GB/T 34640.2-2017 PDF English

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GB/T 34640.2-201790 Add to Cart Auto, < 3 mins Classification and recycling and utilization of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy scraps -- Part 2: Recycling of scraps Valid

GB/T34640.2-2017 (GBT34640.2-2017): PDF in English

GB/T 34640.2-2017 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.120.10 H 69 Classification and recycling and utilization of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy scraps - Part 2. Recycling of scraps ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 01, 2018 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC; Standardization Administration of the PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Recycling requirements for enterprise external scraps ... 4  4 Recycling requirements for enterprise internal scraps ... 6  Classification and recycling and utilization of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy scraps - Part 2. Recycling of scraps 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 34640 specifies the recycling requirements for external and internal scraps of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy enterprises. This Part applies to the recycling of scraps from aluminium processing enterprises. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For the dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 13586 Aluminum and aluminum alloys scraps GB/T 34640.1 Classification and recycling and utilization of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy scraps - Part 1. Classification of scraps 3 Recycling requirements for enterprise external scraps 3.1 The enterprise shall recycle the external scraps shown in Table 1. The scraps shall meet the requirements of GB/T 13586 and be classified-stored in a single designation. 3.2 The enterprise shall recycle the customer’s scraps. The scraps shall be carried out in accordance with the corresponding provisions in the classification of scraps of GB/T 34640.1. If the purchaser has special requirements, it shall be determined through negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser and shall be indicated in the order form (or contract). frames for recycling. In the process of recycling aluminium scraps, no steel strips, steel belt buckles, radioactive waste, domestic garbage, and other sundries shall be mixed. 4.3 Grade 1 and Grade 2 scraps shall be placed in frames or racks, etc. and be recycled and stored separately according to the alloy. The alloy designation and scrap grade shall be indicated. 4.4 If Grade 1 and Grade 2 scraps are bulk scraps such as rolls or forgings and cannot be placed in frames or racks, the alloy designation shall be identified on the rolls or bulk scraps. According to the alloy designation, the scraps shall be recycled and stored separately. 4.5 Grade 3 scraps shall, according to the specific conditions of enterprise, be recycled and stored separately according to the alloy; or be recycled and stored in groups. Grade 3 scraps, when recycled according to the alloy, shall be marked with the alloy designation and scrap grade. Grade 3 scraps, when recycled according to the group, shall be marked with the group. 4.6 Grade 3 scraps shall be packed and briquetted; and the alloy designation and scrap grade shall be marked. If the conditions are not met, they shall be placed in boxes or racks for recycling; and the group shall be marked. 4.7 Aluminium scraps with unclear alloy designations shall, according to the provisions on the mixture in GB/T 34640.1, be stored separately and clearly marked. According to the size of the scraps, they shall be recycled in racks, boxes, or frames. 4.8 The composite material of aluminium and other metals shall be decomposed and recycled as an alloy. 4.9 Organic coated scraps shall be recycled after removal of the coating. 4.10 After all scraps are recycled, they shall be marked. The area shall be divided for fixed-point storage. During safekeeping and storage of scraps, moisture, corrosion, and oil stains, etc. shall be avoided. 4.11 The scrap supplier shall issue a scrap acceptance form. The contents of the acceptance form shall include the scrap alloy designation, grade, and weight. 4.12 The use organization shall, according to the provisions of GB/T 34640.1, inspect the scraps received. If the inspection result does not meet the corresponding requirements, it shall be promptly submitted to the scrap supplier, and be resolved through negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser. .......