Standard ID | HG/T 2273.1-2013 (HG/T2273.1-2013) |
Description (Translated English) | The natural gas catalyst for primary reforming |
Sector / Industry | Chemical Industry Industry Standard (Recommended) |
Classification of Chinese Standard | G75 |
Classification of International Standard | 71.100.99 |
Word Count Estimation | 4,432 |
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | HG 2273.1-2004 |
Quoted Standard | GB/T 191; GB/T 6678; GB/T 8170; HG/T 2273.4; HG/T 2782; HG/T 3543 |
Drafting Organization | Southwest Chemical Industry Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. |
Administrative Organization | National Standardization Technical Committee chemical catalysts Chemical Technical Committee |
Regulation (derived from) | Ministry of Industry and Information Notice No. 52 of 2013; industry standard for filing Notice 2013 No. 12 (No. 168 overall) |
Summary | This standard specifies the Z102, Z107, Z108, requires Z109-1Y, Z109-2Y, Z11OY, Z111 some type of natural gas reforming catalyst, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, storage and transport. This standard applies to ammonia, methanol and hy |