-1998 (GB8982-1998)
Description (Translated English) Oxygen supplies for medicine
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard G86
Classification of International Standard 71.100.20
Word Count Estimation 13,137
Date of Issue 1998/10/19
Date of Implementation 1999/4/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 8982-1988; GB/T 8986-1988
Quoted Standard GB 11640-1989; GB 14193-1993; GB 14194-1993; GB 190-1990; GB 50030-1991; GB 5099-1994; GB 7144-1986; GB/T 14953-1994; GB/T 5832.2-1986; GB/T 6681-1986; GB/T 6682-1992; JB 6897-1993; JB 6898-1993
Adopted Standard �������� 5583-1978, MOD
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2009 No. 8 (No. 148 overall)
Proposing organization Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision
Summary This Standard specifies requirements for medical oxygen technology products, test methods and packaging, signs. This Standard is applicable to the cryogenic air separation and preparation of gaseous oxygen and liquid oxygen, mainly for respiratory and medical purposes.

Standard ID GB 8982-1988 (GB8982-1988)
Description (Translated English) Gaseous oxygen supplies for medicine
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard G86
Date of Issue 1988/4/12

GB 8982-2009 (GB/T 8982-2009) NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 71.100.20 G 86 GB 8982-2009 Replacing GB 8982-1998, GB 8983-1998 Oxygen supplies for medicine and aircraft breathing ISSUED ON: JUNE 21, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 01, 2010 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. This Standard is converted as a recommendatory standard according to No. 7 Announcement 2017 of Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Requirements ... 5  4 Inspection rules ... 6  5 Test methods ... 7  6 Packaging, marks, storage, transportation and safety warning ... 11  Oxygen supplies for medicine and aircraft breathing 1 Scope This Standard specifies requirements, inspection rules, test methods as well as packaging, marks, storage, transportation and safety warning for oxygen supplies for medical and aircraft breathing. This Standard is applicable to gaseous and liquid medical oxygen prepared from separated air, aviation breathing oxygen, mainly used for medical treatment, preparation of diving breathing mixed gas, aviation flight breathing. Molecular formula: O2. Relative molecular mass: 31.988 (calculated according to international relative atomic mass in 2005). 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 3863, Industrial oxygen GB/T 5832.2, Gas analysis - Determination of moisture - Part 2: Dew point method GB/T 8984, Determination of carbon monoxide carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon in gases - Gas chromatographic method JB/T 5905, Cryogenic liquid containers insulated with evacuated multilayer insulations 3 Requirements 3.1 The total pollutants of medical oxygen and aircraft breathing oxygen shall not be toxic to users. products produced by an operation team in a production plant or filled at one time. The user batches according to the same vehicle volume or the same batch of purchase volume. Randomly sample according to 2% of the batch for inspection. Sampling quantity shall not be less than 2 bottles, nor more than 5 bottles. When any indicator in the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this Standard, it shall resample the double quantity from the same batch of products to inspect. If any of the indicators still does not meet the requirements of this Standard, the batch of products shall fail. 4.3 For liquid oxygen, it shall take liquid sample from each storage container to inspect after vaporization. When any of the indicators in the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this Standard, this product shall fail. 4.4 The safety of medical oxygen and oxygen sampling for aircraft breathing shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 3863. 5 Test methods 5.1 Determination of oxygen content In accordance with GB/T 3863. 5.2 Determination of moisture In accordance with GB/T 5832.2. 5.3 Determination of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide In accordance with GB/T 8984. 5.4 Determination of gaseous acidic and alkaline substances 5.4.1 Reagents and solutions The requirements for reagents and solutions are as follows: -- Distilled or deionized water; -- Hydrochloric acid solution: 0.01mol/L; -- Ethanol solution: 60 × 10-2 (mass fraction); -- Ethanol solution: 20 × 10-2 (mass fraction); -- Methyl red indicator: 0.2 × 10-2 (mass fraction) ethanol solution. It is prepared by dissolving 0.2g of methyl red in 100mL of ethanol [60 × 10-2 (mass fraction)] solution; -- Acetic acid: analytically pure; -- Potassium iodide: analytically pure; -- Soluble starch: analytically pure; -- Mixture of starch and potassium iodide: Dissolve 0.5g of potassium iodide in 95mL of heating water. Then mix 0.5g of starch with 5mL of cold water. Slowly pour the mixture into the boiling potassium iodide solution while stirring. Boil 2min~3min. 5.5.2 Instruments The requirements for Instruments are as follows: -- Indexing pipette: capacity of 1mL; -- Montessori gas washing bottle: capacity of 100mL; -- Gas flow meter; -- Measuring cylinder: capacity of 100mL. 5.5.3 Determination Use sampling tube to connect the decompressed medical oxygen to the gas washing bottle and gas flow meter. Turn on the sample gas and blowing- washing bottle for 1min~2min Inject 100mL of freshly-prepared starch and potassium iodide mixed solution into the gas washing bottle. Add 1 drop of acetic acid. Within 30min~35min, make 2000mL of oxygen pass through the gas washing bottle. Observe the solution in the washing bottle. If it still remains colorless, the ozone and other gaseous oxidants are shall be determined as conforming. 5.6 Determination of odor Determine the odor through olfactory organs. Slightly open the bottle valve. The outflowing oxygen shall be free of odor. 5.7 Determination of total hydrocarbon content In accordance with GB 8984. 5.8 Determination of solid substances containing the sample gas, the dust trap and the flow meter in sequence. 5.8.4 Analysis Turn on the sample gas steel cylinder. Adjust the flow rate within the rated value of the flow meter. Access to the sample gas for more than 1m3. Take out the filter paper to weigh. The difference between the relative humidity of the balance chamber shall not exceed 100% when weighing twice before and after. 5.8.5 Result processing The content of solid substances in oxygen is calculated according to formula (1): where, X1 - Content of solid substances, in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3); m1 - Mass of filter paper before sampling, in milligrams (mg); m2 - Mass of filter paper after sampling, in milligrams (mg); V - Sampling volume converted at 20°C and 101.3kPa, in cubic meters (m3). 5.9 Determination of solid particle size Place the filter paper that is weighed in 5.8 under a microscope of approximately 40 times to observe. There shall be no particles larger than 100μm. 6 Packaging, marks, storage, transportation and safety warning 6.1 The general provisions shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T 3863 and JB/T 5905. 6.2 Piston seals on compressors for compression filling or pressurized delivery shall not use fluoroplastics or other materials that have not been qualified by the medical inspection department. ......

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