YY/T 0640-2016_English: PDF (YY/T0640-2016)
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YY/T 0640-2016 | English | 150 |
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Non-active surgical implants--General requirements
| Valid |
YY/T 0640-2016
YY/T 0640-2008 | English | 519 |
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Non-active surgical implants. General requirements
| Obsolete |
YY/T 0640-2008
Standard ID | YY/T 0640-2016 (YY/T0640-2016) | Description (Translated English) | Non-active surgical implants -- General requirements | Sector / Industry | Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Industry Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | C45 | Classification of International Standard | 11.040.40 | Word Count Estimation | 15,167 | Date of Issue | 2016-07-29 | Date of Implementation | 2017-06-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | YY/T 0640-2008 | Regulation (derived from) | State Food and Drug Administration Notice 2016 (No.129) | Proposing organization | State Administration of Food and Drug Administration | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration of Food and Drug Administration | Standard ID | YY/T 0640-2008 (YY/T0640-2008) | Description (Translated English) | Non-active surgical implants. General requirements | Sector / Industry | Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Industry Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | C45 | Classification of International Standard | 11.040.40 | Word Count Estimation | 13,147 | Date of Issue | 2008-04-25 | Date of Implementation | 2009-06-01 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 7408; GB/T 16886.1; GB/T 16886.7; GB 18279; GB 18280; GB/T 19633; YY/T 0316; YY/T 0567.1; ISO 31-4; ISO 31-5; ISO 14155-1; ISO 14160; ISO 14937; ISO 17664; ISO 17665; EN 12442-1; EN 12442-2; EN 12442-3 | Adopted Standard | ISO 14630-2005, IDT | Drafting Organization | State Food and Drug Administration, Tianjin Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center | Administrative Organization | National standardization technical committee of Surgical characters and orthopedic implant device | Regulation (derived from) | SFDA [2008] No. 192 | Proposing organization | State Food and Drug Administration | Issuing agency(ies) | China Food and Drug Administration | Summary | This standard specifies the active surgical implants (hereinafter referred to as implants) General requirements. This standard does not apply to dental implants, dental restoration materials, the pulp and root implanted intraocular lens implant. About safety, this standard provides for expected performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information requirements provided by the manufacturer, as well as verification of compliance with these requirements of the test. In two other trials and three criteria given. |
YY/T 0640-2016
ICS 11.040.40
C 45
YY/T 0640-2016 / ISO 14630:3012
Replacing YY/T 0640-2008
Non-active surgical implants - General requirements
(ISO 14630:2012, IDT)
ISSUED ON: JULY 29, 2016
Issued by: State Food and Drug Administration
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically &
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Terms and definitions ... 8
4 Intended performance ... 10
5 Design attributes ... 10
6 Materials ... 12
7 Design evaluation ... 13
8 Manufacture ... 15
9 Sterilization ... 15
10 Packaging ... 16
11 Information supplied by the manufacturer ... 17
Bibliography ... 23
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T
This Standard replaces YY/T 0640-2008 Non-active surgical implants -
General requirements. Compared with YY/T 0640-2008, the main differences
in this Standard are as follows:
- modified the scope of the standard because this Standard does not
apply to the implants from active animal tissues;
- added the terms and definitions for “magnetic resonance environment”
(see 3.4) and “magnetic resonance imaging” (see 3.5);
- added some requirements for design attributes [see Clause 5 f], s), t), u),
- made more detailed provisions on “pre-clinical evaluation” (see 7.2) and
“post-market surveillance” (see 7.4);
- made more detailed provisions on “instructions for use” [see 11.3 a], t),
- deleted “Annex A” of Edition 2008 and the content of “correspondence
of basic principles outlined in ISO/TR 14283”.
This Standard uses translation method to identically adopt ISO 14630:2012
Non-active surgical implants -- General requirements.
The Chinese documents which have consistency with the international
normative reference in this Standard are as follows:
- GB/T 7408-2005, Data elements and interchange formats - Information
interchange - Representation of dates and times (ISO 8601:2000, IDT)
- GB/T 16886.1-2011, Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1:
Evaluation and testing within a risk management process (ISO
10993-1:2009, IDT)
- GB/T 16886.7-2001, Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 7:
Ethylene oxide sterilization residuals (ISO 10993-7:1995, IDT)
- GB/T 19974-2005, Sterilization of health care products - General
requirement for characterization of a sterilization agent and the
development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for
medical devices (ISO 14937:2000, IDT)
- YY/T 0297-1997, Clinical investigation of medical devices (ISO
14155:1996, IDT)
- YY 0970-2013, Sterilization of single-use medical devices incorporating
materials of animal origin - Validation and routine control of sterilization
by liquid sterilants (ISO 14160:1998, IDT)
- YY/T 0316-2008, Medical devices - Application of risk management to
medical devices (ISO 14971:2007, IDT)
- YY/T 0567.1-2013, Aseptic processing of health care products - Part 1:
General requirements (ISO 13408-1:2008, IDT)
- YY/T 0802-2010, Sterilization of medical devices - Information to be
provided by the manufacturer for the processing of resterilizable medical
devices (ISO 17664:2004, IDT)
- YY/T 0771.1-2009, Medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their
derivatives - Part 1: Application of risk management (ISO 22442-1:2007,
- YY/T 0771.2-2009, Medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their
derivatives Part 2: Controls on sourcing, collection and handling (ISO
22442-2:2007, IDT)
- YY/T 0771.3-2009, Medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their
derivatives - Part 1: Application of risk management (ISO 22442-3:2007,
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Standard
may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority shall not be held
responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This Standard was proposed by State Food and Drug Administration.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee
on Surgical Implants and Orthopedic Instruments of Standardization
Administration of China (SAC/TC 110).
The drafting organizations of this Standard: Tianjin Medical Device Quality
Supervision and Inspection Center, State Food and Drug Administration
Medical Device Technical Review Center.
Main drafters of this Standard: Ma Chunbao, Li Jia, Li Libin, Qi Baofen, Liu
Bin, Min Yue, Sun Jiayi.
Version of standard substituted by this Standard is:
This Standard provides a method of addressing the fundamental principles
outlined in ISO/TR 14283 as they apply to non-active surgical implants. It also
provides a method for demonstrating compliance with the relevant essential
requirements as outlined in the general terms in Annex 1 of the European
Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices as
they apply to non-active surgical implants, hereafter referred to as implants. It
might also help manufacturers comply with the requirements of other
regulatory bodies.
There are three levels of standards dealing with non-active surgical implants
and related instrumentation. For the implants themselves, they are as follows,
with level 1 being the highest.
- Level 1: General requirements for non-active surgical implants.
- Level 2: Particular requirements for families of non-active surgical
- Level 3: Specific requirements for types of non-active surgical implants.
Level 1 standards, such as this Standard and Reference [4], contain
requirements that apply to all non-active surgical implants. They also
anticipate that there are additional requirements in the level 2 and level 3
Level 2 standards (see References [5], [6], [7], [8] and [9]) apply to a more
restricted set or family of non-active surgical implants, such as those
designed for use in neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, or joint
Level 3 standards (see References [10], [11], [12] and [13]) apply to specific
types of implants within a family of non-active surgical implants, such as hip
joints or arterial stents.
To address all requirements for a specific implant, it is advisable that the
standard of the lowest available level be consulted first.
NOTE: The requirements in this Standard correspond to international consensus. Individual
or national standards or regulatory bodies can prescribe other requirements.
Non-active surgical implants - General requirements
1 Scope
This Standard specifies general requirements for non-active surgical implants,
hereafter referred to as implants. This Standard is not applicable to dental
implants, dental restorative materials, trans-endodontic and trans-radicular
implants, intra-ocular lenses and implants utilizing viable animal tissue.
With regard to safety, this Standard specifies requirements for intended
performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacture,
sterilization, packaging and information supplied by the manufacturer, and
tests to demonstrate compliance with these requirements.
Additional tests are given or referred to in level 2 and level 3 standards.
NOTE: This Standard does not require that the manufacturer have a quality management
system in place. However, the application of a quality management system, such as that
described in ISO 13485, might be appropriate to help ensure that the implant achieves its
intended performance.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats - Information
interchange - Representation of dates and times
ISO 10993-1, Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation
and testing within a risk management process
ISO 10993-7, Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 7: Ethylene
oxide sterilization residuals
ISO 11135-1, Sterilization of health care products - Ethylene oxide - Part 1:
Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a
sterilization process for medical devices
ISO 11137-1, Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 1:
Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a
sterilization process for medical devices
ISO 11137-2, Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2:
Establishing the sterilization dose
ISO 11607-1, Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 1:
Requirements for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems
ISO 13408-1, Aseptic processing of health care products - Part 1: General
ISO 14155, Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects -
Good clinical practice
ISO 14160, Sterilization of health care products - Liquid chemical sterilizing
agents for single-use medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their
derivatives - Requirements for characterization, development, validation
and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
ISO 14937, Sterilization of health care products - General requirements for
characterization of a sterilizing agent and the development, validation and
routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
ISO 14971, Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical
ISO 17664, Sterilization of medical devices - Information to be provided by
the manufacturer for the processing of resterilizable medical devices
ISO 17665-1, Sterilization of health care products - Moist heat - Part 1:
Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a
sterilization process for medical devices
ISO 22442-1, Medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives
- Part 1: Application of risk management
ISO 22442-2, Medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives
- Part 2: Controls on sourcing, collection and handling
ISO 22442-3, Medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives
- Part 3: Validation of the elimination and/or inactivation of viruses and
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
YY/T 0640-2008
Non-active surgical implants.General requirements
ICS 11.040.40
People's Republic of China pharmaceutical industry standards
YY/T 0640-2008/ISO 14630.2005
Active surgical implants General requirements
(ISO 14630.2005, IDT)
Posted 2008-04-25
2009-06-01 implementation
State Food and Drug Administration issued
This standard is identical with ISO 14630.2005 "General requirements for passive surgical implants."
Appendix A of this standard is an informative annex.
This standard was proposed by the State Food and Drug Administration.
This standard by the National Surgical implants and orthopedic instruments Standardization Technical Committee.
This standard was drafted. Tianjin, the State Food and Drug Administration Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, China Association for Medical Devices Industry
Society Professional Committee of surgical implants, 奥斯比利克 Beijing New Technology Development Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard. Song Duo, Zhang Chen, Dongshuang Peng, Yao Zhi repair, Sun Jianwen, Liang Xiaoling, Wuzi Liang.
YY/T 0640-2008/ISO 14630.2005
Standard relates to active surgical implants and related instruments are divided into three levels. It relates to the implant itself standard grades are as follows
(A standard for the highest).
--- One. General requirements for passive surgical implants;
--- Class 2. Particular requirements for various types of active surgical implants;
--- Three levels. active surgical implants for a variety of special requirements.
This standard is a standard, it contains apply to all active surgical implant requirements, but also prompt in the secondary and tertiary standards
There are some additional requirements.
Secondary standard applies to more limited class of active surgical implants, such as those designed for use in neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, or joint
Replacement implant.
Three standard applies to a class of active surgical implants of a particular kind of implants, such as hip prosthesis or stent.
To learn more about a particular implant all the requirements, should the current minimum level of standard inspection began.
Other international standards cited in Ref.
YY/T 0640-2008/ISO 14630.2005
Active surgical implants General requirements
1 Scope
This standard specifies the active surgical implants (hereinafter referred to as the implant) General requirements. This standard does not apply to dental implants, dental
Repair materials, pulp and root implantation of an intraocular lens fixation.
General safety, this standard specifies the expected performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and manufacturers mention
Requirements for information, and the tests to verify compliance with these requirements. Other tests are given in secondary and tertiary standards.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent
Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research
Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard.
GB/T 7408 Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange the date and time notation (GB/T 7408-2005,
ISO 8601.2000, IDT)
GB/T 16886.1 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1. Evaluation and testing (GB/T 16886.1-2001,
idt ISO 10993-1.1997)
GB/T 16886.7 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 7. Ethylene oxide sterilization residuals (GB/T 16886.7-2001,
idt ISO 10993-7.1995)
Establishment GB 18279 Medical Devices ethylene oxide sterilization process, validation and routine control (GB 18279-2000,
idt ISO 11135.1994)
GB 18280 Sterilization of health care products for validation and routine control - Radiation sterilization (GB 18280-2000, idt ISO 11137.
GB/T 19633 Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices (GB/T 19633-2005, ISO 11607.2003, IDT)
YY/T 0316 Medical Devices Risk Management for Medical Device Applications (YY/T 0316-2003, ISO 14971-1.2000,
YY/T 0567.1 aseptic processing of health care products - Part 1. General requirements (YY/T 0567.1-2005,
ISO 13408-1.1998, IDT)
ISO 31 (all parts) and the amount of units
ISO 14155-1 medical devices used in clinical studies of the human body - Part 1. General requirements
ISO 14160 contains animal source material disposable sterilization validation and routine control of a liquid chemical germicide sterilized medical devices
ISO 14937 Sterilization of health care products and medical equipment fungicide properties sterilization process establishment, improvement, validation and routine control
General requirements
ISO 17664 medical device sterilization information supplied by the manufacturer to be processed again sterilized medical devices
Establishment of ISO 17665 Sterilization of health care products medical devices moist heat sterilization process, validation and routine control
Animal tissue EN12442-1 for medical device manufacturers and their derivatives - Part 1. Risk Analysis and Management
Animal tissues and their derivatives - Part 2 EN12442-2 for medical device manufacturers. Resource seek, collect and process control
Animal tissue EN12442-3 for medical device manufacturers and their derivatives - Part 3. Removal of viruses and infections and/or off
Living confirm
YY/T 0640-2008/ISO 14630.2005