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GB 30585-2024 English PDF (GB 30585-2014)

GB 30585-2024_English: PDF (GB30585-2024)
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GB 30585-2024English260 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Safety technical specifications for infants and children footwear Valid GB 30585-2024
GB 30585-2014English85 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Safety technical specifications for children footwear Valid GB 30585-2014

Standard ID GB 30585-2024 (GB30585-2024)
Description (Translated English) Safety technical specifications for infants' and children' s footwear
Sector / Industry National Standard
Word Count Estimation 14,136
Date of Issue 2024-05-28
Date of Implementation 2025-06-01
Administrative Organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 30585-2014 (GB30585-2014)
Description (Translated English) Safety technical specifications for chidrens footwear
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Y78
Classification of International Standard 61.060
Word Count Estimation 18,164
Date of Issue 2014/6/9
Date of Implementation 2016/1/1
Quoted Standard GB/T 2703; GB/T 2912.1; GB 6675.2-2014; GB/T 17592; GB/T 19941; GB/T 19942; GB/T 22807; GB/T 24153; GB/T 26713; GB 28011; GB/T 29292; QB/T 4340; ISO/TS 16181
Drafting Organization China Leather and Footwear Industry Research Institute
Administrative Organization National Footwear Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin No. 11 of 2014
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Standard specifies the use of an auto-sampler obtain natural gas and similar gases sample approach. This Standard applies only to single-phase gas mixtures, not for two-phase flow.

GB 30585-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 61.060 CCS Y 78 Replacing GB 30585-2014 Safety technical specifications for infants' and children's footwear ISSUED ON: MAY 28, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON: JUNE 01, 2025 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; National Standardization Administration. Table of Contents 1 Scope ... 3 2 Normative references ... 3 3 Terms and definitions ... 4 4 Product classification ... 5 5 Technical requirements ... 5 6 Test methods ... 7 7 Determination ... 9 8 Implementation of the standard ... 9 Appendix A (Normative) List of decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amines ... 10 Appendix B (Normative) List of banned N-nitrosamine substances in rubber parts .. 11 Appendix C (Normative) Information on restricted phthalate plasticizers ... 12 Safety technical specifications for infants' and children's footwear 1 Scope This document defines the terms and definitions of infants' and children's footwear safety; specifies product classification, technical requirements, judgments; describes the corresponding test methods. This document applies to footwear products made of various materials for children under 14 years old (inclusive) and infants. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute essential clauses of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 2703 Footwear - Terminology GB/T 2912.1 Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 1: Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde (water extraction method) GB 6675.2-2014 Safety of toys - Part 2: Mechanical and physical properties GB/T 17592 Textiles - Determination of the banned azo colorant GB/T 18414.1 Textiles - Determination of the content of chlorinated phenols -- Part 1: Gas chromatography/mass spectrography GB/T 19941.1 Leather and fur - Determination of formaldehyde content - Part 1: High performance liquid chromatography method GB/T 19941.2 Leather and fur - Determination of formaldehyde content - Part 2: Colorimetric method GB/T 19942 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of banned azo colorants GB/T 22807 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of chromium VI content 3.3 Sharp point The protruding point on any part of the children's shoes that may cause harm to the user. 3.4 Removable small accessory Parts or components of a shoe that are designed to be removed without tools. [Source: GB 6675.2-2014, 3.43, modified] 3.5 Children’s footwear Shoes which have a size greater than 170 and are generally suitable for children aged 3 to 14 years old. [Source: GB/T 2703-2017, 2.2.10, modified] 3.6 Infants’ footwear Shoes which have a size not greater than 170 and are generally suitable for infants aged 3 years and below. [Source: GB/T 2703-2017, 2.2.44, modified] 4 Product classification Children’s footwear is divided into the following two categories according to the wearer: a) Infants' shoes; b) Children’s shoes. 5 Technical requirements 5.1 Basic requirements 5.1.1 There shall be no broken needles inside or outside the shoe. accuracy of not less than 1 mm. 6.4 Small accessories for infant and children shoes 6.4.1 Tensile test of non-detachable small accessories Perform a general tensile test in accordance with of GB 6675.2-2014. 6.4.2 Small accessory inclusion test Perform the test in accordance with 5.2 of GB 6675.2-2014, to determine whether it can be completely contained in the small parts tester. 6.5 Hexavalent chromium Different samples shall be tested separately and in accordance with GB/T 22807 or GB/T 38402. In case of dispute, the test result of GB/T 38402 shall prevail. 6.6 Decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes 6.6.1 Different samples shall be tested separately. If the lining and upper cannot be separated, they shall be tested together in accordance with the test method of the lining material. For the samples to be tested with other materials attached to the back, the other materials attached to the back shall be completely peeled off before testing. If it is really difficult to remove, the situation shall be noted in the report. 6.6.2 Textiles, artificial leather, synthetic leather shall be tested in accordance with GB/T 17592; leather and fur shall be tested in accordance with GB/T 19942. 6.7 Formaldehyde 6.7.1 The specimen preparation is the same as 6.6.1. 6.7.2 Textiles, artificial leather, synthetic leather shall be tested according to GB/T 2912.1; leather and fur shall be tested according to GB/T 19941.1 or GB/T 19941.2. In case of dispute, the test result of GB/T 19941.1 shall prevail. 6.8 Total amount of heavy metals Different samples shall be inspected separately according to QB/T 4340. 6.9 Dimethyl fumarate Different samples shall be inspected separately according to GB/T 26713. 6.10 Chlorophenol 6.10.1 The specimen preparation is the same as 6.6.1. 6.10.2 Textiles, artificial leather, synthetic leather shall be tested in accordance with GB/T 18414.1; leather and fur shall be tested in accordance with GB/T 22808. 6.11 N-nitrosamines Different samples shall be inspected separately in accordance with ISO 19577:2019. 6.12 Phthalates Different samples shall be tested separately. For samples with other materials attached to the back, the other materials attached to the back shall be completely peeled off before testing. If it is really difficult to remove, the situation shall be noted in the report. It is inspected in accordance with GB/T 32440.1. 6.13 Short-chain chlorinated paraffins 6.13.1 Specimen preparation is the same as 6.6.1. 6.13.2 Textiles shall be inspected in accordance with GB/T 40263; leather, fur, artificial leather, synthetic leather shall be inspected in accordance with GB/T 38405; synthetic materials such as rubber and plastic shall be inspected in accordance with SN/T 3814. 7 Determination Determination shall be made in accordance with Chapter 5. If all the test results meet the requirements of Chapter 5, the sample shall be judged as qualified; otherwise, it shall be unqualified. 8 Implementation of the standard For products produced or imported before the implementation date of this document, implementation shall begin from the 13th month from the date of implementation of this document. ......

GB 30585-2014 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 61.060 Y 78 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear ISSUED ON. JUNE 9, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 1, 2016 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative References ... 4 3 Terms and Definitions ... 5 4 Product Classification ... 6 5 Technical Requirements ... 6 6 Test Methods ... 7 7 Judgment ... 9 Appendix A (Informative) Classified Examples of Some Accessories ... 10 Appendix B (Normative) N-Nitrosamine Substances Prohibited to be Used in Rubber ... 11 Appendix C (Normative) Limited Use of Plasticizer Types of Phthalic Acid Ester ... 12 Appendix D (Normative) Test Methods on Tensile Strength of Small Accessories ... 13 Foreword All technical contents of this Standard are mandatory. This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009. Please note some contents of this document may involve the patents. The issuer of this document doesn’t assume the responsibility for identification of these patents. This Standard was proposed by China Light Industry Council. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Footwear (SAC/TC 305). Drafting organizations of this Standard. China Leather and Footwear Industry Research Institute, Fujian Nan’an Bangdeng Shoes Co., Ltd., Kading (Fujian) Children’s Products Co., Ltd., Taizhou Feiying Shoes Co., Ltd., New Belle Footwear (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Dr. Health Footwear Beijing Ltd., and Beijing ECT Testing Co., Ltd. Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Zhang Weijuan, Qi Xiaoxia, Hou Jingguo, Huang Xiuxia, Li Dinghai, Song Xiaowu, Chen Yu, Yu Cunjun, Yu Shuxian, and Wu Huiqun. Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear 1 Scope This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, product classification, technical requirements, test methods and judgment on safety technology of children’s footwear. This Standard is applicable to the children’s footwear (shoes number shall be no larger than 250) for 14 years old and below, and made by various materials. This Standard is not applicable to the children rubber shoes. 2 Normative References The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 2703 Footwear – Vocabulary GB/T 2912.1 Textiles - Determination of Formaldehyde - Part 1. Free and Hydrolyzed Formaldehyde (Water Extraction Method) GB 6675.2-2014 Safety of Toys – Part 2. Mechanical and Physical Properties GB/T 17592 Textiles - Determination of the Banned Azo Colourants GB/T 19941 Leather and Fur - Chemical Tests - Determination of Formaldehyde Content GB/T 19942 Leather and Fur - Chemical tests - Determination of Banned Azo Colourants GB/T 22807 Leather and Fur - Chemical Tests - Determination of Chromium Ⅵ content GB/T 24153 Rubber and Elastomer Materials - Determination of N-nitrosamines GB/T 26713 Footwear - Chemical Tests - Determination of Dimethyl Fumarate (DMF) GB 28011 Shanks for Footwear GB/T 29292 Footwear - Critical Substances Potentially Present in Footwear and Footwear Components QB/T 4340 Footwear - Chemical Test Method - Total Heavy Metal Content - Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy ISO/TS 16181 Footwear – Critical Substances Potentially Present in Footwear and Footwear Components – Determination of Phthalates in Footwear Materials 1) 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions stipulated in GB/T 2703 are applicable to this document. 3.1 Accessories The components attached to the children’s footwear play the role of junction, decoration or description. 3.2 Accessible sharp edge Any two surfaces of components and accessories on children’s footwear that forms edge longer than 2.00mm and may cause harm for children’s contact. 3.3 Accessible sharp point The sharp point on any components or accessories of children’s footwear that may cause harm to children. 3.4 Children’s footwear The shoes with shoes number larger than 170, but smaller than or equal to 250; and worn by the children at the age of 3~14. 3.5 Infant’s shoe The shoes with shoes number smaller than or equal to 170, and worn by infant at the age of 3 or below. 1) 3.6 Technical heel height The heel height minus the thickness value of the paw on the ground. 1) This has been listed into the project for national standard. Appendix A (Informative) Classified Examples of Some Accessories A.1 Button It includes various buttons and combined buttons made of synthetic materials, and natural materials; such as eye button, snap shank button, braid button, velcro button, buckle, process button, lettering button, decorative button, etc. A.2 Decorative metal button accessories It includes locking metal button accessories (such as press snap button, large white button, etc.); decorative metal button accessories (such as metal plate, decorative button, etc.); fastening metal button accessories (such as steel nail, sign, trademark, decorative pieces, etc.). A.3 Zipper It includes various zippers with zipper teeth are made of metal, resin, and nylon; such as close-end zipper, open-end zipper, zipper with double sliders, etc. The materials of zipper cloth shall be pure cotton, cotton blended with polyester, pure polyester, etc. A.4 Rope belt It indicates the rope shaped objects make of various textile materials; it play the role of fixing and decoration. A.5 Trademark and sign It includes various trademarks and signs made of textile, paper, weaving, grass and metal; the contents involved in the sign include material, use, specification, origin of production, etc. A.6 Other attachments Other attachments made of various materials, such as lace, bead, patch, etc. ......

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