QC/T 625-2013 (QC/T625-2013, QCT 625-2013, QCT625-2013) & related versions
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Metallic coatings and conversion coatings for automobile
QC/T 625-2013
| Valid |
QCT 625-2013
QC/T 625-1999 | English | 559 |
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(Automotive Coating and chemical treatment layer)
QC/T 625-1999
| Obsolete |
QCT 625-1999
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QC/T 625-2013: PDF in English (QCT 625-2013) QC/T 625-2013
ICS 43.020
T 04
Replacing QC/T 625-1999
Metallic coatings and conversion coating for
Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 7
1 Scope ... 8
2 Normative references ... 8
3 The representation of metallic coatings and conversion coatings for
automobile ... 10
4 Electroplated coatings of copper + nickel + chromium and nickel + chromium
... 10
5 Electroplated coatings of zinc ... 12
6 Electroplated coatings of tin ... 14
7 Electroplated coatings of silver ... 15
8 Electroplated coatings of copper ... 15
9 Electroplated coatings of nickel and copper + nickel ... 16
10 Electroplated coatings of chromium ... 16
11 Electrochemical oxidation coatings of aluminum and aluminum alloy ... 17
12 Electroless nickel coatings ... 17
13 Conversion coatings of steel parts ... 18
14 Passivated coatings of zinc alloy ... 19
15 Electroplated coatings of lead-tin alloy ... 19
16 Electroplated coatings of zinc-nickel alloy ... 20
17 Electroplated coatings of zinc-iron alloy ... 21
18 Vacuum aluminum-plated coatings ... 21
19 Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings ... 22
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People's Republic of China
No.23 2013
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has approved 948 industry
standards (see Attachment 1 for standard No., standard name, main content
and implementation date) such as "Electromagnetic pulse valve for bag filters",
etc. and 6 non-ferrous metal industry standard specimens (see Attachment 2
and Attachment 3 for standard specimens catalogue and composition content
table), including. 377 industry standards of machinery industry, 8 industry
standards of pharmaceutical equipment industry, 98 industry standards of ship
industry, 71 industry standards of auto industry, 34 industry standards of
aviation industry, 3 industry standards of chemical industry, 49 industry
standards of metallurgical industry, 45 industry standards of non-ferrous metal
industry, 64 industry standards of building materials industry, 5 industry
standards of rare earth industry, 6 industry standards of gold industry, 5 industry
standards of packaging industry, 4 industry standards of electronic industry and
179 industry standards of communication industry, which are issued now.
The above-mentioned industry standards of machinery industry are published
by China Machine Press; industry standards of pharmaceutical equipment,
automotive and packaging industries are published by China Planning Press;
industry standards of ship industry are organized-published by China Institute
of Marine Technology & Economy; industry standards of aviation industry are
organized to be published by AVIC China Aero-polytechnology Research
Institute; industry standards of chemical industry are published by Chemical
Industry Press; industry standards of metallurgical industry are published by
Metallurgical Industry Press; industry standards of non-ferrous metal, rare earth
and gold industries are published by China Standards Press; industry standards
of building materials industry are published by China Building Materials Press;
industry standards of electronic industry are organized to be published by China
Electronic Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology; and industry standards of communication industry are published
by Post & Telecom Press.
Attachment. standard No., standard name and implementation date of 71
industry standards of automotive industry.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P. R. China
April 25, 2013
Standard No., standard name and implementation date of 71 industry
standards of automotive industry
No. Standard No. Standard name Standard No. replaced
476 QC/T 427-2013 Automobile use battery main switch technical requirement QC/T 427-1999 2013-09-01
477 QC/T 431-2013 Spark plug ceramic insulator specifications
QC/T 431-1999
QC/T 432-1999
QC/T 433-1999
QC/T 434-1999
QC/T 435-1999
QC/T 436-1999
QC/T 437-1999
478 QC/T 29032-2013 Alarms sensor for automobile air filters
QC/T 29032-
1991 2013-09-01
479 QC/T 526-2013 Automobile engine - Engineering approval evaluation program QC/T 526-1999 2013-09-01
480 QC/T 68-2013
Technical Specification of
Magneto for Motorcycles and
QC/T 68-1993
QC/T 69-1993 2013-09-01
481 QC/T 898-2013 Wire spoke of motorcycles and mopeds 2013-09-01
482 QC/T 899-2013 Spoke nipple of motorcycles and mopeds 2013-09-01
483 QC/T 684-2013
Specifications of sealing gaskets
for engines of motorcycles and
QC/T 684-2002 2013-09-01
484 QC/T 225-2013
Technical Specification of
Starting Motor for Motorcycles
and Mopeds
QC/T 225-1997 2013-09-01
485 QC/T 64-2013 Carburetor of motorcycle and moped
QC/65-2013 2013-09-01
486 QC/T 902-2013
Technical Specifications of
Motorcycle Electronic Control
Fuel-injection System
487 QC/T 29117-2014
Test Regulations for the Engine
of Motorcycle and Moped
Production Quality
QC/T 29117.10-
1993 2013-09-01
488 QC/T 29115-2013 Test regulations for motorcycle and moped production quality
QC/T 29115-
QC/T 29117.2-
QC/T 20117.3-
489 QC/T 903-2013 Fault-types for motorcycles and mopeds 2013-09-01
490 QC/T 904-2013 Wheels hub of motorcycles and mopeds 2013-09-01
491 QC/T 305-2013
Motor vehicles - Hydraulic power
steering control valve -
Performance requirements and
test methods
QC/T 305-1999
QC/T 306-1999 2013-09-01
492 QC/T 529-20134
Motor vehicles - Hydraulic power
steering gear - Technique
requirements and test methods
QC/T 529-2000
QC/T 530-2000 2013-09-01
493 QC/T 649-2013 Motor vehicles - Steering control mechanism - Performance QC/T 649-2000 2013-09-01
requirements and test methods
494 QC/T 647-2013
Motor vehicles - Steering
universal joint - Performance
requirements and test methods
QC/T 647-2000 2013-09-01
495 QC/T 905-2013 Protecting facility for automotive 2013-09-01
496 QC/T 47-2013 Automobile seat terminology QC/T 47-1992 2013-09-01
497 QC/T 906-2013
Technical Requirements And Test
Methods of Hemp Fiber Board
For Automobile Interior Trim
498 QC/T 907-2013 Methods of testing performance of radiators for automobile 2013-09-01
499 QC/T 29061-2013 Engineering specification for auto engine wax thermostat
QC/T 29061-
1992 2013-09-01
500 QC/T 908-2013 Horse vehicle 2013-09-01
501 QC/T 909-2013 Mobile mixing semi-trailer for bitumen-cement-mortar 2013-09-01
502 QC/T 910-2013 Glass transport semi-trailer 2013-09-01
503 QC/T 911-2013 Power supply vehicle 2013-09-01
504 QC/T 912-2013
Technical requirements for
matching of towing vehicle and
505 QC/T 913-2013
General technical specifications
for platform trailer with hydraulic
506 QC/T 914-2013 Engineering approval evaluation program of dimethyl ether vehicle 2013-09-01
507 QC/T 915-2013 DME steel cylinder multivalve for vehicle 2013-09-01
508 QC/T 916-2013
Specifications for mono-fuel
DME engines of heavy-duty
509 QC/T 917-2013 Manual valve for gas vehicle 2013-09-01
510 QC/T 918-2013 Test methods of petrol filter for automobiles 2013-09-01
511 QC/T 48-2013
Specifications of petrol filter
assembly for automotive engines
with electronically controlled
petrol injection system
QC/T 48-1992 2013-09-01
512 QC/T 919-2013 Test methods of luboil for automobiles 2013-09-01
513 QC/T 920-2013 Specifications of full-flow luboil filter assembly for automobiles 2013-09-01
514 QC/T 921-2013
Specification and test methods of
by-pass centrifugal luboil filters
for automobiles
515 QC/T 922-2013 Specifications of paper element for automobile air filters 2013-09-01
516 QC/T 923-2013 Specifications of fuel prefilter assembly for automotive diesels 2013-09-01
517 QC/T 287-2013 Dimensions of fuel filter paper element for vehicles QC/T 287-1999 2013-09-01
518 QC/T 625-2013 Metallic coatings and conversion coatings for automobile QC/T 625-1999 2013-09-01
519 QC/T 721-2013 Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings for automobile QC/T 721-2004 2013-09-01
520 QC/T 927-2013 Flange coupling connectors 2013-09-01
521 QC/T 518-2013 Tightening torque for...
Standard ID | QC/T 625-2013 (QC/T625-2013) | Description (Translated English) | Metallic coatings and conversion coatings for automobile | Sector / Industry | Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | T04 | Classification of International Standard | 43.020 | Word Count Estimation | 20,236 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | QC/T 625-1999 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 4340.1; GB/T 4955; GB/T 4956; GB/T 4957; GB/T 5267.1; GB/T 5270; GB/T 6461; GB/T 8013.1; GB/T 8014.2; GB/T 9797; GB/T 9798; GB/T 9799; GB/T 9800; GB/T 10125; GB/T 11376; GB/T 12333; GB/T 12599; GB/T 12600; GB/T 12967.3; GB/T 13912; GB/T 15519; QC/T 7 | Drafting Organization | China First Automobile Technology Center | Administrative Organization | National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Bulletin No. 23 of 2013 | Summary | This standard specifies the metal auto parts and accessories for coating and chemical treatment layer requirements, technical requirements and test methods. This standard applies to automotive product design and process design. |