YY 1001-2024_English: PDF (YY1001-2024)
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Glass syringes
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YY 1001-2024
YY 1001.1-2004 | English | 120 |
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Glass syringes - Part 1: Syringes with all-glass
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YY 1001.1-2004
Standard ID | YY 1001-2024 (YY1001-2024) | Description (Translated English) | Glass syringes | Sector / Industry | Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | C31 | Classification of International Standard | 11.040.20 | Word Count Estimation | 15,176 | Date of Issue | 2024-02-07 | Date of Implementation | 2026-03-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | YY 1001.1-2004; YY 1001.2-2004 | Administrative Organization | National Medical Syringe (Needle) Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 95) | Proposing organization | State Drug Administration | Issuing agency(ies) | State Drug Administration | Summary | This standard specifies the structural type, materials, requirements, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of all-glass syringes and blue core all-glass syringes, and describes the corresponding test methods. This document applies to all-glass syringes and blue-core all-glass syringes. After the injection needle is installed on this product, it can be used for subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous injection of medicinal liquids and extraction of liquids. | Standard ID | YY 1001.1-2004 (YY1001.1-2004) | Description (Translated English) | Glass syringes - Part 1: Syringes with all-glass | Sector / Industry | Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | C31 | Classification of International Standard | 11.040.20 | Word Count Estimation | 10,132 | Date of Issue | 2004-10-10 | Date of Implementation | 2005-09-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | YY/T 91001-1999 | Adopted Standard | ISO 595-1-1986, NEQ; ISO 595-2-1987, NEQ | Drafting Organization | Peace syringe factory in Ningbo | Administrative Organization | National Standardization Technical Committee of medical syringes (needles) | Proposing organization | State Food and Drug Administration | Issuing agency(ies) | State Food and Drug Administration | Summary | This standard specifies the classification of all-glass syringes, terminology, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, instructions and packaging, transportation and storage requirements. This standard applies to all-glass syringes (hereinafter referred to as syringes), the product is installed after the injection needle for the human body subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous solution and extraction with liquids. |
YY 1001-2024.All-glass syringe
ICS 11.040.20
Pharmaceutical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Replaces YY 1001.1-2004, YY 1001.2-2004
All glass syringe
Released on 2024-02-07
2026-03-01 Implementation
The State Drug Administration issued
Table of Contents
Preface I
Introduction II
1 Range 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and Definitions 1
4 Structural form 1
5 Materials 2
6 Requirements and test methods 2
7 Logo 6
8 Packaging 7
9 Transportation and storage 7
Appendix A (Normative) Capacity tolerance, graduation line, dosage number durability test method 8
Appendix B (Informative) Syringe Cleanliness 9
Reference 10
This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1.Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents"
This document replaces YY 1001.1-2004 "Glass Syringes Part 1.All-Glass Syringes" and YY 1001.2-2004 "Glass
Syringes-Part 2.Blue core all-glass syringes, compared with YY 1001.1-2004 and YY 1001.2-2004, except for structural adjustment and
In addition to editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows.
--- Added jacket trim (see Figure 1, 6.17);
--- Deleted "matching code" (see 5.12 of the.2004 edition);
--- Deleted "Inspection Rules" (see Chapter 7 of the.2004 edition);
--- Deleted "Instructions for Use" (see 8.2 of the.2004 edition).
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents.
This part is proposed by the State Food and Drug Administration.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Medical Syringes (Needles) (SAC/TC95).
The previous versions of this document and the documents it replaces are as follows.
---YY 1001.1, first issued in.1999 as YY 91001-1999, first revised in.2004 as YY 1001.1-2004;
---YY 1001.2, first issued in.1999 as YY 91061-1999, first revised in.2004 as YY 1001.2-2004.
At present, there is no relevant standard for glass syringes used for negative pressure detection in epidural anesthesia surgery. Their structure, material and
Therefore, this document encourages manufacturers to refer to the performance indicators of negative pressure detection glass syringes in Chapter 6.
All glass syringe
1 Scope
This document specifies the structural type, materials, requirements, and standards of all-glass syringes and blue-core all-glass syringes (hereinafter referred to as "syringes").
It also describes the labeling, packaging, transportation and storage, and the corresponding test methods.
This document applies to all-glass syringes and blue-core all-glass syringes. After the product is equipped with an injection needle, it is used for subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous injection in the human body.
Used for injecting liquid and extracting liquid.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document.
For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to
This document.
GB/T 1962.1 6% (Luer) cone connectors for syringes, needles and other medical devices Part 1.General requirements
YY 91017 Test method for tightness of all-glass syringe body
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
The outer sleeve, core rod and cone head are all made of borosilicate aluminum glass material and are sterilized and reusable medical syringes.
blue syringes with all-glass
The outer sleeve, core rod and cone head are all made of borosilicate aluminum glass material (the core rod is solid blue), and the syringe can be reused after sterilization.
Nominal capacity nominalcapacity
The capacity of the syringe is indicated by the manufacturer.
Capacity tolerance capacitytolerance
The difference between the scale capacity and the actual capacity and the percentage of the actual capacity.
4 Structural form
The structure of the syringe is shown in Figure 1.
YY 1001.1-2004
ICS 11.040.20
C 31
Replacing YY/T 91001-1999
Glass syringes - Part 1. Syringes with all-glass
Issued by. State Food and Drug Administration
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Classification ... 6
5 Requirements ... 8
6 Test methods ... 10
7 Inspection rules ... 12
8 Marks and instructions ... 13
9 Packaging, transport and storage ... 15
YY1001 glass syringes is consisted of 2 parts below.
— Part 1. Syringes with all-glass;
— Part 2. Blue syringes with all-glass.
This is Part 1 of YY 1001.
This part is not equivalent to ISO 595-1.1986 "Reusable All-glass or Metal-and-Glass
Syringes for Medical Use. Part 1. Dimensions" and ISO 595-2.1987 "Reusable All-glass or
Metal-and-Glass Syringes for Medical Use. Part 2. Structure, Performance Requirements
and Tests" (English version).
The main technical differences between this part and the non-equivalent ISO standard
are as follows.
— The syringe capacity tolerance indicator and watertight indicator between the barrel
and plunger in this part are higher than the partial provisions of ISO.
— Compared with ISO standard, this part adds the fusion firmness indicator between
syringe and conehead, and indicator of the amount of residual liquid.
This part is the revised version of YY91001-1999. The main technical differences between
this part and YY 91001-1999 are as follows.
— This part explicitly specifies that the syringes with all-glass are made of silicon boron
aluminum, and specifies the hydrolytic resistance indicator. YY91001-1999 only
specifies the acid, alkali and hydrolytic resistance indicators.
— This part requires 1-time thermal shock test. YY 91001-1999 requires 5-times thermal
shock tests.
— The conehead length and aperture size in YY 91001-1999 are divided into 3 types -
large, medium and small. The syringe conehead in this part must comply with GB/T
1962.1-2001 "The Conical Fittings with a 6% (Luer) Taper for Syringes, Needles and
Certain Other Medical Equipment Part 1. General Requirements"
— In YY 91001-1999, printing penetration depth adopts measurement method; in this
part, it adopts glass etching test.
— This part deletes batch-by-batch inspection, and specifies periodic inspection.
— This part revises the supplement to minor appearance defects in YY 91001-1999, and
directly adds requirements to standard terms.
— This part deletes the conformance quality level indicators of individual inspection
— This part deletes the classification indicators.
This part replaces YY91001-1999 from the implementation date, and YY 91001-1999
shall be abolished simultaneously.
This part was proposed by the State Food and Drug Administration.
This part shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Injector for
Medical Purpose of Standardization Administration of China.
Drafting organizations of this part. Ningbo Peace Syringe Factory, and Shanghai Testing &
Inspection Institute for Medical Devices.
Main drafters of this part. Zhao Cuidi, Jiang Juling, and Weng Bingnai.
The historical parts replaced by this part are.
— GB 1959-1959, GB 1959-1980, GB 1959-1988;
— GBn 208-1983.
Glass syringes - Part 1. Syringes with all-glass
1 Scope
This part of YY 1001 specifies the classification, terminology, requirements, test methods,
inspection rules, signs, instructions, and requirements for packaging, transport and
storage of syringes with all-glass.
This part applies to syringes with all-glass (hereinafter referred to as syringes). The
product is for human subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous injection of liquid and
liquid extraction, etc. after the injection needle is installed.
2 Normative references
The articles contained in the following documents have become part of this part when they
are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all the modifications (excluding
corrections) or revisions made thereafter shall not be applicable to this part. For the
undated documents so quoted, the latest editions shall be applicable to this part.
GB/T 191-2000 Packaging-Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods
GB/T1962.1-2001 The Conical Fittings with a 6% (Luer) Taper for Syringes, Needles
and Certain Other Medical Equipment Part 1. General Requirements
GB/T 2829-2002 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Periodic Inspection by
Attributes (Apply to Inspection of Process Stability)
GB/T 6582-1997 Glass--Hydrolytic Resistance of Glass Grains at 98℃--Method of
Test and Classification
GB/T 9969.1-1998 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of
Industrial Products
YY 91017 Test Method of Leakage between Barrel and Plunger of Medical Glass
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this part of YY 1001.
6.3.5 Watertight test of conehead
Firstly suck enough water to 1/4 of the capacity in the syringe. Then clean, dry, and tighten
the conehead and cone bore of standard plug gauge that complies with the provisions of
GB/T 1962.1-2001. Finally, place the syringe flatly on the watertight tester; access in the
prescribed water pressure value from the socket gauge. It shall comply with the provisions
of 5.8.
6.3.6 Thermal-shock resistance test
Disassemble the barrel and plunger. Conehead tip is upwards. Place them vertically in the
net. Immerse them in the water at 20-20 °C. Then place the net in boiling water [The
temperature drop shall not exceed 2 °C]. Boil for 5 min. Then quickly put the net back into
the water at 20-20 °C (The temperature rise shall not exceed 2°C]. Take out the net.
Visually observe the burst situation of the syringe. The results shall meet the requirements
of 5.9.
6.3.7 Stress test
It is observed in the polarization stress meter. The results shall meet the requirements of
6.3.8 Test of residual liquid amount
Suck water in a dry syringe to nominal capacity. Then remove the air. Pull out the plunger
after pushing the plunger to the bottom of barrel, so that the water on the plunger and
barrel wall circulates fully and concentrates at the bottom of the barrel. Use appropriate
syringes (specifications of 0.25mL, 1 mL and 2 mL). Fit with long needles, to completely
suck off the residual water inside the barrel (including conehead bore]. Then read the
numerical value, that is the residual liquid amount. The results shall meet the
requirements of 5.11.
6.3.9 Fusion firmness test
Place the syringe horizontally. Apply the force specified in Table 7 to the middle part of the
frosted surface at uniform speed. Then remove the force. Furthermore, self-rotate the
conehead 180° around the axis; then repeat the force application one more time. The
results shall meet the requirements of 5.14.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Acceptance conditions
Syringes shall be inspected by the technical inspection department of the manufacturer,
and shall be qualified before being submitted for acceptance.
8.1.1 Each syringe shall be marked with the manufacturer's trademark.
8.1.2 Medium and small packaging boxes shall be marked with the following marks.
a) Manufacturer's name, trademark and address;
b) Product name;
c) Specification;
d) Quantity;
e) Product standard number;
f) " Medical Device Product Registration Certification" number;
g) "Permit of Manufacturing Metrology Apparatus" number;
8.1.3 Large packaging boxes shall be marked with the following marks.
a) Manufacturer's name, trademark and address;
b) Product name;
c) Specification;
d) Quantity;
e) Product standard number;
f) " Medical Device Product Registration Certification" number;
g) "Permit of Manufacturing Metrology Apparatus" number and logo;
h) Gross weight;
i) Volume (length × width × height);
j) Production date;
k) Words or signs such as "Handle with Care", "Up", "Prohibit Rolling", "Keep away from
Heat", "Fragile". All shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T 191-2000.
8.2 Instructions
The instructions shall be prepared according to relevant provisions of GB/T 9969.1-1998,
and shall have the following contents.
a) General. product features, main usage and application scope, environmental conditions,
Syringes shall be stored in relatively dry and ventilated environment with relative humidity
no more than 80%, and free of corrosive gases.