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YY/T 0326-2017 English PDF (YY 0326.1-2002)

YY/T 0326-2017_English: PDF (YY/T0326-2017)
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YY/T 0326-2017English150 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use Valid YY/T 0326-2017
YY 0326.1-2002English150 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use - Part 1: Centrifuge bowl Obsolete YY 0326.1-2002

Standard ID YY/T 0326-2017 (YY/T0326-2017)
Description (Translated English) Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use
Sector / Industry Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard C31
Classification of International Standard 11.040.20
Word Count Estimation 26,220
Date of Issue 2017-05-02
Date of Implementation 2018-04-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) YY 0326.1-2002; YY0326.2-2002; YY0326.3-2005
Drafting Organization Sichuan Nanger Biomedical Co., Ltd., Shandong Province, medical device product quality inspection center, Shaanxi Zhengyuan Technology Development Co., Ltd., Chongqing three great Albert Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shandong Zhongbao Kang Medical Devices Co., Ltd., Chengdu Jiaying medical Products Co., Ltd., Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Products Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Medical Infusion Equipment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 106)
Issuing agency(ies) State Food and Drug Administration

Standard ID YY 0326.1-2002 (YY0326.1-2002)
Description (Translated English) Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use - Part 1: Centrifuge bowl
Sector / Industry Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard C31
Word Count Estimation 12,141
Date of Issue 2002-01-07
Date of Implementation 2002-04-01
Drafting Organization Shanghai Blood Center
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee of Standardization for medical infusion
Proposing organization State Drug Administration
Issuing agency(ies) State Drug Administration
Summary This standard specifies the disposable centrifugal plasma separator component plasma separator cup (hereinafter referred to as separation cup) requirements in order to guarantee that by supporting the centrifugal automatic plasma collection machine to adapt, adapt and plasma tube.

YY/T 0316-2017 YY PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 11.040.20 C 31 Replacing YY 0326.1-2002, YY 0326.2-2002 and YY 0316.3-2005 Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use ISSUED ON. MAY 02, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 01, 2018 Issued by. China Food and Drug Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 4 Introduction ... 6 1 Scope ... 7 2 Normative references ... 7 3 Structure and type ... 8 4 A. V. fistula needle set (blood-taking set for machine)... 10 5 Physical requirements ... 11 5.1 Plasma centrifuge bowl ... 11 5.2 Plasma tubing ... 12 5.3 Plasma container ... 15 6 Chemical requirements ... 18 6.1 Centrifuge bowl ... 18 6.2 Plasma tubing ... 19 6.3 Plasma container ... 19 7 Biological requirements ... 20 7.1 Centrifuge bowl ... 20 7.2 Plasma tubing ... 20 7.3 Plasma container ... 20 7.4 Bacterial endotoxin ... 20 8 Type inspection ... 21 9 Marking ... 21 9.1 Single package ... 21 9.2 Plasma container label ... 21 9.3 Transport packaging ... 22 10 Packaging ... 23 Annex A (normative) Physical test method for centrifuge bowl ... 24 A.1 Particulate contamination test ... 24 A.2 Airtightness test ... 24 A.3 Frictional heat test ... 24 A.4 Blood residue test ... 25 A.5 Separated plasma’s hemoglobin content test ... 25 Annex B (normative) Physical test method for plasma tubing ... 28 B.1 Particulate contamination test ... 28 B.2 Airtightness test ... 28 B.3 Pressure monitor connector’s ventilation test ... 28 B.4 Pressure monitor connector’s blood blocking test ... 29 B.5 Flow test ... 30 B.6 Pump tubing elasticity test ... 31 Annex C (normative) Physical test method for plasma container ... 32 C.1 Transparency test ... 32 C.2 Particulate contamination test ... 32 Annex D (normative) Chemical test ... 33 D.1 Centrifuge bowl ... 33 D.2 Plasma tubing ... 34 Bibliography ... 36 Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements for plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use (hereinafter referred to as centrifuge apparatus) to ensure that it is compatible with the matching centrifugal automatic plasma collection machine. The plasma collected and stored by the centrifuge apparatus specified in this Standard is used for the preparation of blood products and cannot be used for clinical blood transfusion. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 1962.1 Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment - Part 1. General requirement GB/T 1962.2 Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment - Part 2. Lock fittings GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods GB 8369 Medical transfusion sets for single use GB 14232.1 Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components - Part 1. Conventional containers GB/T 14233.1-2008 Test methods for infusion, transfusion, injection equipment for medical use - Part 1. Chemical analysis methods GB/T 16886.1 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1. Evaluation and testing within a risk management process YY/T 0328 A.V. fistula needle sets for single use YY 0321.3-2009 Single-use filter for anaesthesia 5 Physical requirements 5.1 Plasma centrifuge bowl 5.1.1 Appearance The centrifuge bowl shall be transparent. Observe the interior surface of the centrifuge bowl with normal vision or corrected vision under natural light, it shall be clean and smooth, and there shall be no obvious spots or impurities. 5.1.2 Particulate contamination The centrifuge bowl shall be produced under the conditions of the minimum particulate contamination. When tested according to A.1, the contamination index shall not exceed 90. 5.1.3 Airtightness When the centrifuge bowl is tested according to Annex A.2, it shall be able to withstand the pressure of 8 kPa for 10 s without any signs of gas leakage. 5.1.4 Connection strength The joints (excluding the protective sleeve) of the centrifuge bowl shall be able to withstand the static tension of not less than 15 N for 15 s. 5.1.5 Frictional heat When the centrifuge bowl is tested according to A.3, the water temperature shall not exceed 37 °C. 5.1.6 Noise The centrifuge bowl is operated at a speed of 7000 r/min, and when the average noise of the test centrifuge is not more than 60 dB when idle, use a sound level meter (A weighting) to measure 4 points in front, back, left, right at 1 m away from the center of the centrifuge bowl, the average noise shall not exceed 70 dB. 5.1.7 Blood residual amount When the centrifuge bowl is tested according to A.4, the residual amount in the bowl shall not exceed 5.0 mL. 5.1.8 Separated plasma hemoglobin content the tubing. When tested according to A.2 of YY 0321.3-2009, the pressure monitor connector shall have a filtration rate of not less than 90 % for particles larger than 0.5 μm in air. Ventilation The pressure monitor connector shall be sufficiently ventilated. When tested according to B.3, the time required for the pressure monitor connector to transfer 10 kPa air pressure shall not exceed 3 s. Blood blocking The filter material in the pressure monitor connector can effectively block the blood. When tested according to B.4, at a hydraulic pressure of 40 kPa above the atmospheric pressure for 40 s, there shall be no signs of liquid infiltration. The mechanical end surface of the pressure monitor connector shall be transparent, and it may visually inspect the blood for contamination during use. Adaptability The pressure monitor connector shall be tightly coupled with the pressure monitor of the matching plasma collection machine. It shall not fall off naturally and shall be easily disassembled. The conical fitting with taper in the joint shall meet the requirements specified in GB/T 1962.1 or GB/T 1962.2. 5.2.9 Pump tubing2) Flow The anticoagulant flow and the blood flow shall be compatible with the state of use of the matching centrifugal automatic plasma collection machine. When tested according to B.5, the anticoagulant flow and the blood flow shall meet (1 ± 0.1) mL/lap (peristaltic pump). Elasticity The pump tubing part of the tubing shall have good elasticity. When the water temperature is 23 °C ± 2 °C, and tested according to B.6, the flow reduction rate shall be less than 5 % after operating for 1 h. 5.2.10 Locating clip3) 2) The pump tubing refers to a hose installed in the peristaltic pump of the centrifugal plasma collection machine. 3) The locating clip is a plastic piece that is mounted on the pump tubing to limit the displacement of the pump tubing. conjunction with the centrifuge bowl as specified in 5.1. The plasma container shall be transparent or translucent, colorless, soft, sterile, non-pyrogenic, non-toxic and not easily broken under the conditions of use. It shall be compatible with the contents when stored under normal conditions. The plasma container shall meet the requirements for final sterilization, and shall not adhere during the sterilization process and in the storage life at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C. The whole process of manufacture, assembly and storage of plasma containers shall be carried out under the clean and hygienic conditions specified by the relevant national laws and regulations. Various effective preventive measures shall be taken throughout the manufacturing process to reduce the risk of microbiological or foreign substance contamination. 5.3.2 Sterilization The plasma container shall be sterilized by a validated method. The sterilization method shall not adversely affect the material of the plasma container, and shall not loosen the connections, reduce the heat-seal strength of the plastic material, and cause significant deformation of the plasma container. The manufacturer shall be able to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the sterilization process used to national authorities. 5.3.3 Input tubing The plasma container shall have an input tubing for the collection of plasma. The input tubing shall be equipped with an interface matched with the centrifuge bowl. Assemble the centrifuge bowl interface according to the manufacturer's instructions, the joint shall be able to withstand a pressure of 8 kPa for 10 s without any signs of leakage. NOTE. For centrifuge apparatus supplied as a set (a set of four), the test does not require an assembly operation, and the test is carried out directly on the manufacturer's assembled product. The input tubing shall be isolated from the outside without breaking in normal use. After the plasma container has been filled with water to nominal capacity and sealed, the input tubing connected to the plasma container shall form a seal. The connection is resistant to leakage and is able to withstand a pull of 20 N applied to the tubing for 15 s without leakage. The tension shall be applied at right angles to the edge of the joint and in the direction of the longitudinal axis If the plasma container is sterilized with ethylene oxide, the ethylene oxide residue shall not exceed 10 μg/g. NOTE. GB/T 14233.1-2008 and GB/T 16886.7 specify the test methods and release control of ethylene oxide residues. The use of breathable materials that are easily accessible to ethylene oxide on single packages (such as using composite package bags with a dialysis paper on one side and a plastic film on the other side, or adding dialysis paper on perforated package bags) can effectively reduce ethylene oxide residue. 7 Biological requirements 7.1 Centrifuge bowl 7.1.1 Biocompatibility The biological evaluation of the centrifuge bowl shall be carried out according to GB/T 16886.1. The evaluation results shall show that there is no biological hazard. 7.1.2 Sterility The sterile supply assembly of the centrifuge bowl shall meet the requirements of YY/T 0615.1. 7.2 Plasma tubing 7.2.1 Biocompatibility The biological evaluation of the plasma tubing shall be carried out according to GB/T 16886.1. The evaluation results shall show that there are no biological hazards. 7.2.2 Sterility The sterile supply assembly of the plasma tubing shall meet the requirements of YY/T 0615.1. 7.3 Plasma container GB 14232.1 applies. 7.4 Bacterial endotoxin The bacterial endotoxin content of the centrifuge apparatus shall meet the requirements for the plasma collection equipment in human plasma for the production of blood products in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (2010 Edition) (Part 3). d) instruction that use is prohibited if any visible signs of deterioration is found by naked eyes; e) instruction that ventilation is not required; f) instruction that the plasma container is for single use only; g) use instructions of plasma containers; h) name and address of manufacturer and/or supplier; i) batch number; j) if appropriate, the label may also include information that the plasma container should not be used to collect plasma after the period of use or the expiration date, as well as information related to product codes. 9.2.2 Label requirements The label of the plasma container shall meet the following requirements. a) the printing on the label does not penetrate into the plastic material of the plasma container; b) the printing on the label remains clear and recognizable when in use. 9.3 Transport packaging The transport packaging box of the centrifuge apparatus (or assembly) shall have at least the following symbols. a) name and address of manufacturer and/or supplier; b) product name and model; c) quantity, weight; d) volume (length × width × height); e) single use and sterile; f) production batch number; g) sterilization batch number; h) period of use or expiration date; i) graphical signs related to storage and transportation. Annex A (normative) Physical test method for centrifuge bowl A.1 Particulate contamination test A.1.1 Preparation of test solution TAKE 5 centrifuge bowls, respectively INJECT 200 mL of flushing fluid (distilled water filtered through a membrane with a pore size of 0.2 μm) from the inlet of the centrifuge bowl, SEAL the inlet and outlet with protective sleeves, PLACE them in the special centrifuge, ADJUST the centrifuge speed to 7000 r/min, after centrifuge for 5 min, FLIP up and down 5 times. Respectively COLLECT 200 mL of eluent from the outlet of the centrifuge bowl, and COLLECT a total of 1000 mL as the eluent. TAKE another 1000 mL of flushing fluid as the blank control solution. NOTE. It shall avoid environmental pollution during the test process. The arbitration method is to centrifuge using a plasma collection machine matched with the test centrifuge bowl. A.1.2 Test method According to the method specified in GB 8369, CHECK the total number of particulates of the 5 centrifuge bowls in the eluent and the number of particulates in the blank control solution, and CALCULATE the contamination index. A.2 Airtightness test SEAL the outlet of the centrifuge bowl, INTRODUCE a pressure of 8 kPa higher than the atmospheric pressure to the inlet of the centrifuge bowl for 10 s, CHECK whether the pressure gauge indicates signs of gas leakage (the limit is that the pressure reduction does not exceed 0.1 kPa). Then ROTATE the upper and lower bodies of the centrifuge bowl 180 degrees relative to each other, and REPEAT the above steps. A.3 Frictional heat test A.3.1 Principle This method is to simulate the working state of the centrifuge bowl, evaluate the frictional heat generated by high-speed centrifugation by measuring the increase in water temperature at the inlet and outlet. result of colorimetric determination of the hemoglobin solution with of a known concentration, and then calculate the hemoglobin content in the separated plasma. A.5.2 Samples The test sample is the plasma collected and separated by the centrifugal apparatus specified in this Standard. If it is frozen plasma, it shall be melted before test. A.5.3 Reagents A.5.3.1 O-toluidine solution WEIGH 0.2 g of o-toluidine to DISSOLVE in 60 mL of glacial acetic acid, ADD water to 100 mL, STORE in refrigerator. If the color becomes dark, it shall be re-prepared. A.5.3.2 1% (volume fraction) hydrogen peroxide solution Freshly diluted by 30 % hydrogen peroxide solution. A.5.3.3 Acetic acid solution 10 % (volume fraction) acetic acid solution. A.5.3.4 Hemoglobin (Hb) standard stock solution TAKE 5 mL of human anticoagulant whole blood with a collection time of no more than 24 h in a plastic tube, ADD 5 mL of sodium chloride injection solution with a concentration of 9 g/L, CENTRIFUGE at 1200 g for 5 min, ASPIRATE the supernatant and DISCARD it; REPEAT the above steps three times. The remaining red blood cells (about 4 mL) are added with 5 mL of water for injection, gently shaken for 5 min, centrifuged at 800 g for 10 min. pipette the Hb solution into another plastic tube. MEASURE the Hb content on a hemocytometer. According to the Hb content, use 9 g/L sodium chloride injection solution to adjust the Hb concentration to 10 g/L, which is Hb standard stock solution. STORE the Hb standard stock solution in small sample tubes (Doff tube) with a lid and keep it frozen. A.5.3.5 Hemoglobin (Hb) use standard solution The Hb standard stock solution is naturally melted and diluted to 100 mg/L using sodium chloride solution with a concentration of 9 g/L. It may also use 9g/L sodium chloride solution to dilute the commercially available Hb standard solution to 100 mg/L. Annex B (normative) Physical test method for plasma tubing B.1 Particulate contamination test B.1.1 Preparation of test solution TAKE 5 sets of plasma tubing. Under a hydrostatic head of 1 m, MAKE 500 mL of flushing fluid (distilled water filtered through a membrane with a pore size of 0.2 μm) flow through 5 sets of plasma tubing respectively, COLLECT A total of 2500 mL as the eluent. TAKE another 2500 mL of flushing fluid as the blank control solution. NOTE. It shall avoid environmental pollution during the test process. The arbitration method is to centrifuge using a plasma collection machine matched with the test centrifuge bowl. B.1.2 Test method According to the method specified in GB 8369, CHECK the total number of particulates of the five sets of plasma tubing in the eluent and the number of particulates in the blank control solution, and CALCULATE the contamination index. B.2 Airtightness test SEAL three of the four ends of the tubing and IMMERSE them in water at 20 °C ~ 30 °C. INLET a pressure of 50 kPa higher than the atmospheric pressure to the unsealed end of the tubing for 2 min. CHECK the signs of leakage in the tubing. B.3 Pressure monitor connector’s ventilation test B.3.1 Cut off the pressure monitor connector, connect it with two spring-loaded sphygmomanometers (the full scale is 40 kPa) and the pressurizing device consists of 5 and 6 according to Figure B.1. At this point the pointers of the two sphygmomanometers shall be at 0. ......

YY 0326.1-2002 YY Pharmaceutical Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China C 31 File No.. 9936-2002 Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use - Part 1. Centrifuge bowl Issued by. China Food and Drug Administration ISSUED ON. JANUARY 07, 2002 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 01, 2002 Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 General requirements ... 4  4 Physical requirements ... 5  5 Chemical requirements ... 6  6 Biological requirements ... 7  7 Inspection rules ... 8  8 Mark ... 9  9 Package ... 10  Annex A (Normative) Measurement method of fine-particles limits ... 11  Annex B (Normative) Test method of sealing, friction heat, blood residues ... 12  Annex  C (Normative) Measurement method of separating plasma hemoglobin content (O-tolidine) ... 14  Annex D (Normative) Chemical analysis method of soluble substance ... 16  Annex E (Informative) Bibliography ... 18  Foreword  The single-use plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus is composed of plasma centrifuge bowl, plasma tubing, and blood collector as specified in YY 0328; it is used together with the centrifugal automatic plasma collection machine to collect, separate the human plasma and transfuse the blood. The general title of YY 0326 is the single-use plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus; it includes the following parts. Part 1. Plasma centrifuge bowl Part 2. Plasma tubing Annex A, Annex B, Annex C and Annex D in this Standard are the standard annexes. This Standard was proposed by the State Drug Administration. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Standardization Technical Committee of Medical Infusion Apparatus. The drafting organization of this Standard. Shanghai Blood Center, and Jinan Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of State Drug Administration. Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Shanghai Xili Medical Co., Ltd., Sichuang Nangeer Medical Appliances Co., Ltd., and Xi’an Zhengyuan Polymer Products Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard. Pan Lihua, You Shaohua, Sun Jianfang, Shi Yanping, Zhang Jiang, Jiang Yueqin, and Lu Ansong. Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use - Part 1. Centrifuge bowl 1 Scope  This Standard specifies the requirements of the component of plasma tubing of the single-use plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus (hereinafter referred to as centrifuge bowl), so as to ensure that the centrifugal automatic plasma collection machine is suitable to the centrifuge bowl and blood collection apparatus. 2 Normative references  The articles contained in the following documents have become part of this Standard when they are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all the modifications or revisions made thereafter shall not be applicable to this Standard. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest editions shall be applicable to this Standard. GB/T 2828-1987 Sampling procedures and tables for lot-by-lot inspection by attributes (Apply to inspection of successive lots or batches) GB 8368-1998 Medical infusion sets for single use (eqv ISO 8536-4-1998) GB/T 14233.1-1998 Infusion, transfusion, injection equipment for medical use - Part 1. Chemical analysis methods GB/T 14233.2-1993 Infusion, transfusion, injection equipment for medical use - Part 2. Biological test methods GB/T 16886.1-2001 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1. Evaluation and testing (idt ISO 10993-1.1997) YY 0311-1998 General specification for single-use blood flow product YY 0326.2-2002 Plasmapheresis centrifuge apparatus for single use - Part 2. Plasma tubing 3 General requirements    3.1 Structure The typical centrifuge bowl structure is shown in figure 1. Each connection position (excluding protective case) of the centrifuge bowl shall be able to withstand static tension of not less than 15N for 15s. 4.5 Friction heat When the centrifuge bowl is tested based on Annex B B.2, the water temperature shall not exceed 37°C centigrade. 4.6 Noise When the centrifuge bowl is operated under 7 000 r/min, if sound level meter (A-weighting) is used to measure four points when the distances of front, back, left and right position are 1m away the center of the centrifuge bowl, the average noise shall not exceed 70dB. Note. when centrifugal machine is idling during test, the average noise shall not exceed 60dB. 4.7 Blood residues When the centrifuge bowl is tested based on Annex B B.3, residues inside the bowl shall not exceed 5.0 mL. 4.8 Separation plasma hemoglobin content When test is conduced based on Annex C, the separation plasma hemoglobin content shall not exceed 60mg /L. 4.9 Protective case Protective sleeve which is firm and easy to be disassembled shall be equipped at the inlet and outlet of the centrifuge bowl. The protective sleeve shall be able to keep cavity sterile in the bowl. 4.10 Inlet and outlet of the centrifuge bowl The inlet and outlet of the centrifuge bowl shall be matched with the centrifuge bowl interface of plasma tubing as specified by YY 0326.2. Note. The suitable inlet and outlet are external-cone joints with root diameter of 8mm and conical degree of 1.40. 5 Chemical requirements  5.1 Reducing substances When test is conducted based on Annex D D.2, the volume difference of potassium permanganate solution [c(KMnO4)=0.02mol/L] that that is consumed by centrifuge bowl There shall be at least the following information on the single package. a) Product name, mark; b) Sterilization, non-pyrogenic, single-use text instructions, or use of graphical symbols given by YY/T 0313; c) The text instructions of sterilization method or use of graphical symbols given by YY/T 0313; d) Use instructions and notes, including the cautionary note of “Prohibited to use if package is damaged” and “Destroy after use”; e) Batch number, starting with word “Batch”; f) Expired year and month (must be clear); g) Name, address of manufacturer and/or distributor. 8.2 Outer package The information on the outer package shall meet the requirements of YY/T 0313. 9 Package  9.1 After the single package is opened, there is opening-trace to indicate that the package has been opened before. 9.2 The centrifuge bowl package and sterilization shall be free of damage the standby state. 9.3 There shall be free of visible foreign matters in the single package. Annex A (Normative) Measurement method of fine-particles limits A.1 Principle The method is to simulate the use state of the centrifuge bowl; collect the particles in eluent through internal cavity surface of centrifugal rinse bowl; count it to evaluate the particle pollution. A.2 Test instrument and solution A.2.1 Special centrifugal machine. matched with the centrifuge bowl; centrifugal machine can achieve centrifugal rotation speed of 7000 r/min. A.2.2 Special particle counter. equipped with mixing system. Sampling amount for one time is 100 mL; it can count 15 ~ 25 um particles and particle of more than 25 um at the same time. A.2.3 Rinse solution. 9g/L sodium chloride solution, filtered by microporous membrane of 0.45um (it’s applicable to resistance method particle counter) or distilled water (it’s applicable to light resistance method particle counter. A.3 Test steps A.3.1 Eluent preparation Inject 200mL of eluent from the inlet of the centrifuge bowl; place the inlet and outlet into the special centrifugal machine with protective sleeves. The rotation speed of centrifugal machine is adjusted to 7000r/min; turn up and down for 5 times after centrifuging for 5 minutes. A.3.2 Particle inspection Take 200mL of eluent out from the outlet of the centrifuge bowl; put into the sampling cup of particle counter; count it with particle counter. Note. Environmental pollution shall be avoided during test. A.4 Results The difference, between eluent and background liquid’s particle reading, divided by 100, is the particle content in the eluent (piece/mL). Annex B (Normative) Test method of sealing, friction heat, blood residues B.1 Sealing test Pump the air pressure, that is 8kPa higher than atmospheric pressure, into the inlet of the centrifuge bowl for 10s; check whether the pointer of pressure gauge has air leakage. Then, rotate the upper body of centrifuge bowl by 180 degree; repeat the above-mentioned steps. B.2 Test of friction heat B.2.1 Principle This method is to simulate operation state of the centrifuge bowl; evaluate friction heat generated from high-speed centrifuge by measuring water temperature rising at the inlet and outlet. B.2.2 Ope... ......

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